
August 5th to August 16th, 2024 | Iceland | University of Iceland


From August 6th to August 16th, the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science will take place in Reykjavik, hosted by the University of Iceland. The purpose of the Summer Institute is to bring together graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty interested in computational social science. The Summer Institute is for both social scientists (broadly conceived) and data scientists (broadly conceived).

The instructional program will involve group problem sets, and participant-led research projects. Topics covered include machine learning, network analysis and digital experiments as well as ethics, validity, and role of theory. There will be ample opportunities for students to discuss their ideas and research with the organisers, other participants, and visiting speakers. Because we are committed to open and reproducible research, all materials created by faculty and students for the Summer Institute will be released open source.

Participants from universities in Iceland are prioritised, but we invite participants from other countries as well. However, we cannot offer financial aid for travel and accommodation. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and fields of study, especially applicants from groups currently under-represented in computational social science. About 30 participants will be invited, and participants are expected to fully attend and participate in the entire two-week program as well as the pre-arrival tasks.

Application materials are due June 21st, noon Reykjavik time.

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