
Participants are Ph.D. students, postdoctoral researchers, and untenured faculty within 7 years of their Ph.D.

Participants by Year

Leadership Team

Image of Chris Bail, Founding Director
Chris Bail, Founding Director
Chris Bail is Co-Founder of SICSS and Professor of Sociology, Political Science, and Public Policy at Duke University where he directs the Polarization Lab. He is also affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Data Science Program, the Duke Network Analysis Center, and serves on the Advisory Council of the National Science Foundation's SBE Directorate. His research examines political polarization, culture and social psychology using tools from the field of computational social science. He is the author of Breaking the Social Media Prism: How to Make our Platforms Less Polarizing. He has organized or co-organized six SICSS locations.
Image of Kat Albrecht, Director (North America)
Kat Albrecht, Director (North America)
Kat Albrecht is an Assistant Professor at Georgia State University in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies and a Judicial Innovation Fellow at Georgetown Law School. She is a computationally trained legal scholar and social scientist studying how complex data can inform policy with particular emphasis on the nexus between criminal data, fear, and regulation. She is on the data engineering team of the Systematic Content Analysis of Litigation EventS Open Knowledge Network (SCALES OKN), an NSF Convergence Accelerator Project building an AI powered data platform that makes court records public and analyzable. She has convened sites of SICSS since 2018 including SICSS Chicago, SICSS Atlanta, and SICSS South Florida.
Image of Ben Rochford, Program Assistant
Ben Rochford, Program Assistant
Ben Rochford is a Ph.D. Student of Sociology at Duke University. His research in the Duke Polarization Lab leverages computational approaches to study social science questions around online communities, social AI, identity, and culture. He is an alumni of both the Georgia Institute of Technology, and of the Summer Institutes.

Advisory Council

Image of Vissého Adjiwanou
Vissého Adjiwanou
Vissého Adjiwanou is a professor of Demography and quantitative and computational methods in the Department of Sociology at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), and adjunct professor at the Department of Demography (Université de Montréal). He is the director of the Laboratoire de recherche sur les dynamiques des populations d’Afrique et de sa diaspora ( He received an M.A in Statistics from the National School of Statistics and Applied Economics (ENSEA-Cote d’Ivoire), an M.A in Economics of Development at the Centre for Studies and Research on International Development (CERDI- France) and a PhD in Demography from the Université de Montréal (Canada). His research focusses on population issues in sub-Saharan Africa and in Canada, including family dynamics, integration of immigrants and reproductive health. Vissého Adjiwanou has convened sites of SICSS in Cape Town (2018, 2019) and in Montréal (2020, 2021, 2023).
Image of Joshua Becker
Joshua Becker
Joshua Becker is an Assistant Professor at the UCL School of Management researching collective intelligence with an emphasis on group decision-making. Their research has been published in outlets including Science, Management Science, and Harvard Business Review. Joshua has worked professionally in mediation and communication training and has completed hundreds of mediation sessions. Joshua received a PhD in communication from the University of Pennsylvania and received a BA in philosophy and history of science at St. John's College, Annapolis.
Image of Jennie Brand
Jennie Brand
Jennie E. Brand is Professor of Sociology and Statistics at UCLA, where she is also Co-Director of the Center for Social Statistics. She studies social stratification and inequality, mobility, social demography, education, and causal inference and machine learning methods. She is President of the Association of Population Centers, Vice-President of the International Sociological Association Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28), a member of the Board of Directors for the Population Association of America, and a member of the Technical Review Committee for the National Longitudinal Surveys Program at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. She was elected to the Sociological Research Association in 2019 and received the American Sociological Association Methodology Leo Goodman Mid-Career Award in 2016. She has served as the Faculty Organizer for SICSS at UCLA in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2023.
Image of Chris Callison Burch
Chris Callison Burch
Chris Callison-Burch is Associate Professor of Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania, with expertise in natural language processing and crowdsourcing. He has more than 100 publications, served on the editorial boards of the journals Transactions of the ACL (TACL) and Computational Linguistics, and received faculty research awards from Google, Microsoft, Amazon, the Sloan Foundation, and DARPA, among others.
Image of Munmun de Choudhury
Munmun de Choudhury
Munmun De Choudhury is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the School of Interactive Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She employs computational methods to study mental health and psychological well-being using data from social media sites and other digital sources. Her research has appeared in leading journals and conferences, supported by the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, and distinguished by awards from multiple leading scholarly associations.
Image of Naniette H. Coleman
Naniette H. Coleman
Naniette H. Coleman is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of California Berkeley and a multi-year UC-National Laboratory Graduate Fellow (Los Alamos). Her work sits at the intersection of the sociology of culture and organizations and focuses on cybersecurity, surveillance, and privacy in the US context. Specifically, Naniette examines how organizations assess risk, make decisions, and respond to data breaches and requirements for organizational compliance with state, federal, and international privacy laws. Naniette is a SICSS-Princeton 2019 alum and the founder of SICSS-Howard/Mathematica, the first and only summer institute at a Historically Black College or University.
Image of Thomas R. Davidson
Thomas R. Davidson
Thomas R. Davidson is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University - New Brunswick. He studies far-right activism, populist politics, and online hate speech using a variety of computational methods. He is a SICSS-Princeton alum and co-led the first WICSS at the University of Arizona in 2021.
Image of Deen Freelon
Deen Freelon
Deen Freelon is an Associate Professor in the School of Media and Journalism at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He studies political communication using computational methods applied to datasets from Twitter and other digital platforms. His research has been published in prestigious journals such as Science, supported by the Knight Foundation, and distinguished by leading professional associations.
Image of Ridhi Kashyap
Ridhi Kashyap
Ridhi Kashyap is Professor of Demography and Computational Social Science in the Department of Sociology and Nuffield College at the University of Oxford. She is also affiliated with Oxford’s Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science. Her research spans different areas within demography, including mortality and population health, gender inequality, family and migration. A central interest of her research has been to leverage computational approaches for demographic research within the growing area of Digital and Computational Demography, and forge links between demography and a growing interdisciplinary community of computational social science. She is the PI of the Digital Gender Gaps project (, which seeks to map global digital gender inequalities and understand the impacts of digitalisation on global sustainable development and gender inequalities. She has co-organized multiple editions of SICSS-Oxford.
Image of Jay Yeon Kim
Jay Yeon Kim
Jae Yeon Kim is a senior data scientist at Code for America, where he contributes to team efforts to improve safety net experiences and outcomes. He is also a research fellow at the SNF Agora Institute and P3 Lab at Johns Hopkins University. Kim earned a Ph.D. in Political Science from UC Berkeley and received the best dissertation award in urban and local politics from the American Political Science Association. Since 2020, he has been working on the Mapping Modern Agora project, which is being incubated at the SNF Agora Institute. This project utilizes big data and machine learning to map civil society in the United States at scale. Kim's research has been published or is forthcoming in many top journals, including Nature Human Behaviour and Scientific Data, among others.
Image of Katherine McCabe
Katherine McCabe
Katherine McCabe is an associate professor of political science at Rutgers University. She applies computational methods to study political psychology, communication, and behavior in American politics. Her work seeks to understand how people’s social identities, attitudes, and personal experiences shape and complicate the ways they engage in politics and make political decisions. She is a SICSS-Princeton alum and co-organizer of SICSS-Rutgers.
Image of Sendhil Mullainathan
Sendhil Mullainathan
Sendhil Mullainathan is the Romans Family Professor of Computation and Behavioral Science at the University of Chicago. A MacArthur “Genius” Fellow, his research examines how machine learning can be used to improve social policies— especially those related to medicine— and uncover biomedical insights from large-scale health data.
Image of Matti Nelimarkka
Matti Nelimarkka
Matti Nelimarkka leads the Helsinki Social Computing Group, an interdisciplinary group examining both computers and society. They explore digital democracy and politics in the digital era as well as computational techniques in social sciences, especially workflows and connections between social science theories and code. He is affiliated with the Faculty of Social Science, University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, Aalto University and Futurice, a Finnish software consultancy.
Image of Emmanuel Ọlámíjùwọ́n
Emmanuel Ọlámíjùwọ́n
Emmanuel Ọlámíjùwọ́n is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Data Literacy at the University of St Andrews. His current interdisciplinary research focuses on the drivers of social inequalities (online + offline) and how they shape population health, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. He is driven to find more accessible ways to communicate with data and share data science skills.
Image of Étienne Ollion
Étienne Ollion
Étienne Ollion is Professor of Sociology at l'École polytechnique and a Research Director at CNRS in Paris, where he leads the CSS initiative. His research focuses on contemporary politics. Methodologically, he integrates computational social sciences (massive digital data and AI) with more classic data sources and methods. He has been teaching computational sciences in the last 10 years, and has convened SICSS-Paris twice.
Image of Jennifer Pan
Jennifer Pan
Jennifer Pan is an Assistant Professor of Political Science, Communications, and Sociology at Stanford University. She studies authoritarian politics using experimental and computational methods with large-scale datasets in China and Saudi Arabia. Her work has been published in prestigious journals such as Science, supported by the National Science Foundation, and recognized by awards from the International Communication Association.
Image of Matthew Salganik
Matthew Salganik
Matthew Salganik is Professor of Sociology at Princeton University, and he is affiliated with several of Princeton's interdisciplinary research centers: the Office of Population Research, the Center for Information Technology Policy, the Center for Health and Wellbeing, and the Center for Statistics and Machine Learning. His research interests include social networks and computational social science. He is the author of the forthcoming book *Bit by Bit: Social Research in the Digital Age.*.
Image of malebo sephodi
malebo sephodi
malebo sephodi (she/they) is a South African Feminist writer and interdisciplinary scholar. She is associated with Tayarisha, a centre for digital governance based at Wits School of Governance; Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study and the Institute for Pan African Thought and Conversation- both based at the University of Johannesburg and Centre for IT and National Development in Africa (based at the University of Cape Town). She organises postgraduate research support seminars for various African university students. She is a doctoral candidate in the Information Systems Department at the University of Cape Town and is interested in the intersections of society and digital technology. She has organised two SICSS locations.
Image of Duncan Watts
Duncan Watts
Duncan Watts is the Stevens University Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is also professor of Computer and Information Science (SEAS), Communications (Annenberg), and Operations, Information, and Decisions (Wharton). Watts is a founding figure in the field of computational social science. His work in social network theory, collective dynamics, and diffusion models has been cited more than 100,000 times.
Image of Akın Ünver
Akın Ünver
Akın Ünver is an associate professor of international relations at Ozyegin University in Istanbul, Turkey. His research interests lie at the intersection of organized violence and computational research methods. He serves as an associate editor of the Global Studies Quarterly, and a fellow of Carnegie's Digital Democracy Network.
Image of Mike Yeomans
Mike Yeomans
Michael Yeomans is an Assistant Professor in Strategy and Organisational Behaviour at Imperial College Business School. His research uses natural language processing to study conversational decision-making. His work shows how conversation technology can help us understand our decisions with other people, and how to make them better. He has published in many esteemed journals, and is the author of several open-source software packages in the R language. He completed his PhD at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.



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Image of Danielle Sanches
Danielle Sanches
Danielle Sanches is a professor at FGV ECMI and a PhD in History of Science at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in cooperation with the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/FioCruz. She currently works on Digital Methods, focusing on the influence of the algorithm culture on social practices.
Image of Denisson Silva
Denisson Silva
Denisson holds a PhD in Political Science (UFMG), a Master's degree in Sociology and is a Social Scientist (UFAL). He has experience in Political Science, working mainly on the following themes: political parties, party migration, electoral results, and campaign financing. Researcher at the Center for Legislative Studies (CEL/UFMG), the Citizenship and Public Policy Group (UFAL), and research fellow at EMCI-FGV.
Image of Maria Sirleidy Cordeiro
Maria Sirleidy Cordeiro
Maria Sirleidy Cordeiro is a PhD and Master in Linguistics at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). She completed part of her PhD program in Portugal at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). She is a professor at FGV ECMI and a member of the research group on Communication, Society and Digital Media (FGV). She works in the areas of cognitive linguistics, critical discourse analysis and public policy analysis, investigating processes of meaning, ideologies and power relations imbricated in text and discourse.
Image of Polyana Barbosa
Polyana Barbosa
Polyana Barboza is a professor working with data extraction and analysis on social networks at FGV ECMI. She has a major in Applied Mathematics at the School of Applied Mathematics of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EMAp) and is a Master in Computer Science at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Her main lines of research are Social Network Analysis in Digital Media and Multi-agent Systems in Software Engineering.


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Image of Jacob Habinek
Jacob Habinek
Jacob Habinek is an associate professor at the Institute for Analytical Sociology and director of the Swedish Interdisciplinary Research School in Computational Social Science. A computational and economic sociologist by training, his interests include the sociology of markets, science, and culture. His empirical research centers on the development of scientific disciplines, the dynamics of financial markets, and the selection of Nobel Prize laureates.
Image of Hendrik Erz
Hendrik Erz
Hendrik Erz is a PhD student at the Institute for Analytical Sociology. With a background in history, political science, and sociology, he specializes in the policymaking process in the U.S. Congress. Methodologically, he focuses on the use of large language models (LLMs) for text analysis. He is also interested in the ethics and political implications of artificial intelligence more broadly.
Image of Alexandra Rottenkolber
Alexandra Rottenkolber
Alexandra is a PhD Student in Analytical Sociology at the Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University, Sweden. In her past work, she has used a variety of methodological approaches — ranging from natural language processing to network analysis — to study attention dynamics in parliaments, the digital development of nations, as well as gender segregation in the STEM disciplines. In her PhD, she plans to extend and build on this existing work.
Image of Maël Lecoursonnais
Maël Lecoursonnais
Maël Lecoursonnais is a PhD student at the Institute for Analytical Sociology. His research interests span spatial inequalities, causal inference, and applied machine learning. His current project investigates the consequences of spatial inequalities on life-course outcomes such as education or income, using causally-oriented methods and/or machine learning algorithms.


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Image of Vissého Adjiwanou
Vissého Adjiwanou
Vissého Adjiwanou est professeur de démographie ainsi que de méthodes quantitatives et computationnelles au département de sociologie de l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) et professeur associé au département de démographie de l’Université de Montréal. Il dirige le laboratoire sur les sciences sociales quantitatives et computationnelles, ainsi que le laboratoire de recherche sur les dynamiques des populations d’Afrique et de sa diaspora ( Il détient une maîtrise en statistiques de l’École Nationale de Statistique et d’Économie Appliquée (ENSEA, Côte d'Ivoire), une maîtrise en économie du développement du Centre d’Études et de Recherches sur le Développement International (CERDI, France) et un doctorat en démographie de l’Université de Montréal (Canada). Ses recherches portent sur les enjeux démographiques en Afrique subsaharienne et au Canada, notamment les dynamiques familiales, les inégalités de genre, la santé reproductive et l’intégration des immigrants d'Afrique subsaharienne au Canada. Le professeur Adjiwanou est un spécialiste reconnu dans l'analyse et la gestion des données, notamment de l’analyse causale, du big data et de l’apprentissage automatique.
Image of Onadja Yentéma
Onadja Yentéma
Dr Yentéma Onadja est actuellement Maître-assistant en démographie et chef du département de statistiques à l’Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP) de l’Université Joseph KI-ZERBO. Avec une solide formation en mathématiques et en démographie, ses recherches se situent à l’intersection des dynamiques démographiques et de la santé sexuelle et reproductive des femmes (SSR). Ses domaines d’expertise incluent l'accès à la planification familiale (PF), la qualité des services SSR, l’égalité de genre et l’autonomie reproductive des femmes. Au cours de la dernière décennie, Dr Onadja a dirigé des initiatives nationales de collecte de données, telles que les enquêtes Performance Monitoring for Action (PMA), générant des indicateurs essentiels sur la PF et la SSR, avec de nouvelles perspectives sur la prise de décision contraceptive des femmes, leurs expériences de coercition reproductive et l’avortement. Son expertise est également reconnue dans son rôle de directeur adjoint du Hub Francophone de PMA, où il assure un leadership technique et stratégique pour les programmes PMA dans les régions francophones. En outre, il occupe des rôles de leadership dans l'initiative de l'UNFPA sur la violence basée sur le genre et l'autonomisation économique des femmes, ainsi que dans le projet de la Banque mondiale Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (SWEDD) dans la région du Sahel.


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Lake Como

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Image of Francisco Olivos
Francisco Olivos
Francisco earned his Ph.D. in Sociology from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He also holds a Master’s degree in Sociology and Social Research from Utrecht University, as well as a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Since joining Lingnan University in August 2021, Francisco has focused his research on the intersections of cultural sociology, social stratification, and subjective well-being, employing quantitative and computational methods to advance these fields.
Image of Frankie Ho Chun Wong
Frankie Ho Chun Wong
Frankie Ho Chun Wong studies the intersection between digital media, health, and society. Frankie obtained his Ph.D. from Philip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland, College Park. Prior to that, he worked at The University of Hong Kong on ageing and mental health research. Frankie employs machine learning, natural language processing, and mixed methods techniques, looking for nuances in the sea of data. His work examines how social and policy issues were shaped by new media and technology in the digital age, as well as the influence of social and demographic factors on media use and health outcomes.
Image of Tobias Kamelski
Tobias Kamelski
Tobias obtained his Master of Arts (Socio-cultural Studies) from the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences at European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. Before that, he studied at the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences and the Catholic University of Korea. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at Lingnan University. In his research project, he investigates the anticipation of attraction, self-presentation, and impression management utilizing computational image analysis.
Image of Pablo Beytia
Pablo Beytia
He holds a Ph.D. from the Humboldt University of Berlin and is the director of Monitor Social (, a company dedicated to creating systems that report real-time social indicators. His research focuses on how digital platforms frame information about humans, creating content inequalities that favor specific social groups. Pablo’s research interests include digital discourse, open knowledge, platform power, digital social memory, and artificial intelligence for social data reporting.
Image of Pedro Seguel
Pedro Seguel
Pedro Seguel's research focuses on understanding the evolution of technology and the changing landscape of IT job skills. He uses a combination of computational social sciences and traditional qualitative methods to study the factors behind digital innovation, the IT workforce, and developer communities. With an interdisciplinary background, he holds a Ph.D. (c) in Management of Information Systems from McGill University, an M.Sc. in Information Studies from the University of Texas at Austin, and an M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
Image of Eun Kyong Shin
Eun Kyong Shin
​Eun Kyong SHIN is Sociology Department Chair at Korea University. As a social scientist with a PhD in Sociology (2015, Columbia University), and who additionally trained as a postdoc at Columbia Law School and the UT Medical School, her investigations weave through multiple disciplines. Bringing unconventional data sources to various sociological investigations, the overarching goal is to gain better understanding of how relational networks and social conditions influence social behaviors, health outcomes and human development. Methodologically, she uses multiple analytical tools, including social network analysis, statistics, GIS, and machine learning.
Image of Siqi Han
Siqi Han
Siqi Han is an assistant professor of sociology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is also associated with CUHK’s computational social science cluster. Before joining CUHK she was a postdoctoral research scholar on the Measuring the Liberal Arts project at INCITE, Columbia University. She received her PhD in Sociology from The Ohio State University. Her work mainly focuses on knowledge structure in higher education, school-to-work transition, and labor market skill returns. She addresses her research questions using both surveys and unstructured textual data with computationally intensive quantitative methods, including chatGPT-assisted data collection and processing. These projects appeared in PNAS, Journal of Marriage and Family, Social Science Research, European Sociological Review, Sociological Perspectives, Demographic Research, Socius, and other academic journals.
Image of Yiting Chen
Yiting Chen
Yiting Chen joined Lingnan University as an assistant professor in economics since August 2023. Prior to that, she worked in Xiamen University as an assistant professor in economics. ​​She received her Ph.D. in economics from the National University of Singapore on May 2022. Her research interests are behavioral and experimental economics, with a focus on decision-making under uncertainty, moral behavior, and their interaction with artificial intelligence. She has recently published “The Emergence of Economic Rationality of GPT” in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Image of Alex Preda
Alex Preda
Alex Preda holds a PhD in sociology from the University of Bielefeld and a Dr. habil. from the University of Konstanz, Germany. Before joining Lingnan University, he has held positions at the Universities of Konstanz, Edinburgh, King’s College London, and visiting positions at the University of Chicago. He works at the intersection of economic sociology and the sociology of science and technology. His current research projects focus on the blockchain economy and on digital art markets, respectively.
Image of Gleb Papyshev
Gleb Papyshev
Gleb Papyshev is a Research Assistant Professor in the Division of Social Science. His research interests include AI policy and regulation, AI ethics, and corporate governance mechanisms for emerging technologies. The results of his work have been published in Policy Design and Practice, AI & Society, Data & Policy, and Elgar Companion to Regulating AI and Big Data in Emergent Economies. # add speaker bio here
Image of Juliana Qi Xuan Yuncg
Juliana Qi Xuan Yuncg
Juliana Qi Xuan Yuncg is a Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology and Social Policy at Lingnan University, Hong Kong. She obtained her Master of Arts in Survey Research from the University of Connecticut, USA, and a Master of Arts in Integrated Marketing Communications from California State University, USA. Juliana’s research focuses on integrated senior care solutions versus aging-in-place strategies, addressing the housing challenges faced by senior residents in Macau. Utilizing social listening—an AI-powered content analysis method—and in-depth interviews, her work investigates government resource allocation, the motivations behind seniors’ relocation decisions, and barriers to transitioning into public senior housing. This interdisciplinary approach integrates computational social science with qualitative insights, with a strong emphasis on policy application.
Image of Sebastian Ascui-Gac
Sebastian Ascui-Gac
Sebastian completed an undergrad in Social Anthropology at the Academia de Humanismo Cristiano University in Chile. Within those years, he has accumulated a vast experience doing ethnographic fieldwork, particularly among rural communities, marginalized peoples, Native Americans, Chilean Afro-descendants and artisanal fisherman. He holds a MA in Applied Economics for Public Policy at the Alberto Hurtado University and a MA in International Political Economy and Development Fordham University. His research mainly focusses on the use of quantitative and formal methods applied to social sciences and modeling applications.


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Image of Maria del Rio-Chanona
Maria del Rio-Chanona
Dr Maria del Rio-Chanona is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at University College London in the Computer Science department. Her research draws from network science, Large Language Models (LLM), as well as Agent-Based Models (ABM) to study the economic and employment impacts of the net-zero transition, the Covid-19 pandemic, and (Gen)AI. Maria completed her PhD in mathematics at the University of Oxford, where she was part of the complexity economics group of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford Martin School. She was a JSMF research fellow at the Complexity Science Hub, Vienna and a visiting scholar at the Harvard Kennedy School. Maria has worked alongside international policy organisations, including the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the International Labour Organization.
Image of Silvia Bartolucci
Silvia Bartolucci
Dr Silvia Bartolucci is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at University College London (UCL), where she is part of the Financial Computing and Analytics Group. Her research leverages network, statistical physics and data-driven modelling tools to investigate critical behaviour in socio-economic systems, assessing protocols’ design and applications of blockchain technologies, monitoring trends and issues in traditional and decentralized financial markets. Before joining UCL, Dr. Bartolucci was a Research Associate in the Department of Finance at Imperial College Business School, working within the Centre for Financial Technology. She holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from King's College London and a background in Theoretical Physics from Sapienza University in Rome.
Image of Paolo Barucca
Paolo Barucca
Dr Paolo Barucca is Associate Professor at UCL Computer Science. He obtained his PhD in Theoretical Physics from Sapienza University of Rome. He works on Statistical Physics of Complex Systems, Statistical and Machine Learning in Finance and Economics. He collaborates with private and public institutions for teaching and research activities on machine learning and statistical data science in finance and economics applied to risk assessment and predictive modeling.
Image of Alejandro Hermida Carrillo
Alejandro Hermida Carrillo
Dr Alejandro Hermida Carrillo is an Imperial College Research Fellow (ICRF) in the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship at Imperial College Business School. Alejandro is passionate about understanding how different components of the self – such as personality, attitudes and beliefs – simultaneously shape and respond to socio-economic structures. In his fellowship, he studies the rise of autocratic leaders using digital trace data and Natural Language Processing. Before joining Imperial, Alejandro completed a PhD in Management at the LMU Munich, Germany, and degrees in Psychology (MSc, LMU Munich and Licenciatura, UNAM). He was also a visiting researcher at the Computational Culture Lab of Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Image of Doyne Farmer
Doyne Farmer
J. Doyne Farmer is Director of the Complexity Economics programme at the Institute for New Economic Thinking and Baillie Gifford Professor of Complex Systems Science at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford. He is also External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute and CEO and Chief Scientist at Macrocosm. His current research is in economics, including agent-based modeling, financial instability and technological progress. He was a founder of Prediction Company, a quantitative automated trading firm that was sold to UBS in 2006. His past research includes complex systems, dynamical systems theory, time series analysis and theoretical biology. His book, Making Sense of Chaos: A Better Economics for a Better World, was published in 2024. During the 1980s he was an Oppenheimer Fellow and the founder of the Complex Systems Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. While a graduate student in the 1970s he built the first wearable digital computer, which was successfully used to predict the game of roulette.
Image of Neave O'Cleary
Neave O'Cleary
Neave O'Clery is Professor of Cities and Networks, and Director of Research, at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) at University College London where she leads an inter-disciplinary research group focused on data-driven models for economic development and developing cities. She is currently seconded part time to the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. Her work spans a number of topics and fields including economic complexity and evolutionary economic geography, the informal economy, urban mobility and network science. Neave was previously a Senior Research Fellow at the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford, and before this a Fulbright Scholar at the Center for International Development at the Harvard Kennedy School. She is founder and Chair of the Oxford Summer School in Economic Networks, an annual multi-disciplinary summer school since 2017. She holds a PhD (mathematics) from Imperial College.
Image of Pierpaolo Vivo
Pierpaolo Vivo
Pierpaolo Vivo studied Physics at the Università degli Studi di Parma (Italy), where he also graduated in Theoretical Physics cum laude in 2005. He then moved to Brunel University (West London), where he obtained his PhD in 2008. He spent three years as Postdoctoral Fellow at Abdus Salam ICTP - Trieste (Italy), where he worked in the Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics group. During the period 2011-2014 he worked as a research scientist at the Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques (LPTMS) in Orsay, (France). He has been a permanent member of the Disordered Systems group at King's College London since September 2014, where leads the Quantitative and Digital Law Lab in the Department of Mathematics at King’s College London, a team of five people supported by a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship that promotes a quantitative approach to issues around the complexity of legal systems. In this role, he collaborated on two guest-edited collections: “The physics of the law: legal systems through the prism of complexity science” (Frontiers in Physics, 2021) and “A complexity science approach to law and governance” (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2024).
Image of Sanaz Talaifar
Sanaz Talaifar
Sanaz Talaifar is an Assistant Professor in Organisational Behaviour at Imperial College London. She studies identity and its intersections with politics and technology using a multi-method approach that combines traditional methods (surveys, experiments) with novel methods (mobile sensing, experience sampling). She is particularly interested in theory-method synergy, wherein novel methods inform the development of theory and theoretical insights inform the development of novel methods. Previously, Sanaz was a Postdoctoral Scholar in Organizational Behavior at Stanford University and received her PhD in Social and Personality Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin. Outside of academia, she has worked in people analytics at Google and in executive search at Egon Zehnder.
Image of Mike Yeomans
Mike Yeomans
Mike Yeomans is an Assistant Professor in Strategy and Organisational Behaviour at Imperial College Business School. In his research, Mike studies the decisions we make in conversation. We are a social species, doing and learning so much with one another. And the things we choose to say can have profound impacts on our relationships in business, and in life. His work explores the many ways that language technology can help us understand and improve our conversational decisions, so that we can better pursue our social goals together.
Image of Stefania Innocenti
Stefania Innocenti
Stefania Innocenti is a Departmental Research Lecturer (Assistant Professor equivalent) at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at the University of Oxford. She is an applied economist working at the intersection of behavioural economics, environmental economics and public policy. Stefania co-leads the Economics of Sustainability programme at the School and at the Institute for New Economic Thinking. She is also an Associate Member of the Economics Department at the University of Oxford and a member of Brasenose College.


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NYU Shanghai

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Image of Etienne Ollion
Etienne Ollion
Étienne Ollion is a CNRS research fellow and Professor of Sociology at École Polytechnique. His research focuses on politics, and he integrates digital data to more classic data sources and methods.
Image of Hesu Yoon
Hesu Yoon
Hesu is an assistant professor at the ENSAE. Her research investigates how places are perceived and evaluated in ways that reinforce or shift inequalities by race and class. She takes various methodological approaches to answer research questions, including online survey experiments, digital trace data, and interviews.
Image of Émilien Schultz
Émilien Schultz
Émilien is a research engineer at CREST, committed to the development of computational social science practices and data analysis. His main interests include science studies, scientific software, Python, and connecting social and computer science
Image of Julien Boelaert
Julien Boelaert
Julien Boelaert is an Assistant professor in Political Science at Lille University/CERAPS (currently on sabbatical). He has been experimenting with, and thinking about, machine learning for social sciences since 2010 and is currently working on mass-media content analysis with a text-as-data approach.
Image of Emma Bonutti D'Agostini
Emma Bonutti D'Agostini
Emma Bonutti D’Agostini is a PhD candidate in Sociology at CREST (Institut Polytechnique de Paris) and médialab (Sciences Po Paris). Before that, she completed a Bachelor in Political Sciences at University of Pisa and Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa, Italy) and a Master in Sociology at Sciences Po Paris. Her current research leverages computational methods and advanced NLP to study the representations made of far-right politicians and messages in the French journalistic spheres.
Image of Annina Claesson
Annina Claesson
Annina is a PhD candidate in sociology at CREST and Sciences Po Médialab. She researches practices in political communication among parliamentarians and journalists, with a particular interest in social media dynamics.
Image of Yasmine Houri
Yasmine Houri
Yasmine is a PhD candidate in Sociology at CREST. She studies the social processes underpinning inaccurate or harmful information sharing on social media, using a range of computational tools in network and data science.


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Image of Ingmar Weber
Ingmar Weber
Ingmar Weber is an Alexander Humboldt Professor for AI, and holds the chair for Societal Computing at Saarland University. His research looks at how non-traditional data sources, such as social media and satellite images, can be used to study societal phenomena, and to strengthen social development. Topics of interest include monitoring migration and mobility, tracking digital gender gaps, and understanding democratic processes.
Image of Carolina Coimbra Vieira
Carolina Coimbra Vieira
Carolina Coimbra Vieira is a PhD Student in Computer Science at Universität des Saarlandes (UdS) also affiliated to the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPIDR) and the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS). She received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computer Science from Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Brazil. Carolina’s research focuses on interdisciplinary topics at the intersection of computer science and the use of digital trace data to study culture, migration, and algorithmically-mediated user engagement on social media platforms.
Image of Brahmani Nutakki
Brahmani Nutakki
Brahmani Nutakki is a PhD Student in Computer Science at Universität des Saarlandes (UdS). She received her Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science from University of Hyderabad in India. Her research focuses on understanding the dynamics of online communities and the society at large, mainly on Politics, Hate Speech and Misinformation.
Image of Jianlong Zhu
Jianlong Zhu
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Image of Renwen Zhang
Renwen Zhang
Renwen Zhang is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communications and New Media at the National University of Singapore. Her research lies at the intersection of health communication, human-computer interaction, and interpersonal communication. She examines the design, use, and effects of digital technology for promoting wellbeing and mental health.
Image of Subhayan Mukerjee
Subhayan Mukerjee
Subhayan Mukerjee is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communications and New Media, and a principal investigator at the Centre for Trusted Internet and Community at the National University of Singapore. He researches online audiences using computational methods, and teaches courses in quantitative methods, programming, and data visualization.
Image of Prateek Bansal
Prateek Bansal
Dr. Prateek Bansal is a Presidential Young (Assistant) Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Before joining NUS in 2022, he was a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow at Imperial College London and did a Ph.D. from Cornell, an MSc from UT Austin, and a BTech from IIT Delhi. Prateek leads the Behavioural Cognitive Science Lab at NUS and is a co-principal investigator of the Adaptive Mobility module at Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore. His research group is interested in creating new methods to address challenging questions related to mobility behavior and the adoption of emerging technologies at an individual level and an urban scale. His research has led to over 70 journal articles. Apart from top Transportation journals, he regularly publishes in interdisciplinary journals like Energy Economics and Statistics and Computing. He also serves as the editorial board member of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, and Journal of Choice Modelling, among others. He is a member of the TRB’s standing committees on Travel Survey Methods (AEP25) and Travel Forecasting (AEP50), and a regular board member of the International Association of Travel Behavior Research (IATBR).
Image of Prasanta Bhattacharya
Prasanta Bhattacharya
Dr. Prasanta Bhattacharya is a Research Scientist and Innovation Lead with the Social and Cognitive Computing Dept. at the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), A*STAR Singapore, where he works on network science and behavioral analytics. Prasanta holds a Ph.D in Information Systems from the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore, where he studied network science with a special focus on predictive and inferential methods in large social networks. His current research agenda aims at understanding the role of big data in emerging social and business applications from finance, education and healthcare. Prasanta actively collaborates with major industry partners from around the world, and has presented his research in leading computer science, information systems and marketing science venues.
Image of Hannah Clapham
Hannah Clapham
Dr. Hannah Clapham is an Assistant Professor at the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She specializes in mathematical modelling and data analysis to understand the transmission and control of infectious diseases. Her research focuses on arboviruses (such as dengue and Japanese encephalitis), vaccine preventable diseases and sero-epidemiology. She is interested in the intersection between social science and the way we undertake transmission modelling, and how social science insight can be included within transmission models.
Image of Douglas Guilbeault
Douglas Guilbeault
Dr. Douglas Guilbeault received dual bachelor’s degrees in philosophy and rhetoric (with a minor in cognitive science) from the University of Waterloo, and a masters in Cognitive Linguistics from the University of British Columbia. He then completed a PhD in Communications in the Network Dynamics Group at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication. He is co-director of the Berkeley-Stanford Computational Culture Lab, and a founding member of the theoretical cognitive science and machine learning collective comp-syn (“computational synesthesia”). His work has appeared in a number of top journals, including Nature, Nature Communications, The Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, and Management Science, as well as in popular news outlets, such as The Atlantic, Wired, and The Harvard Business Review. He has received top research awards from The International Conference on Computational Social Science, The Cognitive Science Society, and The International Communication Association.
Image of Kokil Jaidka
Kokil Jaidka
Dr. Kokil Jaidka is an Assistant Professor in Computational Communication. She has a Bachelor's degree in Engineering from PEC University of Technology, India, and a PhD in Information Studies from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Prior to joining the National University of Singapore, Kokil was a Senior Data Scientist at Adobe Research (2013-2016), a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania (2016-2018), and a presidential postdoctoral fellow at Nanyang Technological University (2018-2019). She has several patents to her name, as well as first-author publications in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, and Journal of Communication, among other venues.
Image of Yi-Chieh Lee
Yi-Chieh Lee
Dr. Yi-Chieh Lee is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at NUS. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). His research interests include human-computer interaction (HCI), CSCW, social computing, conversational user interfaces, and human-centered AI. His recent work focuses on designing AI conversational agents to promote mental well-being and health behaviour change. He is dedicated to designing AI systems for social good.
Image of Swapnil Mishra
Swapnil Mishra
Dr. Swapnil Mishra is Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore with a primary appointment at the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, and joint appointments at Institute of Data Science, and Department of Statistics and Data Science. His research focuses on applying and developing statistical machine learning techniques for the broader and messier world of science and public policy, especially global health. He develops flexible and scalable models for understanding various spatiotemporal data, for example, epidemics (COVID-19, Malaria, HIV) and crime. His other interest lies in understanding the evolution of popularity in social media. Dr. Swapnil's work focuses on algorithms to model point processes with classical machine learning techniques as well as using modern deep learning networks. His contributions to COVID-19 pandemic modeling, Bayesian inference, computational social science and machine learning earned him the prestigious NUS Presidential Young Professorship in 2024, NRF Fellowship in 2023, the Blackwell-Rosenbluth Award in 2022, and the SPI-M-O Award for Modelling and Data Support in 2022. In 2022, he co-founded the Machine Learning & Global Health network (, a collaborative initiative spanning three continents that brings together researchers to address global health challenges
Image of Joe Simons
Joe Simons
Dr. Joe Simons is a Principal Scientist and Group Manager (Social & Behavioural Inference) in the Social & Cognitive Computing (SCC) Department at the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) and Lead of A*STAR’s Social Sciences & Technology Horizontal Technology Programme Office (SST HTCO). A social psychologist by training, he has extensive experience collaborating with computational scientists and leading interdisciplinary research teams. His work applies methodologies from both behaviorual and computational sciences – such as predictive modelling and language processing - to better address social-behavioural questions. His research has been featured in outlets including Communication Research, IEEE Pervasive Computing, and Media Psychology
Image of Celine Yunya Song
Celine Yunya Song
Dr. Celine Yunya Song is a tenured full professor in the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Her research spans global communication, digital media, online social networks, social media analytics, cyber-psychology, and behavior. Her scholarship has straddled English, French, and Chinese cultures and media. She founded and directed the AI and Media Research Lab at the School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University. Her work has received numerous internal and external grants, including those from the General Research Fund (GRF), Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme, Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS), and Quality Education Fund (QEF), as well as a fellowship from Ryerson University in Canada. She was the recipient of the HKBU President's Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work and is one of the few scholars in Hong Kong to have received the prestigious Fulbright Award twice. She serves as an associate editor for Computers in Human Behavior and Mass Communication and Society, and as editor of Communication & Society.
Image of Renwen Zhang
Renwen Zhang
Dr. Renwen Zhang (Ph.D., Northwestern University) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communications and New Media at the National University of Singapore. Her research lies at the intersection of health communication, human-computer interaction, and interpersonal communication. She employs mixed methods to examine the design, use, and effects of digital technology for promoting wellbeing and mental health. The first strand of Renwen's work focuses on sociotechnical issues related to the design, use, and deployment of digital health technology. The second strand of her work focuses on technology-mediated social interactions, with emphasis on self-disclosure, privacy management, and social support. Renwen's research is largely interdisciplinary, and she has worked closely with clinical scientists, computer scientists, and designers on various projects.
Image of Example, TBD University
Example, TBD University
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Image of Example TA
Example TA
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Image of Jennie Brand
Jennie Brand
Jennie E. Brand is Professor of Sociology and Statistics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is Co-Director of the Center for Social Statistics (CSS) at UCLA. She has been Chair of the Methodology Section and the Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Section of the American Sociological Association (ASA), and Vice-President of the Board of the International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28). She previously served on the councils of the ASA Methodology, Sociology of Education, and Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility sections. She was elected to the Sociological Research Association (SRA), an honor society for excellence in research, in 2019, and received the ASA Methodology Leo Goodman Mid-Career Award in 2016, and honorable mention for the ASA Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility William Julius Wilson Mid-Career Award in 2014. Prof. Brand is a member of the Technical Review Committee for the National Longitudinal Surveys Program at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. She was previously a member of the Board of Overseers of the General Social Survey (GSS). She is Associate Editor of AAAS’s Science Advances, the open access extension of Science magazine, and serves on the editorial boards of Social Forces, Sociological Methodology, Sociological Methods and Research, Sociological Science, and Sociology Compass. She also previously served on the boards of American Sociological Review, Demography, and SAGE Research Methods. Prof. Brand studies social stratification and inequality, mobility, social demography, education, and methods for causal inference.
Image of Ian Lundberg
Ian Lundberg
Ian Lundberg is an Assistant Professor of Information Science at Cornell University. His research develops statistical methods and applies those methods to questions about inequality, poverty, and mobility. After completing his PhD in sociology at Princeton University, Ian spent one year as a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Sociology at UCLA. Ian enjoys hiking, surfing, and making oatmeal with blueberries.
Image of Christina Wilmot
Christina Wilmot
Christina Wilmot is a Ph.D. student in sociology at UCLA. Previously, she studied computer science and worked as a software engineer at Google. She is interested in the varying intersections of technology and society, including using novel computational methods to analyze social information, studying online social behavior, and looking at the effects of the adoption of new technologies on a society. She also aims to make computational methods more accessible to social researchers from a variety of substantive and methodological fields.
Image of Keri Lintz
Keri Lintz
Keri Lintz is a PhD student in Public Affairs ...
Image of Kelsey Figone
Kelsey Figone
Kelsey Figone is a PhD student in Economics ...



