July 12 to July 16, 2021 | Keio University | Virtual event



Participation is restricted to master students, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, corporate researchers who have worked for 10 years or less, and untenured faculty within 5 years of their PhD. However, there are no restrictions based on citizenship, country of study, or country of employment. About 20 participants will be invited. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and fields of study.

We evaluate applicants along a number of dimensions:

  1. research and teaching in the area of computational social science,
  2. contributions to public goods, such as creating open source software, curating public datasets, and creating educational opportunities for others,
  3. likelihood to benefit from participation,
  4. likelihood to contribute to the educational experience of other participants, and
  5. potential to spread computational social science to new intellectual communities and areas of research.
Further, when making our evaluations, we attempt to account for an applicant’s career stage and previous educational opportunities.



  1. 計算社会科学(Computational Social Science)に関連した研究および教育活動
  2. オープンソースのソフトウェアや共用のデータセットを作る、ワークショップを開催するなどの社会貢献活動
  3. 参加の重要度
  4. 他の参加者への貢献
  5. 今後計算社会学のネットワークを広げていける可能性

How To Apply

Applicants must submit the following documents:

  1. a curriculum vitae (CV),
  2. a statement (maximum 3 pages) describing both any current research and your interest in computational social science,
  3. one writing sample (no more than 20 pages).
You can write in English or Japanses. Co-authored work is acceptable for the writing sample (3), but if you submit co-authored work, we recommend that you include a few sentences describing the contributions of each individual author. All applications must include an e-mail.

The application for SICSS-Tokyo in 2021 has been closed.

Inquiries can be sent to


  1. CV(履歴書;連絡先、学歴、職歴、研究業績を記載してください。参考資料1 参考資料2
  2. 現在の研究内容および計算社会科学に関する興味を記した志望理由書(最大3ページ。志望理由書に関して、こちらが参考になります。)
  3. Writing sample 応募者が書いた論文、会議論文、もしくは解説記事をいずれか1つ(未掲載論文でも構いません。20ページ以下)
英語、日本語、どちらか扱いやすい言語でご記載ください。3のWriting sampleに関して、共著のものでも構いません。その場合、ご自身を含む各著者の貢献について明記したメモを添付することをおすすめします。応募にあたり、必ずe-mailアドレスを1にご記載ください。



Host a Location

You can host a partner location of the Summer Institutes of Computational Social Science (SICSS) at your university, company, NGO, or government agency.

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