
July 1 to July 12, 2024 | University of Florida | UF-CJC



Image of Jieun Shin
Jieun Shin
Jieun Shin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Media Production, Management, and Technology in the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida. Dr. Shin's research covers social media dynamics with a focus on the spread of news and misinformation.
Image of Kevin Lanning
Kevin Lanning
Kevin Lanning is a Professor of Psychology and Data Science at the Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University. Dr. Lanning's research uses simple tools in natural language analysis and network analysis to understand complex social and psychological phenomena. In his spare time, he is training for his first marathon.
Image of Kathryn Albrecht
Kathryn Albrecht
Kat Albrecht is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University. Dr. Albrecht’s work sits at the intersection of computational social science and law, where she uses innovative computational techniques to study fear, violence, and data distortions. She is particularly interested in the nexus of fear and risk-taking behaviors, digital trace data, and the impact of law on decision-making.
Image of AJ Alvero
AJ Alvero
AJ Alvero is a computational social scientist at the University of Florida Department of Sociology, Criminology & Law. His primary interests are in language, race/ethnicity, culture, and education. His current research uses computational techniques to analyze college admissions essays and model the social patterns within them. AJ’s future research plans include investigations into machine translation and multilingualism, social media and counter hate speech, and California parole hearing transcripts.
Image of Nathan Carpenter
Nathan Carpenter
Nathan Carpenter is the Director of the ATLAS lab, a digital listening and analytics lab, at the University of Florida. Dr. Carpenter's expertise is in analyzing trends and conducting research using data from social media platforms.


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Teaching Assistants

Image of Gwiwon Jason Nam
Gwiwon Jason Nam
Jason is a doctoral student at the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida. His research interests and academic pursuits are situated at the intersection of strategic communication, computational social science, and emerging technologies.


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