
June 17 - June 28, 2024 | Rutgers University



Image of Michael Kenwick
Michael Kenwick
Michael Kenwick is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University.
Image of Katie McCabe
Katie McCabe
Katie McCabe is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University.
Image of Andrey Tomashevskiy
Andrey Tomashevskiy
Andrey Tomashevskiy is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University.


Image of Ethan Busby
Ethan Busby
Ethan Busby is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University.
Image of Thomas R. Davidson
Thomas R. Davidson
Thomas R. Davidson is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University.
Image of Kiran Garimella
Kiran Garimella
Kiran Garimella is an Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science at Rutgers University
Image of Jianing Li
Jianing Li
Jianing Li is an Assistant Professor at the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University (Fall 2024)
Image of Katya Ognyanova
Katya Ognyanova
Katya Ognyanova is an Associate Professor at the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University.
Image of Robert Schub
Robert Schub
Robert Schub is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University.
Image of Tiago Ventura
Tiago Ventura
Tiago Ventura is an Assistant Professor in Computational Social Science at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy.

Teaching Assistants

Image of Samantha Koprowski
Samantha Koprowski
Samantha Koprowski is a PhD student in Political Science at Rutgers University studying Women & Politics and American Politics.


Image of Muhammad Ammar
Muhammad Ammar
Muhammad Ammar is an interdisciplinary academic from Pakistan and a PhD candidate in Political Science at Rutgers University. His research in comparative politics, which has appeared in Peace Review and the Journal of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, seeks to explore the mediatized performances of South Asian populism. Before coming to Rutgers, Ammar finished his Bachelor of Arts at Bennington College in Vermont, where he had a triple focus in Political Science, Theatre, and Literary Translation.
Katelyn Barnes
Katelyn Barnes is a PhD student in Political Science at Rutgers University. Her research interests include Women, Peace, and Security research, specifically the effects of women's inclusion in the peace process. Methodologically, she is interested in using text analysis to understand the effects of gender equality provisions within peace treaties and the contexts in which these provisions are best implemented. Before coming to Rutgers, Katelyn studied at Queen's University Belfast as a Fulbright scholar in the Global Security and Borders program. She received her bachelor's degree from the University of Dayton.
Image of Kateryna Bystrytska
Kateryna Bystrytska
Kateryna Bystrytska is a PhD student at the School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University (media studies). She obtained her MA in public and organizational relations from Montclair State University as a Fulbright student from Ukraine. Kateryna's research focus is political communication and information warfare, especially the role of emerging media and technologies in wartime. She employs mixed methods to study the mediation of war through emerging platforms. Kateryna also worked as a journalist in Ukraine and a communication officer in governmental and international nongovernmental organizations.
Image of Xiao Chen
Xiao Chen
Xiao Chen is Associate Professor of Management at the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada. Xiao's primary research interests include goal setting and priming in organizational behavior, evidence-based management, and cross-cultural management. Xiao received his Ph.D. in Management from the University of Toronto and his M.A. in Asian Studies and Graduate Certificate in Survey and Data Science from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Sandra George
Sandra George is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at Rutgers University with a focus on populism, South-Asia, environmental studies, and gender politics. Her research background includes collaborations with organizations like CUTS International and the Rohingya Human Rights Initiative. Sandra is the recipient of the Excellence Fellowship and has been recognized as a conference awardee at the upcoming European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR).
Image of Laura Geronimo
Laura Geronimo
Laura Geronimo is a recent graduate of the doctoral program in Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy. She begins a Postdoc in the Rutgers Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences this summer, supporting research efforts within the Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub (MACH) focused on coastal climate adaptation.
Image of Majka Hahn
Majka Hahn
