Guillermo Lezama is a Ph.D. Candidate in Economics at the University of Pittsburgh. He was born and raised in Uruguay, where he also completed his undergraduate studies at the Universidad de la República (Udelar). His research interests lie in the field of Political Economy, specifically in the different approaches that can be used to address Political Economy questions. He is particularly interested in the application of text-learning methods and applied microeconomics to study political behavior.
Elina Gómez is a Sociologist, Master in Contemporary Latin American Studies and PhD candidate in Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic. She is a professor and researcher at the Methods and Data Access Unit (UMAD) of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic. Her work focuses on the field of computational social sciences and massive text processing. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in programming and text analysis with R.
Fabricio Carneiro is a Political Scientist, Master in Political Science by the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella of Buenos Aires and PhD candidate in Political Science by the same University. His research agenda is focused on issues of comparative political economy and comparative politics, in particular wage bargaining models, social policies and redistributive policies.
Nicolás Schmidt is a PhD Candidate in Political Science of the University of the Republic (Udelar). He is a member of the coordination team of the Methods and Data Access Unit of the Faculty of Social Sciences. His research agenda focuses on the field of political parties, electoral systems and political regimes, as well as statistical methods applied to political science.
Ivan Schuliaquer is a researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET, Argentina), professor at the School of Politics and Government of the National University of San Martín (UNSAM, Argentina) and associate researcher at the IRMECCEN (Sorbonne Nouvelle, France). He is a Political Scientist, and he holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires and a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences from the Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3. His research focuses on media systems, political communication, social media, comparative politics and political polarization.
Sergio Toro is PhD in Political Science. Professor of the School of Government at the Universidad Mayor. He specializes in comparative politics, Chilean politics and data science for public policy. His specialty is comparative politics, Chilean politics and data science for public policy, subjects in which he has been responsible for FONDECYT and FONDEF projects.
Martín Opertti is a Ph.D. Student in Political Science at Duke University. His research focuses on mass political behavior and psychology, with a focus on political information processing and political identities. He is also interested in the application of social network analysis and text as data methods to study online political behavior, particularly political homophily in online interactions.
Germán Rosati is a sociologist, Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, and Master in Generation and Analysis of Statistical Information from the National University of Tres de Febrero. He is an Adjunct Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) of Argentina. He coordinates the factor~data-laboratory of Computational Social Sciences in the University Diploma in Computational Social Sciences and Digital Humanities at EIDAES-UNSAM. His research focuses on social and agrarian structure and also explores possible applications of Natural Language Processing techniques in the Social Sciences.
Ignacio Zuasnabar is Sociologist, Master in Society, Economy and Politics of Latin America by the UPV. Professor at the Catholic University of Uruguay and the University of Montevideo on Political Behavior and Public Opinion. Public opinion researcher. Director of the Public Opinion Area of Equipos Consultores. Chair of the Professional Standards Committee of WAPOR (World Association for Public Opinion Research), and member of the Board of Directors of that organization. Consultant to several international organizations.
Jimena Torres Álvarez es Licenciada en Ciencia Política y Maestranda en Información y Comunicación (FIC-Udelar). Actualmente se encuentra realizando su tesis de Maestría sobre políticas de telecomunicaciones y medios en Uruguay. Es asistente de investigación del proyecto “Política, polarización y redes sociales en Uruguay” financiado por la fundación Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Colabora en el proyecto de investigación “Política, medios y redes en escenarios polarizados una comparación entre Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay” del Área de Medios, Discursos y Política de la EPyG-UNSAM.
Sara González is an associate degree in Social Communication and a student of Sociology.She has work experience in systematization and monitoring of public policies. Her research interests focus on the field of Digital Sociology and the application of the multimethod approach. Her undergraduate thesis studies the Framing and agenda settings of crime news through a multi-method approach.
Andrés Wilkins
Andrés Wilkins is a bachelor in Sociology (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) who is intrested in educational inequalities and poverty in Latin America.
Goodfred Schwendenwein
Goodfred Schwendenwein es Licenciado en Ciencia Política y Magister en Derechos Humanos y Democratización. Docente de Ciencia Política y Derecho Electoral en la Universidad de la República.
Patricia Catz
Patricia Catz is a sociologist from Universidad de la República (Uruguay). She has completed various postgraduate courses in data analytics and works in the public sector as the head of a territorial information system. She works on the processing and visualization of sociodemographic data at the subnational level, and she is interested in the visualization of geographic data.
Virginia Recagno
Virginia Recango is an economist from the University of the Republic (Uruguay) specialized in data analysis, with over a decade of experience in statistical analysis, coordination, and communication. She is interested in territorial data analysis and promoting gender equity in technology.
Oscar Javier Maldonado Castañeda
Oscar Javier Maldonado Castañeda is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá, Colombia). He is currently Director of the Digital and Inventive Methods Laboratory (DiSoR-LAB) at the Universidad del Rosario.
Simón Herrera
My name is Simón Herrera and I am a 20 year old, Cuban born Uruguayan Political Science student at the University of the Republic. I am interested in quantitative social science research, as well as international politics and geopolitical analysis.
Favio Di Ciocco
I'm a PhD student in Physics at the Buenos Aires University. In my research I study political polarization mechanisms applied to complex networks and agent based models. I simulate and analyze the dynamics of these models and then compare the results with data from surveys or taken from social networks platforms.
Daniel Soto
Graduate in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, with a specialization in Data Science for Public Management. Currently working as an Educational Policy Analyst at the Ministry of Education. Interested in NLP, machine learning, and developing interactive data visualization applications.
Manuela Rivero
Sociologist, research assistant at Cifra, a public opinion consultant in Uruguay. I have studied about the social dilemmas of death and related debates, such as euthanasia. I'm interested in incorporate the daily use of computational social sciences in the profession and in the lines of research that I could approach in the future. Also, for my previous lines, it is quite important to maximize the analysis with the use of its tools.
Joaquín Gimeno
Undergraduate student of Political Science
Adrián Morchio
High school teacher. I work in educational centers of formal secondary education. In addition, I studied a degree in Education at the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of UdelaR.
Gabriela Mathieu
My professional work is developed in the field of data science applied to the analysis of political and social reality. I have been working in R for more than 10 years as a data scientist/analyst and teacher. I have experience in R package development, Shiny applications and Machine Learning techniques. I also handle Python and SQL, among other languages.
Sofía Machado
Joaquín Trinidad
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