August 1 to August 5, 2022 | Tokyo


応募資格 Eligibility


この夏期プログラムは、あらゆる技能レベルの計算社会学者を一堂に会することを目的にしています。事前準備として、社会科学の経験が少ない方にはいくつかの文献、プログラミングの経験が少ない方にはオンラインのSICSS boot campを用意しています。参加者の方の事前準備は、SICSSのTAが随時サポートします。

Participation is restricted to master students, Ph.D. students, postdoctoral researchers, corporate researchers who have worked for ten years or less, and untenured faculty within five years of their Ph.D. However, there are no restrictions based on citizenship, country of study, or employment. We will invite about 20 participants.

The Summer Institute aims to bring together computational social scientists across all levels of technical experience. We will expect participants with less experience with social science research to complete additional readings in advance of the Institute. On the other hand, we will expect participants with less experience coding to complete SICSS boot camp. Our teaching assistant will hold online office hours to support participants doing this preparatory work two months before the Institute.

応募方法 How To Apply


  1. CV(履歴書;連絡先、学歴、職歴、研究業績を記載してください。)
  2. 現在の研究内容および計算社会科学に関する興味を記した志望理由書(最大3ページ)
  3. もしあれば、応募者が書いた論文、会議論文、もしくは解説記事をいずれか1つ(未掲載論文でも構いません。20ページ以下)


二次応募締め切りは、2022年6月17日になります。すべての応募書類は、こちらのグーグルフォームから提出してください。 応募者の方には、2022年7月1日までに合否の連絡をさせていただきます。


Applicants must submit the following documents:

  1. a curriculum vitae (CV),
  2. a statement describing both any current research and your interest in computational social science (maximum 3 pages),
  3. Optional: one writing sample (no more than 20 pages).

You can write in English or Japanse. Co-authored work is acceptable for the writing sample (3), but if you submit co-authored work, we recommend that you include a few sentences describing the contributions of each individual author. All applications must include an e-mail.

In order to be guaranteed full consideration, all application materials must be submitted by June 17, 2022 through this google form. Applications that are not complete by the deadline may not receive full consideration. We will notify applicants solely through e-mail by July 1, 2022, and will ask participants to confirm their participation very soon after that.

Inquiries can be sent to

Application Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply to more than one Summer Institute location?

Yes, but not at the same time. For example, you can apply to SICSS-Tokyo, and then if you are not accepted you can apply to one of the other locations if it has a later deadline. However, you cannot have an applications under review at two locations simultaneously.

Can I participate in SICSS-Tokyo if I have already participated in SICSS at another location?

No. Every year we have more applicants than we can accept, and we would like everyone to have a chance to participate in SICSS once before we allow folks to participate twice.

Host a Location

You can host a partner location of the Summer Institutes of Computational Social Science (SICSS) at your university, company, NGO, or government agency.

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