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Image of Wojciech Biernacki
Wojciech Biernacki
Wojciech Biernacki is an extramural PhD researcher and cooperator at the European Law Chair at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, and an attorney’s assistant. In his research, he focuses on intellectual property rights, mostly copyright, and issues related to data processing and data ownership. He is familiar with the basics of Python, PHP, and MySQL databases.
Image of Paulina Klisowska
Paulina Klisowska
Paulina Klisowska is a graduate at the Faculty of Law and Administration (of AMU). She holds a Master’s degree in European Law and is a third year Law student. She has carried out research on the protection of minor users of social media and was a speaker at the webinar organized under the Jean Monnet Chair Digital Single Market and the Free Flow of Information (dig_INFlow). Her academic interests are focused on the functioning of the artificial intelligence algorithms and their impact on privacy and personal data protection.
Image of Lukasz Szoszkiewicz, PhD
Lukasz Szoszkiewicz, PhD
Lukasz Szoszkiewicz is an Assistant Professor at Adam Mickiewicz University, Data Coordinator within the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty. A former participant of SICSS-Law 2021 (Maastricht University) and SICSS-AMU/Law organizer in 2022. His research interests include international protection of human rights and data science. Knows basics of Python and has advanced knowledge of SPSS.
Image of Jedrzej Wydra
Jedrzej Wydra
Jędrzej Wydra is a PhD student at the Laboratory of Criminalistics at Adam Mickiewicz University. He holds both a Master's degree in Law and a Master's degree in Mathematics. He completed specialization in Bayesian Statistics overseen by the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is skilled in R and Python programming; he is also certified as a professional data analyst. As a lawyer, he investigates the computational aspects of time-of-death estimation and deontic logic. As a mathematician, he focuses on functional data analysis and modal logic. He participated in over one hundred data science projects.
Image of Dr. David Reichel
Dr. David Reichel
Dr. David Reichel has been working for almost two decades with human rights related data in an international context. He works as a project manager at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), based in Vienna, where he is responsible for managing research projects in relation to artificial intelligence and online content moderation. Until 2014, he worked in the research department of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). He has taught several courses on quantitative methods at Vienna University and has published widely on topics such as human rights, citizenship and migration statistics.
Image of Prof. Łucja Biel
Prof. Łucja Biel
Prof. Łucja Biel is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw. She specializes in corpus linguistics, legal translation, and translation technology. As the editor-in-chief of The Journal of Specialised Translation, she is actively involved in the academic community, holding memberships in various international organizations. Her research focuses on the language of EU law and the pedagogy of specialized translation. She has contributed significantly to translation studies through numerous publications, projects, and teaching activities, aiming to bridge the gap between theoretical research and practical applications in translation.
Image of Dr. Monika Leszczyńska
Dr. Monika Leszczyńska
Dr. Monika Leszczyńska is an Academic Fellow at Columbia Law School and an Assistant Professor of Empirical Legal Research at the Maastricht University Faculty of Law. Monika studies how the institutions of contract law interact with individual contractual behavior in an increasingly data-driven economy. In her work, she employs various empirical methods such as behavioral experiments, vignette studies as well as systematic content analysis, and computational methods.
Image of Neel Guha
Neel Guha
Neel Guha is a JD candidate at Stanford Law School and a PhD candidate at Stanford Computer Science. His computer science research focuses on (1) methods for improving the reasoning capabilities of large language models, and (2) benchmarking large language models for applications in the legal domain. His legal research focuses on governance questions related to AI, and the deployment of technology in the practice of law.
Dr. Elizabeth Barry
Image of Dr. Marta Nawrocka-Świętkowiak
Dr. Marta Nawrocka-Świętkowiak
Dr. Marta Nawrocka-Świętkowiak holds a Ph.D. in Law, a Master’s degree in Law, and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology. She graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University. She is an Assistant Professor and Disciplinary Officer at Merito University in Poznań, as well as an attorney. Her research focuses on the quality of forensic expert opinions in criminal cases. She led research grants from the National Science Centre and collaborated with John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York. As a practitioner, she focuses on defending her clients in criminal trials. She is proficient in Polish, English, and Russian.
Image of Eva	van der Zee
Eva van der Zee
Eva van der Zee is a Junior professor (tenure track) in international law with a focus on behavioural law and economics at the Institute of Law and Economics at Hamburg University. Her research focuses on the role and interrelation of (in)formal regulatory systems in promoting sustainable development.
Image of Bahadir	Kus
Bahadir Kus
I am currently a doctoral student at the Social Sciences University of Ankara. I serve as a research assistant at Atatürk University. My academic focus primarily lies within the realm of civil procedure and enforcement law. During my master's studies, I conducted research on access to the assets of debtors within enforcement law. A part of this research delved into accessing electronic data. I have also authored a book section on the subject of electronic data in civil actions.
Image of Albana Hana
Albana Hana
Albana Hana is a juris doctor of the University of Hamburg. Her research revolves around the principle of legal certainty and her professional objective is to make law more certain, in view of enhancing protection and enjoyment of Human Rights. She is an expert in Project Cycle Management and EU funds, speaks several languages and is very passionate about cultures, travel and literature.
Image of Karan	Choudhary
Karan Choudhary
Karan Choudhary is presently Postdoctoral researcher. Before this, he was judge in India. He is PhD in Law from National Law University, Delhi and Université Paris Nanterre, France. He specialises in Public Law, Music Law, AI & Law and the interface between Culture, Law and Policy. He has received the prestigious Erasmus Scholarship from the European Union. Qualified 'All India Examination for Assistant Professor in Law' i.e. UGC -NET. E-mail:, Orcid:, Researchgate:
Image of May	Pascaud
May Pascaud
I am a PhD student at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York, researching prison education, reentry, desistance, and the prison nonprofit sector. My interests also include income inequality, mass incarceration, and alternatives to imprisonment. I have worked in the fields of technology, education, edtech and journalism, holding positions in customer success, marketing, producing and project management. I enjoy leveraging my design, communications and technology skills in my research.
Image of Marta Bakun
Marta Bakun
Marta Bakun is currently pursuing a PhD in Political Science and Administration at the Doctoral School of the University of Wroclaw, Poland. Her interests include the protection of rights, including those of foreigners (with a special focus on migrants), and comparative studies of Polish and German law. Marta holds MA in law at University of Wrocław. Student Ombudsman of the University of Wrocław. Assistant legal advisor at the Marshal's Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodship.
Image of Mateusz Grabarczyk
Mateusz Grabarczyk
Mateusz Grabarczyk is a doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. He concentrates his research on transitional justice, legal accountability, constitutionalism and legal values. He was a visiting fellow at the University of Amsterdam (2023) and a visiting PhD student at the European University Institute (2024).
Image of Kamil Szostak
Kamil Szostak
Kamil Szostak is a recent Computer Science graduate and a 5th year Law student at Adam Mickiewicz University. His fluency in programming includes Python, Java, R, and SQL while his academic interests are focused on Constitutional Law and potential ways of AI application in the legal practice.
Image of Mateusz Mroziński
Mateusz Mroziński
Mateusz Mroziński is a recent graduate at Adam Mickiewicz University. He holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. He has intermediate programming skills in Python and web technologies, his interests include data science and artificial intelligence.
Image of Martyna Osztynowicz
Martyna Osztynowicz
Martyna Osztynowicz is a first year Computer Science student at Poznań Univeristy of Technology. She is interested in cybersecurity and plans to continue her studies in this field. She is proficient in Python and C programming.
Image of Joanna Walczak
Joanna Walczak
Joanna Walczak is an IT student at Poznań University of Technology. In her free time, she primarily explores programming through game development, alongside engaging in computer graphics projects like object modeling. She knows the basics of Python and C++ languages.
Image of Krzysztof Jeromin
Krzysztof Jeromin
Krzysztof Jeromin is a fifth-year student of European law at Adam Mickiewicz University. He is currently conducting research on access to encrypted data in information exchange services and its impact on the right to privacy. He presented his research at the LAITech 2024 conference in Estonia. His research interests focus on the impact of new technologies on fundamental rights.
Image of Weronika Łomako
Weronika Łomako
Weronika Łomako is a 5th year student of European Law at Adam Mickiewicz University. Her academic interests are focused on consumer protection on online platforms, especially in context of recommendation systems.


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Image of Emmanuel Olamijuwon
Emmanuel Olamijuwon

Emmanuel Olamijuwon is a Lecturer in the School of Geography and Sustainable Development at the University of St Andrews, UK. His research interest lies at the intersection of technology, sexuality, & population health in low-and-middle-income countries. His recent projects combine data from traditional data sources (such as the DHS), with digital traces (Facebook and Twitter) and Online surveys to illuminate the complexity of a number of social and health issues such as knowledge inequality, suicide ideation, as well as sexual and reproductive health.

Image of Fidelia Dake
Fidelia Dake

Fidelia Dake is a Senior Lecturer at the Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS), University of Ghana. Her research focuses broadly on population health and international development. Her research interests include nutrition and physical activity, obesity and non-communicable diseases, socio-environmental determinants of health, urban health, health statistics, health-financing and population ageing. She is also interested in using methods in computational social science to study health and lifestyle behaviours including dietary practices, physical activity and travel behaviours.

Image of Yaw Atiglo
Yaw Atiglo

Yaw Atiglo is a Research Fellow at the Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS), University of Ghana. His research interests border on population health, population-environment nexus, and population-sustainable development interrrelations, particularly from a gendered perspective. He also seeks to employ complex data systems to explore society-environment interactions and other social issues relevant for sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa.

Image of Mac-Donald Abopaam
Mac-Donald Abopaam

Mac-Donald Abopaam is a dedicated researcher with a strong academic background in Geography and Population Studies. His research interests are climate change, urban planning, and population health. He is eager to expand his skill set through the Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science, aiming to enhance his technical capabilities and contribute to innovative solutions in policy reforms and sustainable development, especially in the context of climate change adaptation and urban planning.

Image of Patrick Addo
Patrick Addo

Patrick Addo is a qualitative researcher of CHORUS project II at the University of Ghana School of Public Health. CHORUS (Community-led Responsive and Effective Urban Health Systems), a research programme consortium, seeks to help address urban health challenges in poor urban communities through a demand-driven approach that brings together stakeholders from the community to higher-level policymakers to identify and find solutions to health challenges for the urban poor. Patrick is driven by his passion to address pressing societal health issues through rigorous scientific methods and hopes to improve and contribute to the building of resilient, healthy and smart urban centres. With the world inundated with a plethora of data (both numbers and text), Patrick seeks to find innovative approaches to analyse and draw insights to inform policies specifically to the contribution of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 11, which emphasises good health and building a healthy and resilient city respectively. Before CHORUS, Patrick has worked as a freelance researcher participating in national informing health policy projects like the Community-based Health and Planning Services (CHPS) plus and Developing Acute Care and Emergency Systems (ACERS). He is the manager of Penuel-Charis Research Consultancy, a start-up research firm which is currently a grant holder from the Ministry of Environmental Science and Technology of Ghana, exploring the feasibility of using a web-based application to scale up mass drug administration for schistosomiasis following Covid-19 pandemic in the Volta and Oti regions of Ghana.

Image of Patience Serwaa Bonsu
Patience Serwaa Bonsu

Patience Serwaa Bonsu is a master's student at the Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana. Her current research focuses on parental education and early childhood development in Ghana. She is self-motivated, adaptable, and passionate about becoming an agent of change and a problem solver in the community and society.

Image of Dzeble Jonas Horlali
Dzeble Jonas Horlali

Dzeble Jonas Horlali is a student at the Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana, with a strong interest in Computational Social Science, particularly in migration studies and population geography. Currently, he works as a research assistant on the Immobility in a Changing Climate Project, where he contributes to the conceptualization of immobility. Jonas is eager to apply computational methods to understand complex social phenomena and is excited to collaborate with fellow researchers at the Summer Institute.

Image of Edward Owusu Manu
Edward Owusu Manu

Edward Owusu Manu is a dedicated student at the University of Ghana's Regional Institute for Population Studies. His research interests are focused on living standards, multidimensional poverty, income inequality, and population dynamics. Edward is particularly skilled in population analysis and indirect estimation techniques, which he employs to derive valuable insights from population data.

Image of Peter Annor Mensah
Peter Annor Mensah

Peter Annor Mensah is a development researcher at Participatory Development Associates. His research interests are in child nutritional outcomes, climatic variability and nutritional vulnerability, and the commercial determinants of health. Specifically, Peter aims to research the fossil fuels industry in Sub-Saharan Africa from the perspective of commercial determinants of health.

Image of Prince Mensah
Prince Mensah

Prince Mensah is a CAPI developer and data manager with a keen interest in social science. He holds a Master of Arts in Population Studies from the University of Ghana's Regional Institute for Population Studies. His research has explored the complex relationship between Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), decision-making dynamics, and contraceptive use among women of reproductive age in Kenya. With a strong track record of delivering research outputs from survey data, Prince is now expanding his expertise into computational social science. He is particularly interested in exploring non-traditional data sources, such as text data from online platforms, and applying computational techniques to process and analyze these rich data sets.

Image of Stephanie Tetteh
Stephanie Tetteh

Stephanie Tetteh is a Research Assistant at the Regional Institute of Population Studies, where she contributes to an ongoing research “Immobility in a Changing Climate” project. Her background is in Actuarial Science, and she is completing her M.A. in Population Studies. Her current research focuses on social vulnerability to flooding, which reflects her commitment to understanding and mitigating the impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations. She is driven by her favorite quote: *'Try everything and keep smiling'*, which encapsulates my positive and proactive approach to life and work.


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Image of Diliara Valeeva
Diliara Valeeva
Diliara is an Assistant Professor in Computational Social Science at the Political science department of the University of Amsterdam. She received her PhD at the Amsterdam School for Social Science Research in 2021. Before joining the UvA, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Geography department of the KU Leuven. Diliara's current research is on business and finance, corporate elites and power, and social networks. Diliara also works as a Lecturer at the BSc program in Computational Social Science at the UvA, and serves as a coordinator at the Social & Behavioral Data Science Center of the UvA, where she consults social scientists in utilizing data science methods, oversees community development, and coordinates funding.
Image of Daniel Mayerhoffer
Daniel Mayerhoffer
Daniel is Assistant Professor in the Bachelor Program Computational Social Science, a member of the Institutions, Inequalities, and Life courses research group in Sociology, and affiliated with the Data Science Centre. He uses Agent Based Simulation, among and in combination with other methods, to explain and predict complex socio-technical systems to enhance their governance. He applies Computational Models mainly to questions in Political Epistemology, Collective Behaviour and Economics. Furthermore, he evaluates these models from an analytical and Philosophy of Science perspective. Daniel's transdisciplinary background facilitates work on various topics and collaboration in diverse teams.
Image of Johannes Aengenheyster
Johannes Aengenheyster
Johannes Aengenheyster is a PhD candidate in the Cultural Sociology programme group at the Sociology Department at the University of Amsterdam. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from University College Maastricht and a Master of Science from the University of Amsterdam. His research investigates the development of the population of private museums in terms of openings and closings, as well as their influence in the canonization of artists. His other interests include the structure and development of classification systems and computational methods.
Image of Marie Labussière
Marie Labussière
Marie Labussière is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam since September 2021. She studies social stratification and mobility using a variety of quantitative methods, including text mining and machine learning. Her current work in the CAREER ERC project focuses on the employment trajectories of workers in the context of changing labor markets, based on a combination of job advertisement data and panel data. Marie is also interested in improving the use and teaching of quantitative methods in the social sciences and is a strong advocate of open science. She holds an engineering degree from the French National School of Statistics and Economic Analysis (ENSAE) and a master's degree in interdisciplinary social sciences.
Image of Gijs Schumacher
Gijs Schumacher
Gijs is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. He is currently co-director of the Hot Politics Lab and the Challenges to Democratic Representation Program Group. In his research he uses psychological perspectives to analyze contemporary politics. He uses a range of different methods from neuroscience, computer science and social science. His work has appeared in journals such as the American Political Science Review, Nature Human Behaviour, Scientific Reports, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Political Analysis, European Journal of Political Research, Emotion and Political Psychology.
Image of Reshmi G. Pillai
Reshmi G. Pillai
Reshmi is a PostDoc Researcher at the Department of Communication Science in the Vrije University Amsterdam. She focuses on the adoption and implementation of artificial intelligence techniques, specifically natural language processing, in the context of local journalism. Her current research explores the construction of structured knowledge bases in the context of regional news media organizations in the Netherlands. Previously, she was a Lecturer at the Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, in the Master's program in Information Studies (Data Science track). She holds a PhD from the University of Wolverhampton for her thesis on the expressions of psychological stress in tweets.
Image of Rens Wilderom
Rens Wilderom
Rens Wilderom works as a Core Lecturer in Computational Social Sciences at the University of Amsterdam. His current research focuses on (i) the impact of stylistic trends in the film art world and (ii) how large language models can be leveraged in the sociology of culture. In the past, he worked on the development of dance music in the US, UK, and the Netherlands, and alternative markets for food production and consumption.
Image of Rafiazka Hilman
Rafiazka Hilman
Rafiazka Hilman is affiliated with Computational Science Lab (CSL) at the Informatics Institute (IvI) and Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), University of Amsterdam (UvA). She holds a PhD in Network and Data Science from Central European University (CEU). Specialized in Spatial Data Science and Computational Social Science, she focuses on urban dynamics and urban complex system. Currently, she is working on structure and dynamics of multidimensional segregation.
Image of Elisa Omodei
Elisa Omodei
Elisa Omodei is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Network and Data Science at the Central European University. She holds a BSc and a MSc in Physics from the University of Padua and Bologna, respectively, and a PhD in Applied Mathematics for the Social Sciences from the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) of Paris. She carried out her postdoctoral training at the Rovira and Virgili University in Tarragona, Spain. She then spent over four years at the United Nations, first at UNICEF's Office of Innovation in New York and then at the UN World Food Programme in Rome. In her research, she explores how complexity and data science can help us address the needs of the most vulnerable populations and monitor the UN Sustainable Development Goals. She also served as Vice-President Secretary of the Complex Systems Society from 2018 to 2021.
Image of Petter Törnberg
Petter Törnberg
Petter Törnberg is Assistant Professor at the Institute for Language, Logic and Computation at the University of Amsterdam, Associate Professor in Complex Systems at Chalmers University of Technology, NWO VENI laurate, and senior researcher at the University of Neuchâtel. His research focuses on the intersection of AI, social media, and politics, using digital data and computational methods to critically examine the consequences of datafication and platformization.
Image of Juhi Kulshrestha
Juhi Kulshrestha
Juhi Kulshrestha is Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Aalto University. Her research focuses on studying online news and information consumption, online political communication, online social media and the role of online algorithmic intermediaries in shaping people's online information diets. She has developed frameworks for measuring the bias and diversity in the news and information that users are consuming via algorithmic recommendation and search systems on web and social media platforms.
Image of Malte Lüken
Malte Lüken
Malte Lüken is a Research Software Engineer at the Netherlands eScience Center. His Work focuses on natural language processing and machine learning in the digital humanities and social sciences. He graduated from the Research Master’s Psychology at the University of Amsterdam with a focus on methodology and statistics and has been contributing to the open science software JASP. His interests are applied (Bayesian) statistics, machine learning, and programming in research.
Image of Samvardhan Vishnoi
Samvardhan Vishnoi
I am pursuing a Physics Ph.D. at Northwestern in complex systems. My transdisciplinary work combines Bayesian statistical methods with city scaling models to model US crime and arrest trends, with the goal of not only explaining the trajectories but also tackling unreported/missing data to improve the FBI's data quality. Additionally, I work in equity within academia itself, revealing the difference in scientist career trajectories and survival by gender.
Image of Mariia Tepliakova
Mariia Tepliakova
Mariia Tepliakova is a PhD candidate at the Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria. In her research and teaching, she deals with the contestations of gender equality policies in Europe using a mix of survey research, expert interview and quantitative text analysis.
Image of Anna Sokolova
Anna Sokolova
Anna Sokolova is a PhD student at the Chair in Sociological Methodology at the University of Mannheim. She is interested in the emergence of inequalities in networks and how the cumulative advantage of social capital can contribute to said inequalities. In her research, Anna uses agent-based modelling, behavioral experiments, and social network analyses of longitudinal classroom network data.
Image of Sasha Moriniere
Sasha Moriniere
Sasha is currently a Researcher at the Open Data Institute working on the future of open data, research-digital platforms data sharing partnerships, power imbalances within data ecosystems, and responsible data stewardship. Previously, she conducted research, advocacy and policy work on online harms and regulation, led projects on electoral disinformation in France, and promoted data literacy in Mali and Indonesia. Sasha recently coordinated research and policy work delivered to French President Emmanuel Macron regarding online disinformation and its impact on our democracies. Holding a Master's degree in International Relations from the London School of Economics, she's fluent in French, English, and Spanish, and is learning Arabic.
Image of Dominika Betakova
Dominika Betakova
Dominika Betakova is a PhD candidate at the Department of Communication of the University of Vienna. Her research interests include political communication, news (non-)consumption and avoidance, automated text analysis and experimental research methods. Her dissertation titled “I Do Not (Want to) Know! Political News Use in Fragmented Media Environments ” focuses on the highly socially relevant phenomenon of news avoidance.
Image of How Hwee Ong
How Hwee Ong
How Hwee Ong is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Groningen. He received his PhD in social psychology from Tilburg University in the Netherlands. He is broadly interested in the psychological underpinnings of misbeliefs and interventions to improve decision-making.
Image of Simone Skeen
Simone Skeen
Simone J. Skeen is pursuing her doctorate at Tulane University. Her work covers political and structural/systemic drivers of suicidality; linguistic signatures of subtle discrimination in mental healthcare; racialized income inequality, law enforcement violence, psychotraumatology, and immune function among people living with HIV; and identity formation and digital health autonomy movements.
Image of Dhruv Mittal
Dhruv Mittal
Dhruv, a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam's Computational Science Lab, studies collective decision-making and cultural evolution in changing environments. With a background in physics, he draws from domains like Complex Systems, Network Science, Evolutionary Game Theory, and Social Psychology to work towards informing policy interventions in social systems.
Image of Laura Eberlein
Laura Eberlein
Laura is a PhD student in Sociology at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her research interests include school-to-work transitions, social stratification and inequalities in the labour market. In her dissertation, she analyses early career paths and investigates which factors influence differences in the quality of employment in the first years of working life. She holds a BA in Philosophy and Economics from University of Bayreuth and a Master of Public Policy from the Hertie School.
Image of Veronika Ebner
Veronika Ebner
Veronika Ebner is a master’s student in the Erasmus Mundus Journalism Program at the University of Amsterdam. Her research interests are climate change communication, solutions journalism, emotions, and social media. After graduation, she will join the Computational Communication Science Lab at the University of Vienna to pursue her PhD.
Image of Leevi Saari
Leevi Saari
Leevi Saari is a PhD Candidate at the University of Amsterdam researching the way contemporary AI governance initiatives approach AI shape and limit the potential politics of technology. Before his PhD, he served as an accredited policy advisor in the European Parliament with key responsibilities in regulation initiatives on artificial intelligence, data and platform economy. He also serves as the EU Policy Fellow at AI Now Institute.
Image of Ruiwen Zhou
Ruiwen Zhou
Ruiwen Zhou (she/her) is an incoming MPhil student in Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Currently, she is a research assistant in the Digital Narratives Studio and is involved in a research project exploring digital authorship in the age of Gen-AI. Her experiences in observing, feeling, and witnessing the permeation of technologies triggered her interest in digging deeper into human-technology intricacy.
Image of Anastasia Mertens
Anastasia Mertens
Anastasia Mertens is a doctoral candidate in Comparative Political Science at Kiel University, Germany. Her research focuses on state behavior in cyberspace. Her dissertation, "Disinformation in Social Media: A Cross-National Comparative Study", aims to identify factors correlating with the prevalence, issues, and agenda-setting power of online disinformation.
Image of Hannah E. Murdock
Hannah E. Murdock
Hannah E. Murdock is a PhD candidate and President’s Scholar in the Centre for Environmental Policy at Imperial College London, Seminar Leader in the Imperial Energy Futures Lab, and Research Partner at REN21. She has previously held various roles working within NGOs, international organisations, academia, and consulting in the US and Europe. Her research interests lie at the intersection of sustainability, psychology, and public policy, with her thesis focusing on decarbonising transport while maximising co-benefits – analysing the role of policies, biases, and behaviour – using various computational methods as well as traditional social science methods.


All Participants

Image of Kat Albrecht
Kat Albrecht
Kat Albrecht is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University. Dr. Albrecht’s work sits at the intersection of computational social science and law, where she uses innovative computational techniques to study fear, violence, and data distortions. She is particularly interested in the nexus of fear and risk-taking behaviors, digital trace data, and the impact of law on decision-making. She frequently serves as a computational science expert for the defense on active legal cases about life without the opportunity of parole, felony murder, gang enhancements, and the Racial Justice Act. She is presently a Fellow at Georgetown University Law School where she is doing data infrastructure work on court data systems in Tennessee.
Image of Elycia S. Daniel
Elycia S. Daniel
Criminal justice professional skilled in Educational Technology, Training, Adult Education, Public Speaking, and Grant Writing, she has over 20 years of experience teaching in higher education. Her research interests include specific areas of policing such as civilian review boards, female police chiefs, and body-worn cameras. In addition, she is a Program Evaluator for the AUC Data Science Institute.
Image of Talitha Washington
Talitha Washington
Dr. Talitha Washington is the inaugural Director of the Atlanta University Center (AUC) Data Science Initiative, a Professor of Mathematics at Clark Atlanta University and an affiliate faculty at Morehouse College, Morehouse School of Medicine, and Spelman College. She is the Director and lead principal investigator of the NSF-funded National Data Science Alliance (NDSA) and the President of the Association for Women in Mathematics. She works across Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to increase the number of Blacks with expertise in data science and expand data science research that advocates for social justice.
Image of Desha Elliott
Desha Elliott
PhD Candidate in the Whitney M. Young Jr. School of Social Work at Clark Atlanta University. Former Research Assistant for In Her Hands Guaranteed Income Project. Federal Grant Evaluator. Entrepreneurship & Economic Development Enthusiast.
Image of Charlotte Alexander
Charlotte Alexander
Charlotte S. Alexander holds the Connie D. and Ken McDaniel WomenLead Chair as an Associate Professor of Law and Analytics at the Robinson College of Business and the College of Law at Georgia State University. She founded and directs the university’s Legal Analytics Lab, which brings together faculty from law, business, and data science to take on legal problems and questions using computational methods. Professor Alexander’s own scholarship focuses on civil litigation, and particularly employment litigation, using text mining, natural language processing, and machine learning to uncover patterns in case filing, progress, and resolution in both courts and private dispute resolution fora. She received her B.A. from Columbia University and her J.D. from Harvard Law School.
Image of Heather Offutt
Heather Offutt
Heather Offutt is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Georgia State University Cognitive Sciences program, and an associate member of the Neuroscience Institute. Her research focus is memory and decision-making in the legal context. She consults with trial attorneys in eyewitness identification cases and serves as an expert witness.
Image of Talitha Washington
Talitha Washington
Dr. Talitha Washington is the inaugural Director of the Atlanta University Center (AUC) Data Science Initiative, a Professor of Mathematics at Clark Atlanta University and an affiliate faculty at Morehouse College, Morehouse School of Medicine, and Spelman College. She is the Director and lead principal investigator of the NSF-funded National Data Science Alliance (NDSA) and the President of the Association for Women in Mathematics. She works across Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to increase the number of Blacks with expertise in data science and expand data science research that advocates for social justice.
Image of Edmond Anderson
Edmond Anderson
Edmond Anderson is a soon-to-be graduate of the Masters of Data Science program at Michigan State University where he studies applications of topic modeling and knowledge graphs on very large scale datasets. Specifically, Edmond studies the ways in which Artificial Intelligence can understand and influence human emotions, as well as the ethics behind varying applications of machine learning. His current work also focuses ways in which recommender systems and generative models can alter and affect human behavior and beliefs.
Image of Mi Aniefuna
Mi Aniefuna
Mi is a public health and education researcher, and doctoral candidate in Health Education & Promotion at Teachers College, Columbia University. His interdisciplinary research focuses on population health and implementation strategies to achieve Black health equity. His topics of interest are child development and adolescent mental health, racism & health, social determinants of health, and equity in education. Mi is the Head of Research at EdSurge, an education nonprofit newsroom and research center where he uses data storytelling via critical qualitative and quantitative methods in his translational and community-based participatory research.
Image of Yilin (Alen) Chen
Yilin (Alen) Chen
Yilin “Alen” Chen is a Ph.D. student at Georgia State University’s Communication Department, focusing on strategic communication and political communication on social media platforms. He utilizes Python and Jupyter Notebook for his research. Alen holds a Master of Accounting and a Bachelor of Science in Management from Tulane University, achieving both degrees in three years. His professional roles include Communication Course Instructor and Political Communication Research Assistant at Georgia State University, Integrated Marketing Strategy Consultant for Fonus Inc., and Partner at Paperclip Education Consulting. He has successfully guided over 100 students to top universities like Yale and Stanford. Alen has presented his work at international conferences and published an equity research report on Globalstar, Inc. He is also the founder of several student advocacy and community organizations. His skills include IT, public speaking, and multilingual communication, with interests in poetry, jazz, and roadtrips.
Image of Rafael Geurgas
Rafael Geurgas
Rafael Geurgas is a postdoctoral researcher at Purdue University. He has a major in theoretical physics, with a master's in astrophysics. His passion for social science started with his PhD in applied machine learning where he analyzed the impact of COVID-19 fake news on Twitter using machine learning and graph theory. He currently works in the sociology department studying behavioral genetics. His research interest is to develop a statistical tool/machine learning approach to understand how genes influence social behavior, especially educational attainment and depression. Contributing to advance in the Nature x Nurture debate.
Image of Gayane Grigoryan
Gayane Grigoryan
Gayane Grigoryan is in the process of completing her Ph.D. in the Engineering Management and Systems Engineering department at Old Dominion University (ODU). She received a Master's degree in Economics from ODU in 2017 as a Fulbright scholarship recipient and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Armenia State University of Economics. Gayane was a research assistant with the Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center (VMASC), where she studied the association between cyber risk and cyberloafing behavior. Gayane was an instructor with Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), teaching machine learning and data analytics courses. Her current research focuses on developing explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) methods using cooperative game theory and an evaluation metric to measure the effectiveness of these methods. She has a strong interest in integrating XAI and language models with research in healthcare and education to understand the human decision-making process.
Image of Hanzi He
Hanzi He
Hanzi He is a first-year PhD student in the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida. Her work sits at health communication, where she uses computational techniques to study health messages on social media. She is particularly interested in how health messages affect people’s viewpoints on health issues and diseases and also thus impact their subsequent behaviors.
Image of Soobin Kim
Soobin Kim
Soobin Kim is an incoming Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Georgia School of Social Work. Her research interests span economic and social inequality, health disparities, family well-being, and social policy. Her motivation lies in comprehensively understanding the challenges faced by economically and socially marginalized individuals, considering their multifaceted contexts such as family, school, workplace, community, and neighborhood, alongside the influence of social policy and social forces. Ultimately, her aim is to inform policy development that enhances the well-being of marginalized populations.
Image of Chin-Ling Lee
Chin-Ling Lee
Chin-Ling Lee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication at University of Georgia (UGA). She is also a faculty member of UGA’s Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture. Her research focuses on innovation adoption in the context of agricultural science and extension, including integrative precision agriculture, climate-smart technologies, and innovative decision-making processes.
Image of Fei Li
Fei Li
Fei Li is an Assistant Professor at the Urban Studies Institute of Georgia State University. Her work investigates how cities and urban policy can influence individual behavior and lifestyle choices and promote health, equity, and sustainability. Her latest research focuses on how (im)mobility affects health and wellbeing for low-income individuals, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how cities can enable and promote alternative mobility, including active transportation (such as biking and walking) and micromobility (such as bikes, e-bikes, and e-scooters), to enhance mobility justice, accessibility, and environmental sustainability.
Image of Amari McGee
Amari McGee
Amari 'Mari' McGee is an LGBTQ+ professional speaker, educator, activist, and research consultant. During his professional career, Mari has been featured in Canva, USA Today, PinkNews, and other media outlets for his work within the Transgender community. He delivers educational and inspirational presentations on allyship, workplace inclusivity, LGBTQ+ psychology, LGBTQ+ history, and community acceptance. As an inspirational speaker, educator, and consultant; Mari also brings over 8 years of experience as an activist for the transgender community to his work.
Image of Nana Kwame Osei Fordjour
Nana Kwame Osei Fordjour
Dr. Nana Kwame Osei Fordjour is an Assistant Professor of Public Relations at the Department of Communication, University of Maryland, College Park. His research revolves around the intersection of public relations, political communication, and media. Specifically, Dr. Osei Fordjour investigates how politicians construct their public image in governance, crises, and elections. He also studies user political discourses online.
Image of Jiaqin (Ada) Pan
Jiaqin (Ada) Pan
Jiaqin Pan is a Ph.D. student in Communication at Georgia State University, with a research focus on health communication. Specifically, her work addresses vaccine hesitancy, social media, misinformation, and media framing. She holds a Master of Science in Digital Social Media from the University of Southern California and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from the University of Connecticut. Jiaqin has experience as a social media manager, instructor, and has worked as a senior media analyst at Meltwater, a media data analytics company.
Image of Vithika Salomi
Vithika Salomi
Vithika (she/her) is pursuing her Ph.D. in Communication at Georgia State University. Her current research interest includes misinformation on new media platforms and their impact on politics and society. She is also generally interested in social media use and its effects. She is currently a Presidential Fellow in Transcultural Conflict and Violence (TCV) Initiative at GSU and has also served as a Graduate Teaching Assistant in the Department of Communication besides teaching undergrad students.
Image of Jiajing (Scarlette) Shi
Jiajing (Scarlette) Shi
Jiajing (Scarlette) Shi is a Ph.D. student in the joint doctoral program in Public Policy at Georgia State University and the Georgia Institute of Technology. She holds a Master's in Public Administration with a specialization in policy analysis and program evaluation, and a Bachelor's in Social Work. These educational experiences have shaped her interest in analyzing systemic issues in healthcare. Scarlett's primary research focuses on health policy and health disparities among vulnerable populations. As a member of the Health Economics & Analytics Lab (HEAL) at the Georgia Institute of Technology, she collaborates with faculty on projects addressing issues related to school-based health centers and domestic violence using causal inference methods. She also leads several research initiatives using quantitative and qualitative methods to study preventative care and opioid prescribing behavior in the sickle cell disease population under the Georgia Sickle Cell Data Collection program, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As she continues her research in healthcare and health policy, Scarlette is particularly interested in integrating computational modeling with health policy and health services research to optimize health outcomes for individuals.
Image of Chenchen Shi
Chenchen Shi
Chenchen Shi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Theatre Pedagogy at The Central Academy of Drama (in Beijing). Her research focuses on evidence-based education, program evaluation, and meta-analysis. Currently, she is a collaborator of the Center for Research and Reform in Education at the Johns Hopkins University.
Image of Carry Smith
Carry Smith
Carry (CJ) Smith is a PHD in Political science at Clark Atlanta University. Smith is an accomplished researcher, Policy Analyst, Political Scientist, Scholar, and Voting Rights Advocate in Georgia. Smith has consulted and led many political and issued based campaigns in Georgia. In 2008, Smith was featured in the book, “The Tiger’s Roar,” by Dr. Emmett Brooks for her leadership role in the successful campaign in southeast Georgia to register 120,000 voters in Chatham County; also registering 2,500 of 3,500 SSU students to vote and bussed another 1,500 to the polls. Smith has served on panels presenting at the National Association of Black Political Scientist Annual Meeting, Symposium on Southern Politics at the Citadel, and Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Smith has served as an instructor at Savannah State University, Georgia Southern University and Georgia Highlands College. She is currently the Coastal Georgia Coordinator for the Georgia Coalition of the People’s Agenda. Her areas in public administration, urban politics, comparative politics, campaigning, and American politics. Her dissertation research focuses on Section 3 of the Voting Rights Act.
Image of Jessica Udry
Jessica Udry
Jessica Udry recently completed her PhD at Georgia State University and will be starting a position as an Assistant Professor at Texas A&M Commerce in Fall 2024. Her research focuses on the relationship between memory and belief. She does this primarily by investigating the cognitive mechanisms of the illusory truth effect, which is the finding that repetition increases belief. She is also interested in interventions used to prevent belief in online misinformation. Her dissertation project focused on investigating how psychological inoculation can be used to prevent belief in online misinformation in younger and older adults.
Image of Meng Ye
Meng Ye
Meng Ye is a PhD student in public policy majoring in public management and nonprofit studies. Her research interests lie in nonprofit commercialization, cross-sector collaboration, and social enterprises. She has published several journal articles and book chapters on topics including social enterprise policy, commercialism in nonprofit management, charitable fundraising, and charitable financial management. She won the Best Conference Paper Award from the AOM PNP section, the APPAM Equity and Inclusion Fellowship, ARNOVA Graduate Diversity Scholarship, and PMRC and ASPA Conference Scholarships. She also serves as the Editorial Manager at the International Journal of Public Administration and a Development Committee member of ARNOVA. Meng formerly worked as a nonprofit policy researcher at China Philanthropy Research Institute. She consulted the Asian Development Bank, and national and local policymakers in designing policies on nonprofit management.


