January 21 to January 29, 2025 | Pontificia Universidad Católica


The Summer Institute will bring together people from many fields and backgrounds. In order to use our time together efficiently, there are a number of things that you should do before participating in SICSS-Chile 2024.

  • Complete the pre-institute readings.
  • Complete coding bootcamp (if needed).
  • Prepare your computing environment. Participants are expected to bring their computers.


In order to prepare for SICSS-Chile 2024, we recommend reading Matt Salganik’s book, Bit by Bit: Social Research in the Digital Age (Read online or purchase from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, or Princeton University Press). Parts of this book, which is a broad introduction to computational social science, will be review for most of you, but if we all read this book ahead of time, then we can use our time together for more advanced topics.

SICSS curriculum: part of the content of the book is covered in the SICSS curriculum videos and code.

Coding Boot Camp

The SICSS Boot Camp is an online training program created by Chris Bail to provide you with beginner level skills in coding so that you can follow the more advanced curriculum we teach at SICSS. The videos and materials are designed for complete beginners and are best viewed as a sequence since each video builds upon content introduced in previous tutorials. If you are already familiar with the topics in these videos, you do not need to complete them.

If you would like more practice after completing the Boot Camp videos, some other materials that we can recommend are:

Additionally, we provided online materials from our research partners CENIA and IMFD (both are mainly in Spanish):

  • SICSS CHILE 2023: a YouTube video list with the lectures and workshops of the last version of SICSS in Chile.
  • IMFD Youtube channel, a YouTube account that contains several talks, keynotes, and tutorials about practical and theoretical topics in data management.
  • OpenCenia, a website with several online resources, such as courses, datasets and AI models.

Please note that the majority of the coding work presented at SICSS-Chile will employ Python. You are welcome to employ a language of your choice, such as R, Julia, or other languages that are commonly used by computational social scientists. However, we cannot support those languages.

Computing environment


Some of the activities will require coding, and we will support Python. You are welcome to use other languages, but we cannot guarantee that we can support them. Before SICSS you should install a modern, stable-release version of Python and Jupyter Notebook. We also suggest online environment tools such as Google Colab to code and compile your notebooks.


Before participating at SICSS-Chile 2024, you should have an account in the SICSS Slack workspace. If you have not used Slack before, you should review these getting started materials. Slack can be hard to use at first, but we’ve found that it is the best way to enable everyone to collaborate.


Many participants at SICSS use GitHub to collaborate. If you do not yet have one, you should create a GitHub account. If you are a student, we recommend that you apply for a GitHub Student Developer Pack.

Host a Location

You can host a partner location of the Summer Institutes of Computational Social Science (SICSS) at your university, company, NGO, or government agency.

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