Majka Hahn is a doctoral student in the Rutgers University Political Science department. Her primary research interest is the politics of reproduction and it's related social movements. Her current research examines the use and effectiveness of different social movement frames by the reproductive freedom movement in their abortion related campaigns. She is also working on a methodological project focusing on the relationship between the quantitative measurement of gender equality and the norms of feminist methodology. Prior to joining the PhD program at Rutgers, she received her MA in political science from McGill University and was the centre-wide research coordinator for the Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity at the University of British Columbia.
Image of Rachel Horvath
Rachel Horvath
Rachel Horvath is a PhD student in the Political Science department at Rutgers University. She studies social media as both a non traditional news source and as a venue for social movement activism. Methodologically, she is interested in learning computational methods to analyze large sets of social media data. She is currently working on a sentiment analysis of Instagram captions posted by an activism account to understand how emotional appeals correlate with share rates. Rachel received her Bachelor’s of Arts from Lycoming College.
Image of Pooja Iyer
Pooja Iyer
Pooja Iyer (Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin), as of Fall 2024 is an Assistant Professor of Advertising in the Department of Advertising, Public Relations, and Media Design College of Media, Communication, and Information at University of Colorado Boulder. Pooja’s research lies at the intersection of big data, privacy, and personalization in the advertising and marketing industry. She primarily studies the impact of big data and AI on emerging media, the politics of platforms, and consumer behavior. Pooja has spent almost a decade in advertising in strategic media planning as an Associate Media Director on brands such as Welch’s, RadioShack, Whole Foods Market, and American Petroleum Institute, among others. With extensive industry experience, Pooja has a keen interest in bridging the gap between academia and industry. Pooja has participated in many industry events including being on a professional panel discussion on location-based targeting and analytics. She has also guest lectured on big data and media strategy at Texas Christian University, Texas State University, and the University of Texas at Austin.
Image of Melanie Kwestel
Melanie Kwestel
Melanie Kwestel is a doctoral candidate at Rutgers School of Communication and Information. Her research focuses on how organizations espousing minority opinions collaborate to gain saliency in larger networks to impact public or corporate policy. Her dissertation explores organizing around offshore wind energy on the east coast.
Image of Chaosu Li
Chaosu Li
Chaosu Li is an assistant professor in the Urban Governance and Design Thrust at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). He received his master degree in City and Regional Planning from Peking University and Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from UNC-Chapel Hill. He has expertise in urban form, urban sustainability and resilience, and applied GIS.
Image of Madeliene Merrick
Madeliene Merrick
Madeliene Merrick is a PhD student in sociology at York University. Her research focuses on culture, values, communications technology, and non-profit organizations. More specifically she builds upon her interdisciplinary background and professional experience within the Canadian non-profit sector to examine nongovernmental actors' use of social media to influence societal norms.
Image of Lila O'Brien-Milne
Lila O'Brien-Milne
Lila O’Brien-Milne is a doctoral student in Political Science at Rutgers University. Her work focuses on how state transformations affect women’s political power, with a particular focus on collective action. Before pursuing graduate school, she studied gender, development, and violence for a research firm in Washington, DC. She received her B.A. in Political Science from Bryn Mawr College and her M.A. in Law and Diplomacy from Tufts University.
Image of Yehuda Perry
Yehuda Perry
Yehuda Perry is a PhD candidate in Information Science at Rutgers University. His research focus in new methodologies for improving fairness in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms. Yehuda received his MSc in Applied Data Science from Syracuse University and BA in Social Science and Industrial Engineering from the OU of Israel. Yehuda is an experienced software engineer and data scientist.
Katherine Scrivani
Image of Yuehong Cassandra Tai
Yuehong Cassandra Tai
Cassandra Tai is a postdoctoral scholar at the Center for Social Data Analytics at Penn State University. Her research examines elite behavior and public opinion using millions of social media posts, thousands of national survey datasets, Bayesian and text analysis, and machine learning methods.
Image of Nan Yu
Nan Yu
Dr. Nan Yu is a Professor of Communication at Nicholson School of Communication and Media with University of Central Florida. Her research focuses on health communication and communication technology. She currently serves on the editorial board of some leading journals in the field such as Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly and Mass Communication and Society.

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