All Participants

Andreu Casas
Andreu Casas is an Assistant Professor in Political Communication at Royal Holloway University of London in the Department of Politics, International Relations and Philosophy, and a Faculty Associate in the Center for Social Media and Politics at New York University. He is a computational political scientist working on political communication, public policy, legislative politics, and computational methods. The substantive goal of his research is to build a better understanding of the policymaking process, broadly speaking, in the current digital society. His research in political communication and public policy looks at how social media has shaped collective action dynamics; how social movements, interest groups, political parties, as well as the public, use public communications to influence the political agenda; the role of (social) media in increasing/ameliorating polarization; and the regulation of political speech by social media companies. His research on legislative politics looks at the conditions under which individual legislators and legislative groups influence policy through less prominent (e.g. amendments) and more informal (e.g. bundling legislation) mechanisms. He develops and/or applies novel computation methods (text-as-data and images-as-data) that allows to unlock important (classic and new) research questions that cannot be addressed otherwise.
Chico Camargo
Chico Camargo is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Exeter. His research interests cover the intersection of computational social science, complex systems, political communication, data science, cultural evolution, cultural sociology, and information theory. He studies how ideas spread and evolve, mixing data science with theories about human behaviour, culture, and society. He is also a science communicator, having written for Science, HuffPost Brazil, The Conversation, and produced over 50 videos for YouTube.
Laia Castro
Laia Castro is an assistant professor in the department of Political Science at University of Barcelona and research associate at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Her research involves empirical work on political communication, comparative media research & public opinion, with a particular focus on cross-cutting exposure and communication across political lines. She was assistant professor at the Faculty of Communication at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya - Barcelona and a senior researcher at the Department of Communication & Media Research at University of Zurich. Laia holds a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the University of Fribourg, and studied Political Science at University Pompeu Fabra (BA) and Political Communication and Marketing at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (MA). For more than seven years, she has also worked as a political advisor and assistant at several Catalan institutions.
Xavier Fernández i Marín
Xavier Fernández i Marín is a 'Ramón y Cajal' fellow at the Universitat de Barcelona. He develops and tailors solutions for social science research methods, including current developments in Bayesian inference, data visualization, probabilistic programming, experimental designs and machine learning. He has substantial contributions in comparative politics, public administration, public policy, international relations and psychology. Xavier has worked in the fields of global governance and IGOs, the diffusion of policies and institutions and the processes of development of regulatory agencies. He has a also worked on Internet and e-Government diffusion and other related aspects of the public management of the Information Society, which lately include the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in public administration.
Camilo cristancho
Camilo Cristancho is a Ramon y Cajal research fellow at the Political Science Department, Universitat de Barcelona. His research focuses on protest, interest groups, and elite behaviour with a comparative approach in Europe and Latin America. He works with computational linguistics, social network analysis and experimental methods. His most recent projects study public attitudes and elite responsiveness to protest, affective polarization, and public emotions in contentious times. He was a post-doctoral research fellow at the Centre for European Studies at Sciences Po, Paris, and has collaborated with different government institutions on policy implementation and evaluation projects. His work in political communication, political sociology, and political science has been published in Europe, the US and Latin America.
Andreu Rodilla
Andreu Rodilla is a PhD candidate at University of Barcelona (UB) and at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). His research focuses at the intersection of judicial politics and legislative studies. In particular, he studies how courts influence the legislative process from an empirical perspective. In this sense, he analyses legislative and legal text from a quantitative point of view.
Luis Remiro
Luis Remiro is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Political Science at the University of Barcelona. His research primarily explores political behaviour, political culture, and quantitative research methods, with a special focus on affective polarisation and voters' attitudes towards institutions. He examines the factors driving affective polarisation in Latin America, including elite behaviour, the role of leaders in shaping political identities, and how democratic backsliding can drive affective polarisation. Additionally, he regularly contributes to various media outlets (online, radio, and television) and forums to discuss Venezuelan politics and electoral behaviour.


All Participants

Image of Fang Luo
Fang Luo
Professor Fang Luo serves as the Deputy Dean and Professor at The Faculty of Psychology at Beijing Normal University, and she also holds positions as the Vice Chairman of the Educational Statistics and Measurement Branch of the China Educational Technology Association and Secretary-General of the Psychological and Educational Statistics and Measurement Branch of the Chinese Society of Education. She has long been engaged in interdisciplinary research between artificial intelligence and psychology. Her current research interests include the development of human-computer interaction tests combining artificial intelligence and psychometrics, process data mining, and the development and application of educational tests based on large models. She has published nearly 100 papers and received more than twenty grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Social Science Fund, among others.
Image of Matthew J. Salganik
Matthew J. Salganik
Matthew Salganik is Professor of Sociology at Princeton University. He is also affiliated with several of Princeton's interdisciplinary research centers including the Office of Population Research and the Center for Statistics and Machine Learning. His research interests include social networks and computational social science. He is the author of Bit by Bit: Social Research in the Digital Age.
Image of Xing Xie
Xing Xie
Dr. Xing Xie is a senior principal researcher at Microsoft Research Asia and a part-time doctoral supervisor at the University of Science and Technology of China. He leads a research team dedicated to data mining, social computing, and responsible artificial intelligence. His academic achievements include receiving the ACM SIGSPATIAL 10-Year Impact Award and the China Computer Federation (CCF) Young Scientist Award in 2019, the ACM SIGSPATIAL 10-Year Impact Honorable Mention in 2020, the ACM SIGKDD China Test-of-Time Paper Award in 2021, the ACM SIGKDD Test-of-Time Paper Award in 2022, the IEEE MDM Test-of-Time Paper Award and the CCF Natural Science First Prize in 2023, and he was named a DeepTech Pioneer in China's Intelligent Computing Technology Innovation. He is a Fellow of the ACM, IEEE, and the China Computer Federation (CCF).
Image of Yankai Lin
Yankai Lin
Yankai Lin is an appointed Assistant Professor at Renmin University of China, he obtained his Bachelor's and Ph.D. degrees from Tsinghua University in 2014 and 2019, respectively. After completing his doctorate, he served as a Senior Researcher at Tencent WeChat before joining Renmin University of China as an Assistant Professor in 2022. His primary research interests include pre-trained models and natural language processing. He has published over 40 papers at top international conferences in natural language processing and artificial intelligence, such as ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, AAAI, IJCAI, and NeurIPS, with more than 9,000 citations according to Google Scholar and an H-index of 27. Three of his representative works on structured knowledge of natural language processing were summarized in "Methods for Structured Knowledge Representation Learning" and received the First-Class Natural Science Award from the Ministry of Education. Additionally, his contributions to the field are evidenced by the open-source toolkits OpenKE and OpenNRE, which have garnered over 6,400 stars on Github, becoming mainstream tools in knowledge-driven natural language processing internationally. He has also served as an area chair for conferences like EMNLP and ACL ARR.
Image of Xiting Wang
Xiting Wang
Xiting Wang is an appointed assistant professor at Renmin University of China, graduated with a Bachelor's and Ph.D. from Tsinghua University, and formerly the lead researcher of the Social Computing Group at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA). Her research interests lie in explainable and responsible artificial intelligence, with related research achievements implemented in Bing, the world's second-largest search engine. Two of her papers were selected as cover articles by the CCF-A category journal TVCG. She has been invited to serve as an area chair for IJCAI and AAAI, joined the IEEE VIS organizing committee as the archive chair, and serves on the editorial board of Visual Informatics. She was recognized as an Outstanding Senior Program Committee member at AAAI 2021. She has twice been invited to deliver keynote speeches at the SIGIR Workshop on Explainable Recommendation, and she is a senior member of both CCF and IEEE.
Image of Lei Cao
Lei Cao
Dr Lei Cao received his Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University. He is a lecture at The Faculty of Psychology at Beijing Normal University. His research interests are in artificial intelligence and mental health, such as a method for detecting users' extreme mental states based on deep learning and real-time assessment of students' learning status in the classroom.
Image of An Zeng
An Zeng
An Zeng is a Full Professor in the School of Systems Science at Beijing Normal University. His research combines statistical physics and computer science to exploit the opportunities and promises offered by Big Data. The tools of network science are employed to better understand and predict social interactions, human mobility, and research behavior. So far, Professor Zeng have published about 50 papers and received over 2000 citations.
Image of Kondwani Kajera Mughogho
Kondwani Kajera Mughogho
Kondwani Kajera Mughogho joined the Psychometrics Centre in May 2023 as a Psychometrician. He holds a PhD in Educational Measurement from the University of Oslo. Prior to joining the Psychometrics Centre, Kondwani worked as a Psychometrician at the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER). He was a member of the team responsible for conducting psychometric analysis on the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation’s (Ofqual’s) National Reference Test (NRT). Additionally, Kondwani contributed to psychometric analysis for NFER's new e-Assessments, evaluated various questionnaires and research instruments, and reviewed and updated technical reports.
Image of Luning Sun
Luning Sun
Dr Luning Sun is Research Director of The Psychometrics Centre and Research Associate in the Organisational Behaviour subject group at the Cambridge Judge Business School. He received his PhD in psychometrics from the Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge in 2014. Dr Sun is a highly experienced psychometrician and researcher, having led many international research collaborations to advance the field of psychological and behavioural measurement. His research focuses on the new forms of assessment that are enabled by the advancements in psychometric theories and techniques. He is also interested in the evaluation of AI systems such as Large Language Models.
Image of Diyi Yang
Diyi Yang
Diyi Yang is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University, her research interests include natural language processing, machine learning, and computational sociolinguistics, with a focus on computational social science and natural language processing. She is dedicated to combining NLP, machine learning, and social sciences to study how humans use language in social contexts and to develop advanced language technologies to facilitate better human-computer interaction. Her work includes the novel integration of artificial intelligence technologies and social science theories. She has been recognized in Forbes' "30 Under 30 in Science" in 2020, IEEE's "Top 10 AI Rising Stars" in 2020, MIT Technology Review's "Innovators Under 35" in China in 2021, and as an outstanding student in the "Top-notch Student Training Program in Basic Disciplines 2.0" by the Ministry of Education in 2021.
Image of David Stillwell
David Stillwell
Prof David Stillwell is Academic Director of The Psychometrics Centre at the University of Cambridge. He is also Professor of Computational Social Science and Deputy Director of the MBA programme at the Cambridge Judge Business School. He earned his PhD in Decision Making from the School of Psychology at the University of Nottingham in December 2012. His research interests include psychometrics, psychology, decision-making, and social networks. Prof Stillwell uses big data to understand psychology, and also does consultancy on the topics of psychometrics, and people analytics. His research has been cited by many governments’ national data protection regulators worldwide.
Image of José Hernández-Orallo
José Hernández-Orallo
José Hernández-Orallo is Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain and Senior Research Fellow at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge, UK. His academic and research activities have spanned several areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science and intelligence measurement, with a focus on a more insightful analysis of the capabilities, generality, progress, impact and risks of artificial intelligence. He has published five books and more than two hundred journal articles and conference papers on these topics. He is a member of AAAI, CLAIRE and ELLIS, and a EurAI Fellow.
Image of Yong Li
Yong Li
Yong Li is an associate professor and Ph.D. supervisor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University. He has long been engaged in research in data science and intelligence, serving as the principal investigator for key projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and national key R&D programs. His research has resulted in over 150 academic papers published in international conferences and journals such as KDD, NeurIPS, WWW, and UbiComp, with more than 16,000 citations, and has won Best Paper/Nomination awards at international conferences six times. He has been recognized as a Ministry of Education Chang Jiang Scholars Program, a global "Highly Cited Researcher", and a national "Ten Thousand Talent Program" young top-notch talent. He has received the IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award, the Ministry of Education's First Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress, the Second Prize of the Natural Science Award from the Chinese Institute of Electronics, and the Wu Wenjun AI Excellence Award for Young Scientists.
Image of Zhang Chen
Zhang Chen
Zhang Chen is pursuing a Ph.D. in Internet Information at the Communication University of China. Zhang's research interests span disaster communication, online communities, social media, and computational social science.
Image of Mingqiu Zheng
Mingqiu Zheng
Mingqiu Zheng is a doctoral student in political science at School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University. His work lies at the intersection of political geography and online cultural production, including the discursive construction of spatial representation, spatial hierarchies, and group allegiance. His dissertation looks into the regionalised nationalism in digital China that connects the sub-national regionmaking to the political project of national Identity. Methodologically, he employs the large language model to dealt with the data corpus of online political expressions for topic modelling and generating semantic networks.
Image of Yichen Wang
Yichen Wang
Yichen is a PhD student at Cornell University. She studies in the field of Psychological Sciences & Human Development. Her research interests lie in interpersonal relaitonships, positive experience, stress and resilience, Developmental Psychology, Human Computer Interaction.
Image of Sam Deng
Sam Deng
Sam Deng is a third-year PhD candidate in the Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology Program at Fordham University in the States. She received her bachelor's degree at George Washington University, where she double majored in statistics and psychology. Her research interests are in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and quantitative psychology theories, such as structural equation modeling and item responses theory. Specifically, she’s interested in Game-based assessments (GBAs), where game components are adapted into traditional assessments. She believes that GBAs can help test takers reveal their true abilities, which improves test reliabilities.
Image of Yun Chen
Yun Chen
Yun Chen is a PhD candidate in Personality and Social Psychology at Beijing Normal University. Her current research focuses on promoting pro-environmental behavior and climate action at both individual and group levels. Before her PhD, she received her master's degree in School Psychology from Capital Normal University, where her research investigated the effects of reward prediction error on episodic memory.
Image of Wenjia Tan
Wenjia Tan
Wenjia Tan is an upcoming computer science master's student at the University of Macau. She is curious about the nature of intelligence. Her current research compares AI and human evaluations of children's learning to develop more effective and human-centered AI tools. She has worked at Tsinghua University for five years as a Lab Manager and Assistant Engineer. Involved in several research projects funded by the NSFC, companies, and NGOs, she collaborated with labs and produced papers, products, and white papers. Additionally, she established an online research platform to promote a win-win relationship between the public and scientists.
Image of Yuelin Wang
Yuelin Wang
Yuelin Wang doing her PhD study of Political Communication in Technical University Munich. She was graduated from Victoria University of Wellington and Cardiff University. She's research interest includes Climate Change, social media communication and crisis communication.
Image of Xuanyu Shi
Xuanyu Shi
Xuanyu Shi is a PhD student at the Institute of Transdisciplinary Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. Currently, his research interests lie in the AI value alignment, computational social science, and complex network in social science. His scholarly contributions have been recognized in top-tier conferences such as ICA, AEJMC, and IAMCR.
Image of Jiahui Liu
Jiahui Liu
Jiahui Liu is a graduate student in Communication at the Communication University of China. Her research focuses on the dark sides of AI-mediated communication, such as AI-driven misinformation, synthetic media and deception, and unhealthy human-AI interactions. She aims to mitigate the threats arising from the misuse of AI. Her research has been published in journals and conferences such as Global Media and China, ICA, and IAMCR. Currently, she is conducting research on the role of social bots in feminist discussions.
Image of Wei Wang
Wei Wang
Wei Wang has been engaged in computer work for many years, from early desktop Win32 application development to Web application development, and then to ecological based digital applications. Currently, he is working on various text-based applications and has a certain understanding of text and natural language processing. Currently, he is conducting practical work on large language models.
Image of Siyi Gong
Siyi Gong
Siyi Gong is a second-year PhD student in the Communication Department at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research is situated at the intersection of communication, cognitive science, and computational modeling, with a particular focus on collective intelligence based on visual common ground. Her recent work primarily explores how people collaboratively address challenges in communication when it becomes difficult and overloaded. Additionally, Siyi is interested in integrating artificial intelligence into her studies to examine the dynamic interplay between machine and human intelligence.
Image of Yuqing Shi
Yuqing Shi
Yuqing Shi is a Ph.D. student in Psychology at the National University of Singapore. She holds an M.S. in Cognitive Neuroscience and a B.S. in Psychology from Beijing Normal University. Her research interests focus on social cognition, particularly on how conceptual knowledge influences trait inferences and the organization of trait space during the dynamic process of impression formation.
Image of Rui Cao
Rui Cao
Rui Cao is a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology and a graduate affiliate of the Institute for Population Research at Ohio State University. She is broadly interested in gender, family, and education. Her research focuses on (1) the role of family dynamics and school processes in exacerbating or alleviating existing disparities in cognitive and non-cognitive abilities across racial and social class groups, (2) the gendered consequences of family structures during adolescence and adulthood, and (3) the implications of motherhood on midlife women's health.
Image of Muhua Huang
Muhua Huang
Muhua Huang is a master's student in Computational Social Science at the University of Chicago, holding a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Psychology from the University of British Columbia. Her research interests lie in advancing computational methods for behavioral science and leveraging social science theories to understand AI agents' behaviors. She employs machine learning, natural language processing, and structural equation modeling in her work. Currently, she focuses on two main areas: (1) designing AI agents with distinct personalities using a psychometric approach and (2) examining the value systems of large language models through multi-agent interactions.
Image of Xi Cheng
Xi Cheng
Xi Cheng is a doctoral student at Beijing Normal University, specializing in the cognitive structure of social knowledge. She recently developed a qualitative tool to measure social relationships. Utilizing text analysis and large language models, she explores the historical evolution of social cognition. Additionally, she is interested in the science of science, with a particular focus on individual differences in researcher cooperation.
Image of Zhaonan Wang
Zhaonan Wang
Zhaonan Wang is an incoming Assistant Professor to NYU Shanghai. His research interests lie in the interdisciplinary area of AI-urban science; he has published over 20 papers on top-tier AI data mining conferences and journals. Zhaonan has just finished postdoc at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where he led the Geospatial AI team at CyberGIS Center. Zhaonan obtained his PhD in 2022 at Center for Spatial Information Science, the University of Tokyo, where he was awarded the Japanese Government (MEXT) scholarship. Zhaonan was also one of 37 nominees who were admitted to Peking University with College Entrance Exam exempted in Beijing 2010.
Image of Cai Yang
Cai Yang
Cai Yang is an incoming PhD student at the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park. His research interest is politically oriented computational social science for improving online information ecosystems. Previously, he was a research intern at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems on the Saarland Informatics Campus, where he worked on analyzing TikTok addiction through data donation. He obtained his Bachelor's degree from the Australian National University.
Image of Deliang Wang
Deliang Wang
Deliang Wang is a Year 2 PhD candidate in the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong. His research directions lie on AI and explainable AI in education, such as using AI and explainable AI to model and interpret educational dialogue and learner models. His publications appear in prestigious journals and conferences, such as IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, British Journal of Educational Technology, Educational Technology & Society, Education and Information Technologies, AIED, and AAAI conferences.
Image of Youhan Ding
Youhan Ding
Youhan Ding is a research and international affairs programme specialist of Beijing Film Academy. Graduated from Scripps College in 2017 with a BA in Politics and Economics and New York University in 2020 with a MA in International Relations. Beyond her work in international communication and exchange, she has developed an interest towards the discussion and research on technology (especially generative AI), cultural studies and film as her work of the UNESCO Chair on Cinematic Arts and Cultural Diversity deepens and as she takes part in more international discourses about AI and education, and arts, etc.
Image of Yingru Ji
Yingru Ji
Yingru Ji (PhD) is a ZJU100 Young Professor and doctoral supervisor in the College of Media and International Cultures at Zhejiang University. Her research focuses on human-machine communication and strategic communication. Recently, she has concentrated on the communication strategies, agency, and relationships of generative AI-based conversational chatbots with humans. She is the author of the forthcoming book, "Attribution Bias: The Public Opinion Psychology in the Social Media Era." Her work has been published in top-tier communication journals such as New Media & Society and has won top paper awards at prestigious international communication conferences such as ICA and AEJMC.
Image of Desheng Hu
Desheng Hu
Desheng Hu is a PhD candidate in computer science at University of Zurich, co-advised by Prof. Aniko Hannak and Prof. Christo Wilson, with research interests in social computing, applied machine learning, algorithm auditing, and with applications in search engine and social media. Serving as leading authors, he published and presented several papers on top conferences such as WWW, ACM WebSci, AAAI ICWSM; and delivered invited talks about his work at top Internet companies such as Twitter Inc. and talked at academic events like Stanford's Trust & Safety Research Conference. He enjoys that the measurements conducted in his projects can offer real-world guidance for system designers or policy-makers to help make intelligent systems fairer, more transparent, and accountable.
Image of Yun Wu
Yun Wu
Yun Wu is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Her research focuses on youth development and how technologies have been shaping individuals' emotional wellbeing. She is interested in using big data and computational techniques to understand young people's purpose development and wellbeing.
Image of Jingwei Yi
Jingwei Yi
Jingwei Yi is a fourth-year joint Ph.D. candidate between Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Her research interests lie within responsible AI research problems, especially the societal, safety and security problems related to large language models.
Image of Jiaying Liu
Jiaying Liu
Jiaying Liu is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Psychology at Beijing Normal University, where she is deeply engaged in the study of group dynamics and intergroup processes. Her current research delves into the ways in which men can be effectively engaged in the gender equality movement, as well as the impact of patriarchal structures on individuals' cognition and perceptions of interpersonal relationships. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from South China Normal University.
Image of Yuanming Tao
Yuanming Tao
Yuanming (Alex) Tao is a PhD student in applied mathematics in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at The University of Sydney. His research focuses on understanding the meso-scale organization of complex networks beyond assortative communities by virtue of methods in network science and natural language processing.
Image of Ruomeng Liu
Ruomeng Liu
Ruomeng is currently an undergraduate student at University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and an incoming MPhil student at the Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong. He is interested in political communication, media cognition and computational methods. His current research focuses on the people's decision-making in the context of high-choice media environment, and its political and societal implications.
Image of Ziye Wang
Ziye Wang
Ziye Wang is a PhD candidate in Communication at Beijing Normal University. As an interdisciplinary researcher in Communication and Psychology, she is interested in integrating the quantitative methods and technologies from computational social science and psychology with Communication research questions, aiming to gain insights from macro-meso-micro perspectives. Her research interests span intelligent communication, computational communication, the usage of intelligent media, and measurement of communication effects.
Image of Mingyuan Li
Mingyuan Li
Mingyuan Li is currently pursuing her PhD in Comparative Politics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, with a focus on consequences of context on civic behaviour and research methods. She earned her master's degree in Comparative Politics from the London School of Economics and Politics in 2023, following her bachelor's degree in Statistics and Political Studies from Queen's University.
Image of Shiyao Wei
Shiyao Wei
Shiyao Wei is a doctoral student in Instructional Design and Learning Technology at Florida State University. Her research focuses on collaboration in informal learning environments. She's interested in how people engage in informal learning, such as seeking and sharing information online, participating in crowdsourcing competitions, and undergoing peer review processes. She also explores how technology aids or obstructs these processes.
Image of Junjie Liu
Junjie Liu
Junjie Liu is currently a PhD student at Trinity College Dublin and investigating conflict forecasting and he holds an MPhil degree in Probability and Mathematical Statistics from Hong Kong Baptist University. His research interests include conflict research, statistical inference, spatio-temporal model, natural language processing, and computer vision.
Image of Yiran Hu
Yiran Hu
Yiran Hu is a research fellow in the University of Hong Kong. Before joining in HKU, she graduated from Tsinghua University as an outstanding graduate student. Her research interest lies in computational law, particularly in the field of Knowledge-centric NLP and Technology Policy. Her work has won "CIKM2023 Best Resource Paper Honorable Mention". She is deeply invested in exploring the policy implications of AI safety, taking into account the potential risks and ethical dilemmas posed by the use of Large Language Models within the realm of social sciences. She aspires to push the boundaries of legal AI and contribute to the creation of safe, reliable AI systems that integrate seamlessly into daily life.
Image of WANG Shuang
WANG Shuang
WANG Shuang is a second-year PhD student at the Education University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include cultural psychology and moral psychology. Her recent research is about how culture affects moral judgment, especially blame judgment.
Image of Dan Gilles
Dan Gilles
Dan Gilles is an MA candidate at the University of Chicago in Computational Sociology. His previous focus was philosophy, with a BA in Philosophy and an MA in Eastern Classics from St. John's College. His research attempts to integrate ancient disciplines with modern computational methods in order to explore sociological topics such as the evolution of happiness in America. He is also interested in international relations, and lived in Beijing for nearly 10 years before Chicago.
Image of Yanyu Chen
Yanyu Chen
Yanyu Chen is a Ph.D. student in the Faculty of Psychology at Beijing Normal University, where she is deeply engaged in the study of social psychology. Her current research interests focus on time poverty, time use strategy, decision making, and adolescent mental health. Additionally, she is also interested in the analysis of longitudinal data.
Image of Yufeng Zheng
Yufeng Zheng
Yufeng Zheng is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Toronto, specializing in Operations Management and Statistics. His research focuses on innovative decision-making methods within complex systems, emphasizing operations management, machine learning, and their intersections with computational sociology and deep learning. His work includes projects on adaptive methodologies, online learning, and revenue management.
Image of Yuxin Hou
Yuxin Hou
Yuxin Hou is an incoming PhD student at Peking University. She obtained her bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and her master's degree in Education from Tsinghua University. Her research interests include the application of natural language processing in social science research, including social media analysis, political science, and human behavior.
Image of Sabrina Yue ZHENG
Sabrina Yue ZHENG
Sabrina Yue ZHENG is a research analyst at Beijing Normal University. Her work lies at the intersection of child welfare and machine learning. She is interested in how research can inform frontline social workers' decision with the lens of social justice. Sabrina received her MSW from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, with the concentration of program evaluation and applied research.
Image of Peter Romero
Peter Romero
Peter Romero leads the Centre's research projects and educational programmes in the field of people analytics, and is currently a researcher at Keio University in Tokyo. Being educated in Hamburg, Tokyo, and Cambridge, he has extensive teaching experience at undergraduate and graduate level as well as in senior executive programmes. Peter has 20 years of experience in the talent business, of which he spent six years in R&D, and fourteen in consultancy. He has overseen several global People Analytics projects in cooperation with People Analytics functions from top organisations. He is a founding member of Advanced Cognition Labs, an interdisciplinary institute focusing on research in the area of Artificial Intelligence.


All Participants

Image of Lena Hipp
Lena Hipp
Head of the Work & Care research group at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center and professor of Social Inequality & Social Policy at the University of Potsdam. Researchess social inequalities related to paid and unpaid care work and relies on a broad spectrum of methods and data, including survey, experimental, and digital data.
Image of Stefan Munnes
Stefan Munnes
Sociologist and research fellow in the Work & Care research group at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. Interested in all kinds of social inequalities, currently researching gender inequalities and antisemitism. Furthermore, mainly engaged in computational methods, such as (automated) text analysis and graphical illustrations. Likes to share this knowledge and ask new questions and work through challenges in a team. Last year, he participated in SICSS Lisbon.
Image of Armin Sauermann
Armin Sauermann
Armin Sauermann is a researcher at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. He recently completed his Sociology Masters at the University of Potsdam and will pursue his PhD. Armin analyzes large-scale observational data and is learning to collect and analyze internet-based data to study group processes and political extremism. Last year, he participated in SICSS Helsinki.
Image of Clara Bersh
Clara Bersh
Clara is a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at the Max Planck School of Cognition and specializes in Artificial Intelligence at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development at the Center for Humans and Machines in Berlin. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf and a Master of Science in Psychology from the University of Cologne, with studies abroad in the United States and the United Kingdom. Before joining the Max Planck School, she studied Computer Science at the FernUniversität Hagen. Clara's research at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development focuses on collaborative ontology and knowledge engineering with an emphasis on knowledge graphs, real-time information extraction, and application design for intuitive human-machine interaction and effective facilitation of human reasoning and decision-making. 09/07 The world in knowledge graphs
Image of Christian Rauh
Christian Rauh
Christian Rauh is a senior researcher in the Global Governance unit of the WZB Berlin Social Science Center and a Professor for the 'Politics of Multilevel Governance' at the University of Potsdam. His research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of EU studies, international relations and comparative politics. His is particularly interested in decision-making of the European Commission and the public political debates about European and international institutions. Christian's work aims to combine solid theory with innovative empirical analysis - often involving web scraping, quantitative text analysis, and advanced data visualization. 11/07 How web scraping and large-N text analyses can shed light on (European Union) politics
Image of Miriam Schirmer
Miriam Schirmer
15/07 Trauma and Violence Detection with Natural Language Processing
Image of Sophia Hunger
Sophia Hunger
Sophia Hunger is professor of Computational Social Sciences at the University of Bremen and research fellow at the Center for Civil Society Research. Until April 2023 she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Center and involved in a research project on protest and political radicalization in Germany, after receiving her doctorate from the European University Institute in 2020. Her research focuses on protest movements, political engagement, party competition, political communication, and applied quantitative methods, particularly quantitative text analysis and automated event extraction. Currently, her largest methodological undertaking is the automatization of Protest Event Analysis with cutting-edge methods in order to facilitate research on how protest shapes and affects modern societies. She is furthermore interested in developing new methods to measure positions, polarization, and resonance in political communication and public debate. 16/07 Automatic protest event analysis
Image of Melissa Panlasigui
Melissa Panlasigui
Melissa Panlasigui ist seit Februar 2024 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin der Forschungsprofessur „Arbeit, Familie und soziale Ungleichheit“. Im Rahmen ihrer Promotionsarbeit beschäftigt sie sich mit dem Thema der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in Orchestern. Sie ist auch als Dirigentin tätig und war Bundeskanzlerstipendiatin der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung.
Image of David Meiering
David Meiering
David Meiering is a PhD candidate at the chair for German Politics and the Chair of Integration Research and Social Policy at Humboldt University Berlin. His dissertation project focuses on how political narratives contribute to the construction of anti-pluralist alliances between seemingly disparate groups. He is also interested in understanding radicalization processes, mobilization of groups and movements, and especially the normalization of the far right. Therefore, he combines in-depth qualitative methods with quantitative text analysis.
Jing Zhou
Jing Zhou is a Ph.D. candidate at Wuhan University and is now a visiting student in archival studies at the University of Amsterdam. Her research interests include multimodal archives, digital humanities, natural language processing, etc. She is working on her dissertation on scientists’ archives and digital storytelling.
Image of Ilaria  Vitulano
Ilaria Vitulano
Ilaria Vitulano is a Doctoral Researcher in the group “Platform Algorithms and Digital Propaganda” at Weizenbaum Institute. Her current research interests include how state-controlled narratives enter the media and reach the public through social media algorithmic curation mechanisms.
Image of Jannis Hertel
Jannis Hertel
Jannis Hertel is a Research Fellow at the Berlin Social Science Center WZB. In the project “Access to Justice in Berlin” he is currently using quantitative data analysis to investigate the influence of social inequality factors on civil court proceedings at Berlin courts.
Image of Kaylee Matheny
Kaylee Matheny
Kaylee Matheny is an incoming Assistant Professor at Georgetown University's McCourt School of Public Policy. She uses mixed methods to examine socioeconomic inequality in education through three strands of work: evaluating equitable policies and practices, understanding people’s educational experiences as classed, and analyzing how socioeconomic status intersections with other social identities. She holds a BA from Emory University as well as an MA and a PhD from Stanford University, and she was most recently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins' Poverty and Inequality Research Lab. She loves all things books, board games, and puzzles.
Image of Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik
Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik
Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik is a postdoctoral researcher at the Universty of Cologne. She obtained her PhD from the University of Geneva in 2023, and has held visiting positions at the European University Institute and the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies. Her research interests include migration policies and politics in Europe, the links between trade and migration policy and the politics of the European Union.
Boris Nurdinov
Boris Nurdinov is MA student in the University of Siegen. His research and professional interests are democratisation, digital media, and citizens' attitudes and behaviour. Before starting his MA degree in Siegen, he worked in non-profit and research projects on civic education, foreign media influence and youth engagement.
Image of Xiaojuan Grace Yang
Xiaojuan Grace Yang
PhD candidate in international relations, doing research on global cyber governance.


All Participants

Image of Francesco Niccolò Moro
Francesco Niccolò Moro
Francesco Niccolò Moro is Professor of Political Science at the University of Bologna and Adjunct Professor of International Relations at the Johns Hopkins University-SAIS Europe. His research focuses on collective violence, with particular reference to the strategies and organizational features of armed groups (and organized crime), on the relationship between violence and governance, and on national security policies. Francesco is Head of Department and a member of Academic Senate and of the UNIBO Learning and Teaching Center.
Image of Giampiero Giacomello
Giampiero Giacomello
Giampiero Giacomello is Associate Professor of Political Science. His research interests include strategic theory (mostly Clausewitz), cybersecurity and wargaming and simulation. He has extensively published on all of these topics.
Image of Marco Albertini
Marco Albertini
Marco Albertini is Full Professor at the University of Bologna. His research interests focus on intergenerational relations; the consequences of separation and divorce; the comparative study of income inequality and social stratification; the consequences of childlessness; long-term care policies and ageing.
Image of Chiara Binelli
Chiara Binelli
Chiara Binelli received her Ph.D. in Economics from the University College London. She is Associate Professor of Economics in the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Bologna and Founder and Co-Director of the Center for Research and Social Progress ( Her early research focused on returns to schooling, quality of education, informal labor markets, social inequality, employment and earnings’ expectations. More recently, she has been working on using data science to address policy-relevant questions such as climate change. She has published in several international journals such as the Review of Economic Dynamics, Social Indicators Research, Economics of Education Review, and World Development.
Image of Matthew Loveless
Matthew Loveless
Matthew Loveless is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Bologna. He investigates how individuals make sense of politics in Europe, focusing on public opinion, media use, and perceptions.
Image of Paride Carrara
Paride Carrara
PhD student enrolled in the 36th cycle of the course in Political and Social Science. His research focuses on the causes and consequences of ideological ambiguity. Among his interests, there are intra-party politics and text analysis.
Image of Simon Luck
Simon Luck
Simon is a PhD student in Political Science at the University of Bologna. His research interests are political representation, democratic institutions, and media effects. He specialized in Computational Social Science, with a particular focus on NLP.
Image of Aidar Zinnatullin
Aidar Zinnatullin
Aidar Zinnatullin is a PhD student in the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Bologna. He studies how political discussions evolve in the context of authoritarian politics. In the research project, Aidar uses quantitative text analysis techniques and causal inference identification strategies.
Image of Franziska Pradel-Sınacı
Franziska Pradel-Sınacı
Franziska Pradel-Sınacı works as a post-doctoral researcher at the Chair of Digital Governance at the HfP/TU Munich. Prior to this position, she worked as a doctoral researcher at the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics at the University of Cologne (2018-2021). She wrote her thesis in political science on Biased political information in search engines and their effects. Her research interests include online political communication, especially investigating biases on online platforms and their effects on political attitudes, computational social science, and experiments.
Image of Laura Sartori
Laura Sartori
Laura Sartori is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Bologna. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Research from the University of Trento (2002) and, ever since, has worked on several topics related to the social and political implications of technology, from ICTs to AI. Current projects are about 1. Bias, inequalities and the social implications of AI, 2. Public perception of Artificial Intelligence, 2. the medical practice and the introduction of Automated Decision-making systems (ADMs), 3. Digital and sustainable lifestyle and novel forms of urban economy.
Image of Fabio Giglietto
Fabio Giglietto
Fabio Giglietto is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences, Humanities, and International Studies at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo. His research focuses on the interplay between digital media and societal transformations, particularly on how digital platforms influence public opinion and democratic processes. He is a prominent figure in the field of Internet Studies, known for his innovative use of advanced methodologies to study political communication on social media platforms.
Image of Étienne Ollion
Étienne Ollion
Étienne is Research Director at CNRS. He is also Professor of Sociology at l’École Polytechnique. His research focuses on contemporary politics (parliament, state, media). He integrates classic data sources and methods with digital approaches. Method-wise, his current work focuses on what can social sciences do with, and also for, Artificial Intelligence.
Image of Rubing Shen
Rubing Shen
Rubing Shen is a PhD Candidate in Sociology jointly at Sciences Po (Médialab) and at l’Institut polytechnique de Paris. His research focuses on the transformations of political journalism in France and in particular on the changes in the narrative framing of political news, leveraging both quantitative and computational methods
Image of Alessandra Casarico
Alessandra Casarico
Alessandra is an Associate Professor of Public Economics at Bocconi University and a member of the Dondena Research Center on Social Dynamics and Public Policy, where she coordinates the newly established Social Inclusion Lab (SILab). Her research relies on a mix of applied theory and empirical methods to explore policy-relevant issues. She uses administrative data to document the extent and explore drivers of gender inequality along the distribution, with a particular focus on the top and on the role of firms. Moreover, she studies the under-representation of women in elite occupations, focusing on politics and academia. To study the sources of inequality in the economics profession, she uses text as data and natural language processing tools to uncover sources of bias.
Image of Milena Tsvetkova
Milena Tsvetkova
Milena Tsvetkova is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Methodology. She completed her PhD in Sociology at Cornell University in 2015. Prior to joining LSE in 2017, she was a Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Social Science at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. Milena’s research interests lie in the fields of computational and experimental social science. She employs online experiments, network analysis, and agent-based models to study fundamental social phenomena such as cooperation, contagion, and inequality. Her current work investigates the structural conditions under which inequality emerges and worsens when individuals interact in large social groups. In collaboration with computer scientists, physicists, organizational scientists, and game developers, she is working on incorporating gamification to develop new methods for large-scale social interaction experiments online.
Image of Oltion Preka
Oltion Preka
Oltion Preka is a researcher and an adjunct professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Bologna. Through his course ‘Big Data for the Social Sciences’ he has involved many students of political sciences in learning how to leverage Python programming skills in their studies. He also has a long experience as a data scientist covering a broad range of areas (from data wrangling to machine learning, to natural language processing). His main interests concern the application of Deep Learning techniques, especially NLP, to make sense of text data in the social sciences.
Image of Tommaso Venturini
Tommaso Venturini
Tommaso is researcher at the CNRS Centre for Internet and Society, associate professor at the Medi@lab of the University of Geneva, and founder of the Public Data Lab. In 2017 and 2018, Tommaso has been researcher at the École Normale Supérieure of Lyon and recipient of the “Advanced Research” fellowship of the French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation. In 2016, he has been “digital methods lecturer” at the Department of Digital Humanities of King's College London. From 2009 to 2015, he has coordinated the research activities of the médialab of Sciences Po Paris.
Image of Marlene Hecht
Marlene Hecht
Marlene is a PhD student in Psychology at the Center for Adaptive Rationality at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin. Her research interests mainly lie at the intersection of social decision-making, information search, and digital media. Currently, she investigates the cognitive processes by which people form social judgments.
Image of Francesco Mattioli
Francesco Mattioli
Francesco is a PhD student in Social and Political Science at Bocconi University in Milan, where he previously obtained an MSc in Economic and Social Sciences. His research interests lie at the intersection of political economy and cultural economics. His doctoral research focuses on measuring novel dimensions of political selection through computational methods, and identifying their economic and political consequences in the context of macro-demographic changes using causal inference methods.
Image of Anna George
Anna George
Anna George is a Social Data Science PhD student at the University of Oxford who uses computational approaches to study online harms. Her research focuses on the message transmission of harmful online communities. Before joining the doctoral program at the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), Anna graduated with distinction from the OII’s MSc in Social Data Science. Anna holds an M.S. in Industrial/Organizational-Social Psychology and a B.S. in Psychology, Second Major in Sociology, and minor in Statistics.
Image of Márton Végh
Márton Végh
Márton Végh is a PhD student at Bocconi University's Department of Social and Political Sciences, interested in the nexus of political economy and political behavior. His research examines the political drivers and effects of global economic flows. Before starting his PhD, he worked at the European Central Bank and earned an MA from the Central European University.
Image of Rebecca Langella
Rebecca Langella
Rebecca is PhD is a Medical Research Council-funded PhD candidate based at the Great Ormond Street Institute for Child Health, currently working on large administrative datasets to explore inequalities in healthcare and social care provision in the UK. Her interest lies in disenfranchised and under-reported population, with a particular focus on unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASCs).
Image of Paul Drecker
Paul Drecker
Paul Drecker is a research assistant and doctoral student at the University of Münster. In his research, he uses methods of computational social science (network analyses, NLP) to study the polarisation of the climate policy debate
Image of Elisabeth Höldrich
Elisabeth Höldrich
Elisabeth Höldrich is a doctoral student at the University of Graz. With a background in theoretical and computational physics, her current research in computational social science examines the spread of conspiracy theories in online environments. Through the application of Natural Language Processing and topic modeling Elisabeth hopes to measure different characteristics of conspiracy narratives and identify which of these characteristics contribute to the popularity of a narrative.
Image of Maria Zuffova
Maria Zuffova
Mária Žuffová is a Research Fellow at the European University Institute. She holds a Ph.D. in Politics from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Her research interests include media freedom, politics of transparency, and gender representation and stereotypes. Her work has been published in journals such as the EPSR and IJPP.
Image of Gaetano Scaduto
Gaetano Scaduto
I am a PhD Student at the University of Milan-Bicocca, currently in visiting with the Media Movement and Politics group at the University of Antwerp. I do research in the fields of political communication, political psychology, and related. In my research I use both experimental and computational methods.
Image of Lorenzo Mattioli
Lorenzo Mattioli
Lorenzo Mattioli has a background in Economics, and is now a Master student in Politics and Social Policy at the University of Bologna.
Image of Stefano Sangiovanni
Stefano Sangiovanni
Stefano Sangiovanni is currently pursuing a PhD in Political Studies at the University of Milan. His research interests include political crises and scandals, intra-party politics, leadership, computational methods, and quantitative text analysis. He holds a BA in Sociology and an MA in Administration and Public Policy.
Image of Giuseppe Corbelli
Giuseppe Corbelli
Giuseppe Corbelli is a postdoctoral researcher at Sapienza University of Rome, and he is collaborating with Uninettuno University on several research projects. His research focuses on quantitative methods applied to the understanding of moral self-regulation and behavior. He is interested in the interplay between personality, cognitive dimensions, and manipulated information on social media.
Image of Faye-Marie Vassel
Faye-Marie Vassel
Faye-Marie Vassel is a STEM Equity and Inclusion Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Stanford University. Her research focuses on racial-ethnic and gender inequities in undergraduate STEM pathways, using mixed-methods to explore how marginalized students navigate STEM culture. She examines how students perceive the norms of Computational Sciences (CS) and how these perceptions influence their CS identity development and decision-making. Her work aims to enhance understanding of the social and political factors shaping equitable educational experiences for underrepresented students in CS.
Image of Lovisa Mundschenk
Lovisa Mundschenk
Lovisa is a PhD student at the University of Zurich at the Chair of Comparative Politics and Democratic Representation. In her research she focuses on political behaviour, climate change and democratic attitudes using quantitative methods. She holds degrees in political science and sustainability sciences from University of Mannheim and Leuphana University.
Image of Pietro Michael Lepidi
Pietro Michael Lepidi
Pietro Michael Lepidi is a PhD Candidate in Political and Social Sciences at the University of Bologna. He has broad interests in computational methods and studies of political representation in post-industrial democracies. His dissertation concerns electoral competition in Europe and its relationship with 'risk', both economic and environmental. Pietro earned a BA from LUISS University and an MPhil in European Politics and Society from the University of Oxford.


