Participant Projects

Projects inspired by, started at, or done in collaboration with SICSS


Authors Publication Title Journal DOI SICSS Affiliation
Hastings, Orestes P.; Pesando, Luca Maria What’s a parent to do? Measuring cultural logics of parenting with computational text analysis Social Science Research Princeton 2021
Goncalves, Marcelo S O; Langrock, Isabelle; LaViolette, Jack; Spoon, Katie Book bans in political context: Evidence from US schools PNAS Nexus Duke 2022
Almaatouq, Abdullah; Krafft, Peter; Dunham, Yarrow; Rand, David G; Pentland, Alex Turkers of the World Unite: Multilevel In-Group Bias Among Crowdworkers on Amazon Mechanical Turk Social Psychological and Personality Science Princeton 2017
Jennie E. Brand, Jiahui Xu, Bernard Koch, and Pablo Geraldo Uncovering Sociological Effect Heterogeneity Using Tree-Based Machine Learning Sociological Methodology UCLA 2019
Biswas, Arpita; Kolczynska, Marta ; Rantanen, Saana; Rozenshtein, Polina The Role of In-Group Bias and Balanced Data: A Comparison of Human and Machine Recidivism Risk Predictions Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies Helsinki 2017
Tiago Ventura; Kevin Munger; Katherine McCabe; Keng-Chi Chang Connective Effervescence and Streaming Chat During Political Debates Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media Princeton 2020
Victoria Asbury-Kimmel; Keng-Chi Chang; Katherine T McCabe; Kevin Munger; Tiago Ventura The Effect of Streaming Chat on Perceptions of Political Debates Journal of Communication Princeton 2020
Li, Muyang; Luo, Zhifan The ‘Bad Women Drivers’ Myth: The Overrepresentation of Female Drivers and Gender Bias in China’s Media Information, Communication & Society RTI International 2019
Than, Nga; Yoong, Diane; Rodriguez, Maria; Windel, Friederike “Welcome to Gab”: Exploring Political Discourses in a Non-Moderated Social Media Platform Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities (IDEAH) Hunter College 2019
Rigobon, Daniel E; Jahani, Eaman; Suhara, Yoshihiko; AlGhoneim, Khaled; Alghunaim, Abdulaziz; Pentland, Alex “Sandy”; Almaatouq, Abdullah Winning Models for Grade Point Average, Grit, and Layoff in the Fragile Families Challenge Socius Princeton 2017
Filippova, Anna ; Gilroy, Connor; Kashyap, Ridhi; Kirchner, Antje; Morgan, Allison C.; Polimis, Kivan; Usmani, Adaner; Wang Tong Humans in the Loop: Incorporating Expert and Crowd-Sourced Knowledge for Predictions Using Survey Data Socius Princeton 2017, Oxford 2019 and 2021
Gilroy, Connor; Kashyap, Ridhi Digital Traces of Sexualities: Understanding the Salience of Sexual Identity through Disclosure on Social Media Socius Princeton 2017, Oxford 2019 and 2021
Liane Rothenberger; Muhammad Qasim Pasta; Daniel Mayerhoffer Mapping and impact assessment of phenomenon-oriented research fields: The example of migration research Quantitative Science Studies Bamberg 2019
Asbury-Kimmel, Victoria; Chang, Keng-Chi; McCabe, Katherine T.; Munger, Kevin; Ventura,Tiago The Effect of Streaming Chat on Perceptions of Political Debates Journal of Communication Princeton 2019
Ventura, Tiago; Munger, Kevin; McCabe, Katherine; Chang, Keng-Chi Connective Effervescence and Streaming Chat During Political Debates Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media Princeton 2019
Than, Nga; Yoong, Diane; Rodriguez, Maria Y.; Windel, Friederike M. “Welcome to Gab”: Exploring Political Discourses in a Non-Moderated Social Media Platform IDEAH Hunter College 2019
Joshua Becker; Ethan Porter; Damon Centola “The Wisdom of Partisan Crowds” Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences Princeton 2017
Barnett, Carolyn; Fitzgerald, Mike; Krumbholz, Katie; Lamba, Manika Gender in the Journals: A New Dataset PS: Political Science and Politics Rutgers 2020
Barrie, Christopher; Frey, Arun Faces in the Crowd PLOS ONE Oxford 2019
Bohr, Jeremiah Reporting on Climate Change: A Computational Analysis of U.S. Newspapers and Sources of Bias, 1997-2017. Global Environmental Change Chicago 2018
Guber, Deborah Lynn; Bohr, Jeremiah; Dunlap, Riley E. ‘Time to Wake Up’: Climate change advocacy in a polarized Congress, 1996-2015 Environmental Politics Chicago 2018
Larimore, Savannah; Kennedy, Ian; Haskett, Breon; Arseniev-Koehler; Alina “Reconsidering Annotator Disagreement about Racist Language: Noise or Signal?” Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media Seattle 2018
Abdullah Almaatouq; M. Amin Rahimian; Jason W. Burton; Abdulla Alhajri When Social Influence Promotes the Wisdom of Crowds Available at SSRN: 3633309 Princeton 2019


Creators Project Name Link SICSS Affiliation
Anfan Chen, Yong hu Digital Media Data Initiative Beijing 2021
Bellows, Laura -nicknamez- file Rutgers 2021
Almaatouq, Abdullah; Paton, Nicolas Empirica Princeton 2017
Barrie, Christopher academictwitteR Oxford 2019