All Participants

Image of Inyang, Juliet John
Inyang, Juliet John

Inyang, Juliet is a co-founder of Academic Hive and an academic staff at the Department of Marketing, University of Calabar. Her research interest is in the areas of consumer culture, service innovation, process improvement, higher education, digital transformations and sustainable development. Specifically, she is interested in combining computational, quantitative and qualitative methods to unravel key insights about human behaviour in society. Juliet participated in the 2022 SICSS-Paris location.

Image of Grace Ihejiamaizu Paul-Anietie
Grace Ihejiamaizu Paul-Anietie

Grace Ihejiamaizu is a co-founder of Academic Hive and an academic staff (Lecturer II) at UNICAL. She is currently undertaking her PhD in North America. Her research interest is in improving the lives of women social entrepreneurs in Nigeria through employability, entrepreneurship and digital skills.

Image of Inyang, John Okiri
Inyang, John Okiri

John is a postgraduate student and early-career researcher with a keen interest in health economics, development economics, public sector economics and sustainable development research.

Image of Otobi, Augustine Ogbaji
Otobi, Augustine Ogbaji

Augustine is an avid researcher who loves to use computational tools to investigate the WHY, WHEN, WHERE and HOW of events, patterns and systems represented by numbers and other data structures. He is a PhD student in the department of Computer Science, and he specialize in Data Science/Artificial Intelligence. His research interests encompass a broad spectrum, including climate-related issues, fraud and risk prediction, expert systems, and distributed databases. Augustine actively contributes to advancing these fields, aiming to enhance understanding and application through rigorous exploration and education as a university lecturer. Augustine participated in the 2022 SICSS-Covenant location, further enriching his expertise and collaborative network in computational social science.

Image of Professor Bassey Igri Okon
Professor Bassey Igri Okon

Bassey Igri Okon is a Professor of Animal Science (specialization- Animal Production) and currently the Director of Research and Development at the University of Calabar. Bassey takes pleasure in guiding and facilitating trainings and group activities of young academics and researchers at the University of Calabar.

Image of Professor Enang Udah
Professor Enang Udah

Enang Udah is a Professor of Economics with expertise in Econometrics, Macro Economics and Development Economics. He is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and has served as a consultant to various local and international organizations including Cross River State government, EU-SRIP, NEWMAP, Tuning Africa project sponsored by the European Union in collaboration with the African Union.

Image of Professor (Mrs.) Grace Etuk
Professor (Mrs.) Grace Etuk

Grace Etuk is a Professor of Sociology and social works with an interest in women productivity and technological empowerment. She is currently the Head of the Department of Social Works and has served as a resource person to several professional and governmental bodies including the Nigerian Naval War College and the Niger Delta Development Commission.

Image of Elijah Appiah
Elijah Appiah

Elijah Appiah is an Economist and Data Scientist who loves using data to solve economic problems. With expertise in econometric modeling and data science, he has trained numerous students worldwide in the field of data science. Elijah is proficient in various data science tools, including but not limited to Python, R, SQL, Tableau, and TensorFlow, enabling him to employ advanced data analytics and machine learning techniques. He is currently a Ph.D. Economics student at the National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) in Bangkok, Thailand. Elijah has authored books, namely, “Data Analysis with R Programming” and “Simplified Mathematical Economics”.

Image of Joseph David
Joseph David

Joseph David is Research and Teaching Assistant at Lagos Business School, Pan-Atlantic University, Lagos. He is also a Research Associate at the Centre for Economic Policy and Development Research (CEPDeR), Nigeria. Joseph’s research interest revolves around development economics, public finance, corruption, energy economics, and the economics of crime (with a bias in money laundering). His current research focuses on determining the quantum, flows, and laundering of illicit funds associated with criminal and illegal activities such as grant corrupt practices, kidnapping, terrorism, and tax evasion, amongst others, in Nigeria, Africa, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Joseph participated in the 2022 SICSS-Covenant.

Image of Dr. Isaac Bassey
Dr. Isaac Bassey

Dr Isaac Bassey is a lecturer at the Cross River State College of Health Technology, Calabar. He holds a PhD in Computer Science (Software Engineering) with a bias in AI. Dr Isaac has over a decade of experience in the training of midlevel health professionals in computer programming and the use of computer applications such as SPSS, database management systems, etc. His research interests include Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Neural Networks and Software Development. He is a recipient of several scholarship awards including National Mathematics Center Scholarship, Chevron/NNPC Joint Venture Scholarship and Australia Awards Scholarship.

Image of John Adoga Oghlewu
John Adoga Oghlewu

John Adoga is an academic staff in the Department of Statistics at the University of Calabar. His research interests span through the areas of computational statistics, epidemiological modeling, and machine learning. Leveraging his expertise in mathematical, computational, and machine learning techniques, John is committed to generating data-driven insights and solutions to address complex epidemiological issues and public health challenges.

Image of Liwhuliwhe, James Unimke (In-person Participant)
Liwhuliwhe, James Unimke (In-person Participant)

Unimke is an early-career researcher and an academic staff of the Department of Economics, University of Calabar. He is passionate about tech and its various applications to human life, especially academic research. Hence, he is very much data driven. Professionally, he is keen on both primary research and secondary research tools as means of inferring valuable relationships within data in environmental and health economics, public sector economics, and development economics. He is a member of the Nigerian Economic Society (NES) and also a Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) scholar.

Image of Ireti Taiwo Olupo (In-person Participant)
Ireti Taiwo Olupo (In-person Participant)

Ireti Taiwo Olupo is an adjunct lecturer at the Department of Statistics, Yaba College of Technology. She is also a research (Ph.D.) student at the University of Lagos. Her research interest is in the area of statistical methods, data analysis and data science.

Image of Oba preye Inimiesi (In-person Participant)
Oba preye Inimiesi (In-person Participant)

Oba Preye Inimiesi is an academic staff member in the Department of Public Administration at the University of Africa, Toru-Orua, and equally a PhD student in Federal University Otuoke, all in Bayesa State. My research focuses on Criminal Sociology, using computational, quantitative, and qualitative methods to explore and uncover key insights into human criminal behavior in society.

Image of Dr. Esiobu Nnaemeka Success (In-person Participant)
Dr. Esiobu Nnaemeka Success (In-person Participant)

Dr. Nnaemeka is a seasoned expert in agricultural and climate change economics with over 7 years of field experience focusing on sustainable agriculture, climate change modeling, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission measurement, mitigation, and reduction in agrifood systems. He holds a PhD degree (distinction) in Agricultural Economics from Imo State University, Owerri, and he is a Post-Doc Scholar with IRRI.

Image of Olufemi Adebola Popoola (In-person Participant)
Olufemi Adebola Popoola (In-person Participant)

Olufemi Adebola Popoola is a Development expert with specialization in agricultural and applied economics. He is focused on analyzing policies and institutions affecting innovation, productivity growth, and transformation of agrifood systems. He has participated in several large-scale household and firm-level surveys.

Image of Ibe Anthony Ekene (In-person Participant)
Ibe Anthony Ekene (In-person Participant)

Anthony is a lecturer at the Department of Physics, British Canadian University, Obudu, Cross River State. He loves the use of computer and also delights in learning new tools that aid research. He is also a Ph.D. student at the University of Calabar, studying Groundwater Geophysics in the Department of Physics.

Image of Dr. Adeyemo Oyindamola Olajumoke (In-person Participant)
Dr. Adeyemo Oyindamola Olajumoke (In-person Participant)

Dr. Oyindamola Adeyemo is an economist and faculty lecturer at Hensard University, Bayelsa State. She holds a Doctorate in International Economics and has experience as an academic researcher and reviewer. She is dedicated to mentoring future economists, combining her academic rigour with practical industry expertise.

Image of Onche, Emmanuel Philip (In-person Participant)
Onche, Emmanuel Philip (In-person Participant)

ONCHE, EMMANUEL PHILIP is the CEO of Chief Lantis Ltd. A medical laboratory scientist and a data analyst who enjoys using data to draw conclusions and arrive at data driven decisions. He is a researcher and has a master's degree in medical laboratory science. He is a senior medical laboratory scientist at federal neuro psychiatric hospital and has a strong passion for computational biology and bioinformatics.

Image of Dr. Gloria Bassey Igri Okon (In-person Participant)
Dr. Gloria Bassey Igri Okon (In-person Participant)

Gloria Bassey Igri Okon is an Associate Professor of Culture and Civilization. She is a seasoned researcher and has facilitated trainings for academics and non-academics. Her current area of research is in the teaching of French for specific purposes (employability). She speaks English, French and Efik.

Image of Margaret Onwanyi Onoyom (In-person Participant)
Margaret Onwanyi Onoyom (In-person Participant)

Margaret Onwanyi Onoyom is an Assistant Lecturer and a PHD student in the Department of Economics, University of Calabar, Nigeria. Her research interest includes Demography and Population studies, Health Economics, Microeconomics and Development Economics.

Image of Inyali Moses Inyokwe (In-person Participant)
Inyali Moses Inyokwe (In-person Participant)

Inyali Moses is a Senior System Analyst with the University of Calabar where he currently utilizes basic and advanced analysis and design techniques to solve real-life problems using information technology. Moses is proficient in Data Analysis, Infodemics Management, Surveillance Systems, Project Management, Artificial Intelligence Essentials and Human Resources. He holds a passionate interest in Data Science, Computational Social Science, System Security and Artificial intelligence.

Image of Engr. Oliver Ibor Inah, PhD (In-person Participant)
Engr. Oliver Ibor Inah, PhD (In-person Participant)

Engr. Oliver Ibor Inah, PhD is a full-time academic at the University of Cross River State, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Where I teach a verity of Mechanical Engineering courses at both Undergraduate and Prostgraduate, and provide research supervision in the areas of manufacturing systems design improvement, industrial emissions pattern and improvement potential. Dr. Inah is a diligent researcher, with both qualitative, quantitative and anlytics skills, with over 11 publications in reputable internationalpeer reviewed journals. His research interest focuses on the development of accurate, dynamic models for energy consumption and emissions peak projections, which aligns with SDG goal 13.

Image of Eworo, Raymond E. (In-person Participant)
Eworo, Raymond E. (In-person Participant)

Raymond Eworo is an academic staff in the Department of Chemical Pathology, University of Calabar with over 14 years of experience in Research. Raymond is interested in the application of data science tools such as R, Bioconductor, machine learning, python, Tiny ML in the analysis, manipulation of high throughput genomic data and to complement multi-omics approaches in understanding pathological molecular maps in cancer and other human diseases.

Image of Etim-James, Grace Victor (In-person Participant)
Etim-James, Grace Victor (In-person Participant)

Grace Etim-James is a Master's degree holder in Media Studies from University of Calabar with a strong desire and plans to pursue a PhD in the nearest future. She is a novelist and a researcher with several published research papers on Institutional journals. She has a keen interest in gender equality, journalism and social media. Currently, she works as a secondary school teacher.

Image of Priscilla Chidinma Ogbonna (In-person Participant)
Priscilla Chidinma Ogbonna (In-person Participant)

Rev. Sister Chidinma is a Catholic Nun, a Public Health Professional, a teen mentor/girl-child advocate, and a PhD student in Environmental Health and Safety, Federal University of Technology, Owerri Imo State. She is a lecturer at the University of Africa Toru-Orua, Bayelsa State, and equally serves at the counseling unit of the student affairs division of the University. She has since distinguished herself in teaching, research, and mentorship. She has researched different aspects of Public/Environmental Health but has special interest in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs).

Image of Uduakobong Otu
Uduakobong Otu

Uduakobong Otu is a post graduate student in the university of Calabar studying marketing and his area of specialization is logistics and supply chain management. His research interests include research methodology, green packaging, inbound and outbound logistics among others. Uduakobong Otu is a quantitative data consultant for academic hive. As a free lance researcher and data analyst Uduakobong Otu has so much wealth of experience in research and quantitative data analysis.

Image of Odo George Obase
Odo George Obase

George is an enthusiastic and detail-oriented computer science undergraduate at the University of Calabar, with a strong passion for programming and data-driven solutions. His technical skills span a variety of programming languages and frameworks, including Python, R, JavaScript, Node.js, React, HTML, and CSS, which he has honed through several academic and personal projects. Gearge has been able to gather a lot of wealth of experience as an intern at Zoe-Sprout Technologies International, one of his notable projects includes development of a dynamic and user-friendly website for a consultancy firm in the United Kingdom and the development of a classical machine learning model. These projects and many others have improved his coding skills and system design principles in creating interactive platforms that meet both client and user needs. He is particularly drawn to the power of data science, and he enjoys exploring how data can be leveraged to drive innovation and solve complex problems. As he continues to grow in the field of computer science, he is eager to apply his skills in real-world projects, where he can share his knowledge with others while continuing to learn and improve. He believes in the importance of collaboration and he is always ready to contribute to a team effort.


All Participants

Image of Binglu Wang
Binglu Wang
Binglu Wang is a Ph.D. candidate in Management & Organizations (MORS) at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, with affiliations at the Center for Science of Science and Innovation (CSSI) and the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO). Her scholarly inquiry centers on Innovation & Science, Cross-Cultural Evaluation, and Social Networks. Employing computational methodologies alongside field experiments, her current research endeavors aim to understand how social learning mechanisms—such as observation, feedback, cooperation, and cultural transmission—facilitate or obstruct the processes of innovation incubation and evaluation within the realms of Science, Culture, and Entrepreneurship, drawing on large-scale archival and experimental data. She received her bachelor's degree in Information Management and Information Systems from Peking University in 2019. Binglu is also a 2021 SICSS alum.
Image of Ji Hae Choi
Ji Hae Choi
Ji Hae Choi is a Ph.D. student in Management & Organizations (MORS) at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, with affiliations at the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO).
Image of Yingdan Lu
Yingdan Lu
Yingdan Lu (PhD, Stanford University) is an Assistant Professor of Communication Studies in the School of Communication at Northwestern University. Her research focuses on digital technology, political communication, and information manipulation in authoritarian and democratic contexts. Her research employs both computational and qualitative methods to understand how authoritarian governments use digital media and artificial intelligence to maintain their rule, and how individuals experience visual media in different media environments. Her work has appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as Political Communication, New Media & Society, Human-Computer Interaction, Computational Communication Research, and among other peer-reviewed journals. For more information, see her website:
Image of Hancheng Cao
Hancheng Cao
Hancheng Cao is an incoming assistant professor at Emory University Goizueta Business School Information Systems & Operations Management Department. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft's Office of Applied Research. Hancheng works in the field of computational social science and human computer interaction, where he mines large-scale data, develops algorithms and builds systems to study the implications of technology on the future of work. His work has been recognized by three Best Paper (CHI 2023) or Honorable Mention (CSCW 2020, CHI 2021) awards at top venues. His work has been featured in the popular press including The New York Times, Wired, Forbes, New Scientist, TED. Hancheng obtained his Ph.D. in computer science (with a PhD minor in management science and engineering) from Stanford University, and his bachelor's degree in electronic engineering from Tsinghua University.
Image of Damon Centola
Damon Centola
Damon Centola is the Elihu Katz Professor of Communication, Engineering and Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania where he is Director of the Network Dynamics Group and a Senior Fellow at the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics. His research centers on social networks and behavior change. Damon’s work has received numerous awards including the Goodman Prize for Outstanding Contribution to Sociological Methodology in 2011; the James Coleman Award for Outstanding Research in Rationality and Society in 2017; and the Harrison White Award for Outstanding Scholarly Book in 2019.  He was a developer of the NetLogo agent based modeling environment, and was awarded a U.S. Patent for inventing a method to promote diffusion in online networks. He is a member of the Sci Foo community and Fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University. His work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Facebook, the National Institutes of Health, the James S. McDonnell Foundation, and the Hewlett Foundation. Popular accounts of Damon’s work have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Wired, TIME, The Atlantic, Scientific American and CNN, among other outlets.  His speaking and consulting clients include Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Cigna, the Smithsonian Institution, the American Heart Association, General Motors, the National Academies, the U.S. Army and the NBA. He is a series editor for Princeton University Press, and the author of How Behavior Spreads: The Science of Complex Contagions (Princeton, 2018), and Change: How to Make Big Things Happen (Little Brown, 2021).
Image of Solène Delecourt
Solène Delecourt
Solène Delecourt is an assistant professor in the Management of Organizations Group at the Haas School of Business. She earned her PhD at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. She also holds a master’s degree in Economics and Public Policy from Sciences Po Paris and École Polytechnique. Delecourt studies inequality in business performance using large-scale field experiments and novel survey data. Her research agenda focuses on what drives variation in profits across firms and how we could reduce inequality in business performance among entrepreneurs in different market settings, including India, Uganda, and the US.
Image of Matt Groh
Matt Groh
Matt Groh is a Donald P. Jacobs Scholar and Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations. His research examines the dynamics of human-AI collaboration in deepfake detection, medical diagnosis, and empathic communication. Professor Groh's research has been published in Proceedings on National Academy of Science (PNAS), Nature Medicine, Science, Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW), Affective Computing and Intelligence Interactions (ACII), and Communications of the ACM among other journals and conferences. His work has been featured in the popular press including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Science, Scientific American, NPR, Le Monde, Aeon, and Fast Company. Professor Groh received his BA from Middlebury College with a major in economics and minors in mathematics and Arabic and received his MA and PhD in Media Arts and Sciences from MIT.
Image of Manling Li
Manling Li
Manling Li is an assistant professor at the Computer Science department of Northwestern University and a postdoc at Stanford Vision and Learning Lab. She obtained her Ph.D. in Computer Science at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. At the core of her research in Knowledge Foundation Models, she aims to equip machines with factual knowledge extraction and reasoning from multimodal data (Language + X, where X can be images, videos, robotics, audio, etc). The ultimate goal of her research is to promote factuality and truthfulness in information access, through a structured knowledge view that is easily explainable, highly compositional, and capable of long-horizon reasoning. Her work on multimodal knowledge extraction won the ACL'20 Best Demo Paper Award, and the work on scientific information extraction from COVID literature won NAACL'21 Best Demo Paper Award. She was a recipient of Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship in 2021. She was selected as a DARPA Riser in 2022 (nominated by DARPA), and an EE CS Rising Star in 2022. She was awarded C.L. Dave and Jane W.S. Liu Award, and has been selected as a Mavis Future Faculty Fellow.
Image of Sameer Srivastava
Sameer Srivastava
Sameer B. Srivastava is the Ewald T. Grether Professor of Business Administration and Public Policy at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business and is also affiliated with UC Berkeley Sociology. His research uses computational methods to: (1) unpack the complex interrelationships between group culture, individual cognition, and interpersonal networks; and (2) examine how they jointly relate to individual attainment and organizational performance. He is Organizations Department Editor at Management Science and was previously a Senior Editor at Organization Science. Sameer co-directs the Berkeley Center for Workplace Culture and Innovation and the Berkeley-Stanford Computational Culture Lab. Sameer was previously a partner at a global management consultancy (Monitor Group; now Monitor Deloitte). He holds AB, AM, MBA, and PhD degrees from Harvard University.
Image of William Thompson
William Thompson
Will Thompson received a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Northwestern University in 2009, and has worked in both academia and industry as a data scientist specializing in computational linguistics. During 12 years at Motorola Labs, he developed software and algorithms for conversational dialog systems. He subsequently joined the Feinberg School of Medicine as a principle investigator and key contributor on several NIH grants for extracting information from clinical notes contained in large scale electronic medical record systems. He currently serves as Lead Computational Research Consultant for the Kellogg School of Management, guiding a team of computational specialists in support of faculty and graduate student research. Dr. Thompson has followed recent developments in large language models with great interest and has experience using them for multiple research projects at Kellogg.
Image of Brian Uzzi
Brian Uzzi
Brian Uzzi is the Richard L. Thomas Professor of Leadership at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He also co-directs the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO), and holds professorships in Sociology and the McCormick School of Engineering. He has been on or visited the faculties of INSEAD, Chicago, Harvard, and Berkeley. His work has received 17 teaching prizes and 15 scientific research prizes worldwide in the social, physical, and computer sciences. His research uses social network science and computational methods to explain outstanding human achievement.
Image of Rob Voigt
Rob Voigt
Rob Voigt is an assistant professor of linguistics and computer science (by courtesy) at Northwestern University, where he directs the Linguistic Mechanisms Lab. He is interested in natural language processing, social meaning, sociophonetics and interactional variation, Chinese and Japanese linguistics, gesture and embodiment, and applications of linguistic research to social good. He is particularly interested in using computational methods to understand the linguistic mechanisms of social problems. Professor Voigt received his PhD in Linguistics from Stanford in 2019, where he was a postdoctoral scholar in Computer Science in 2020.
Image of Dashun Wang
Dashun Wang
Dashun Wang is a Professor at the Kellogg School of Management and McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University. At Kellogg, he is the Founding Co-Director of the Ryan Institute on Complexity and the Founding Director of the Center for Science of Science and Innovation (CSSI). He is also a core faculty at the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO). His current research focus is on Science of Science, a quest to turn the scientific methods and curiosities upon ourselves, hoping to use and develop tools from complexity sciences and artificial intelligence to broadly explore the opportunities for innovation and promises of prosperity offered by the recent data explosion in science. Dashun is a recipient of multiple awards for his research and teaching, including the AFOSR Young Investigator award, Poets & Quants Best 40 Under 40 Professors, Complex Systems Society’s Junior Scientific Award, the Erdos-Renyi Prize, Thinkers50 Radar, and more.
Image of Nandini Banerjee
Nandini Banerjee
Nandini Banerjee is a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science and Engineering department at the University of Notre Dame. With a keen interest in the intersection of technology and human behavior, Nandini's research focuses on studying disruption in citation networks to understand how scientific knowledge evolves and how innovation is fostered within academic communities. Her work aims to unravel the complexities of scientific collaboration, particularly by understanding the characteristics and dynamics of scientific teams. Beyond her academic pursuits, Nandini likes to dabble in art in different mediums.
Image of Mitali Banerjee
Mitali Banerjee
Mitali Banerjee is an Assistant Professor in the Strategy & Organizations department at the McGill Desautels Faculty of Management. Her research uses tools from computer vision, natural language processing and social network analysis in unique empirical contexts such as modern and jazz to examine the valuation of creative production. Her work has been published in the Academy of Management Journal and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. She completed her Ph.D. in Management from Columbia University. She graduated Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa with a double major in Mathematics (BS) and Economics (BA) from the University of Rochester.
Image of Pietro Bonaccorsi
Pietro Bonaccorsi
Pietro Bonaccorsi is a PhD candidate in Strategic Management at the University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management. His research interests revolve around the social underpinnings of creativity and innovation – with a particular attention to the generation and evaluation of novelty in creative industries, and the intersection of networks and culture. Pietro holds undergraduate and Masters' degrees in Economics from the University of Pisa and the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies.
Image of Christian Caballero
Christian Caballero
Christian Caballero is a Political Science PhD student at the University of California, Berkeley. His research focuses on American politics and political behavior. In particular, he studies the ways in which social networks influence processes of political persuasion and how political ideologies develop within subcultures. He holds a B.A. in Political Science and Sociology from New York University.
Image of Liang Cai
Liang Cai
Liang Cai is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Chicago (expected to graduate spring 2025). His research interest centers on how human behaviors are shaped by social and physical contexts and how causally relevant contexts should be defined. His recent work has explored activity space exposures, income segregation around the clock, and spatio-temporal patterns of crime. His ongoing projects examine 1. the spatial decision-making process and its social context in activity space, 2. how mobility patterns factor into individuals' rural/urban living experiences, and 3. how social scientists can leverage computer vision AI to decipher local social ecology from street view images. My work integrates perspectives from urban sociology, decision science, geography, criminology, data science, and more.
Image of Likun Cao
Likun Cao
Hi! I am Likun, a Ph.D. student in sociology at the University of Chicago. I am a member of Knowledge Lab, advised by Professor James Evans. My current work focuses on science & technology innovation and its social impacts. I am curious about the social and organizational conditions by which new things emerge and evolve, and how innovations influence business competition and social structures.
Image of Lautaro Cella
Lautaro Cella
Lautaro Cella is a PhD Candidate in Political Science at the University of Chicago, specializing in comparative politics and quantitative methods. His research interests include comparative political behavior, redistributive politics, and democratic erosion, with a regional focus on Latin America. His dissertation examines the determinants of anti-establishment attitudes and protest behavior among voters. His research employs survey experiments, semi-structured interviews, and text-as-data methods.
Image of Rochana Chaturvedi
Rochana Chaturvedi
I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Natural Language Processing Lab, University of Illinois Chicago. My research focuses on understanding the latent patterns in evolving textual narratives with applications such as modeling individual health trajectories using clinical notes from multiple patient visits. I combine these notes with structured data and medical knowledge graphs for precise modeling. I also examine temporal trends in polarization based on the content people post online and how to reduce it to foster healthier communities.
Image of Jinkyong Choi
Jinkyong Choi
Jin Choi is a Ph.D candidate at Columbia Business School. She is interested in innovation and entrepreneurship.
Image of Ross Dahlke
Ross Dahlke
Ross Dahlke is a fourth-year PhD Candidate at Stanford University in the Department of Communication where he is also a Knight-Hennessy Scholar and Data Science Scholar. He will be an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Journalism and Mass Communication in January 2025.
Image of Hongbo Fang
Hongbo Fang
Hongbo Fang obtains his PhD from the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, and will soon join the University of Chicago as a postdoctoral scholar. During his PhD, he studies networks of open-source software developers and explores innovation and sustained participation in open-source context. He is also broadly interested in the general topics of computational social science, science of science and innovation.
Image of Brandon Freiberg
Brandon Freiberg
I'm a Ph.D. candidate at Columbia University. My work lies at the intersection of behavioral strategy, entrepreneurship and innovation. For example, my research has investigated the relationships between founder personality traits and startup success, social movements and venture investor behavior, political polarization and startup hiring, and natural disasters and support for green technologies. I often use a combination of computational and econometric approaches in my research, but have also conducted experiments and am open to whatever methodology best suits the research question or phenomenon. I'm also excited by complexity and collective information processing.
Image of David Gamba
David Gamba
Hi, I'm David Gamba, a second-year Ph.D. student in Information Science at the University of Michigan, working with Daniel Romero and Grant Schoenebeck. My research explores the interplay between individual choices and collective phenomena, focusing on political polarization, social preferences, and ideological bubbles. I aim to understand how personal actions influence and are influenced by group behaviors and community decision-making. Using network science perspectives and mechanism design, I analyze these complex dynamics. Additionally, I am interested in examining the limits of addressing issues such as polarization at both the individual and collective levels.
Image of Fatima Gaw
Fatima Gaw
Fatima Gaw is a Media, Technology and Society PhD student at Northwestern University University, working with Dr. Erik C. Nisbet and in the Center for Communication and Public Policy. She investigates how digital media logics, platforms, and ecosystems shape contemporary politics, with a focus on the Global South. Her research focuses on the cross-platform analyses of propaganda, disinformation, and elections on social media using computational methods and qualitative field methods. Fatima has a Master’s degree in Digital Communication and Culture from the University of Sydney, and a Bachelor’s degree in Broadcast Communication from the University of the Philippines.
Image of Mengdi Huang
Mengdi Huang
Mengdi is a third-year PhD candidate in Social Psychology at Northwestern University. Her interests lie at the intersection of self, social network, and psychological well-being. Specifically, she is curious about how group experiences can shape and be shaped by our identities and self-concepts.
Image of Bekhzod Khoshimov
Bekhzod Khoshimov
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Wisconsin Institute of Discovery at UW-Madison. Incoming assistant professor at New York University Abu Dhabi. In my research, I study determinants of early-stage entrepreneurial success and factors that affect the supply of entrepreneurs in society. Before my Ph.D., I did a master’s in Economics at the University of Wisconsin and a bachelor’s in Applied Mathematics at Nanyang Technological University.
Image of Yuhan Li
Yuhan Li
Yuhan Li is a Ph.D. student in Communication and Media at the University of Michigan. Her research focuses on science communication and computational social science. She uses computational (including analysis of texts, visuals, and audio data) and experimental methods to study public understanding of science (e.g., climate change, scientists) and technologies (e.g., AI, social media affordances) and how people's understandings of science drive their perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors toward risks.
Image of Zihang Lin
Zihang Lin
Zihang Lin is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences at the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University, with affiliations at Kellogg Center for Science of Science & Innovation (CSSI) and Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO). His research interests encompass computational social science, science of science, and innovation. Recently, his endeavors have been concentrated on extensive data analyses with advanced deep learning techniques, in a quest to achieve a deeper understanding of science and innovation, especially in accelerating the translational impact and bridging the gap from previous scientific knowledge to tomorrow's technological breakthroughs.
Image of Nyx Ng
Nyx Ng
Nyx L. Ng is a Social-Personality Psychology PhD candidate at the University of Texas at Austin. Her primary lines of research seek to uncover the mechanisms underlying (a) moral judgments and perceptions and (b) susceptibility to misinformation. Her recent works examine moral misperceptions and partisan biases in truth judgments as potential sources of political polarization in the United States. Her research primarily employs computational modeling approaches and involves conducting lab and online studies using observational and experimental methods. Nyx earned her MSc from University College London and BBM from Singapore Management University, and she is a recipient of the University of Texas at Austin’s University Graduate Continuing Fellowship.
Image of Charlotte O'Herron
Charlotte O'Herron
Charlotte O’Herron is a Doctoral Student in Sociology & Social Policy at Harvard University. Her research interests include labor market inequality, gender, race, and culture. Before starting her Ph.D., Charlotte received a Master in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School.
Image of Katherine O'Toole
Katherine O'Toole
In my research, I investigate how technological affordances can facilitate creativity for both individuals and groups. My work aims to develop computational models of the processes involved in collective creativity and cultural evolution, and to examine Human-Computer Interaction in order to identify ways in which technology can be leveraged to support creativity both in individual and collaborative settings. In my work, I utilize data science, machine learning, statistical modeling, and social network analysis to explore the multifaceted dimensions of human-computer interactions and to identify ways to design technical tools and platforms that can support creative expression and collaboration, with a particular focus on music. I am particularly interested in examining the dynamics of co-creative behaviors within socio-technical systems, and my work leverages digital trace data to investigate how distributed creativity emerges as individuals extend and build on existing knowledge within a domain.
Image of Haohan Shi
Haohan Shi
Haohan Shi is a Ph.D. student in the Media, Technology, and Society program at Northwestern University. At Northwestern, he collaborates in the Lab on Innovation, Networks, and Knowledge under the guidance of Dr. Agnes Horvat. He is broadly interested in the science of science, retraction, online democracy, misinformation, computational social science, and AI for social good. His work focuses on advancing online scholarly communication and promoting the democratization of science through digital science dissemination. He holds an M.A. in Computational Social Science from the University of Chicago and a B.S. in Mathematics/Computer Science and Psychology/Linguistics from Emory University.
Image of Hui Sun
Hui Sun
I am an assistant professor at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. My research focuses on cognitive and communicative mechanisms in strategy-making, organization design, and social network mobilization.
Image of Jung Hyo Sun
Jung Hyo Sun
Jung-Hyo is a doctoral student in management at INSEAD. His research focuses on the adoption and uses of technological innovations through the lenses of organization theory. He is particularly interested in understanding when and how firms use social media to achieve multiple functional goals, applying computational methods and using Twitter as an empirical context. Before pursuing his PhD, he worked in the R&D center of an automobile company, where he gained industry experiences. In addition to his academic interests, he enjoys playing European football and riding bikes.
Image of Shinan Wang
Shinan Wang
Shinan Wang is a doctoral student in Management and Organization and Sociology at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. She is currently exploring how broad societal factors—such as social structure, networks, and culture—shape micro-level labor market practices, including organizational job design and individual careers. She is also interested in understanding how these factors contribute to workplace inequality. Currently, she is working on projects examining the influence of social trust, kinship, and nationalism on cross-country differences in labor market practices. Before graduate school, she was a research associate at Harvard Business School, studying organizational inequality. She earned an M.P.P from the University of Chicago and a B.A. from Brandeis University.
Image of Xi Wang
Xi Wang
Xi Wang is a fourth-year Ph.D student in Sociology at Northwestern University and is currently training at the Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute. She is broadly interested in the culture and institution of mental health, especially in a transnational context. Focusing on the post-licensure context of psychotherapy in China, she examines how social actors re-professionalize the field through various forms of expertise. Her dissertation explores the professional jurisdiction of psychoanalysis and its connection to social modernity, examining why psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy are intellectually prominent but clinically marginalized in contemporary China through psychoanalytic training programs co-taught by indigenous practitioners and Western therapists.
Image of Tingting Zhang
Tingting Zhang
Dr. Tingting Zhang is an assistant professor at the School of Labor and Employment Relations at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Her research within industrial relations focuses on the role of information communication technology (ICT), such as social media, in labor movements and union renewal.
Image of Jessica Zier
Jessica Zier
Jessica (Jessi) is a PhD student in the Media, Technology and Society program at Northwestern University. Her research focuses on the psychology of persuasion, (mis)information processing, and human communication behaviors in the context of digital and algorithmic systems. She holds a BSc in Cognitive Neuroscience (Minerva University) and MA in Digital Communication (Vrije Universiteit Brussel/University of Salzburg).
Image of Yanling Zhao
Yanling Zhao
Yanling Zhao is a doctoral student in the Media, Technology, and Society program at School of Communication, Northwestern University and a member of the Center for Communication & Public Policy research lab. Her research centers on political communication, public opinion, and political behavior with an emphasis on new technology and digital media. Yanling employs a range of methodological approaches in her scholarship, including computational, survey, and experimental methods. Yanling is also a 2023 SICSS alum.
Image of Jiahui Xue
Jiahui Xue
Jiahui Xue is currently a pre-doctoral fellow and a research assistant at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, with affiliation at the Center for Science of Science and Innovation (CSSI). He is interested in computational social science and his research focuses on the unintended inequality of different ethnicities resulting from gender diversity promotion in cross-cultural contexts. He is expected to receive bachelor's degree in management information system from Peking University in July 2025
Image of Yi Ming Ng
Yi Ming Ng
Yi Ming is a Ph.D. student in Sociology and Management & Organizations at Northwestern University. His research investigates the institutional change processes around hybrid organizations, corporations that combine profit and purpose, through cultural, valuational, and interactional perspectives. This work has received awards, including the 2024 SSSP Best Paper Award in Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation, while earlier work is published in Nature Climate Change and Parliamentary Affairs. Yi Ming is a 2021 SICSS-Helsinki alumnus.


All Participants

Image of Andrés Abeliuk
Andrés Abeliuk
Andrés Abeliuk is an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile and a researcher at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence (CENIA). His research studies the relationship between algorithms and humans in social computing systems, applying machine learning models, optimization, game theory, and online experiments to drive collective behavior toward more efficient social outcomes. In 2016, he received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Melbourne, Australia. His thesis was on the optimality and predictability of socially influenced online markets.
Image of Pablo Beytía
Pablo Beytía
Pablo Beytía is an adjunct professor of digital society and computational social science at the Institute of Sociology of the Catholic University of Chile. He holds a Ph.D. from the Humboldt University of Berlin and is the director of Monitor Social (, a company dedicated to creating systems that report real-time social indicators. His research focuses on how digital platforms frame information about humans, creating content inequalities that favor specific social groups. Pablo’s research interests include digital discourse, open knowledge, platform power, digital social memory, and artificial intelligence for social data reporting.
Image of Cristian Candia
Cristian Candia
Cristian Candia is a researcher in computational social science. He is an Assistant Professor and the Director of the Computational Social Science Research Lab (CRISS-LAB) at the Universidad del Desarrollo in Chile, and an External Faculty member at the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO), Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. Cristian holds a PhD in Social Complexity Science, having conducted his doctoral research thesis at the MIT Media Lab, with additional research roles at the Center for Complex Networks Research (CCNR) at Northeastern University and Harvard Medical School, as well as at Central European University (CEU). His research integrates data science with human behavior theories to address issues like collective intelligence, school coexistence, and digital democracy. He has secured funding for key projects through ANID-FONDECYT Initiation and FONDEF grants, linking academia, public policy, and industry to promote social innovation. Cristian has also developed digital tools such as Lixandra, discolab, and Capybara, applying AI and network science to real-world challenges. His work has been published in top journals like Nature Human Behaviour.
Image of Hernán Sarmiento
Hernán Sarmiento
Hernán Sarmiento is a Senior Data Scientist at Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD). He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile. His interests include social network analysis using data mining, machine learning and NLP approaches applied to several topics, such as crisis informatics, polarization, and disinformation.
Image of Gabriela Arriagada
Gabriela Arriagada
Gabriela Arriagada holds a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, a Master of Science in Philosophy and Ethics from the University of Edinburgh, and a PhD in Philosophy with a specialization in AI ethics from the Interdisciplinary Applied Ethics Centre at the University of Leeds, UK. She is currently an Assistant Professor of AI and Data Ethics with a joint appointment at the Institute for Applied Ethics and the Institute for Mathematical and Computational Engineering at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She is also a junior researcher at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence (CENIA) in Chile and serves as the Latin American Lead for the World Ethical Data Foundation (WEDF). Her recent projects include the development of a sociotechnical methodology to identify biases in AI models, the creation of an ethical framework for technology transfer projects at CENIA, and a gender-based diagnostic of AI applications in healthcare in Chile
Image of Eduardo Graells-Garrido
Eduardo Graells-Garrido
Eduardo Graells-Garrido is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science in the University of Chile (Chile) and a Young Researcher at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence (Chile). His areas of expertise are urban informatics, information visualisation, and computational social science.
Image of César Hidalgo
César Hidalgo
César A. Hidalgo is a Chilean-Spanish-American scholar known for his contributions to economic complexity, data visualization, and applied artificial intelligence. Hidalgo leads the Center for Collective Learning (CCL), a multidisciplinary research group at the Toulouse School of Economics and Corvinus University of Budapest. Between 2010 and 2019 Hidalgo led MIT’s Collective Learning group, and prior to that, he was a research fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Hidalgo is also a founder of Datawheel, an award winning company specialized in the creation of data distribution and visualization systems such as the Observatory of Economic Complexity ( He holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Notre Dame and a Bachelor in Physics from Universidad Católica de Chile. He is the author of dozens of peer-reviewed papers and of three books: Why Information Grows (Basic Books, 2015), The Atlas of Economic Complexity (MIT Press, 2014), and How Humans Judge Machines (MIT Press, 2021). His upcoming book, The Infinite Alphabet (Penguin-Random House, 2025) explores the principles governing the growth, diffusion, and valuation of knowledge.
Image of Marcelo Mendoza
Marcelo Mendoza
Marcelo Mendoza received his master's degree in informatics from the Federico Santa María Technical University, Chile, and his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Chile. He held a postdoctoral position at Yahoo Research. He is currently a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. He is a founder and former President of the Chilean Association for Pattern Recognition. He is currently principal researcher at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence and Associate Researcher at the Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data. His research has addressed the relationship between the stance of Twitter users and the veracity of their messages, the design and implementation of automated predictive model for fake news, the possibilities and limitations of sentiment analysis models on social networks, the relationships between opinion dynamics and political election outcomes, analysis of television media bias using NLP, the predictive power of reactions from Twitter users to infer earthquake damage levels, the use of the transformer architecture's self-attention mechanisms for stance classification, the develop of bot detection methods based on network features, and the predictive capacities of graph neural networks to anticipate controversy in social media conversation threads.
Image of María Paz Raveau
María Paz Raveau
María Paz Raveau es PhD en Ciencias de la Complejidad Social (UDD). Sus intereses de investigación se enmarcan en la ciencia política, particularmente en la democracia deliberativa y la economía política. Ello desde un enfoque de las ciencias sociales computaciones, con énfasis en el procesamiento de lenguaje natural. Participó en la sistematización de datos del proyecto Tenemos que Hablar de Chile y de otras consultas ciudadanas y procesos constituyentes. Además, es PhD en Ciencias de la Ingeniería (PUC), donde trabajó con sistémicas dinámicos en aplicaciones de acústica oceanográfica. Ha desarrollado proyectos de investigación y consultoría en acústica oceanográfica y acústica pesquera.
Image of Juan Reutter
Juan Reutter
Juan is an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science and the institute for Mathematical Engineering and Computing of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and is the director of the Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD). His research interest has to do with mathematical foundations of data management, web data and data science. Juan received his PhD at the University of Edinburgh in 2013, and his thesis was awarded the BCS distinguished dissertation award. Juan's work has been also recognized with the Cor Baayen Young Researcher Award, and best paper awards at PODS 2011, ISWC 2019 and an outstanding paper award at ICLR 2022.
Image of Gonzalo Ruz
Gonzalo Ruz
Gonzalo A. Ruz is an electrical engineer with a master's degree in electrical engineering from Universidad de Chile and a PhD from Cardiff University, UK. He is a professor and director of the PhD in Data Science at the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences of Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. He is also the director of the Millennium Nucleus for Social Data Science (SODAS). His lines of research include machine learning, evolutionary computation, data science, gene regulatory network modeling, and complex systems.
Image of Magdalena Saldaña
Magdalena Saldaña
Magdalena Saldaña is associate professor in the School of Communications at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, where she teaches topics related to social media and news, digital journalism, and research methods. She is also associate director of the Center for the Study of Media, Public Opinion, and Politics in Chile, MEPOP, and associate researcher at Chile’s Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data, IMFD. Her research looks at information disorders in digital environments, such as misinformation, uncivil language, and hate speech. She holds a B.A. in Journalism and an M.A. in Social Research, both from Universidad de Concepción, Chile, and a PhD in Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin, USA.
Image of Mauricio Salgado
Mauricio Salgado
Mauricio Salgado is a researcher at the Centro de Estudios Públicos (Chile). His work focuses on three areas: the social antecedents of individual behavior, the modeling of social dynamics through computational methods, and contemporary social theory, particularly analytical sociology. He holds a Ph.D. in Computational Sociology from the University of Surrey (UK) and completed postdoctoral research at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain). Mauricio has led and contributed to various research projects and published around thirty articles in journals such as Social Science Research, Sociological Forum, Theoretical Biology, and Journal of Artificial Societies, Social Simulation, Advances in Complex Systems, and School Effectiveness and School Improvement. He has also taught undergraduate and graduate courses on statistical methods, economic sociology, computational social sciences, and contemporary social theory.
Image of Adolfo Fuentes
Adolfo Fuentes
Adolfo Fuentes Jofré is a Ph.D. candidate in Social Complexity Science at Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile, where he lectures on Network Science in the Master in Data Science program. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and a Master of Science in Engineering from Universidad Diego Portales, as well as a Master’s degree in Data Science from Universidad del Desarrollo. Additionally, he has completed diplomas in Business Intelligence, Cognitive Neuroscience, and Big Data Analytics. With over a decade of professional experience, Adolfo specializes in actionable predictive modeling, leveraging Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques for user behavior prediction, segmentation, and personalization. His work spans industries such as retail and services, focusing on Marketing, Commercial Strategy, and Customer Care. Adolfo’s research intersects computational social science and artificial intelligence, exploring political polarization and the quantification of mass political ideology through innovative AI algorithms. His current work aims to develop frameworks for autonomous decision-making systems, contributing to the foundation of a digital democracy.
Image of Ignacio Ormazabal
Ignacio Ormazabal
Ignacio Ormazábal is a physicist and postdoctoral researcher at the Computational Research in Social Sciences Laboratory, UDD. With experience studying complex systems and interdisciplinary applications of statistical physics, he researches political polarization through data analysis, complex networks, and human behavior experiments.
Image of Jorge Ortiz
Jorge Ortiz
Jorge Ortiz Fuentes is a specialist in artificial intelligence and natural language processing, with a background in linguistics and a Master's degree in Computer Science. He currently works as a Machine Learning Engineer at LATAM Airlines, focusing on improving and deploying machine learning models and implementing solutions with generative artificial intelligence. Additionally, he has contributed to open source projects, such as the creation of language models trained in Chilean Spanish and the development of NLP tools.
Image of Felipe Urrutia
Felipe Urrutia
Felipe Urrutia is a double-degree candidate in Mathematical Engineering and a Master's in Computer Science at the University of Chile. He serves as a research assistant at the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (CENIA), where his current research focuses on the expressivity and limitations of transformers, the backbone of the most relevant architectures for large language models. Felipe was a collaborator on both editions of the first Latin American Index of Artificial Intelligence (ILIA) and has served as an assistant professor, teaching courses on sociotechnical algorithms in social networks and fairness in machine learning. His academic contributions include Q1 journal publications in the intersection of education and computation, as well as an A*-level conference publication on explainability in natural language processing.


All Participants

Image of Danielle Sanches
Danielle Sanches
Danielle Sanches is a professor at FGV ECMI and a PhD in History of Science at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in cooperation with the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/FioCruz. She currently works on Digital Methods, focusing on the influence of the algorithm culture on social practices.
Image of Denisson Silva
Denisson Silva
Denisson holds a PhD in Political Science (UFMG), a Master's degree in Sociology and is a Social Scientist (UFAL). He has experience in Political Science, working mainly on the following themes: political parties, party migration, electoral results, and campaign financing. Researcher at the Center for Legislative Studies (CEL/UFMG), the Citizenship and Public Policy Group (UFAL), and research fellow at EMCI-FGV.
Image of Maria Sirleidy Cordeiro
Maria Sirleidy Cordeiro
Maria Sirleidy Cordeiro is a PhD and Master in Linguistics at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). She completed part of her PhD program in Portugal at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). She is a professor at FGV ECMI and a member of the research group on Communication, Society and Digital Media (FGV). She works in the areas of cognitive linguistics, critical discourse analysis and public policy analysis, investigating processes of meaning, ideologies and power relations imbricated in text and discourse.
Image of Paulo Fonseca
Paulo Fonseca
Dr. Fonseca, with a Ph.D. in Sociology focusing on the Social Impacts of Science and Technology, began his academic career with a Bachelor's in Physics, laying the groundwork for his interdisciplinary approach. He is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), within the Institute of Science, Technology, and Innovation (ICTI), and a member of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Culture and Society. His experience includes a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the Science, Technology, and Society (STS) program at Harvard University and a current role as a Visiting Professor at the School of Communication, Media, and Information of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (ECMI/FGV). His work intersects critical analysis of technological innovation with interdisciplinary research methodologies.
Image of Polyana Barbosa
Polyana Barbosa
Polyana Barboza is a professor working with data extraction and analysis on social networks at FGV ECMI. She has a major in Applied Mathematics at the School of Applied Mathematics of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EMAp) and is a Master in Computer Science at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Her main lines of research are Social Network Analysis in Digital Media and Multi-agent Systems in Software Engineering.
Image of Elias Bitencourt
Elias Bitencourt
Elias Bitencourt is an Associate Professor in the Department of Design at Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB). He holds a Ph.D. in Communication from FACOM/UFBA and a Master's in Culture and Society from IHAC/UFBA. He was a visiting researcher at the Milieux Center (Concordia University, Canada, 2019) and currently leads the Datalab/Design at UNEB: a center for research and development in data visualization and digital methodologies. His research focuses on data visualization, algorithmic mediation in daily social life, platform studies, digital practices, and imagination. He also collaborates with the Inova Media Lab (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and the international Public Data Lab research network.
Image of Eurico Mattos
Eurico Mattos
Eurico Matos is a PhD and Master in Contemporary Communication and Culture at the Bahia Federal University. He coordinates the Digital Communication undergraduate course at FGV ECMI and is a researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology in Digital Democracy (INCT.DD). He carries out research on topics such as digital government, political communication, online hate speech and mobile app studies.
Image of Jess Reia
Jess Reia
Jess Reia is an Assistant Professor of Data Science at the University of Virginia, a 2024 Visiting Scholar at Fudan University and a 2024-2025 Non-Resident Fellow at the Center for Democracy & Technology in Washington, D.C. Before joining UVA, they were appointed Mellon Postdoctoral Researcher at McGill University and BMO Fellow at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal in Canada. Reia held a two-year mandate as a member of MTL 24/24's first Night Council in Montreal, providing guidance on data collection and open data practices for the night-time economy ecosystem. From 2011 to 2019, Reia worked at the Center for Technology & Society at FGV Law School in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, leading projects on access to knowledge, privacy and smart cities in Latin America and BRICS. They work primarily on data justice, urban governance, and technology policy transnationally.
Image of Leandro Becker
Leandro Becker
Leandro Becker is a journalist with 20 years of experience in reporting, editing, and managing teams and projects in print journalism, radio, TV, communication consultancy, and digital journalism. He has worked in major national newsrooms, including Zero Hora, NSC TV (a Globo Network affiliate), and Globo Rural, covering areas such as politics, economy, agribusiness, international affairs, and sports. Currently, he is the Editor-in-Chief of Journalism at Lupa.
Image of Leonardo Nascimento
Leonardo Nascimento
Leonardo F. Nascimento is a professor at the Federal University of Bahia. As the Digital Humanities Laboratory (LABHDUFBA) coordinator, he has contributed to research in digital sociology, digital humanities, and computational social science. He is the author of the book “Sociologia Digital: uma breve introdução - EDUFBA – 2020”. In his current research, he is collaborating with InternetLab, UFSC, and AI for Society on a project investigating the intersection of instant messengers and political violence and utilizing a combination of natural language processing (NLP) techniques and mixed qualitative approaches, including discourse analysis and online ethnography.
Image of Lucas Roberto
Lucas Roberto
Lucas Roberto da Silva is a professor and researcher at the School of Communication, Media and Information at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV ECMI), where he works on data extraction and analysis of social networks. He has a major in Mathematics at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) and is a Master in Computer Science at the Department of Informatics in PUC-Rio. His main lines of research are Analysis of Social Networks and Natural Language Processing.
Image of Mateus Pestana
Mateus Pestana
Matheus Pestana is a professor at the School of Communication, Media, and Information at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV ECMI), a researcher at the Institute for Religious Studies (ISER), and a member of the New Illegalisms research group (GENI/UFF). He is a PhD Candidate in Political Science at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), where he also earned his Master's degree in the same field. His current research focuses on the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and politics/public opinion. He has interests in computer vision, large language models (LLMs), speech recognition, and image detection/segmentation.
Image of Alcindor Antonio Diniz de Oliveira
Alcindor Antonio Diniz de Oliveira
Toni Oliveira is a professor of 'Electronics for the Arts' at CECULT, affiliated with UFRB. He is an experienced musician and a research artist focused on new open-source digital technologies and computer programming contextualized in artistic environments. He holds an Interdisciplinary Bachelor's degree in Humanities with a Concentration Area in Art and Contemporary Technologies from IHAC/UFBA. He obtained his Master's degree from the Multidisciplinary Graduate Program in Culture and Society with the thesis: 'The source code in symbolic context in computational art: an overview of the relationship between software and culture.' He is currently a doctoral candidate in the same program, with the research topic: 'Written culture in machine code.'
Image of Bianca Melo
Bianca Melo
Master's student in Information Science and bachelor in Journalism from the Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal). She works as an assistant researcher at the Laboratory of Internet and Social Network Studies (NetLab) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), focusing on studies about socio-environmental disinformation.
Image of Branco Di Fátima
Branco Di Fátima
Branco Di Fátima holds a PhD in Communication Sciences from the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE). Currently, he is a contracted junior researcher at LabCom – University of Beira Interior (UBI) in Portugal. He has published more than 90 scientific works and has been part of the teams for 11 research projects funded by national and international organizations.
Image of Bruna Távora
Bruna Távora
Bruna Távora is a Communication Activist and Social Science Researcher specializing in Political Communication and Environmental Social Movements. Using action research methods, she collaborates with various social movements to drive social change. Her current research project is related to political communication and environmental conflicts involving far-right politicians and disinformation, addressing how social movements and civil society are developing narrative tools to combat it.
Image of Claudia Monteiro Fernandes
Claudia Monteiro Fernandes
Economist, licensed in Sociology, with a Master's and a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). She is a researcher at the Observatory of Metropolises (INCT), the 'The Color of Bahia' Program – a Research and Training Program on Racial Relations, Culture, and Black Identity in Bahia (UFBA), and the Periféricas Group (UFBA). She conducts research in the field of socioeconomic inequalities, focusing primarily on education, work, income, and regional inequalities, with an emphasis on an intersectional approach. Mother of Clarice.
Image of Daniel Oliveira Zacarias
Daniel Oliveira Zacarias
Ph.D. candidate in Social Psychology at PPG-PSTO (UnB). Member of the National Institute of Science and Technology in Social and Affective Neuroscience (INCT SANI). My main interests include programming and understanding behaviors, beliefs, and social attitudes related to the field of politics (corruption, political behavior, voting intention, prejudices, and discrimination).
Image of Felipe Marques Esteves Lamarca
Felipe Marques Esteves Lamarca
Felipe Lamarca is an undergraduate student in Social Sciences at the Superior School of Social Sciences (FGV CPDOC) and in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at the School of Applied Mathematics (FGV EMAp). He is interested in Quantitative Methods applied to Social Sciences, especially (Bayesian) Statistical Modeling, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.
Image of Gabriellen da Silva Xavier do Carmo
Gabriellen da Silva Xavier do Carmo
PhD student in Political Science at the University of Missouri-Columbia (USA), holds a Master's degree in Law from the University of Lisbon (Portugal), and is a lawyer in Brazil. Her research interests lie at the intersection of technology, law, and politics, focusing on the regulation and social impact of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence. She also studies the development of virtual social phenomena like fake news, hate speech, and cancel culture, examining their influences on voting behavior and broader political decisions. Her work aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of how these modern developments shape public opinion and policy-making in the contemporary political landscape.
Image of Glauciene dos Santos Carrijo
Glauciene dos Santos Carrijo
Glauciene Carrijo holds a Master's degree in Project and City. She conducts research with a theoretical and conceptual foundation aimed at understanding the relationship between architecture, design, and environmental perception, and how these relationships connect and influence the well-being of users in residential spaces. Her work is situated in the field of applied social sciences, art history, and architectural and design criticism.
Image of Isabel Feix
Isabel Feix
Isabel Feix is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Universidade Católica Portuguesa. She has a master's and a Ph.D. in Social Science - Communication, and her research explores intersections between social behavior and economic narratives.
Image of Kleyse Costa Vaz Santana Prado
Kleyse Costa Vaz Santana Prado
Ph.D. candidate in Communication at the Graduate Program in Communication, Culture, and Amazonia at the Federal University of Pará (PPGCOM/UFPA). Member of the Research Group on Advertising and Publicity (GRUPPU). Currently pursuing a specialization in Data Journalism, Artificial Intelligence, and Netnographic Research, also at UFPA. Her research focuses on the social impacts of using Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) in communication mediations. She employs computational methods to map the advancements in the use of GAI in advertising agencies in the State of Pará, Brazil.
Image of Larissa Milhorance dos Santos
Larissa Milhorance dos Santos
Computer Scientist, Director of TechMov, Coordinator of the International Research Center for Youth, and Software Artisan. Striving to think about technology in a human way for and with human beings.
Image of Lauriano Atílio Benazzi
Lauriano Atílio Benazzi
Lauriano Benazzi is a journalist, photographer, graphic designer and teacher. PhD student at the Postgraduate Program in Journalism at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGJOR-UFSC), he researches the connections between photojournalism and human rights, starting from the sociology of Law and with input from phenomenology. It also investigates how current photojournalism records themes related to the SDGs in the mainstream press. He has a master's degree in Visual Communication and a specialist in Photography, Praxis and Photographic Discourse, from the State University of Londrina (UEL), with works that propose a new taxonomic classification for press photography. He has experience in the daily press in layout, photo reporting, web journalism, press relations and journalistic writing and editing. He worked with Information Technology in the early days of Personal Computing in Brazil, following the entire trajectory of the internet and online journalism.
Image of Lucas Marques Feitosa
Lucas Marques Feitosa
Master's in Political Science and International Relations and Bachelor's in International Relations from UFPB. Ph.D. candidate in Political Science at UFPE. I research Brazilian Foreign Policy and Energy Diplomacy. I am currently completing an MBA in Data Science and Analytics from USP. I have experience in data analysis and data science with software such as R and Python, using supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques.
Image of Marcelle Amaral
Marcelle Amaral
PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Visiting researcher at Cornell Law School (USA) in the first semester of 2023. I hold a Master’s degree in Political Science from UFPE and an LL.M. in Law and Economics (EMLE) from the Faculty of Law of Hamburg (Germany) and Haifa (Israel). I am a lawyer (UFPE) and the Legal Coordinator at SecMulher/PE. My main research interests are Political and Judicial Behavior, Experiments, and Latin America.
Image of Martin Egon Maitino
Martin Egon Maitino
Martin Egon Maitino is a PhD candidate in Political Science at USP, with a bachelor's degree in International Relations (2016) and a master's in Political Science from the same university (2019). He has research experience in foreign policy analysis and decision-making processes, combining qualitative and quantitative methods. Currently, he develops studies on participation in Brazilian environmental foreign policy, using network analysis to map relations between governmental bodies and civil society.
Image of Matheus Vieira de Souza
Matheus Vieira de Souza
Matheus Vieira de Souza, Bachelor in Business Administration (Centro Universitário de Bauru), Master in Business Administration (University of São Paulo), and Ph.D. candidate in Production Engineering (São Paulo State University 'Júlio de Mesquita Filho'). He is interested in Consumer Behavior, specifically in topics related to Sustainable Consumption and the Behavior of Indebted Consumers.
Image of Paula Cristina Santos Menezes
Paula Cristina Santos Menezes
Ph.D. in Sociology (UFRJ) and currently a Post-Doc researcher in Sociology of Education (UNICAMP), she has experience as a teacher and researcher in both Basic and Higher Education. She also holds a postdoctoral degree in mobility, urbanism, and labor (ENTPE, France). She is a specialist in the field of educational technologies and the platformization of work and the city. Member of the Labtec (UFRJ) and Elico (France) laboratories.
Image of Paulo Henrique Dantas
Paulo Henrique Dantas
Paulo Henrique Dantas is a PhD candidate in the Sociology Graduate Program at UNICAMP (PPGS-UNICAMP) and holds a Master's degree in Social Sciences from PPGCS-UFBA. He is currently affiliated with the research group 'Social Movements, Power Relations, and Public Policies in the Countryside' (CPDA - UFRRJ) and the Laboratory of Sociology of Association Processes (LaSPA) at UNICAMP. He has experience and interest in Rural Social Movements, CAQDAS, Media Studies, and Media Framing.
Image of Rogério Almeida Meneghin
Rogério Almeida Meneghin
Rogério Almeida Meneghin. Post-Doctorate in Health Innovation for Neglected Populations by the Innovation Office (EI), Technological Innovation Center (NIT) of the Center for Technological Development in Health (CDTS), of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), 2019-2023. PhD in Intellectual Property Science from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), 2015-2018. Masters degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), 1998-1999. Bachelor's degree in Electrical Industrial Engineering from the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ), 1992-1997. Head of the Intellectual Property Department of the Minas Gerais State Research Support Foundation (FAPEMIG), 2004-2009. Specialist member of the Intellectual Property Rights Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB-MG), 2006-2007. Award for best work of the session at III ENAPID in 2010 (nanotechnology). Author of 8 books on intellectual property, 7 by Editora Lumen Juris in 2013 (stem cells, wind energy, biodiesel, hearing impairment, solar energy, border technologies, historical heritage), and 1 by Editora Appris in 2019 (tuberculosis). Author of 1 book chapter on patents published by the Academic Association of Intellectual Property in 2017 (malaria); and 1 book chapter on patents and artificial intelligence by CONPEDI in 2023 (tuberculosis in the population deprived of liberty). Participation in the 3rd Edition of the Conexão Inova Award 2022. Conexão Inovação Pública Network. Result: the innovation project “Elements for developing public policies on patents dedicated to tuberculosis” received the “4-star Conexão Inova Seal” (maximum score is 5 stars). Honorable Mention Award for participation in the 2023 International Student Tribunal (TRIe) – 8th edition. Theme: “Artificial intelligence and war - is the use of weapons controlled by artificial intelligence in international armed conflicts legal under Humanitarian Law?” Title: North Macedonia Against the use of weapons controlled by Artificial Intelligence in international armed conflicts. Currently, he works as a Researcher at EI, CDTS, FIOCRUZ.
Image of Ruan Arthur Lima Santos
Ruan Arthur Lima Santos
Undergraduate student in Social Sciences at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) with research interests in areas such as Epistemology, Gender and Identity Studies, Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Crime, and Far-right movements. Currently, a research fellow at the Laboratory of Digital Humanities of the Federal University of Bahia (LABHD-UFBA).
Image of Talita Ribeiro da Silva
Talita Ribeiro da Silva
Talita Ribeiro holds a bachelor's degree in International Relations from UERJ and is a master's candidate in History, Politics, and Cultural Heritage at FGV/CPDOC. Her research interests include police institutions, public security, violence, and gender issues.
Image of Thiago do Nascimento Fonseca
Thiago do Nascimento Fonseca
Thiago Fonseca is a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Politics and Economics of the Public Sector (CEPESP-FGV) and a tutor professor at the São Paulo School of Economics (EESP/FGV), both at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation. He holds an postdoctoral fellowship from the Social Science Research Council (SSRC, 2021), as well as a Ph.D. (2021) and an M.A. (2015) in Political Science, and a B.A. (2011) in Social Sciences, all from the University of São Paulo. He specializes in corruption and anti-corruption, elections, and the judiciary. His research agenda mainly focuses on the impact of anti-corruption policies and institutions on political competition and public policies. His methodological expertise includes quasi-experimental methods, computational methods, statistical text analysis, and machine learning.
Image of Renata Zampronio
Renata Zampronio
Renata Zampronio is a master student in the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) Social Science department. Her current research examines resistance practices of young latin migrant women at workplace. She holds a Bsc in Production engineering at University of São Paulo (USP) and she is a member of Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) research group on Children and Youth.


All Participants

Image of Jieun Shin
Jieun Shin
Jieun Shin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Media Production, Management, and Technology in the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida. Dr. Shin's research covers social media dynamics with a focus on the spread of news and misinformation.
Image of Kevin Lanning
Kevin Lanning
Kevin Lanning is a Professor of Psychology and Data Science at the Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University. Dr. Lanning's research uses simple tools in natural language analysis and network analysis to understand complex social and psychological phenomena. In his spare time, he is training for his first marathon.
Image of Kathryn Albrecht
Kathryn Albrecht
Kat Albrecht is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University. Dr. Albrecht’s work sits at the intersection of computational social science and law, where she uses innovative computational techniques to study fear, violence, and data distortions. She is particularly interested in the nexus of fear and risk-taking behaviors, digital trace data, and the impact of law on decision-making.
Image of AJ Alvero
AJ Alvero
AJ Alvero is a computational social scientist at the University of Florida Department of Sociology, Criminology & Law. His primary interests are in language, race/ethnicity, culture, and education. His current research uses computational techniques to analyze college admissions essays and model the social patterns within them. AJ’s future research plans include investigations into machine translation and multilingualism, social media and counter hate speech, and California parole hearing transcripts.
Image of Nathan Carpenter
Nathan Carpenter
Nathan Carpenter is the Director of the ATLAS lab, a digital listening and analytics lab, at the University of Florida. Dr. Carpenter's expertise is in analyzing trends and conducting research using data from social media platforms.
Image of Soojong Kim
Soojong Kim
Soojong Kim is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication at UC Davis. As a former computer scientist and engineer, he is interested in combining insights from the social sciences with innovative research methods, including large-scale data analysis, natural language processing, web-based experiments, network analysis, and computational modeling. Before joining UC Davis, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at Stanford University, jointly affiliated with the Program on Democracy and the Internet (PDI) and the Digital Civil Society Lab (DCSL).
Image of Marshall A. Taylor
Marshall A. Taylor
Marshall A. Taylor is an Assistant professor of sociology at New Mexico State University, where he is also the lead of the Data Science and Application Center, PI of the C3 Lab, and the interim co-associate dean of research for the College of Health, Education, and Social Transformation. He is the author of ‘Mapping Texts: Computational Text Analysis for the Social Sciences (co-authored with Dustin S. Stoltz). He investigates how social contexts and cognitive structures interface to influence the stability and change of cultural knowledge and how to best measure cultural knowledge in natural language and survey data using computational methods.
Image of George G. Vega Yon
George G. Vega Yon
George G. Vega Yon is a Lead Data Scientist (Associate) at Booz Allen Hamilton and an Assistant Professor of Research at the Division of Epidemiology at the University of Utah. He works on studying Complex Systems using Statistical Computing. He has over ten years of experience developing scientific software focusing on high-performance computing, data visualization, and social network analysis. His training is in Public Policy (M.A. UAI), Economics (M.Sc. Caltech), and Biostatistics (Ph.D. USC).
Image of Marley Kalt
Marley Kalt
Marley Kalt is Senior Data Project Manager at the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan. ICPSR is the world’s largest social science data archive and keeps research data accessible while training generations of researchers. It maintains a data archive of more than 350,000 research files in the social and behavioral sciences and hosts 23 specialized data collections in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields.
Coming soon!
Image of Gwiwon Jason Nam
Gwiwon Jason Nam
Jason is a doctoral student at the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida. His research interests and academic pursuits are situated at the intersection of strategic communication, computational social science, and emerging technologies.


All Participants

Image of Matti Nelimarkka
Matti Nelimarkka
Matti Nelimarkka teaches social data science at the University of Helsinki. His book [Computational Thinking and Social Science: Combining Programming, Methodologies and Fundamental Concepts]( was published by SAGE Publishing in 2023. Beyond teaching computational methods for social scientists, he leads the Helsinki Social Computing Group, an interdisciplinary group examining both computers and society. They explore digital democracy and politics in the digital era as well as computational techniques in social sciences, especially workflows and connections between social science theories and code. He is affiliated with the Faculty of Social Science, University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, Aalto University.
Image of Thamar Heijstra
Thamar Heijstra
Thamar Heijstra is a professor of Sociology at the University of Iceland and the Director of Academic Development at the School of Social Sciences. Her research interests center around academic teaching, organisational culture, work conditions, well-being, and gender relations, and she is currently involved in research projects on AI use in the labour market, remote work and well-being, and the social aspect of restoration projects.
Image of Stefán Hrafn Jónsson
Stefán Hrafn Jónsson
Stefán Hrafn Jónsson is a Professor of Sociology and the Dean of the School of Social Sciences at the University of Iceland. He received his PhD in Sociology and Demography from Pennsylvania State University. Stefán has contributed to numerous national and international research projects, focusing on public health, youth behavior, and social inequality. He has worked with the Directorate of Health and the Public Health Institute of Iceland. He led the Icelandic team in the European Social Survey and investigated smoking and drinking in films across six European nations (Smoking in Movies project). He participated in the ESPAD and HBSC projects and was the Principal Investigator in the first two waves of the national survey on Health and Well-being in Iceland in 2007 and 2009.
David Reimer
David Reimer is professor of sociology of education at the University of Iceland (since January 2023). He also holds a part-time position at Aarhus University. His research focuses on questions related to inequalities in educational attainment. He is particularly interested in educational transitions - such as the transition from upper secondary education to higher education or the transition from compulsory school to the subsequent schooling alternatives. He is currently principal investigator for a major research project: [EDUCHANGE, Changing Inequality at Educational Transitions (ERC consolidator grant)]( In his work he often combine different sources of data – such as survey data from experimental interventions with administrative registry data. He haas also been working with digital trace data from a reading app for compulsory school students in Denmark and connected this data to registry and survey data
Image of Jon Edmund Bollom
Jon Edmund Bollom
I am a PhD student in Global Studies. My research foci include higher education and the social determinants of young people's aspirations. I hold a BA in Geography from the University of Exeter (thesis focus upon UK university tuition fee rises and impacts upon prospective students), a Post-Graduate Certificate of Education from the University of Exeter, and an MA in Development Studies from the University of Iceland (thesis focus upon the social determinants of alcohol and other drug use and criminality within school attending adolescents in Guinea-Bissau).
Image of Helgi Eiríkur Eyjólfsson
Helgi Eiríkur Eyjólfsson
Ph.D. student in socioloy in the School of Social Work in University of Iceland. Research project is on intergenerational social mobility and educational inequality in Iceland. I do my Ph.D. research part-time alongside a position as quantitative analyst in the Ministry of Education and Children. My background in in sociology and methodlogy/statistics.
Image of Olga Latapí
Olga Latapí
assets/images/Olga Latapí.jpg
Image of Brent Pitchford
Brent Pitchford
I am a postdoctoral research in the Icelandic Vision lab situated in the University of Iceland. My research interests are in visual cognition, attention, perception, as well as individual differeneces in these abilities. I received my PhD from Brock University in Canada.
Image of Pitsiree Praphanwittaya (May)
Pitsiree Praphanwittaya (May)
Postdoctoral Researcher in Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Iceland. My project aims to develop pharmaceutical products for commercial purposes
Image of Rafnar Lárusson
Rafnar Lárusson
Ph.D. student in the School of Business in University of Iceland. Research project is on Financial institutions and technological changes, and its affect on legitimacy. I do my Ph.D. research part-time alongside a position as the CFO of the National power company of Iceland, Landsvirkjun. My background in in business and finance.
Image of Sóllilja Bjarnadóttir
Sóllilja Bjarnadóttir
PhD researcher and instructor in environmental sociology. Fulbright Fellow in sociology at Harvard University 2022-23. Teacher at the University of Iceland.
Image of Adeline Clarke
Adeline Clarke
Adeline is a Project Planner at the University of Helsinki Centre for Social Data Science where she creates tools for analysis surveys containing open-ended questions in Finnish.


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Image of Jeon June
Jeon June
June Jeon is an assistant professor of sociology at KAIST. He is a qualitative ethnographer and theorist, specialized in sociology science, technology, and environment. His recent research interests include computational large-scale qualitative analysis on varieties of inequalities in scientific knowledge production. June received Ph.D. in sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has published in Social Studies of Science, New Media & Society, Agriculture & Human Values, among other journals.
Image of Byungkoo Kim
Byungkoo Kim
Byungkoo Kim is an assistant professor in Data Science at the KDI School of Public Policy and Management. He earned his Ph.D. in Political Science and an M.A. in Statistics from the University of Michigan. His research expertise lies at the confluence of international political economy and quantitative methods. He is particularly interested in studying how global supply chains shape new dynamics in global trade and investment governance; economic policies and political institutions; and economic security. His research also focuses on developing statistical models for networks and text data. In this line of research, he has ongoing projects that analyze citation networks and opinion texts of U.S. Appeals Courts and Supreme Courts.
Image of Lanu Kim
Lanu Kim
Lanu Kim is an assistant professor in the school of humanities and social sciences and a joint professor in the school of computing at KAIST. After finishing her sociology PhD at the University of Washington, she was a postdoctoral fellow and data science scholar at Stanford University. Her research broadly contributes to the theoretical understanding of academic knowledge creation by mainly examining the impact of academic search engines, gender inequality in higher education, and the social structure of knowledge construction. To investigate, she utilizes new big data sources, innovative analytical strategies, natural language processing, and advanced statistical methods and works with interdisciplinary research teams.
Image of Jinhyuk Yun
Jinhyuk Yun
Jinhyuk Yun is an assistant professor in the School of AI Convergence, at Soongsil University. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics from KAIST. During his Ph.D., he developed a strong interest in the structure and dynamics of complex systems such as society, culture, media, and collective knowledge, along with the big data and statistical physics models, which led him to join Naver as a Data Scientist. He then worked as a Senior Research Scientist at KISTI, where he researched big data analysis and AI technology development. Since 2020, he has been a Professor at the School of AI Convergence at Soongsil University, where he is currently working on complex systems theory, big data, and AI to understand in-depth human behavior.
Image of Won-tak Joo
Won-tak Joo
Won-tak Joo is an assistant professor in Sociology and Criminology & Law at the University of Florida. His research interests are in the areas of social demography, social networks, and computational sociology. Specifically, he investigates how social and family relationships change across the life course, and how these patterns contribute to social and health inequalities, using a range of quantitative approaches including social network methods, applied econometrics, and demographic techniques.
Image of Bas Hofstra
Bas Hofstra
Bas Hofstra is a tenured Assistant Professor at Radboud University's Department of Sociology. He got his PhD from Utrecht University s Department of Sociology and was Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Stanford University. His work orbits the study of diversity, stratification, and innovation. It captures longitudinal systems of social and cultural exchange: from the gestation and birth of networks, careers, ideas, or innovations, to their use, up until their eventual cessation. As such, he strives for three interrelated goals: (i) answering substantive questions on causes and effects of social networks, while (ii) contributing to social theory, and (iii) using computational methods and big data. His research appeared (among others) in PNAS, American Sociological Review, Social Forces, Social Networks, and Nature Human Behaviour, and was honored with several grants and awards.
Image of Hwaran Lee
Hwaran Lee
Hwaran Lee is a lead research scientist at NAVER AI Lab, working on natural language processing and machine learning. She received her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 2018 and her B.S. in Mathematical Science at KAIST in 2012. Before joining NAVER AI Lab, she worked at SK T-Brain as a research scientist from 2018 to 2021. Her current primary research interests are ethics, safety, and trustworthiness of language models. Also, she is interested in controllable language generation, dialog systems, and machine learning for language models.
Image of Jonghee Park
Jonghee Park
Jonghee Park is a Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Seoul National University. He is also the Director of Global Data Center at Institute of International Studies, Seoul National University. He received his Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis. Jonghee Park studies political methodology and international political economy. He also maintains R packages MCMCpack and Bayesian taskview in CRAN. He is recently working on dynamic network analysis, text analysis of North Korean document, and changepoint analysis of Bayesian shrinkage models.
Image of Hyunwoo Park
Hyunwoo Park
Hyunwoo Park is Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Data Science at Seoul National University. Before joining SNU, he was an Assistant Professor in Management Sciences at the Fisher College of Business and a Core Faculty for the Translational Data Analytics Institute (TDAI) at The Ohio State University. Before OSU, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Tennenbaum Institute at Georgia Tech. He holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Georgia Tech, a Master of Information Management and Systems from UC Berkeley, and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University. His research interests include business and data analytics with an emphasis on visualization, supply chain management from the network perspective, and technology and innovation management in the presence of digital platforms. His research has been published in leading journals, and he has won several awards and nominations from major conferences, including INFORMS and the Academy of Management.
Image of Jihee Kim
Jihee Kim
Jihee Kim is an associate professor at the School of Business and Technology Management, KAIST College of Business, and also holds a joint appointment with the School of Computing at KAIST. She is an economist, yet her academic and research endeavors have embraced interdisciplinary scholarship. Jihee earned a B.S. in Computer Science at KAIST, then pursued her master’s degree in Economics at Stanford University, followed by her PhD in Management Science and Engineering, also at Stanford University. Her academic journey reflects a commitment to interdisciplinary exploration, as evidenced by her collaborative efforts across various disciplines, such as computer science and energy policy, while maintaining a strong foundation in economics.
Image of Yeowoon Bae
Yeowoon Bae
BAE Yeowoon, formerly a reporter in the Investigative Journalism Division at SBS, currently leads the Data Journalism Team, which produces Mabu News, in the broadcaster’s Digital News Production Division. He was awarded the Data Journalist to Watch Award at the 2019 Korea Data Journalism Awards. In 2020, he won the Korea Journalists Award for his analysis of provincial lawmakers’ operational expenses and assets. Last year, he won Grand Prize at the Korean Broadcasting Journalist Association Awards for his work on elections and data.
Image of Annie Hui-Ping Lin
Annie Hui-Ping Lin
Annie Hui-Ping Lin is an incoming PhD student in Political Science at UC San Diego. Her research interests lie in global governance and international cooperation, with a particular focus on environmental concerns and marine affairs. She is especially intrigued by institutional overlap and the impact of international law-making on domestic institutions, including the dynamics of (de)judicialization and the harmonization between domestic and international institutions. Originally from Taiwan, she obtained her Bachelor of Social Science in East Asian Studies from National Taiwan Normal University in 2021 and her M.A. in Political Science from National Taiwan University in 2024.
Image of Sinjae Kang
Sinjae Kang
Sinjae Kang is a postdoctoral fellow at Center for Digital Social Science in Yonsei University. He received his PhD from the Department of Political Science at Yonsei University. And he also received Best Dissertation from Korean Political Science Association. He is interested in computational social science, particularly in using computational methods to analyze the behavior of legislators in Korean National Assembly. He published many studies on the legislative process and political behavior in Korean journals.
Image of Vira Vyshnevska
Vira Vyshnevska
Vira Vyshnevska holds a master degree in international economics and is currently pursuing her master in public policy in KDI School of Public Policy. She has a solid background in the banking field. Currently, her research interest focuses on applying data science techniques to analyze the banks’ financial fundamentals and develop financial forecast.
Image of Bryan Nathanael Wijaya
Bryan Nathanael Wijaya
Bryan is a first-year M.S. candidate in the School of Computing at KAIST. He is passionate about applied artificial intelligence (AI), especially generative AI for protein engineering, data science, multimodal AI, and large language models (LLMs). Recently, he has gained interest in computational social science, particularly in analyzing the impact of the recent surge of machine learning developments–especially LLMs–on society and their tendencies and how to leverage these techniques to tackle social issues by revealing patterns and anomalies in society through a data-driven approach. He received a B.S. in electrical engineering with a minor in chemical and biomolecular engineering and an AI special designated major from KAIST.
Image of Gleb Papyshev
Gleb Papyshev
Gleb Papyshev is a Research Assistant Professor in the Division of Social Science at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research interests include AI policy and regulation, AI ethics, and human-AI interaction. The results of his work have been published in Policy Design and Practice, AI & Society, AI & Ethics, Data & Policy, and Elgar Companion to Regulating AI and Big Data in Emergent Economies.
Image of Yoonseok Lee
Yoonseok Lee
Yoonseok Lee is a Ph.D. student in Political Science at the University of California, Riverside. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of Minnesota and his M.A. in Political Science from Yonsei University. Lee’s research focuses on the determinants of migration-related preferences and attitudes, with a special focus on the international political economy (IPE) and quantitative methodology. His current research examines how different socio-political backgrounds shape natives’ reactions to refugee shocks and whether or how low birth rates affect natives’ immigration attitudes. He also has an interest in Japanese politics and East Asian politics in general.
Image of Yongjai Yu
Yongjai Yu
Yongjai Yu is a Ph.D. student in Political Science at the University of California, Riverside. His research focuses on the presidential power in the U.S., and in particular the use of text analysis and large language models for understanding and estimating the implications of the president’s unilateral directives, such as ‘the extent to which presidential unilateral directives change the policy status quo.’ His methodological interests are large language models, Bayesian statistics, machine learning, and experimental design. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in History from Korea University and a Master of Public Policy from Seoul National University.
Image of Eunmi Cho
Eunmi Cho
Eunmi Cho is a Master’s student in Political Science at Yonsei University. She has an interest in voter behavior, public opinion, and legislative politics, especially how the characteristics of parliamentary speeches relate to political outcomes or the personal attributes of the legislators. Currently, she is working on her master’s thesis, which involves sentiment analysis of speeches by members of the National Assembly. Through this analysis, she aims to identify factors that influence the emotional expressions of legislators. Furthermore, she plans to explore the potential of using machine learning and deep learning-based text and sentiment analysis to conduct diverse research on these topics of interest.
Image of Mei-Yu (Mei) Kuo
Mei-Yu (Mei) Kuo
Mei-Yu (Mei) Kuo is a first-year PhD student in Sociology at The Ohio State University, holding an MA in Sociology from National Taiwan University. Her research explores how family and work experiences are stratified by gender and class, focusing on the role of family dynamics, occupational characteristics, and labor market conditions. She is also interested in applying innovative computational methodologies to analyze online discourse, investigating the qualitative distinctions of political and gender ideologies across cultural contexts. Outside academia, she is a movie buff and a coffee aficionado.
Image of Jesslene Lee
Jesslene Lee
Jesslene Lee is a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto. Her research interests include international political economy and international organizations, with a focus on how deepening regime complexity and institutional competition affect international cooperation. She is currently working on a project on how alternative sources of finance affect environmental safeguards in development finance. She also has ongoing projects on institutional design and change in international financial institutions, as well as the diffusion of rules in preferential trade agreements. In her research, she utilizes network analysis, natural language processing, large language models and a range of other methods.
Image of Patrick Xi
Patrick Xi
Dr. Patrick Xi is an assistant professor of communication at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research interests lie in political communication and computational social sciences. His current research focuses on multimodal textual analysis and nation branding.
Image of Ju Hee JEUNG
Ju Hee Jeung is in her fifth year of the Ph.D. program in public policy and management at the KDI School of Public Policy and Management. Her research interests include water economics and policy, energy policy, development economics, and North Korea. Her ongoing dissertation project examines the effects of a water-saving monetary incentive program, initially introduced in Korea in 2015. She also serves as a program manager at the UNESCO i-WSSM (the UNESCO International Centre for Water Security and Sustainable Management), and she is dispatched from K-water (Korea Water Resource Corporation). Prior to arriving at the KDI School, Ju Hee completed her MBA in corporate finance, sponsored by K-water. She is still pursuing her career in the water sector, and since 2014, she has been giving lectures on water policies and water prices in Korea to water experts in developing countries.
Image of Kyungmin Lee
Kyungmin Lee
Kyungmin Lee is a Ph.D. candidate in Energy and Environmental Policy at the University of Delaware. She focuses on applying computational methods to data-driven policymaking concerning energy, climate change, urban development, and sustainability. Her doctoral research delves into energy user behavior and the development of privacy-preserving models using techniques such as time-dependent proximal remote image processing, machine learning, and computer vision. Her past research investigates benefit-sharing mechanisms of renewable energy and drivers of international carbon neutrality trends and policies.
Image of Inkoo Kang
Inkoo Kang
Inkoo Kang is an incoming PhD student in Urban Systems at New York University, with a mixed background in urban planning, public administration, and design studies. Her academic interests center on regenerative city transformations that can 1) correspond to social changes and solve urban issues while 2) understanding and preserving regional characteristics and charms. She has also explored how to bridge the gaps between quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.
Image of David Ugarte Chacon
David Ugarte Chacon
David is a PhD student of public policy at the Korean Development Institute. His research focuses on the impact on inequality by implemented social prediction systems. Namely, ongoing research currently delves on two topics - reproduction of systematic financial discrimination by credit scoring models, and the idiosyncratic load in transformer-based language models.
Image of Kyu Sik Yang
Kyu Sik Yang
Kyu Sik Yang is a Ph.D. student in the Wilf Family Department of Politics at New York University. He studies executive politics, bureaucratic politics, and interbranch politics, with a particular interest in causal inference and text-as-data. His research uses quantitative methods to study strategic interaction in the bureaucratic decision-making process. He is also interested in computational social science (broadly defined) and understudied topics in political science. He received his B.A. and M.A. degrees in political science from Yonsei University.
Image of Yumi Park
Yumi Park
Yumi Park is a Ph.D. candidate in Public Policy at KDI School. Her main research interest is the role of new payment methods in society, such as mobile money and cryptocurrency. She is currently investigating the spillover effect between crypto assets and financial assets, and plans to analyze the competitiveness of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and mobile money through laboratory experiment or machine learning approach.
Image of Yunjung Yang
Yunjung Yang
YunJung Yang is a second-year PhD student at KDI School. Her work focuses on group dynamics in regulation policy, utilizing computational methods such as text analysis, natural language processing, and quantitative analysis. YunJung received her M.A. in Public Administration in International Development from Harvard Kennedy School and B.A. in Public Administration and Economics from Yonsei University.
Image of Suhyoung Choi
Suhyoung Choi
Suhyoung Choi is a Master’s student in Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences at KAIST. Her research interests center on bias, inequality and discrimination represented on technology with computational methods. She is currently studying Data Science, and the application of those methods solving various social problems.
Image of Myokyung Han
Myokyung Han
Myokyung Han is a Master’s student in Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences (DHCSS) at KAIST. With a solid foundation in computational social sciences, her research focuses on how digital technologies affect the production and consumption of knowledge across various domains. To explore these impacts, she aims to integrate theoretical frameworks and analytical methodologies with new big data sources.

Location TBD (Coming Soon!)

All Participants


All Participants

Image of Prof. Alfred Agwanda
Prof. Alfred Agwanda

Professor Alfred Agwanda Otieno is an Associate Professor and Director of Research at the Population Studies and Research Institute, within the Department of Geography, Population and Environmental Studies, at the University of Nairobi. His areas of expertise include technical demography and policy analysis studies. His research focus has covered reproductive health, monitoring and evaluation of population and health programs. He has undertaken several researches involving primary as well as large scale secondary data, and these have been published. Professor Agwanda Otieno has co-authored several papers in peer reviewed international journals such as Social Science and Medicine, Journal of Biosocial Sciences, Demography India, and African Population Studies.

Image of Dr. John Otieno Oredo
Dr. John Otieno Oredo

Dr. John Otieno Oredo Lectures in the Departments of Information Science and Management Science & Project Planning at the University of Nairobi (UoN) and previously served as a Research Associate at the Kenya Education Network (KENET) and Research Fellow at the Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law (Strathmore University). He holds a PhD degree in Business Administration specializing in Strategic Information Systems (University of Nairobi), MSc. IT (Strathmore University); and B.Ed. (Moi University). Dr. Oredo is trained in scientific communication and publishing; E-Learning Course Design (ETSU, PASGR) and Faculty Support in Online Course Development (EDUCAUSE). He is a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP), Certified in Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT), Big Data Engineer (IBM Certified) and Artificial Intelligence Analyst (IBM Certified). He also undertook a training in Supply Chain Resilience Management (Kuhne Logistics University-Germany). Dr. Oredo has published in refereed journals and is a reviewer of several ranked Information Systems journals and currently serves as a Senior Editor for the Information Technology & People Journal. Dr. Oredo and collaborators has attracted research grants from the British Council, Kuhne Foundation, DAAD, European Union, British Institute in Eastern Africa (BIEA) and SSHRC (Canada). Dr. Oredo is currently organizing a Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (SICSS). He is an active member of several local and international professional bodies: ISACA, KIM, CSK, PMI, and AIS (President AIS Eastern Africa Chapter)

Image of Prof. Samuel Musili
Prof. Samuel Musili

Professor Samuel M. Mwalili is a distinguished academic and expert in Statistics and Mathematical Modeling, currently serving as a Professor of Statistics at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT). He is also an adjunct Professor and Director of the Center for Health Analysis and Modeling at Strathmore University. With a career spanning decades, Professor Mwalili has made significant contributions to public health research and statistical analysis, particularly in infectious disease modeling and HIV/AIDS epidemiology. He has played a pivotal role in national health initiatives, including serving as the lead Modeling Expert for Kenya's second and third Modes of HIV Transmission studies in 2019 and 2023. His work with the National AIDS Control Council (NACC) since 2011 includes producing the biennial National HIV Estimates for Kenya. In 2020, he joined the National COVID-19 Modeling Technical Committee, showcasing his expertise in addressing emerging public health challenges.

Image of Dr. Kathleen A. Anangwe
Dr. Kathleen A. Anangwe

Dr. Kathleen Anangwe is a Seniour lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Social Work and African Women Studies, and an adjunct at the Centre for Human Rights and Peace - University of Nairobi, Kenya. She is a Development Sociologist specializing in the area of social inequalities especially those experienced by women and vulnerable groups. Her areas of interest include Research Methodology, Economic Sociology, Migration and the rights of vulnerable groups. Her research showcases various qualitative and quantitative techniques of studying the Social Condition while interfacing and critiquing the response of social systems and processes within social structures to emerging social forces. She is published and a member of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and Bioethics Society of Kenya.

Image of Dr. Mary Muyonga
Dr. Mary Muyonga

Mary Muyonga is a demographer holding an MA and PhD in in Population Studies, from the Population Studies and Research Institute of the University of Nairobi, Kenya.She is an alumnus of the SICSS- Covenant program held in July 2022 in Nigeria ( university/people). She recently completed her doctoral studies researching on migration and inequality linkages in Kenya, and received a grant under the ARUA-Andrew Mellon foundation fellowship, to investigate emerging social issues in urban Africa. Her research interests include migration, mobility, urbanization, and policy linkages. Mary has authored several articles and co-authored book chapters. She is a member of the Union of African Population Studies (UAPS) and the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP).

Image of Dr. Amos Langat
Dr. Amos Langat

Amos holds a PhD in Mathematics Statistics option of Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences Technology and Innovation, a Masters of Science in Applied Statistics from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology and a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Mathematics from Kabarak University. He has made significant contributions to academia through his teaching roles at Maasai Mara University and Kabarak University. His research interests focus on statistical modeling in infectious diseases, calculus applications, and Bayesian perspectives on HIV risk factors. Amos has published numerous articles in reputable journals, highlighting his expertise in statistical analysis and modeling. Recognized for his excellence, he has received multiple scholarships and awards. Amos is also an alumnus of the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (SICSS-ACCRA 2023), where he expanded his knowledge and network. Additionally, he actively participates in various professional societies and has attended numerous international workshops and conferences, furthering his knowledge and impact in the field.

Image of Selina Atwani Ochukut
Selina Atwani Ochukut

Selina is a computer science graduate from Masinde Muliro University of Science and technology in Kenya. She holds a master’s degree in information technology management from the University of Nairobi. She is currently pursuing a PhD in information systems at the University of Nairobi. Her research interests are in the areas of technology enhanced learning, learning analytics, machine learning application in health and education. Selina is currently working as a tutorial fellow at the University of Nairobi where she is involved in teaching undergraduate computer science students and carrying research in the various areas of computing. Selina has thought several data science short courses.

Image of Zadok Maingi, SEKU
Zadok Maingi, SEKU

Mr. Zadok Maingi holds a Master of Science in Public Health Nutrition and BSc. Human Nutrition and Dietetics both from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya. He currently works for South Eastern Kenya University in the department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology. Mr. Maingi has a great passion for research and community service. His research interests include maternal and young child nutrition, food security, agri-nutrition, food systems and climate change. Mr. Maingi is a certified Publons Peer Reviewer academy graduate, has served as a senior journal reviewer for African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND) and also serves as a reviewer for the African Journal of Bioethics. He is skilled in data analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and has basics in R programming language. He looks forward to learning more skills in computational social sciences and applicability of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in research from the Summer Institute in Computational Social Sciences (SICCS)

Image of WALTER OKONGO, Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation
WALTER OKONGO, Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation

I am a PhD student in Mathematics with focus on biomathematics and analysis of infectious diseases. I have strong interest in studying and understanding how mathematics play a role in different societal aspects of human life and how mathematics can used to improve human livelihoods.

Image of LESTER KILUMA,University of Nairobi
LESTER KILUMA,University of Nairobi

My name is Lester Kiluma, a holder of bachelor of science in meteorology from the University of Nairobi and currently pursuing a masters of science in meteorology at the same institution. At the moment, I am finalizing on my dissertation that incorporates climate modeling under NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 global circulation models and knits it to extremes in weather for regional context with agricultural sector at the core. My interests have been to apply the scientific knowledge in solving local and regional key issues while leveraging on informed evidence based scientific research. What matters of them all is how then Am I able to communicate this scientific information to the policy makers so as to aid in dissemination and ameliorating the impacts associated with it. In dealing with large climate datasets, it calls for great computational skills so as to be able to effectively manipulate the datasets and deduce findings from them in a fast and efficient manner. This is where data analysis in python is a competent skillset to aide in my research as I advance in the early career scientist field. All and sundry; dynamical modeling, climate change and air quality sets the pace as my areas of interest in research.

Image of EDWIN MUTENDWA, University of Nairobi
EDWIN MUTENDWA, University of Nairobi

Edwin Mutendwa is a skilled data scientist and health economist with expertise in health financing, data analytics, and policy development. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Finance, is a Certified Public Accountant (CPAK), and has advanced training in data science. Currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Health Economics and Policy at the University of Nairobi, Edwin is deeply committed to using data-driven insights to enhance healthcare systems and achieve sustainable solutions.

Image of Dr. Cynthia Atamba, Ph.D, University of Science and Technology of China
Dr. Cynthia Atamba, Ph.D, University of Science and Technology of China

Cynthia Atamba is a highly dedicated and experienced researcher and academic professional with a passion for creating a safe and decent work environment. She holds a PhD in Business Administration from the University of Science and Technology of China. With a focus on employee well-being, Atamba’s research interests span a range of topics, including emotions, mistreatment, and coping strategies. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed academic journals. Atamba is also actively engaged in community development initiatives and has served as a consultant for various international organizations. She is a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion in academia and works tirelessly to mentor and support underrepresented students in her field.

Image of LAMECK ONDIEKI AGASA, Kisii University

Lameck Ondieki Agasa is a dedicated academician and researcher with extensive expertise in statistical analysis and research methodologies. Lameck holds an MSc in Applied Statistics from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, as well as a BSc in Applied Statistics with Computing from Maasai Mara University. His research interests encompass Bayesian modeling, multivariate analysis, computational methods, and stochastic processes, with significant contributions in biomedical research, health education program evaluation, and the socio-economic factors influencing health outcomes. Lameck has actively engaged in teaching, research supervision, and community outreach initiatives at Kisii University, where he serves as a Tutorial Fellow.

Image of MARTIN MANG'ENI NANJE, University of Nairobi
MARTIN MANG'ENI NANJE, University of Nairobi

I am a passionate Environmental and Bio-Systems Engineer with expertise in agricultural engineering, environmental conservation, and sustainable technology development. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Environmental and Bio-Systems Engineering at the University of Nairobi, focusing on optimizing mechanized potato harvesting technology for small and medium-scale farms in Kenya. I also hold an MSc in Agricultural Engineering from Don State Technical University, Russia, and a BSc in Environmental and Bio-Systems Engineering from the University of Nairobi. As the Founder and CEO of Sisili Agritech, I drive innovative agricultural solutions tailored to the needs of farmers across Kenya. I serve as a Knowledge Transfer Specialist and Part-Time Lecturer at the University of Nairobi, mentoring future engineers and contributing to cutting-edge research. His professional expertise spans agricultural mechanization, water resources and irrigation engineering, project management, agro-ecosystem development, and environmental impact assessment. I have led transformative projects, including the development of a hybrid energy-powered Smart Irrigation System under the African Agriculture Knowledge Transfer Partnership, aimed at promoting cost-effective and sustainable irrigation practices. A certified NEMA Lead Expert and active member of the Kenya Conservation Tillage Initiative, Martin is committed to advancing sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship. He has authored multiple publications and frequently shares his work at national and international forums.

Image of Evalyne Musyoka, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Evalyne Musyoka, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Evalyne Musyoka, a Statistician holds an MSc in Applied Statistics from JKUAT and a BSc in Actuarial Sciences from the University of Eldoret. With experience as an Assistant Lecturer and Data Analyst, geo-spatial analysis, Bayesian modeling, and teaching statistical concepts. She is currently a Research assistant in a research center in ZETECH University.

Image of FA NDIRANGU NGUNJIRI, University of Nairobi
FA NDIRANGU NGUNJIRI, University of Nairobi

FA Ndirangu Ngunjiri (MKIM, IoD) is a partner and a senior Investment Analyst with Watermark Consultants. He is a Doctoral (Finance & Accounting) fellow at the University of Nairobi with a research interest in; inequality & poverty, cyber security, innovations, and climate change. He is a published researcher and has presented at local and international conferences. He is currently working on a study that analyzes data from mobile loan platforms and their impact on market performance, showcasing how digital data can be leveraged to understand economic trends and challenges in real time. This aligns with the digital focus on utilizing data and technology for financial analysis. He enjoys rock climb, and mountain climbing in 2023, he climbed Mt Kilimanjaro for the second time and is a Rotarian, Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka. You can reach him on:, Twitter: @ndi70,

Image of LEAH JEROTICH MURKOMEN, University of Nairobi
LEAH JEROTICH MURKOMEN, University of Nairobi

I am an Early-Career Researcher and a professional social scientist. I am a PhD student at the University of Nairobi, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and my thesis title is Sociology-Economic Effects of Climate Variability on the Marginalized group in Turkana County and Policy Options to Enhance Resilience. I am deeply committed and focused to advancing research in areas of climate resilience that will address challenges that are currently being faced by youth in the horn of Africa and Africa at large.

Image of CHRISTOPHER NDILI, University of Nairobi
CHRISTOPHER NDILI, University of Nairobi

Christopher Ndili has a deep-rooted love for microbiology, while he sits atop an intersection of biology and computational science to unlock the secrets of microbial life in combat against the global threat of AMR. Chris is now an MSc Bioinformatics student with a keen interest in computational social science, microbiology, and great dedication to fighting antimicrobial resistance. He has a passion for the understanding of complex systems using computational tools to not only understand microbial genomics but also broader implications of human behaviour and society trends, most especially towards health and public policy. Besides academic and activist work, Chris has a deep love for poetry. This hobby serves as an outlet for creative expression and is also used as a source of personal reflection and inspiration. Nature, science, and human resilience are some of the themes that often find a place in Chris's poetic works, hence offering a creative perspective on a world of data and science.

Image of PHYLLYS WAFULA, University of Nairobi
PHYLLYS WAFULA, University of Nairobi

My name is Phyllys Wafula, a teacher by profession, working with the Teachers' Service Commission (TSC) of Kenya. I have worked with the TSC since 2013 as secondary school teacher in Bungoma County at a school called St.Teresa's Kabula Boy's High School.

Image of MAKAMBI ABUGA DENNIS, Kisii University

My name is Makambi Abuga Dennis, from Kisii County-Kenya. I have a masters Degree of Mathematical Statistics majoring Population Genetics with a background of Applied Statistics. i currently work as an adjunct Lecturer at Kisii University. Academically i have published a journal entitled; Imputation method on Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium with missing genome-wide expression data. I have gained much experience in data mining, entry, analysis using softwares such as python,R-program and SPSS.

Image of LUCY MWAURA, University of Nairobi
LUCY MWAURA, University of Nairobi

I am Lucy Mwaura, an academic with a solid foundation in Computer Science and Information Technology. My educational journey began with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Chuka University, where I developed a passion for technology and innovation. I furthered my studies by earning a Master’s degree in Information Technology Management from the University of Nairobi, equipping me with advanced skills in IT leadership and systems management. Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in Computer Science, focusing on artificial intelligence, gamification, and big data analytics. Professionally, I have over seven years of experience in higher education, teaching and mentoring students. I currently serve as a Tutorial Fellow at Africa Nazarene University, a position I have held since September 2022. Additionally, I have worked as an adjunct lecturer at several institutions, including Machakos University, Kiriri Women’s University of Science and Technology, Multimedia University, KCA University, and Umma University. These roles have allowed me to refine my teaching methods and positively impact my students’ academic and personal growth. My educational background and job experience reflect my dedication to lifelong learning and my commitment to empowering the next generation of innovators.


An undergraduate degree in Education Arts, English/Literature, A masters degree in comparative literature and a doctorate degree in Literature.

Image of DR. BULINDA MAJOR VINCENT, Kisii University

Dr. Bulinda is an accomplished applied mathematician specializing in health informatics, recognized for his significant contributions across multiple domains, including computational fluid dynamics, computer science, and health systems. He employs mathematical modelling and computational techniques to uncover innovative solutions to complex challenges. Dr. Bulinda earned his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from JKUAT, along with an MSc. in Applied Mathematics from the same institution and a BSc. in Mathematics and Physics from UEAB. Additionally, he completed a post-master fellowship focused on Healthcare Capacity Building for Sustainable Development, with an emphasis on Health Informatics at the University of Nairobi. Throughout his academic career, he has established a robust foundation in various mathematical disciplines, such as calculus, dynamical systems, and differential equations, along with their practical applications. Furthermore, he has developed expertise in programming languages including MATLAB, R, and FLUENT, which serve as essential tools for numerical simulations and analyses.

Image of NOEL LIKALAMU, University of Nairobi
NOEL LIKALAMU, University of Nairobi

I am a dedicated social scientist with a solid foundation in sociology and medical sociology, specializing in public health research. My work focuses on examining healthcare disparities and understanding the social determinants of health that influence access, quality, and outcomes of care. With a passion for addressing systemic inequities, I am committed to advancing health equity through evidence-based research, policy advocacy, and innovative solutions that promote inclusive and equitable healthcare systems.

Image of BENJAMIN CHUKWU,University of Nairobi
BENJAMIN CHUKWU,University of Nairobi

Benjamin Chukwu is a PASET RSIF PhD Scholar at the University of Nairobi, specialising in renewable energy. He is passionate about leveraging computational methods to deepen his understanding of complex scientific phenomena. With a strong commitment to using computational expertise and data-driven approaches, Benjamin aims to address energy challenges and develop sustainable energy solutions.

Image of ANITA NYABOKE, University of Nairobi
ANITA NYABOKE, University of Nairobi

Dr. Anita is a registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) with interests in chronic disease prevention and management. She is currently a research fellow and Centre manager at the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) - Centre of Excellence for Non-Communicable Diseases at the University of Nairobi. Anita has experience in nutrition management and education in various contexts such as; clinical experience working at Mbagathi District Hospital, Nairobi, working in Community projects - managing food relief projects and vocational training in Mogadishu, Somalia, Consultancy at UNICEF in development of recommendations for policy development and revision and in Academia - guiding students at Kyoto University, Japan and providing online classes -The National Taiwan University, Wellness lounge, Pakistan and Buuruj Training Institute in Kenya. Anita undertook a fellowship of the Kyoto University Inter-Graduate School program for sustainable and survivable societies (2016-2021) and is a board-certified Lifestyle Medicine professional (2020).Besides professional endeavours, Anita enjoys making presentations and cookery demonstrations to individuals and community groups through PRIMIA Health Co., travelling experiences, making friends and learning new things. 'The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition”-Thomas Edison (1903).'

Image of SIFUNA MAXWELL, Kenyatta University
SIFUNA MAXWELL, Kenyatta University

I am currently a Volkswagen Ph.D. fellow in the Field of Urban and Regional Planning at Kenyatta University, Geography Department, Kenya working on a project titled “Land Acquisitions and Rising Inequalities in East Africa”. I am also a holder of a Master of Arts (M.A) in Geography from Kenyatta University, Kenya, specializing in Urban and Regional Planning as well as a holder of a Bachelor of Education Arts (Bed) from the University of Nairobi, Kenya majoring in Geography and Business Studies as my teaching subjects. Professionally, I am a certified and qualified teacher, registered by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) of Kenya with 10 years of cumulative experience in public and private Kenya secondary schools. My work experience spans Education practice and academia. I have previously worked as a Teacher of Geography at St Hannahs High School, Friends Secondary School Bwake in Kitale, Dadaab Secondary School in Garissa and Cardinal Otunga Girls High School in Bungoma. Additionally, I have also worked as a part-time lecturer at Kibabii University as well as a Tutor at Bungoma National Polytechnic.

Image of JAMES KARANJA, University of Nairobi
JAMES KARANJA, University of Nairobi

I am a dedicated professional with expertise in medicinal chemistry, computational chemistry, and synthetic chemistry, with a focus on developing new molecules for pharmaceutical applications, particularly in treating fungal infections. My work involves a blend of theoretical and hands-on research, leveraging computational tools to predict molecular interactions and validate them through synthesis and laboratory testing. I am passionate about contributing to drug discovery by identifying novel compounds that address pressing health challenges. My background in analytical chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry, and industrial analysis provides a solid foundation for this work. I have also implemented Health and Safety strategies at various workplaces by conducting risk assessments, developing Health and Safety policies, suggesting possible control measures to be implemented to reduce the risks, and regularly monitoring and reviewing the health and safety performance of the organization. I have ensured the continuous improvement of health and safety strategies by staying up-to-date with the latest regulations, industry best practices, and technological advancements.

Image of EMMANUEL ODEMBA, University of Nairobi
EMMANUEL ODEMBA, University of Nairobi

Currently pursuing a PHD degree in Information Sciences at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Completed course work, at research stage. Working in the ICT sector in East Africa.

Image of GEORGE ESHO, University of Nairobi
GEORGE ESHO, University of Nairobi

George Esho is a budding professional in the field of Information Science, currently pursuing his Bachelor’s degree at the University of Nairobi .With a strong foundation in ICT, George has gained hands-on experience in hardware maintenance, network management, software configuration, and IT support during his industrial attachment at the Postal Corporation of Kenya. He is particularly passionate about programming, with a keen interest in Python, and aspires to specialize in data science. George is driven by the potential of data-driven solutions to transform industries and is eager to explore innovative applications of technology in solving real-world problems. Committed to continuous learning and professional growth, George aims to make significant contributions to the ICT sector by leveraging his technical expertise and programming skills to advance the field of data science.

Image of ALEX MWANZIA MUTUKU, University of Nairobi
ALEX MWANZIA MUTUKU, University of Nairobi

My name is Alex Mwanzia Mutuku, a fourth-year student at the University of Nairobi pursuing a Bachelor of Information Science. I have a strong passion for technology and data management, with expertise in data science and Python programming. Through my studies, I have developed skills in data analysis, visualization, and machine learning, enabling me to solve real-world problems and contribute to data-driven decision-making. My academic journey has equipped me with knowledge in information systems and resource management, preparing me for the dynamic challenges in this field. I am dedicated to leveraging technology to create innovative and efficient solutions. As I approach the end of my studies, I look forward to applying my skills and knowledge to drive positive impact in the information science and data management sectors.

Image of TASSY MURIITHI, University of Nairobi
TASSY MURIITHI, University of Nairobi

I am a dedicated 4th-year student at the University of Nairobi, pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Information Science. With a strong passion for knowledge and innovation.As a team player who is both kind and humble, I bring collaboration and intentionality to every project I undertake. My commitment to excellence and a deep curiosity drive me to give my best in every task, ensuring quality outcomes and continuous personal growth. My ability to combine diligence, adaptability, and a strong sense of purpose makes me a valuable contributor in any environment I engage with.

Image of NICOLE MWAURA, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
NICOLE MWAURA, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

My name is Nicole Mwaura, a passionate individual dedicated to creating sustainable, data-driven solutions that drive positive change. With a background in actuarial science, I thrive on analyzing complex systems and developing innovative strategies. Currently my focus is on leveraging data to identify emerging trends and create strategies that promote financial security and resilience. Whether it’s designing new products, refining models, or addressing emerging risks, I am committed to delivering impactful and practical solutions. My analytical mindset also extends to research, where I enjoy uncovering insights that inform strategic decisions and foster innovation. Beyond my professional endeavors, I’m deeply motivated by the principles of effective altruism, which guide my efforts to make a meaningful, evidence-based impact on the world. I believe in using reason and data to drive decisions that create the greatest possible good. In my free time, I enjoy reading, learning, and staying active through lawn tennis and chess—two hobbies that fuel my competitive spirit and strategic thinking. I’m always eager to connect with like-minded individuals to collaborate, share ideas, and contribute to building a better, more resilient world.


All Participants

Image of Tom Emery
Tom Emery
Dr. Tom Emery is the Deputy Director of ODISSEI, where he is responsible for the strategic development of the infrastructure and international collaborations. Emery is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Administration and Sociology of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Before that, he was the Deputy Director of the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute in The Hague. Emery gained a PhD in Social Policy from the University of Edinburgh in 2014 and his thesis examined the interaction between financial support between elderly parents and their adult children in a number of European countries. His research also covers questions of comparative survey methodology and policy measurements in multilevel contexts.
Image of Paulina Pankowska
Paulina Pankowska
Dr. Paulina Pankowska is an assistant professor at the Sociology department of Utrecht University. Her research focuses on the topics of data and methods quality. She is currently working on a project investigating the quality of non-traditional data sources and on a project related to climate change sociology. She is also the task leader of the ODISSEI benchmarking task, which aims to organize an algorithm benchmark for the social sciences. The overarching goal of this project is to guide social science research towards a culture wherein different methods and techniques that are used to solve a specific problem are compared and evaluated objectively.
Image of Javier Garcia-Bernardo
Javier Garcia-Bernardo
Dr. Javier Garcia-Bernardo is an assistant professor at Utrecht University in the Social Data Science (SoDa) team. Before that, he was a postdoc at the University of Amsterdam and at Charles University (CORPTAX), and a data scientist at the Tax Justice Network. In his research he applies computational models to understand social and economical systems. He completed his PhD in Political Economy at the CORPNET group (University of Amsterdam), and his MSc in Computer Science at the University of Vermont.
Image of Erik-Jan van Kesteren
Erik-Jan van Kesteren
Dr. Erik-Jan van Kesteren is assistant professor of data science at Utrecht University, and the team lead for the ODISSEI Social Data Science team ([]( His background is in social sciences and statistics, with a focus on computation; he has worked on a wide range of topics, such as structural equation modeling, high-performance computing, and Bayesian statistics. Erik-Jan is a strong proponent of open science, which he puts in practice in his projects with the SoDa team. There, he consults and works with many different researchers, on topics such as inequality, citizen science, agent-based modelling, and synthetic data.
Image of Gert Stulp
Gert Stulp
Gert Stulp is an associate professor at the department of Sociology at the University of Groningen. He studies causes of the variation in the number of children people have and would like to have, and employs diverse methods in his research including personal network data collection, simulation studies, and machine learning. He is also interested in how methods from data science methods can improve the social sciences.
Image of Elizaveta Sivak
Elizaveta Sivak
Elizaveta Sivak is a sociologist and a computational social scientist. Currently, she is a PhD candidate at the University of Groningen, where she studies the predictability of fertility outcomes. Before that, she was the head of the Center for Modern Childhood Research at HSE University. Her research interests involve the predictability of life outcomes, predictions in social science in general, and using machine learning methods and digital traces data to study parenting and childhood.
Image of Varun Satish
Varun Satish
Varun is a PhD student in Demography and Social Policy at Princeton University. Originally from Sydney, Australia, he is interested in studying whether there are limits to predictability in social data.
Image of Yuki	Takahashi
Yuki Takahashi
Yuki is a postdoctoral researcher at Tilburg University's Department of Economics. Yuki is an applied microeconomist working in the areas of Behavioral Economics, Gender Economics, and Labor Economics. Their research examines how psychological factors and institutions affect individual and group behaviors using experimental and observational data. Yuki received their PhD in Economics from the University of Bologna in July 2022. Yuki is non-binary (pronoun: they/them).
Image of Rishabh Tyagi
Rishabh Tyagi
Rishabh is a joint PhD Student at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Germany & Centre for Fertility and Health in Norway. Using German Socio-economic Panel Data and Norwegian Administrative Data, his dissertation project assesses the social, demographic, and health consequences of employment uncertainty for individuals and their families. Previously, he finished a Masters and M.Phil. in Biostatistics & Demography from IIPS Mumbai.
Image of Bastián González-Bustamante
Bastián González-Bustamante
I am a post-doctoral researcher in Computational Social Science at Leiden University, Netherlands. I hold a DPhil (PhD) in Politics from the University of Oxford, UK. My interests lie in the intersection of comparative politics and government. Methodologically, my interests rely on quantitative text analysis, machine learning and causal inference.
Image of Yael Broos
Yael Broos
Yael Broos is a PhD-candidate at the department of Socio-medical Sciences at the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management (EUR). Her research focuses on health spillovers in the family, with a specific focus on siblings and mental health effects.
Image of Goan Booij
Goan Booij
Goan Booij is a PhD-student at the research institute of Child Development and Education of the University of Amsterdam. He has a background in philosophy and sociology. He currently studies the relationship between digital time use, digital literacy, and academic performances.
Image of Henry	Abbink
Henry Abbink
Henry Abbink is a non-PhD (junior) researcher at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) at Maastricht University. At ROA, he is currently engaged in evaluating primary school student performance as part of the Netherlands Cohort Study on Education (NCO). Next to that, he contributes to the Dutch labour market forecasts published by ROA. Henry enjoys working with Dutch administrative data (CBS microdata).
Image of Tilbe Atav
Tilbe Atav
Tilbe Atav is a PhD student at the Applied Economics department of the Erasmus School of Economics in Rotterdam. Currently, her research interests lie in how environments or information individuals are exposed to may affect perceived opportunities, aspirations and choices of individuals.
Image of Mathilde Theelen
Mathilde Theelen
Mathilde Theelen is a doctoral student at Maastricht University, where she aims to contribute to evidence-based methods for language learning. Her focus is driven by her desire to create more equal opportunities for children. Mathilde holds an MPhil in Linguistics from the University of Cambridge and a MSc in Artificial Intelligence from the VU University.
Image of Xinran	Wang
Xinran Wang
Xinran is a PhD student in Environmental Psychology at the University of Groningen. She studies perceptions of the roles of different societal actors in addressing climate change. Using target sampling, large-scale surveys and social media data, her research aims to understand the social and psychological factors that motivate or inhibit societal-wide climate action. Previously, Xinran worked as a data scientist at the Yale Program on Climate Change Communications and holds an MA in quantitative methods in social science and a BS in math.
Image of Jade Vrielink
Jade Vrielink
Jade Vrielink is a PhD Candidate in Political Communication at Wageningen University and Research. She studies the impact of online data-driven campaigning (e.g. microtargeting) on voter attitudes and behavior using longitudinal surveys, experience sampling, data donations, and experiments. Her research interests include the interaction between social media, society and politics, political behavior, computational social science and gender and politics.
Image of Ignacio Urria Yáñez
Ignacio Urria Yáñez
Ignacio Urria Yáñez is a PhD candidate in the Urbanism Department of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft. His research interests span sociospatial inequalities, urban segregation, neighbourhood effects, labour market and machine learning. His PhD project focuses on studying the spatio-temporal evolution of segregation using multiple geographical scales and residential characteristics. He holds an MSc in Human Geography from Utrecht University, and MSc and BA in Economics from Universidad de Chile. Prior to moving to the Netherlands, Ignacio was an analyst in the Chilean Ministry of Social Development.
Image of Nicole	Walasek
Nicole Walasek
I am a postdoctoral researcher interested in how the environment shapes evolution and development. To study this broad question, I work at the interface of various disciplines, such as biology, ecology, psychology, and computer science. I have a background in cognitive science, computer science, and developmental psychology.
Image of Amber Howard
Amber Howard
Amber is completing her PhD between the department of Health Policy at the University of Melbourne, and the department of Geography, Planning, and Int. Development Studies at the University of Amsterdam. Her research describes and quantifies young adult’s changing housing arrangements over the 2000s, focusing on socio-economic inequalities.
Image of Mayke Nollet
Mayke Nollet
Mayke Nollet is a PhD candidate at the Department of Educational and Family Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She currently researches the labour market and educational outcomes of young people with mental health problems. Her research interests include social inequality, education, labour market, mental health, family dynamics, and big data usage.
Image of Marlot Griep
Marlot Griep
Marlot is a PhD Candidate at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her research focuses on how teachers' mental well-being relates to their risk of long-term absenteeism or leaving the profession. Her goal is to identify indicators that can proactively signal higher risks of absenteeism or job attrition among teachers.
Image of Iris ten Klooster
Iris ten Klooster
Iris ten Klooster is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Health, Psychology and Technology, and the Department of Biomedical Signals and Systems at the University of Twente. Her research focuses on utilising different types of data (e.g. data from electronic health records) to personalise eHealth technologies.
Image of Flora Zhou
Flora Zhou
Flora Zhou is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Public Administration and Sociology in Erasmus University Rotterdam. She is working in the ERC-funded project “Childcare Strategies”. Her research interests include family sociology, gender inequalities, and social networks.
Image of Andrea Gradassi
Andrea Gradassi
Andrea is a Psychology PhD student at the University of Amsterdam. He studies social learning strategies in adolescents and adults. He looks at what peers (close friends, popular, smart) are most influential within classrooms, what types of social cues (confidence, expertise, majority) people use when they look at others’ opinions.
Image of Yuxuan	Jin
Yuxuan Jin
Yuxuan Jin is a Ph.D. researcher at NIDI. In his Ph.D. dissertation supervised by Prof. Dr. Matthijs Kalmijn and Prof. Dr. Helga de Valk, he investigates the consequences of early parental death for partners and children using large-scale administrative and survey data. Before working at NIDI, he completed his Research Master’s degree in Sociology and Social Research at Utrecht University, where he wrote a thesis on the association between parenthood and health of people in same-sex and different-sex relationships.
Image of Irene Tsitse
Irene Tsitse
Irene Tsitse is a PhD candidate in Media and Creative Industries at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). Her PhD research explores the transformative potential of audience engagement in the cultural and creative sectors and industries (CCSIs), focusing on the intersection of audience engagement, cultural entrepreneurship, and digitalization. Motivated by a research gap in understanding audience experiences in cultural sectors, her study aims to combine computational and qualitative methods to analyze audience/visitor behavior, ultimately contributing to the prosperity and sustainability of the CCSIs. Irene holds a Master's degree in Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship from EUR and a BA in Marketing and Communication from Athens University of Economics and Business.
Image of Isabelle Salle (observer)
Isabelle Salle (observer)
I am an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in macroeconomics at the University of Ottawa and a research fellow at the University of Amsterdam. I work on behavioral macroeconomics using surveys, experiments and models.


All Participants

Image of Xi Song
Xi Song
Xi Song is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Demography at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research uses statistical, demographic, and computational techniques to understand how patterns of social inequality are created and changed within and across generations. Her current topics of investigation include the gap between factual and perceived inequality, multigenerational social mobility and kinship inequality, the evolution of occupational structure, and statistical methods for characterizing the link between intra- and intergenerational mobility. She received the 2021 William Julius Wilson Early Career Award from the American Sociological Association. Her previous publications have received multiple awards from the American Sociological Association, the International Sociological Association, IPUMS, and the Demographic Research.
Image of Daniel J. Hopkins
Daniel J. Hopkins
Daniel Hopkins is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania whose research centers on American politics, with a special emphasis on racial and ethnic politics, state/local politics, political behavior, and research methods.
Image of Kiran Garimella
Kiran Garimella
Kiran Garimella is an assistant professor of library and information science at Rutgers. Garimella’s research deals with using large-scale data to tackle societal issues such as misinformation, political polarization, or hate speech.
Image of Afsaneh Razi
Afsaneh Razi
Afsaneh Razi is an Assistant Professor at the College of Computing and Informatics at Drexel University. Razi’s research expertise is positioned at the intersection of HCI, Social Computing, AI/ML, Privacy, and Online Safety.
Image of Chris Callison-Burch
Chris Callison-Burch
Chris Callison-Burch is an associate professor of Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania. He is best known for his research into natural language processing. His current research is focused on applications of large language models to long-standing challenges in artificial intelligence.
Image of Brandon Stewart
Brandon Stewart
Brandon Stewart is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and is also affiliated with the Department of Politics and the Office of Population Research. He develops new quantitative statistical methods for applications across the social sciences. Methodologically his focus is in tools which facilitate automated text analysis and model complex heterogeneity in regression.
Image of Ian Lustick
Ian Lustick
Ian Lustick holds the Bess W. Heyman Chair in the Political Science Department of the University of Pennsylvania. He teaches Middle Eastern politics, comparative politics, and computer modeling.
Image of Taylor Brown
Taylor Brown
Taylor Brown is a research scientist/engineer at Facebook. Brown studies group-level patterns using digital trace data and computational methods.
Image of Mark Whiting
Mark Whiting
Mark E. Whiting builds systems to study how people behave and coordinate at scale. He is a Senior Computational Social Scientist at the CSSLab at the University of Pennsylvania working with Duncan J. Watts, in affiliation with Computer & Information Science in Engineering and Applied Science and Operations, Information and Decisions at Wharton.


All Participants

Image of Cantay Caliskan
Cantay Caliskan
Cantay Caliskan is an assistant professor of instruction at the Goergen Institute for Data Science, University of Rochester. He studied political science, computer science, and statistics during his PhD, and received his degree from Boston University in 2018. Cantay received his BA in Economics, Mathematics, and Intl. and Global Studies from Brandeis University and his MA in International Relations from Koç University. His research interests include computational social science, specifically computer vision, social media analysis, and generative AI.
Image of Ezgi Siir Kibris
Ezgi Siir Kibris
Ezgi Siir Kibris is a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science and an alumna of the MS program in Data Science at the University of Rochester. She has MA degrees in Political Science and European Studies and BA in Economics from Sabanci University. Her dissertation research revolves around judicial politics, international courts, democratic backsliding, and gender. She is interested in quantitative methods, specifically causal inference, machine learning, and natural language processing.
Image of Agnes Horvat
Agnes Horvat
Agnes Horvat is an Associate Professor of Communication and Computer Science (by courtesy) at Northwestern University. Her research lies at the intersection of human-centered computing, computational social science, and communication. Using interdisciplinary approaches, her research group, the Lab on Innovation, Networks, and Knowledge (LINK), investigates how networks induce biased information production, sharing, and processing on digital platforms. For example, they study the impact of networks and diversity on scholarly communication, identify expressions of collective intelligence and opportunities for innovation in crowdsourcing communities, and develop tools to support creativity and predict success in culture industries. Agnes developed courses on networks, media, and AI to train students for careers at the intersection of creative occupations and data science. Her research and teaching have been recognized with an NSF CAREER and CRII Award. She received her PhD in Physics from the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Prior to becoming a faculty member at Northwestern, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO).
Image of Dino P. Christenson
Dino P. Christenson
Dino Pinterpe Christenson is Professor (Ph.D., Ohio State University; B.A., University of Michigan) in the Department of Political Science at Washington University, a Faculty Affiliate in the Division of Computational and Data Science, and a Research Fellow at the Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy. Christenson studies American political behavior and quantitative methods, with recent work exploring presidential voting behavior, campaign dynamics in presidential primaries and caucuses, the coalition behavior of interest groups, and public opinion and the media environment of institutional outcomes. More generally, his research in American politics concerns electoral behavior, public opinion, political psychology, political communication, interest groups and judicial politics. He has broad methodological interests as well, including survey research, experimental design, longitudinal and nested data models, Bayesian analysis, social network analysis and causal inference.
Image of Bruce Desmarais
Bruce Desmarais
Bruce Desmarais is Professor in the Department of Political Science and Faculty Co-Hire of the Institute for Computational and Data Sciences at Penn State University. Professor Desmarais' research focuses on the development and application of statistical methods in the study of Social and Political systems that are characterized by interdependence and structural complexity. Network analysis is the primary methodological approach in his research. Areas of application include international conflict and cooperation among countries, campaign finance and co-sponsorship networks in the US Congress, digital communication networks in local government, diffusion of public policies across the US states, and the interconnectedness of scientific research and US regulatory policymaking. His current research agenda is generously supported by three grants from the US National Science foundation and one from the Russell Sage Foundation.
Image of Bryce J. Dietrich
Bryce J. Dietrich
Bryce Dietrich is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Purdue University and research scholar at the Center for C-SPAN Scholarship and Engagement (CCSE). His research uses novel quantitative, automated, and machine learning methods to analyze non-traditional data sources such as audio (or speech) data and video data. These methods are used to understand the causes and consequences of non-verbal cues, such as vocal inflections and walking trajectories, especially as they relate to elite political behavior.
Image of Gourab Ghoshal
Gourab Ghoshal
Gourab Ghoshal is Professor of Physics and Astronomy with joint appointments at the departments of Computer Science and Mathematics. He came to Rochester from Harvard University, where he was a Research Scientist at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and a member of multidisciplinary Orgins of Life Initiative. Hailing from New Delhi, India, Professor Ghoshal got his BS and MS degrees at the University of London, UK (BS and MSc in theoretical Physics, 2004). He did his doctoral-thesis work at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (PhD in Physics, 2009) during which he attended the prestigious Complex Systems summer school at the Santa Fe Institute, NM and the Theoretical Physics school at Les Houches near Chamonix in France. Following his PhD, he was a postdoctoral scientist jointly at Northeastern University and Harvard Medical School as well as a visiting scientist at the Media Lab, MIT.
Image of Jonathan Herington
Jonathan Herington
Jonathan Herington is Assistant Professor of Philosophy, and Assistant Director of Graduate Education in the College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering, at the University of Rochester. Between 2014 and 2019 Jonathan was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Kansas State University. Previously Jonathan was a Research Fellow in the Medicine, Ethics, Society and History unit of the University of Birmingham. Jonathan completed my PhD in the School of Philosophy, at the Australian National University. Jonathan is a native of Brisbane, Australia and recieved a BA (Hons I) in International Relations and Philosophy, and a BSc in Microbiology, from the University of Queensland. Prior to undertaking my PhD Jonathan was located at the Centre for International Security Studies, University of Sydney.
Image of Yichen Li
Yichen Li
Yichen Li is currently a rising senior at the University of Rochester, where he specializes in Data Science and Business. His research focuses on advanced applications in computer vision, specifically developing methods to analyze political polarization and to measure 3D distances within 2D images. He also has significant experience in leveraging Large Language Models for predicting financial metrics such as stock prices and sales volumes for various companies.
Image of Muchen Zhong
Muchen Zhong
Muchen Zhong is a graduating senior at the University of Rochester, majoring in Data Science and Economics. Soon, she will be joining Brown University for the MS program in Data Science. Her recent research involves developing innovative methodologies in computer vision to quantify political polarization and constructing methods to measure 3D distances in 2D frames. She also has research experience in applying natural language processing and network analysis to explore the impact of AI agents on team dynamics, processes, and outcomes. She is interested in computer vision and financial data science.
Image of Adiba Proma
Adiba Proma
Adiba Proma is a Computer Science PhD student at the University of Rochester. Her research focuses on modeling human interactions within social networks, particularly exploring the impacts of these interactions in the contexts of climate change and elections. She is also keen on exploring how various technologies, such as Large Language Models (LLMs), recommendation algorithms, and user interface (UI) designs, influence social interactions on online platforms.
Image of Amber Shen
Amber Shen
Amber(Yiyang) Shen is a graduating MSW student at Columbia University. Amber's research interests encompass minority mental health, homelessness, poverty, aging, and stigma, with a keen focus on leveraging Artificial Intelligence in mental health interventions. She has gained hands-on research experience at Columbia Population Research Center and the Action Lab for Social Justice, where she spearheaded projects exploring topics ranging from longitudinal studies of community wellbeing to mental health in low-income neighborhoods.
Image of Bibandhan Poudyal
Bibandhan Poudyal
Bibandhan Poudyal is a Physics PhD student at the University of Rochester specializing in complex network analysis, particularly its application to understanding how human mobility impacts urban well-being.
Image of Dihan Shi
Dihan Shi
Dihan Shi is a PhD student in the Department of Political Science at Washington University in St. Louis. He uses survey experiments and computer vision to study comparative political economy and public opinion. He also studies causal inference problems in survey experimentation and remote sensing. He holds a B.S. degree summa cum laude in Mathematics (Honors) and Political Economy (Honors) from Georgetown University (2022).
Image of Haofeng Ma
Haofeng Ma
Haofeng Ma is a PhD Candidate in Political Science at The University of Iowa. As a comparativist, he is broadly interested in comparative public opinion, language and ethnicity, and political economy. His methodological approaches include spatio-temporal statistics, Bayesian statistics, causal inference, natural language processing, and deep learning. He also utilizes GIS techniques, such as geoprocessing and remote sensing, to enhance data availability, analytics, and visualization. He holds an MS in Informatics from The University of Iowa (2023), a master’s degree in Political Theory from Sun Yat-sen University (2019), and a bachelor’s degree in Politics and Public Administration from Xiangtan University (2017).
Image of Homayra Tabassum
Homayra Tabassum
Homayra Tabassum is a graduate student at the University of Rochester, where she is pursuing a master's degree in Data Science. Prior to this, she completed her undergraduate studies in Computer Science and Engineering. Homayra's academic and research interests bridge the domains of Data Science and Social Sciences, with a particular focus on advancing diversity and gender equity within STEM fields.
Image of Jefferson Leal
Jefferson Leal
Jefferson Leal is a PhD student in Political Science at the University of Rochester. Originally from São Paulo, Brazil, he has an MA in Political Science and BA degrees in Economics and International Relations from the University of São Paulo. His research interests include Latin American Politics, populism, polarization, inequality, and democratic backsliding. His methodological interests concern causal inference, machine learning, and natural language processing.
Image of Ke Xu
Ke Xu
Ke Xu is pursuing a duel degree in Data Science and Business Analytics from the University of Rochester with interests in applied machine learning, neural networks, and image datas.
Image of Neeley Pate
Neeley Pate
Neeley is a first year Ph. D. student in the Computer Science department at the University of Rochester. She previously graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelors of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering and a minor in Journalism. Currently, she works with the Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Lab (ROCHCI) with interests in online trust, misinformation and propaganda, and social network construction.
Image of Nour Assili
Nour Assili
Nour Assili is an undergraduate Data Science major at the University of Rochester, with a concentration in Economics. She has actively contributed to research projects at the university's Human Computer Interaction Lab. Nour was also a software engineer at early-stage startups, where she built applications at the intersection of tech and social sciences. Her academic and professional interests are centered around Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Blockchain technologies. Currently, she is exploring how Blockchain could ensure that profit-maximizing corporations do not totally control superintelligence.
Image of Omer Antalyali
Omer Antalyali
Omer Lutfi Antalyali currently holds a position at Suleyman Demirel University as a Professor of Management and Strategy. He is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Rochester's Psychology Department, focusing on a year-long engagement. His primary research project, employee meta-motivation, integrates his interests in leadership, motivation, and advanced statistical analysis. Recently, he has expanded his research scope into the realm of computational social science, embarking on a project aimed at predicting achievement goal orientation through vocal features. His work significantly enhances the intersection of management strategy and technology-driven psychological research, contributing valuable insights to both fields.
Image of Pavithra Priyadarshini Selvakumar
Pavithra Priyadarshini Selvakumar
Pavi Selvakumar, is a Ph.D. candidate from the Environmental Science Graduate Program at Oklahoma State University. After completing her Bachelor's in Information Technology at Anna University, India, she went on to earn her Master's in Environmental Assessment and Management at the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom. Her research interests include environmental stewardship, enhancing university campus sustainability, and promoting environmental sustainability through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In the future, Pavi aspires to get into academia, pursuing path-breaking research in the field of environmental sustainability and being a part of an endearing teaching fraternity.
Image of Sayli Shivalkar
Sayli Shivalkar
Sayli Shivalkar is pursuing a Master's in Data Science at the University of Rochester. She focuses on creating data science systems that solve fundamental issues and generate measurable impacts. Having co-founded a data science startup in the agri-tech space to improve agricultural productivity, she aspires to use data to solve social issues. Her areas of interest are Responsible AI, knowledge graphs, signal processing, and AI Product Management. She has worked on applications of data science in NIR spectroscopy, LLMs, recommendation systems, CPG, knowledge graphs, and venture capital. Her motto is to learn and unlearn effectively with a passion for making data science accessible to everyone.
Image of Suganya Schmura
Suganya Schmura
Suganya Rajendran Schmura is a PhD student in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Rochester. Her research interests include sociolinguistics, Tamil heritage language maintenance and identity, language variation and change, linguistic anthropology, and arts-based ethnography. She is currently investigating a linguistic variable in Tamil that seems to be grammaticalizing, or shifting from a lexical word to a grammatical unit, by employing both quantitative and qualitative methods within a natural language corpus she created. Suganya holds an MS in Applied Linguistics from Texas A&M University-Commerce and a BS in Biological Sciences from Carnegie Mellon University.
Image of Tianhui Wu
Tianhui Wu
Tianhui Wu is a PhD student in the Department of Political Science at The University of Iowa, with a keen interest in comparative public opinion and political behaviors. Her current research focuses on perceived corruption, mass media, and contentious politics, employing both statistical and computational methods. She earned her BA in Political Science and Public Administration from Fudan University and her MA in Political Theory from Sun Yat-sen University.
Image of Wei-Lun Lo
Wei-Lun Lo
Wei-Lun Lo is a PhD student in Economics at the University of Rochester. His research interests span health, causal inference, and family economics. His research investigates impacts of children’s health on families' decision-making. He is also broadly interested in applying and integrating techniques from analyses of text corpora and geographic patterns to generate new insights into healthcare fraud and abuse. He holds an MA in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a BBA in Finance from National Taiwan University.
Image of Yitao Yu
Yitao Yu
Yitao Yu is a new graduate Data Science student at the University of Rochester. During his undergraduate program, he primarily focused on studying Machine Learning and its various fields of application. He also uses Kaggle in his leisure time, learning to solve different tasks such as recommendation systems, image description, visual localization, time series, and more.
Image of Zhe Chen
Zhe Chen
Zhe Chen is currently pursuing her doctoral degree at the Warner School of Education. Simultaneously, she is enrolled as a student in the M.S. in Data Science program at the Goergen Institute for Data Science. She holds a Master's degree in Education Policy from the University of Rochester and a Master's degree in International Education from UNC-Chapel Hill. Her research focuses on examining education policy, social movements such as the opt-out movement and teachers' strikes, and rural education using national representative data.


All Participants

Image of Michael Kenwick
Michael Kenwick
Michael Kenwick is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University.
Image of Katie McCabe
Katie McCabe
Katie McCabe is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University.
Image of Andrey Tomashevskiy
Andrey Tomashevskiy
Andrey Tomashevskiy is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University.
Image of Ethan Busby
Ethan Busby
Ethan Busby is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University.
Image of Thomas R. Davidson
Thomas R. Davidson
Thomas R. Davidson is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University.
Image of Kiran Garimella
Kiran Garimella
Kiran Garimella is an Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science at Rutgers University
Image of Jianing Li
Jianing Li
Jianing Li is an Assistant Professor at the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University (Fall 2024)
Image of Katya Ognyanova
Katya Ognyanova
Katya Ognyanova is an Associate Professor at the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University.
Image of Robert Schub
Robert Schub
Robert Schub is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University.
Image of Tiago Ventura
Tiago Ventura
Tiago Ventura is an Assistant Professor in Computational Social Science at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy.
Image of Muhammad Ammar
Muhammad Ammar
Muhammad Ammar is an interdisciplinary academic from Pakistan and a PhD candidate in Political Science at Rutgers University. His research in comparative politics, which has appeared in Peace Review and the Journal of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, seeks to explore the mediatized performances of South Asian populism. Before coming to Rutgers, Ammar finished his Bachelor of Arts at Bennington College in Vermont, where he had a triple focus in Political Science, Theatre, and Literary Translation.
Katelyn Barnes
Katelyn Barnes is a PhD student in Political Science at Rutgers University. Her research interests include Women, Peace, and Security research, specifically the effects of women's inclusion in the peace process. Methodologically, she is interested in using text analysis to understand the effects of gender equality provisions within peace treaties and the contexts in which these provisions are best implemented. Before coming to Rutgers, Katelyn studied at Queen's University Belfast as a Fulbright scholar in the Global Security and Borders program. She received her bachelor's degree from the University of Dayton.
Image of Kateryna Bystrytska
Kateryna Bystrytska
Kateryna Bystrytska is a PhD student at the School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University (media studies). She obtained her MA in public and organizational relations from Montclair State University as a Fulbright student from Ukraine. Kateryna's research focus is political communication and information warfare, especially the role of emerging media and technologies in wartime. She employs mixed methods to study the mediation of war through emerging platforms. Kateryna also worked as a journalist in Ukraine and a communication officer in governmental and international nongovernmental organizations.
Image of Xiao Chen
Xiao Chen
Xiao Chen is Associate Professor of Management at the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada. Xiao's primary research interests include goal setting and priming in organizational behavior, evidence-based management, and cross-cultural management. Xiao received his Ph.D. in Management from the University of Toronto and his M.A. in Asian Studies and Graduate Certificate in Survey and Data Science from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Sandra George
Sandra George is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at Rutgers University with a focus on populism, South-Asia, environmental studies, and gender politics. Her research background includes collaborations with organizations like CUTS International and the Rohingya Human Rights Initiative. Sandra is the recipient of the Excellence Fellowship and has been recognized as a conference awardee at the upcoming European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR).
Image of Laura Geronimo
Laura Geronimo
Laura Geronimo is a recent graduate of the doctoral program in Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy. She begins a Postdoc in the Rutgers Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences this summer, supporting research efforts within the Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub (MACH) focused on coastal climate adaptation.
Image of Majka Hahn
Majka Hahn
Majka Hahn is a doctoral student in the Rutgers University Political Science department. Her primary research interest is the politics of reproduction and it's related social movements. Her current research examines the use and effectiveness of different social movement frames by the reproductive freedom movement in their abortion related campaigns. She is also working on a methodological project focusing on the relationship between the quantitative measurement of gender equality and the norms of feminist methodology. Prior to joining the PhD program at Rutgers, she received her MA in political science from McGill University and was the centre-wide research coordinator for the Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity at the University of British Columbia.
Image of Rachel Horvath
Rachel Horvath
Rachel Horvath is a PhD student in the Political Science department at Rutgers University. She studies social media as both a non traditional news source and as a venue for social movement activism. Methodologically, she is interested in learning computational methods to analyze large sets of social media data. She is currently working on a sentiment analysis of Instagram captions posted by an activism account to understand how emotional appeals correlate with share rates. Rachel received her Bachelor’s of Arts from Lycoming College.
Image of Pooja Iyer
Pooja Iyer
Pooja Iyer (Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin), as of Fall 2024 is an Assistant Professor of Advertising in the Department of Advertising, Public Relations, and Media Design College of Media, Communication, and Information at University of Colorado Boulder. Pooja’s research lies at the intersection of big data, privacy, and personalization in the advertising and marketing industry. She primarily studies the impact of big data and AI on emerging media, the politics of platforms, and consumer behavior. Pooja has spent almost a decade in advertising in strategic media planning as an Associate Media Director on brands such as Welch’s, RadioShack, Whole Foods Market, and American Petroleum Institute, among others. With extensive industry experience, Pooja has a keen interest in bridging the gap between academia and industry. Pooja has participated in many industry events including being on a professional panel discussion on location-based targeting and analytics. She has also guest lectured on big data and media strategy at Texas Christian University, Texas State University, and the University of Texas at Austin.
Image of Melanie Kwestel
Melanie Kwestel
Melanie Kwestel is a doctoral candidate at Rutgers School of Communication and Information. Her research focuses on how organizations espousing minority opinions collaborate to gain saliency in larger networks to impact public or corporate policy. Her dissertation explores organizing around offshore wind energy on the east coast.
Image of Chaosu Li
Chaosu Li
Chaosu Li is an assistant professor in the Urban Governance and Design Thrust at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). He received his master degree in City and Regional Planning from Peking University and Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from UNC-Chapel Hill. He has expertise in urban form, urban sustainability and resilience, and applied GIS.
Image of Madeliene Merrick
Madeliene Merrick
Madeliene Merrick is a PhD student in sociology at York University. Her research focuses on culture, values, communications technology, and non-profit organizations. More specifically she builds upon her interdisciplinary background and professional experience within the Canadian non-profit sector to examine nongovernmental actors' use of social media to influence societal norms.
Image of Lila O'Brien-Milne
Lila O'Brien-Milne
Lila O’Brien-Milne is a doctoral student in Political Science at Rutgers University. Her work focuses on how state transformations affect women’s political power, with a particular focus on collective action. Before pursuing graduate school, she studied gender, development, and violence for a research firm in Washington, DC. She received her B.A. in Political Science from Bryn Mawr College and her M.A. in Law and Diplomacy from Tufts University.
Image of Yehuda Perry
Yehuda Perry
Yehuda Perry is a PhD candidate in Information Science at Rutgers University. His research focus in new methodologies for improving fairness in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms. Yehuda received his MSc in Applied Data Science from Syracuse University and BA in Social Science and Industrial Engineering from the OU of Israel. Yehuda is an experienced software engineer and data scientist.
Katherine Scrivani
Image of Yuehong Cassandra Tai
Yuehong Cassandra Tai
Cassandra Tai is a postdoctoral scholar at the Center for Social Data Analytics at Penn State University. Her research examines elite behavior and public opinion using millions of social media posts, thousands of national survey datasets, Bayesian and text analysis, and machine learning methods.
Image of Nan Yu
Nan Yu
Dr. Nan Yu is a Professor of Communication at Nicholson School of Communication and Media with University of Central Florida. Her research focuses on health communication and communication technology. She currently serves on the editorial board of some leading journals in the field such as Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly and Mass Communication and Society.
Image of Samantha Koprowski
Samantha Koprowski
Samantha Koprowski is a PhD student in Political Science at Rutgers University studying Women & Politics and American Politics.


All Participants

Image of Han Li
Han Li
Han Li is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Communication and New Media at National University of Singapore. Her research focuses on AI in healthcare, computational communication, human-computer interaction, and online support communities. As a computational and mixed-method researcher, she used a wide variety of research methods to explore how information and communication technologies can be designed and used to improve health and well-being, enhanced social relationship, and contribute to social good.
Image of Rongxin Ouyang
Rongxin Ouyang
Rongxin Ouyang is an PhD student at the Department of Communications and New Media at the National University of Singapore. He researches the societal and political implications of digital media using computational, causal, or quantitative methods; with a particular interest in the inequality and audience engagement of social media.
Image of Anita Kuei-Chun Liu
Anita Kuei-Chun Liu
Anita Kuei-Chun Liu is a Postdoctoal Fellow in the Department of Communication and New Media at National University of Singapore. Her research focuses on social movements, public opinion, and framing effects in political, health, and science information contexts. Her work draws methods from social and computer sciences to explore the online discussion and role of social media, in the promotion of social movements and social change, and the effects of campaign framing on public opinion(e.g., computational text analysis, network analysis and experiment). She recevided a M.A. in Communication and Information from Rutgers University–New Brunswick, and a Ph.D. in Communication from the University at Buffalo, State University of New York.
Image of Jinyuan Zhan
Jinyuan Zhan
Jinyuan Zhan is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Communication and New Media at National University of Singapore. Her research interests lie in health communication, human-machine relationship and media psychology. She is currently investigating the potential harms of AI and how they could impact human's mental and physical health.
Image of Renwen Zhang
Renwen Zhang
Renwen Zhang is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communications and New Media at the National University of Singapore. Her research lies at the intersection of health communication, human-computer interaction, and interpersonal communication. She examines the design, use, and effects of digital technology for promoting wellbeing and mental health.
Image of Subhayan Mukerjee
Subhayan Mukerjee
Subhayan Mukerjee is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communications and New Media, and a principal investigator at the Centre for Trusted Internet and Community at the National University of Singapore. He researches online audiences using computational methods, and teaches courses in quantitative methods, programming, and data visualization.
Image of Prasanta Bhattacharya
Prasanta Bhattacharya
Dr. Prasanta Bhattacharya is a Senior Scientist and Innovation Lead with the Social and Cognitive Computing Department at the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), A*STAR Singapore, where he works on network science and behavioral analytics. Prasanta holds a Ph.D in Information Systems from the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore, where he studied network science with a special focus on predictive and inferential methods in large social networks. His current research agenda aims at understanding the role of big data in emerging social and business applications from finance, education and healthcare. Prasanta actively collaborates with major industry partners from around the world, and has presented his research in leading computer science, information systems and marketing science venues.
Image of Noshir Contractor
Noshir Contractor
Dr. Noshir Contractor is the Jane S. & William J. White Professor of Behavioral Sciences in the McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science, the School of Communication and the Kellogg School of Management and Director of the Science of Networks in Communities (SONIC) Research Group at Northwestern University. He is also the former President of the International Communication Association (ICA). Professor Contractor has been at the forefront of three emerging interdisciplines: network science, computational social science and web science. He is investigating how social and knowledge networks form – and perform – in contexts including business, scientific communities, healthcare and space travel.
Image of He Tianyu
He Tianyu
Dr. Tianyu [tea-n-you] is an Assistant Professor of Management and Organisation at the National University of Singapore Business School. She received her.D. in Management from INSEAD; M.A. in Sociology from Emory University; LL.B in Sociology and B.S. in Psychology from Peking University. She is curious about characteristics that set high-performing groups apart and seek to discover ways to enhance collaborative problem-solving and creativity. Employing a dynamic mixed-methods approach, her research delves into well-established aspects of designing groups, such as effective hierarchies and leadership, while also exploring exciting new frontiers such as the integration of technological tools and Artificial Intelligence in collaboration.
Image of Yingdan Lu
Yingdan Lu
Yingdan Lu (PhD, Stanford University) is an Assistant Professor of Communication Studies in the School of Communication at Northwestern University. Her research focuses on digital technology, political communication, and information manipulation in authoritarian and democratic contexts. Her research employs both computational and qualitative methods to understand how authoritarian governments use digital media and artificial intelligence to maintain their rule, and how individuals experience visual media and the impacts. Her work has appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as Political Communication, New Media & Society, Human-Computer Interaction, Computational Communication Research, and among other peer-reviewed journals.
Image of Jiaxin Pei
Jiaxin Pei
Jiaxin Pei is a fifth-year PhD Candidate at the School of Information, University of Michigan. He works on Human-centered AI, NLP, Information Systems and Computational Social Science. He is the author of POTATO, an open-source machine learning annotation system used by worldwide institutions. His work has received best paper and honorable mention awards at multiple conferences and workshops.
Image of Koustuv Saha
Koustuv Saha
Koustuv Saha is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Georgia Tech in 2021. His research interests are in social computing, computational social science, human-centered machine learning, and FATE. He adopts machine learning, natural language, and causal inference analysis to examine human behavior and wellbeing using different forms of digital data, including social media and multimodal sensing data. His work questions the underlying assumptions of data-driven inferences and the possible harms such inferences might lead to. His research is situated in an interdisciplinary and human-centered context and bears implications for various stakeholders. His work has been published at various venues, including CHI, CSCW, ICWSM, IMWUT (UbiComp), Scientific Reports, JMIR, FAccT, among others. He is a recipient of the 2021 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award from the College of Computing at Georgia Tech, Foley Scholarship Award from the GVU Center, Snap Research Fellowship, and a finalist of the Symantec Graduate Fellowship. His research has won the Outstanding Study Design Award at ICWSM, and has been covered by several media outlets, including the New York Times, Vox, CBC Radio, NBC, 11Alive, the Hill, and the Commonwealth Times. He was previously a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research, Montreal, in the Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics in AI (FATE) group. During his Ph.D., he did research internships at Snap Research, Microsoft Research, Max Planck Institute, and Fred Hutch Cancer Research. Earlier, he completed his B.Tech (Hons.) in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. He was awarded the NTSE Scholarship by the Govt. of India, and he has six years of overall industry research experience.
Image of Joe Simons
Joe Simons
Dr. Joe Simons is a Principal Scientist and Group Manager (Social & Behavioural Inference) in the Social & Cognitive Computing (SCC) Department at the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) and Lead of A*STAR’s Social Sciences & Technology Horizontal Technology Programme Office (SST HTCO). A social psychologist by training, he has extensive experience collaborating with computational scientists and leading interdisciplinary research teams. His work applies methodologies from both behaviorual and computational sciences – such as predictive modelling and language processing - to better address social-behavioural questions. His research has been featured in outlets including Communication Research, IEEE Pervasive Computing, and Media Psychology
Image of Chris Chao Su
Chris Chao Su
Chris Chao Su (Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong) is an assistant professor of Emerging Media Studies (EMS) and Computing & Data Science (CDS) at Boston University, USA. His research examines the intersection of media audiences, social media, and platform governance, employing computational methods. His work has been published in the Journal of Communication, New Media & Society, Digital Journalism, The International Journal of Press/Politics, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, International Journal of Communication, etc.
Image of Liang Ze Wong
Liang Ze Wong
Dr. Liang Ze Wong is a Senior Scientist at IHPC. He also teaches business analytics at NUS Business School, where he is an adjunct assistant professor. He holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Washington, where he researched abstract algebra and topology. His current interests are in natural language processing, topic modelling, data analytics, and in applications of large language models to qualitative social science research. He was an attendee of SICSS-Singapore 2023.
Image of Diyi Yang
Diyi Yang
Diyi Yang is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University. Her research focuses on human-centered natural language processing and computational social science. She is a recipient of Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship (2021), NSF CAREER Award (2022), ONR Young Investigator Award (2023), and Sloan Research Fellowship (2024). Her work has received multiple paper awards or nominations at top NLP and HCI conferences (e.g., ACL, EMNLP, SIGCHI, and CSCW).
Image of Chao Yu
Chao Yu
Chao Yu (Ph.D., Cornell University) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communications and New Media at the National University of Singapore. His research focuses on social impacts of new media. He uses big data studies to uncover hidden patterns on new media platforms that can create inequalities or biases, as well as identifying policies and strategies to improve them.
Image of Alvin Zhou
Alvin Zhou
Dr. Alvin Zhou is an Assistant Professor at the Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication. His research centers around computational social science and strategic communication. His work has appeared in journals across communication subfields, including New Media & Society, Journal of Communication, Journal of Public Relations Research, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Mass Communication and Society, Public Relations Review, Social Media + Society, and Political Communication. Dr. Zhou earned his Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Pennsylvania Annenberg School. Prior to that, he earned an M.A. in Statistics and Data Science from the Wharton School and an M.A. in Strategic Public Relations from the University of Southern California Annenberg School. He graduated from Tsinghua University with dual degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Journalism.
Image of Xueyan Cao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Xueyan Cao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Xueyan Cao is a Ph.D. student in the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interest involves health communication and human-machine interaction. She attempts to explore the interaction between health beliefs and the media environment through the computational approach.
Image of Yi Ting Chen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Yi Ting Chen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Yi Ting Chen is a MA Research student at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication in the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research interests include computational communication, social media and news. She is particularly keen in exploring the impact of regulations on news production and consumption.
Image of Victoria Chua, Nanyang Technological University
Victoria Chua, Nanyang Technological University
Victoria Chua is a master’s student in Psychology (Research), and the mental health product manager in Mindsigns Health, a start-up focused on neuropsychiatric care. Victoria’s research interests involve drawing upon psychological and computational methods to analyse and understand teamwork communications, parent-child interactions, extremist content and digital mental health.
Image of Jianing Deng, Duke University
Jianing Deng, Duke University
Jianing Deng is a master student at Duke University, political science department. She majors in Behavior and Identity and sub-major in Political Methodology at Duke. Her research attempts to investigate political communication, especially propaganda in authoritarian regime, with a regional focus on China. Methodologically, she interest in using computational methods to analyze the dynamics of state-citizen interaction in digital spaces. Prior to graduate school, she received BA in political science at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou in 2023.
Image of Min Gong, National University of Singapore
Min Gong, National University of Singapore
Min Gong is a first-year PhD student at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, and her research interests include the trade-off between data use and privacy protection, the balance between privacy policy formulation and generative AI evolution, racial representation and meritocracy in public service systems, etc.
Image of Kunmei Han, National University of Singapore
Kunmei Han, National University of Singapore
Kunmei Han is a PhD candidate in Department of English, Linguistics, and Theatre Studies at National University of Singapore. Kunmei’s research focus on corpus linguistics and clinical linguistics. Her current study investigates language changes in a normal aging process. Kunmei got her bachelor’s degree from Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Image of Yuhan Hu, University of Oxford
Yuhan Hu, University of Oxford
Yuhan Hu is a DPhil candidate in Politics at University of Oxford and currently an exchange scholar at Yale University. She applies computational methods to study contentious politics under authoritarian contexts. Her ongoing DPhil thesis examines the authoritarian regimes’ responses to collective action.
Image of Tengjiao Huang, DSO National Laboratories
Tengjiao Huang, DSO National Laboratories
Dr. Huang Tengjiao, Senior Social and Behavioural Research Scientist at DSO National Laboratories, leverages psychological insights to bolster national security. Holding a Ph.D. in Psychology from Singapore Management University, she has published research that informs and addresses critical global issues like climate change. Her expertise includes motivation, individual differences, and decision-making, with a current interest in harnessing computational techniques to address societal challenges.
Image of Xiaoyun Huang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Xiaoyun Huang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Xiaoyun Hunag is an MPhil student in Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. With an interdisciplinary background in both engineering and social science, she conducts mixed-method projects that combine perspectives of computational social science and qualitative studies. Currently, she is working on her MPhil thesis on feminism and digital communities.
Image of Jianfeng Lan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Jianfeng Lan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Jianfeng (Jeff) Lan is a Ph.D. student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Media and Communication. His research specializes in human-machine communication, with a focus on the socio-psychological impact on various social relationships such as intimacy, trust, and collaboration. His previous research encompassed topics like virtual uploaders (VUP), gender stereotypes in machine interactions, and the dynamics of human-machine love affairs.
Image of Gionnieve Lim, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Gionnieve Lim, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Gionnieve Lim is a doctoral student at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. Her work lies at the intersection of human-AI interaction and misinformation, where she investigates the use of automated labelling interventions to mitigate misinformation on social media. She is interested in how collaboration takes place between humans and AI and takes a human-centered approach in her work, focusing on aspects like trust and agency.
Image of Xinyi Liu, Northwestern University
Xinyi Liu, Northwestern University
Xinyi Liu is a Master’s student at Nanyang Technological University, and an incoming student at Northwestern. She is interested in experimental and computational methods to study digital media technologies in various topics.
Image of Siyuan Brandon Loh, Institute of High Performance Computing (Astar)
Siyuan Brandon Loh, Institute of High Performance Computing (Astar)
Brandon is concurrently a research engineer at the Institute of High Performance Computing and is pursuing an MS in Statistics at the National University of Singapore. He is incredibly passionate about advancing social science research through honest and transparent data science practises.
Image of Qianfeng Lu, Università della Svizzera italiana
Qianfeng Lu, Università della Svizzera italiana
Qianfeng Lu is a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Communication, Culture, and Society at the Università della Svizzera italiana (University of Lugano) in Switzerland. Her research focuses on patient-provider communication, patient empowerment, and health literacy. Her work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Medical Internet Research, BMC Public Health, and Patient Education and Counseling. Her latest research explores physicians' roles in protecting patients from misinformation on social media.
Image of Tianqi Song, National University of Singapore
Tianqi Song, National University of Singapore
Tianqi Song is currently a PhD student in Computer Science at the National University of Singapore. Her work lies at the intersection of computer science, design and psychology, including human-centered AI, human-AI collaboration and visualization. Her recent work has focused on designing multi-agent systems for social good and exploring AI literacy for marginalized groups.
Image of Jiajun Tang, Nanjing University
Jiajun Tang, Nanjing University
Jiajun Tang is a master's student at the School of Information Management, Nanjing University. His research interests focus on library and information science. He attempts to study issues related to reading in society using methods such as large-scale text analysis and complex network analysis.
Image of Youyi Wei, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Youyi Wei, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Youyi Wei is a PhD student in the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests are digital journalism and computational social science. She is exploring visual media in witness news and gatekeeping dynamics on social media.
Image of Tianyi Yang, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Tianyi Yang, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Tianyi Yang is a PhD student in Communication at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Her research interests include online collective action, youth culture, and algorithmic impact. She is exploring popular culture topics by combining computational methods with qualitative methods.
Image of Xuzhen Yang, Michigan State University
Xuzhen Yang, Michigan State University
Xuzhen is an incoming PhD student in the Department of Communication at Michigan State University. Her general research interests lie in computational social science, news platformization, mobile media, and media ecology. From a computational methodology perspective, she is particularly drawn towards social network analysis, automated content/text analysis, and causal inference. She is currently using the Large Language Model to examine the manipulative tactics applied by news media across multiple platforms.
Image of Guangyu Cui
Guangyu Cui
Guangyu is a research assistant at the Centre for Trusted Internet and Community at the National University of Singapore majored in Data Science and Analytics. His research interest lies in utilizing Natural Language Processing (NLP) approaches and Large Language Models to better understand human linguistic behaviours on online communities and social media.
Image of Xuejiao Lin
Xuejiao Lin
Xuejiao Lin is a Ph.D. candidate in Marketing at the School of Business, Renmin University of China. She is also a visiting Ph.D. student at the National University of Singapore, specializing in Communication and New Media. Her research focuses on social media marketing and the impact of social factors on consumer behavior.


All Participants

Image of Jennie Brand
Jennie Brand
Jennie E. Brand is Professor of Sociology and Statistics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is Co-Director of the Center for Social Statistics (CSS) at UCLA. She has been Chair of the Methodology Section and the Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Section of the American Sociological Association (ASA), and Vice-President of the Board of the International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28). She previously served on the councils of the ASA Methodology, Sociology of Education, and Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility sections. She was elected to the Sociological Research Association (SRA), an honor society for excellence in research, in 2019, and received the ASA Methodology Leo Goodman Mid-Career Award in 2016, and honorable mention for the ASA Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility William Julius Wilson Mid-Career Award in 2014. Prof. Brand is a member of the Technical Review Committee for the National Longitudinal Surveys Program at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. She was previously a member of the Board of Overseers of the General Social Survey (GSS). She is Associate Editor of AAAS’s Science Advances, the open access extension of Science magazine, and serves on the editorial boards of Social Forces, Sociological Methodology, Sociological Methods and Research, Sociological Science, and Sociology Compass. She also previously served on the boards of American Sociological Review, Demography, and SAGE Research Methods. Prof. Brand studies social stratification and inequality, mobility, social demography, education, and methods for causal inference.
Image of Ian Lundberg
Ian Lundberg
Ian Lundberg is an Assistant Professor of Information Science at Cornell University. His research develops statistical methods and applies those methods to questions about inequality, poverty, and mobility. After completing his PhD in sociology at Princeton University, Ian spent one year as a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Sociology at UCLA. Ian enjoys hiking, surfing, and making oatmeal with blueberries.
Image of Kristin Liao
Kristin Liao
Kristin Liao is a PhD student in Sociology, a Master's student in Statistics and Data Science, and a NICHD trainee at the California Center for Population Research at UCLA. Kristin studies the social stratification and mobility of diverse immigrant populations in the US labor market and how higher education and family demographic processes shape their heterogeneous trajectories. Kristin is also interested in using causal inference and computational methods to motivate development in social theories.
Image of Christina Wilmot
Christina Wilmot
Christina Wilmot is a Ph.D. student in sociology at UCLA. Previously, she studied computer science and worked as a software engineer at Google. She is interested in the varying intersections of technology and society, including using novel computational methods to analyze social information, studying online social behavior, and looking at the effects of the adoption of new technologies on a society. She also aims to make computational methods more accessible to social researchers from a variety of substantive and methodological fields.
Image of Shibing Zhou
Shibing Zhou
Shibing Zhou is a doctoral student in the UCLA Sociology department. Her research interests lie in the intersection of political sociology and science and technology studies. Methodologically, She is interested in text analysis. She holds a BS in Physics and Math from the University of Michigan and a MA in Sociology from the University of Chicago.
Image of Saadia Gabriel
Saadia Gabriel
Saadia Gabriel is a Data Science Faculty Fellow at NYU and incoming UCLA Computer Science Assistant Professor. Her research revolves around natural language processing and machine learning, with a particular focus on building systems for understanding how social commonsense manifests in text (i.e. how do people typically behave in social scenarios), as well as mitigating spread of false or harmful text (e.g. Covid-19 misinformation). Her work has been covered by a wide range of media outlets like Forbes and TechCrunch. It has also received a 2019 ACL best short paper nomination, a 2019 IROS RoboCup best paper nomination, a best paper award at the 2020 WeCNLP summit and a 2023 MIT Generative AI Impact award. She was named on Forbes' 30 under 30 2024 list. She previously was a MIT CSAIL Postdoctoral Fellow and received her PhD from the University of Washington.
Image of Chad Hazlett
Chad Hazlett
Chad Hazlett is a professor at UCLA in the Department of Statistics and Data Science and in the Department of Political Science. His methodological work focuses on 'feasible' or 'practical' causal inference: developing research methods that enable researchers across disciplines to more feasibly make credible causal inferences from the available data and assumptions. His substantive work has focused on civil war, indiscriminate violence, and mass atrocity.
Image of Nathan Hoffmann
Nathan Hoffmann
Nathan Hoffmann is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he focuses on international migration, education, sexuality, and quantitative methods. As a social demographer, he is interested in how state policies and other national institutions affect the decisions and well-being of immigrants. He also engages in methodological research with the aim of educating social scientists in advanced statistical and machine learning methods. His work has been published in Social Forces, International Migration Review, Population Research and Policy Review, and other venues. He holds master's degrees in Statistics and Sociology from UCLA and in Social Policy from University College London.
Image of Nanum Jeon
Nanum Jeon
Nanum Jeon is a Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology and an M.S. Student in Statistics and Data Science at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is forging an academic path at the intersection of sociology, statistics, and data science, affiliated with the Social Inequality Data Science Lab (SIDS-Lab) and the California Center for Population Research. She is advised by Jennie E. Brand and Mark S. Handcock. Before coming to UCLA, she worked in public policy think tanks, including the Asian Development Bank Institute in Tokyo, Japan.
Image of Allison Koenecke
Allison Koenecke
Allison Koenecke is an Assistant Professor of Information Science at Cornell University. Her research on algorithmic fairness applies computational methods, such as machine learning and causal inference, to study societal inequities in domains from online services to public health. Koenecke is regularly quoted as an expert on disparities in automated speech-to-text systems. She previously held a postdoctoral researcher role at Microsoft Research and received her PhD from Stanford's Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering.
Image of Gabriel Rossman
Gabriel Rossman
Gabriel Rossman is a professor of sociology at UCLA. He studies diffusion of innovation, moral disreputable economic transactions, and the entertainment industry. His work uses simulation, diffusion analysis, social networks, vignette experiments, and plain old regression.
Image of Zachary Steinert-Threlkeld
Zachary Steinert-Threlkeld
Professor Steinert-Threlkeld is an Associate Professor of Public Policy at UCLA’s Luskin School of Public Affairs. His research seeks to understand protest dynamics using natural language processing, computer vision, and large-scale simulations. He has studied protests around the world, including the Arab Spring, East Asia, and the Americas. His newest work looks at evasion of the Great Firewall in China during COVID-19, signalling on social media during the Syrian civil war, how state violence can make protests smaller or larger, and the effect of social media taxation. His work has been published in the American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, Political Analysis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and World Development and received coverage from Al-Jazeera, The Atlantic, Business Insider, The Economist, The New York Times, and WIRED (2).
Image of Shuhan (Alice) Ai
Shuhan (Alice) Ai
Shuhan Ai is a doctoral student at UCLA School of Education and Information Studies, majored in Higher Education and Organizational Change. Her research examines how college experiences facilitates women of color's STEM career aspiration and trajectories. She is very interested in longitudinal studies and causal inference, as well as how to use machine learning in higher education research.
Image of Luoman Bao
Luoman Bao
Luoman Bao is an Associate Professor of Sociology at California State University, Los Angeles. Her research areas include aging, health, and family, focusing on aging experiences, the involved inequalities, and their implications for older people’s health. She is also interested in applying causal inference and machine learning methods to research.
Image of Ayumi Hashimoto
Ayumi Hashimoto
Ayumi Hashimoto is a visiting scholar at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and a post-doctoral fellow at the Faculty of Economics at Keio University, holding a PhD in Health Sciences and Nursing from the University of Tokyo. Her research interest is evaluating efficiency of public health policies.
Image of Efraín García Sánchez
Efraín García Sánchez
Efraín García Sánchez, Ph.D., is Economic Mobility Fellow at SPARQ, Stanford University. His research examines how individuals perceive, understand, and respond to social and economic inequality. He is interested in the psychosocial processes shaping people's attitudes toward policies to reduce poverty and inequality.
Image of Earl Greer
Earl Greer
Earl Greer is a PhD student in Health Policy & Management at UCLA. His research interests focus on big data analytics and machine learning with correlations to healthcare delivery and health outcomes. He holds a B.S. in Sociology and an MPH in Health Policy and Management from Texas A&M University.
Image of Tianji Jiang
Tianji Jiang
Tianji Jiang is a PhD candidate in information studies at UCLA. His research interests include data curation, information behaviors, and science of science. His ongoing project is studying the reusability of scientific data, and exploring how to facilitate data sharing and reuse to benefit social science research.
Image of Honeiah Karimi
Honeiah Karimi
Honeiah Karimi is a Ph.D. candidate in Education with an emphasis in Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences at UC Santa Barbara. Her research interests include applications of NLP methods in educational research, educational measurement, and language learning in Virtual Reality. She holds a BA and an MA in Linguistics.
Image of Meiyi Li
Meiyi Li
Meiyi Li is a Ph.D. student in sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research centers on family, health, housing, and life course. She studies how the intersection of housing and life-course events generates inequality across life. She also examines the process by which health inequality is generated and perpetuated across generations and over time. Methodologically, she has an active interest in causal inference in population studies.
Image of Qianyi Lu
Qianyi Lu
Qianyi Lu is a doctoral student in the Sociology Department of University of Illinois at Urbana-Chaimpan. She enjoys exploring how the intersection of social stratification, occupations, and family relations shapes people's well-being. Her current research applies computational methods to marriage archives in China to investigate the gender dynamics after marriage law reform. Before the PhD program, she earned an MA in sociology from the Renmin University of China and a BA in economic statistics from Jinan University.
Image of Xiaojie Shen
Xiaojie Shen
Xiaojie Shen is a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at Peking University and a visiting student at the Paul and Marcia Wythes Center on Contemporary China, Princeton University. He received his B.A. in Public Management with a concentration on demography from Renmin University of China. His research interests intersect family demography and social stratification. He seeks to utilize computational methods to understand changing family behaviors and values among young people in China.
Image of Diana Torres
Diana Torres
Diana Torres is a Ph.D. student at UCLA studying Higher Education. Her research explores college affordability and students’ labor market outcomes, with a focus on Latinx and first-generation college students. She has worked as a Data Fellow at The Education Trust and held teaching assistantships for introductory R courses.
Image of Sara Tyberg
Sara Tyberg
Sara Tyberg is a Ph.D. student in Sociology at UC Santa Barbara. Her research uses mixed methods to examine race, gender, and class privilege, specifically exploring how privileged groups experience and respond to adversity. Sara also serves as a research assistant for the Mass Shootings in America project at UCSB.
Image of Coral Utnehmer
Coral Utnehmer
Coral Utnehmer is a recent UCLA graduate with a BA in Sociology. She is interested in researching intersubjective consensus and competing perspectives. Past and current research focuses on diverse gender identities in interaction.
Image of Michele Wong
Michele Wong
Michele Wong is a Postdoctoral Scholar with the Initiative to Study Hate, housed in the Division of Social Sciences at UCLA. She received her Ph.D. from the Department of Social Welfare at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs and MS in Community Health Sciences at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Her program of research seeks to understand how intersecting oppressions, such racism and sexism manifest in gendered racism to influence health and well-being among Asian American women both structurally (e.g., through systemic mechanisms within institutions such as the workplace) and through individual perceptions.

United Arab Emirates (Coming Soon!)

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All Participants

Image of Guillermo Lezama
Guillermo Lezama
Guillermo Lezama is a Ph.D. Candidate in Economics at the University of Pittsburgh. He was born and raised in Uruguay, where he also completed his undergraduate studies at the Universidad de la República (Udelar). His research interests lie in the field of Political Economy, specifically in the different approaches that can be used to address Political Economy questions. He is particularly interested in the application of text-learning methods and applied microeconomics to study political behavior.
Image of Elina Gómez
Elina Gómez
Elina Gómez is a Sociologist, Master in Contemporary Latin American Studies and PhD candidate in Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic. She is a professor and researcher at the Methods and Data Access Unit (UMAD) of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic. Her work focuses on the field of computational social sciences and massive text processing. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in programming and text analysis with R.
Image of Fabricio Carneiro
Fabricio Carneiro
Fabricio Carneiro is a Political Scientist, Master in Political Science by the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella of Buenos Aires and PhD candidate in Political Science by the same University. His research agenda is focused on issues of comparative political economy and comparative politics, in particular wage bargaining models, social policies and redistributive policies.
Image of Nicolás Schmidt
Nicolás Schmidt
Nicolás Schmidt is a PhD Candidate in Political Science of the University of the Republic (Udelar). He is a member of the coordination team of the Methods and Data Access Unit of the Faculty of Social Sciences. His research agenda focuses on the field of political parties, electoral systems and political regimes, as well as statistical methods applied to political science.
Image of Ivan Schuliaquer
Ivan Schuliaquer
Ivan Schuliaquer is a researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET, Argentina), professor at the School of Politics and Government of the National University of San Martín (UNSAM, Argentina) and associate researcher at the IRMECCEN (Sorbonne Nouvelle, France). He is a Political Scientist, and he holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires and a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences from the Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3. His research focuses on media systems, political communication, social media, comparative politics and political polarization.
Image of Sergio Toro
Sergio Toro
Sergio Toro is PhD in Political Science. Professor of the School of Government at the Universidad Mayor. He specializes in comparative politics, Chilean politics and data science for public policy. His specialty is comparative politics, Chilean politics and data science for public policy, subjects in which he has been responsible for FONDECYT and FONDEF projects.
Image of Martín Opertti
Martín Opertti
Martín Opertti is a Ph.D. Student in Political Science at Duke University. His research focuses on mass political behavior and psychology, with a focus on political information processing and political identities. He is also interested in the application of social network analysis and text as data methods to study online political behavior, particularly political homophily in online interactions.
Image of Germán Rosati
Germán Rosati
Germán Rosati is a sociologist, Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, and Master in Generation and Analysis of Statistical Information from the National University of Tres de Febrero. He is an Adjunct Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) of Argentina. He coordinates the factor~data-laboratory of Computational Social Sciences in the University Diploma in Computational Social Sciences and Digital Humanities at EIDAES-UNSAM. His research focuses on social and agrarian structure and also explores possible applications of Natural Language Processing techniques in the Social Sciences.
Image of Ignacio Zuasnabar
Ignacio Zuasnabar
Ignacio Zuasnabar is Sociologist, Master in Society, Economy and Politics of Latin America by the UPV. Professor at the Catholic University of Uruguay and the University of Montevideo on Political Behavior and Public Opinion. Public opinion researcher. Director of the Public Opinion Area of Equipos Consultores. Chair of the Professional Standards Committee of WAPOR (World Association for Public Opinion Research), and member of the Board of Directors of that organization. Consultant to several international organizations.
Image of Jimena Torres
Jimena Torres
Jimena Torres Álvarez es Licenciada en Ciencia Política y Maestranda en Información y Comunicación (FIC-Udelar). Actualmente se encuentra realizando su tesis de Maestría sobre políticas de telecomunicaciones y medios en Uruguay. Es asistente de investigación del proyecto “Política, polarización y redes sociales en Uruguay” financiado por la fundación Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Colabora en el proyecto de investigación “Política, medios y redes en escenarios polarizados una comparación entre Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay” del Área de Medios, Discursos y Política de la EPyG-UNSAM.
Image of Andrés Wilkins
Andrés Wilkins
Andrés Wilkins is a bachelor in Sociology (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) who is intrested in educational inequalities and poverty in Latin America.
Image of Goodfred Schwendenwein
Goodfred Schwendenwein
Goodfred Schwendenwein es Licenciado en Ciencia Política y Magister en Derechos Humanos y Democratización. Docente de Ciencia Política y Derecho Electoral en la Universidad de la República.
Image of Patricia Catz
Patricia Catz
Patricia Catz is a sociologist from Universidad de la República (Uruguay). She has completed various postgraduate courses in data analytics and works in the public sector as the head of a territorial information system. She works on the processing and visualization of sociodemographic data at the subnational level, and she is interested in the visualization of geographic data.
Image of Virginia Recagno
Virginia Recagno
Virginia Recango is an economist from the University of the Republic (Uruguay) specialized in data analysis, with over a decade of experience in statistical analysis, coordination, and communication. She is interested in territorial data analysis and promoting gender equity in technology.
Image of Oscar Javier Maldonado Castañeda
Oscar Javier Maldonado Castañeda
Oscar Javier Maldonado Castañeda is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá, Colombia). He is currently Director of the Digital and Inventive Methods Laboratory (DiSoR-LAB) at the Universidad del Rosario.
Image of Simón	Herrera
Simón Herrera
My name is Simón Herrera and I am a 20 year old, Cuban born Uruguayan Political Science student at the University of the Republic. I am interested in quantitative social science research, as well as international politics and geopolitical analysis.
Image of Favio	Di Ciocco
Favio Di Ciocco
I'm a PhD student in Physics at the Buenos Aires University. In my research I study political polarization mechanisms applied to complex networks and agent based models. I simulate and analyze the dynamics of these models and then compare the results with data from surveys or taken from social networks platforms.
Image of Daniel Soto
Daniel Soto
Graduate in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, with a specialization in Data Science for Public Management. Currently working as an Educational Policy Analyst at the Ministry of Education. Interested in NLP, machine learning, and developing interactive data visualization applications.
Image of Manuela	Rivero
Manuela Rivero
Sociologist, research assistant at Cifra, a public opinion consultant in Uruguay. I have studied about the social dilemmas of death and related debates, such as euthanasia. I'm interested in incorporate the daily use of computational social sciences in the profession and in the lines of research that I could approach in the future. Also, for my previous lines, it is quite important to maximize the analysis with the use of its tools.
Image of Joaquín Gimeno
Joaquín Gimeno
Undergraduate student of Political Science
Image of Adrián Morchio
Adrián Morchio
High school teacher. I work in educational centers of formal secondary education. In addition, I studied a degree in Education at the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of UdelaR.
Image of Gabriela Mathieu
Gabriela Mathieu
My professional work is developed in the field of data science applied to the analysis of political and social reality. I have been working in R for more than 10 years as a data scientist/analyst and teacher. I have experience in R package development, Shiny applications and Machine Learning techniques. I also handle Python and SQL, among other languages.
Sofía Machado
Joaquín Trinidad
Image of Sara González
Sara González
Sara González is an associate degree in Social Communication and a student of Sociology.She has work experience in systematization and monitoring of public policies. Her research interests focus on the field of Digital Sociology and the application of the multimethod approach. Her undergraduate thesis studies the Framing and agenda settings of crime news through a multi-method approach.


Abu Dhabi

All Participants

Image of Bedoor AlShebli
Bedoor AlShebli
Bedoor AlShebli is an Assistant Professor of Computational Social Science at NYUAD. She received her PhD in Interdisciplinary Engineering in 2017 from Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, and her MSc in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Bedoor's research focuses on using data science techniques to study social phenomena, with a particular emphasis in the Science of Science. She is interested in the social and economic benefits of diversity, as well as the dynamics of social interaction and cohesion, and frames social science problems in the contexts of data science, big data, and applied machine learning. Her work appeared in major academic journals, including Nature Human Behavior, Nature Communications, Science Advances, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Cumulatively, her work contributes to the fields of computational social science, data science, and machine learning.
Image of Kinga Makovi
Kinga Makovi
Kinga Makovi is an Assistant Professor at New York University Abu Dhabi. She is a co-PI of the Center for Interacting Urban Networks at NYUAD, CITIES. Prior to joining NYUAD, she earned a PhD in Sociology from Columbia University and a MS in Mathematical Economics from Corvinus University of Budapest. Makovi's research addresses questions at the intersection of network science, the social determinants of health and environmental behavior, using computational and experimental methods. Her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation and has appeared in Sociological Science and Network Science.
Image of Mario D. Molina
Mario D. Molina
Mario is a Postdoctoral Associate in the Social Science Division at New York University Abu Dhabi, and he will start as an assistant professor at NYUAD in the Fall of 2024. He holds a PhD in Sociology from Cornell University, an MA in Sociology from Universidad Catolica de Chile, and a BA in Philosophy from Universidad de los Andes (Chile). His research lies at the interface of economic sociology, social networks, and computational social science. He broadly considers how organizational structures and network dynamics impact beliefs about unequal rewards and prosocial behaviors and the mechanisms that feedback to sustain or disrupt these social systems. His work has appeared in Organization Science, Science Advances, and the Annual Review of Sociology, among other outlets.
Image of Minsu Park
Minsu Park
Minsu Park is an Assistant Professor of Social Research and Public Policy at New York University Abu Dhabi. He develops and applies quantitative and computational methods to study the consumption and production of creative work. His current projects focus on how cultural artifacts/interests flow worldwide and how social traces, such as ratings, reviews, and reviewer identities, shape audiences’ perceptions and engagements online. His research inhabits an interdisciplinary nexus between data science and social science, simultaneously drawing on and contributing to both, and has been published in top-tier venues in both computer and information science conferences (e.g., ISMIR, ICWSM) and interdisciplinary journals (e.g., Science Advances, Nature Human Behaviour). He received his doctorate in Information Science at Cornell University, where he was a member of the Social Dynamics Lab. He is also affiliated with the Center for Data Science at New York University.
Image of Luca Maria Pesando
Luca Maria Pesando
Luca Maria Pesando is an Associate Professor of Social Research and Public Policy at NYU-AD. Luca holds a PhD in Demography and Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania, and an MA and BA in Economics and Social Sciences from Bocconi University. His research lies in the areas of social, economic, and digital demography and explores the interactions between family change and educational inequalities in low- and middle-income countries. More recently, he has conducted research using social media data from Google and Facebook. Having worked with JPAL, the OECD, UNICEF, and other NGOs, Luca has extensive experience in the policy world.
Image of Abdullah Almaatouq
Abdullah Almaatouq
Abdullah Almaatouq is a computational social scientist and Assistant Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management. His research focuses on improving cooperation, coordination, and collective intelligence in decision-making systems, such as teams, committees, crowds, markets, and elections. Abdullah also explores ways to advance social and behavioral research methodology through innovative research designs and theory-building strategies, with the ultimate goal of developing a deeper understanding of collective decision systems and how to design them effectively in various contexts. He is affiliated with the MIT Center for Computational Engineering, the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, and the MIT Connection Science Research Initiative. Abdullah holds a PhD in Computational Science and Engineering, as well as dual master's degrees in Media Arts and Sciences (MIT Media Lab) and Computational Science and Engineering from MIT. Prior to joining MIT, he earned his undergraduate degree from Southampton University in the United Kingdom. Professor Almaatouq will give a talk on January 18th, 2024 (tentative).
Image of Edmond Awad
Edmond Awad
Edmond Awad is a Senior Research Fellow at The Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics and the Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities at University of Oxford. Concurrently, Edmond is a Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the Department of Economics and the Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Exeter. In addition, Edmond is an Associate Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. Before joining the University of Exeter, Edmond was a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT Media Lab (2017-2019). In 2016, Edmond led the design and development of Moral Machine, a website that gathers human decisions on moral dilemmas faced by driverless cars. The website has been visited by over 10 million users, who contributed their judgements on 100 million dilemmas. Another website that Edmond co-created, called MyGoodness, collected judgments over 3 million charity dilemmas. Edmond’s work appeared in major academic journals, including Nature, PNAS, and Nature Human Behaviour, and it has been covered in major media outlets including The Associated Press, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Der Spiegel, Le Monde and El Pais. Edmond has a bachelor degree (2007) in Informatics Engineering from Tishreen University (Syria), a master’s degree (2011) in Computing and Information Science and a PhD (2015) in Interdisciplinary Engineering from Khalifa University (UAE), and a master’s degree (2017) in Media Arts and Sciences from MIT. Edmond’s research interests are in the areas of AI, Ethics, Computational Social Science and Multi-agent Systems.
Image of Milena Tsvetkova
Milena Tsvetkova
Milena Tsvetkova is Assistant Professor of Computational Social Science at the Department of Methodology at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She completed her PhD in Sociology at Cornell University and postdoctoral research at the Oxford Internet Institute. In her research, she uses web-based experiments, agent-based modeling, network analysis, and machine learning on online data to investigate fundamental social phenomena such as cooperation, social contagion, segregation, and inequality. Her work has been sponsored by the US National Science Foundation and Germany’s Volkswagen Foundation, published in high-impact disciplinary and general science journals such as New Media & Society, Sociological Methods & Research, EPJ Data Science, and Science Advances, and covered by The New York Times, The Guardian, and Science, among others. Professor Tsvetkova will give a talk on January 11th, 2024.
Image of Kareem El-Rafei
Kareem El-Rafei
Kareem is a Research Associate in the Social Science Division at New York University Abu Dhabi. He holds a MSc in Data Analytics from Georgia Institute of Technology, as well as a MSc and a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from the American University in Cairo. His research lies at the intersection of Computational Social Sciences, Data Science and Machine Learning. His work basically focuses on the development of ML models that analyze big data to address critical questions in the field of Social Sciences such as investigating coverage bias and the migration of scientists. He is advised by Dr. Bedoor Al Shebli at NYUAD and is highly interested in the integration of Machine Learning and Social Sciences.
Image of Fengyuan
Fengyuan "Michael" Liu
Michael is a Global PhD Fellow at New York University, advised by Professor Talal Rahwan and Professor Bedoor AlShebli. His research focuses on computational social science and the science of science. Using methods from social science, network science, and computer science, he studies various aspects of scientific editors and the publication process of scientific papers. His work has appeared in Nature Human Behaviour and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, as well as being featured in media outlets such as Nature News, Times Higher Education, and AAAS Eureka Alert. When he is not working, you will likely find him jogging or playing chess.
Image of Thomas Marlow
Thomas Marlow
Thomas Marlow is a postdoctoral fellow at the New York University Abu Dhabi, Center for Interacting Urban Networks (CITIES). Thomas received his PhD in Sociology from Brown University in Spring 2020. His research sits at the intersection of environmental and urban sociology. It seeks to use innovative computational social science methodologies to answer questions about the emergence and maintenance of urban and environmental inequalities during global climate change.
Image of Maria Sahakyan
Maria Sahakyan
Maria Sahakyan obtained her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Khalifa University. Currently she holds the position of a postdoctoral associate at New York University Abu Dhabi, in Computational Social Science. She primarily focuses her academic endeavors on computational social science and explainable artificial intelligence by exploring the societal and economic advantages associated with diversity, while also leveraging XAI methodologies as versatile instruments for data analysis.
Image of Anahit Sargsyan
Anahit Sargsyan
Anahit Sargsyan is a PhD student at TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology. Her research lies at the intersection of Computational Social Science, Data Science and AI. From deciphering the complexities of social media networks to investigating the subtle nuances of information decay patterns, she aims to understand how people interact and behave in the digital landscape.
Image of Abdul Basit Adeel
Abdul Basit Adeel
I am an analytical and computational sociologist currently enrolled in a dual-title Sociology and Social Data Analytics (STEM) Ph.D. program at The Pennsylvania State University. My interests include collective behavior, social complexity, networks, and social cognition. I use agent-based modeling, epidemiological methods, spatial econometrics, and network analysis, among other techniques, to understand (1) how collective behavioral patterns emerge from autonomous, spontaneous interactions, and (2) how things (ideas, norms, behaviors, innovations, products, etc.) spread.
Image of Abdullah Alibrahim
Abdullah Alibrahim
Dr. Abdullah Alibrahim is an Assistant Professor at the College of Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait University, specializing in Systems Engineering. Dr. Alibrahim is a Research Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School's Middle East Initiative and a Visiting Research Fellow at the London School of Economics Middle East Centre, among other prestigious institutions. His work focuses on innovative engineering approaches to tackle crucial healthcare challenges, leveraging systems engineering, complexity science, and data analytics to design impactful health policies. He has published and presented extensively on healthcare policy across diverse settings on quality of care, patient choice, and politics of healthcare.
Image of Mohammed Alsobay
Mohammed Alsobay
Mohammed Alsobay is a PhD candidate in the Information Technology group at MIT Sloan, advised by Prof. Abdullah Almaatouq. His research focuses on the design and analysis of systems in which humans and algorithmic agents interact, with the goal of achieving collective outcomes that exceed what is achievable by either type of agent on its own. In parallel, he explores how adaptive experimentation and virtual labs can be used to improve and scale social science research.
Image of Jan Batzner
Jan Batzner
Jan Batzner is a full-time Researcher at Weizenbaum Institute Berlin, the German Internet Institute, and a doctoral researcher in Computer Science. He graduated with a Master in Social Data Science from Columbia University in New York City. Before his PhD, Jan worked as a Solutions Engineer for the American data storage and cloud computing company NetApp facing the globally largest automotive clients. Jan is a Fellow and a Next Generation Scholar of the International Cooperation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and a Fellow of the Bavarian Elite Academy (BEA).
Image of Rafiazka Millanida Hilman
Rafiazka Millanida Hilman
Dr. R. M. (Rafiazka) Hilman is affiliated with Computational Science Lab (CSL) at the Informatics Institute (IvI) and Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), University of Amsterdam (UvA). She holds a PhD in Network and Data Science from Central European University (CEU). Specialized in Spatial Data Science and Computational Social Science, she focuses on urban dynamics and urban complex system. Currently, she is working on structure and dynamics of multidimensional segregation.
Image of Hazem Ibrahim
Hazem Ibrahim
Hazem Ibrahim is a first-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at NYU, specializing in Computational Social Science. His broad research interests focus on algorithmic bias in social media recommender systems, gender and ethnic representation in media, and science of science. He received his B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from NYU Abu Dhabi and his M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto.
Image of Kashif Imteyaz
Kashif Imteyaz
Kashif is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Northeastern University's Khoury College. His research focuses on the intersection of artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction, with a focus on social computing. He is interested in designing and evaluating computational systems that address complex social problems. Kashif takes an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on social and cognitive sciences to inform the development of these computational tools.
Image of Selcan Mutgan
Selcan Mutgan
Selcan is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Analytical Sociology at Linköping University, Sweden. She holds a PhD in analytical sociology and has a background in economics and demography. Her research primarily concerns spatial income inequality, as well as school and residential segregation. Her current project is related to understanding how school and residential choices of parents are linked and how these two choices jointly affect school segregation. In her research, she utilizes population level Swedish micro-data, and employs methods such as choice modeling and agent-based modeling, among others.
Image of Guanghui Pan
Guanghui Pan
Guanghui Pan is currently a DPhil student in sociology at the University of Oxford. His research interests focus on subfields including social stratification, social inequality, and quantitative methods. His DPhil thesis mainly discusses applying doubly robust machine-learning methods to analyze the causal relationship among time-related social and demographic variables.
Image of Abbas K. Rizi
Abbas K. Rizi
Abbas is a Doctoral Researcher at the Computer Science Department of Aalto University, working on problems in Network Science, particularly Network Epidemiology. His interest lies in modeling spreading phenomena and evaluating control strategies. He develops reasonably simple mathematical models to investigate how pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions influence epidemics. He’s grown up in the Physics culture, and likes borrowing the tools and perspective of that field and trying to combine them with new ideas and techniques to tackle interdisciplinary problems.
Image of Kiran Sharma
Kiran Sharma
Kiran Sharma holds the position of Assistant Professor in the fields of Computer Science and Data Science at BML Munjal University. She successfully earned her PhD in Data Science in 2020 from Jawaharlal Nehru University, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship in the Science of Science at Northwestern University. Her primary research areas encompass computational social science and the science of science. Leveraging a blend of methodologies drawn from data science, network science, machine learning, and computer science, she investigates a wide spectrum of social phenomena and explores the dynamics of scientific paper publication. Her research contributions have been published in esteemed journals (Q1) such as Scientific Reports, Scientometrics, Multimedia Tools and Applications, New Journal of Physics, and Physics-A. Currently, Kiran is actively engaged in a research project supported by ICSSR, Ministry of Education, New Delhi, focused on "Empowering Diversity Fostering Queer Entrepreneurship in India." Her dedication to both academia and the exploration of diverse research domains underscores her commitment to advancing knowledge and societal empowerment.


All Participants

Image of Emmanuel Olamijuwon
Emmanuel Olamijuwon

Emmanuel Olamijuwon is a Lecturer in the School of Geography and Sustainable Development at the University of St Andrews, UK. His research interest lies at the intersection of technology, sexuality, & population health in low-and-middle-income countries. His recent projects combine data from traditional data sources (such as the DHS), with digital traces (Facebook and Twitter) and Online surveys to illuminate the complexity of a number of social and health issues such as knowledge inequality, suicide ideation, as well as sexual and reproductive health.

Image of Fidelia Dake
Fidelia Dake

Fidelia Dake is a Senior Lecturer at the Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS), University of Ghana. Her research focuses broadly on population health and international development. Her research interests include nutrition and physical activity, obesity and non-communicable diseases, socio-environmental determinants of health, urban health, health statistics, health-financing and population ageing. She is also interested in using methods in computational social science to study health and lifestyle behaviours including dietary practices, physical activity and travel behaviours.

Image of Lateef Amusa
Lateef Amusa

Lateef Amusa is a Statistician and Data Scientist with a PhD in Applied Statistics from the University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. He is a faculty member in the Department of Statistics, University of Ilorin, and currently a post-doctoral fellow in the Centre for Applied Data Science at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. Lateef is a tech enthusiast and is mainly interested in big data analytics and machine learning. He attended the second SICSS held at the Unversity of Capetown in 2019.

Image of Ayaga Bawah
Ayaga Bawah
Prof. Ayaga A. Bawah is an Associate Professor of Population Studies, and Director, Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana, and a Research Affiliate of the Population Studies Center (PSC), University of Pennsylvania. He has expertise in population and health research in Africa, particularly in research methodology, longitudinal data analysis and modelling of demographic processes, and evaluation of health interventions, including maternal and child health, fertility, reproductive health, including family planning programmes. He is a member of Ghana’s Food and Drugs Authority’s Technical Advisory Committee on Clinical Trials (TAC-CT), the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), the Union for African Population Studies (UAPS), and the Population Association of America. He has published widely in several top-tier peer-reviewed journals and contributed several book chapters in the fields of population and health.
Image of Sibukele Gumbo
Sibukele Gumbo
Sibukele Gumbo is the Director of the NEMISA Eastern Cape eSkills CoLab, based at Walter Sisulu University in South Africa. With nearly 15 years of experience, she passionately advocates for information and communication technologies (ICTs) in education and rural development. Currently pursuing a DPhil in Applied Data Science at the University of Johannesburg, Ms. Gumbo holds a BSc in Computer Science (Honours) and an MSc in Computer Science, both cum laude, from the University of Fort Hare. Recognized for her exceptional contributions, she has received numerous awards, including the 2013 Eastern Cape Women in ICT Award, 2019 Walter Sisulu University Vice Chancellor award for Support Services- Exemplary Achievement and Performance, and 2020 Walter Sisulu University Vice Chancellor award for Community Engagement - Outreach and Community Service, reflecting her unwavering dedication and excellence in the field.
Image of Blessing Ogbuokiri
Blessing Ogbuokiri
Dr. Blessing Ogbuokiri is a postdoc and instructor at York University's African-Canada Artificial and Data Innovation Consortium Lab in Toronto, Canada. His work focuses on the intersection of AI and health, helping communities and governments tackle infectious diseases. His recent project involves using data from unconventional sources like social media to create early warning systems for disease outbreaks. He collaborates with researchers from various fields and is currently leading NeurIPS 2023 Affinity workshops and organizing the Black in AI workshop. This shows his commitment to making AI inclusive and sharing knowledge in the community. Through his efforts, he is using AI to address real health issues effectively.
Image of Danielle Jade Roberts
Danielle Jade Roberts
Dr Roberts is a senior lecturer at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and holds a PhD in Applied Statistics. She has vast experience in teaching and developing undergraduate and postgraduate Statistics and Data Science modules and has been involved in the supervision of several Statistics and Data Science Masters students. She has also been a reviewer for international ISI journals. Her research interests lie in taking a data-driven approach to solve real-world problems using applied statistics and machine learning. Her focus has been on public health and societal issues in Africa, where resources are limited.
Image of Amr	Abdelwahed
Amr Abdelwahed
Amr Abdelwahed is an assistant professor of the Population and Migration Research Pillar in the Faculty of Graduate Studies for Statistical Research (FGSSR) at Cairo University. Amr Abdelwahed completed his PhD in Social Statistics and Demography at the Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI), Shanghai University, in 2021. His research focuses on international migration aspects. His current research involves migration and social cohesion in destinations, migration impacts and their underlying mechanism, and their related theoretical and policy implications in both Egypt and the international context.
Image of Alex Adegboye
Alex Adegboye
Alex Adegboye is a PhD candidate and faculty at Covenant University, Nigeria. He has some peer-reviewed articles indexed on ABS, SCOPUS, Web of Science and ABDC. Recently, he interned with UNU-WIDER, Helsinki as a Visiting PhD Fellow. He has research affiliations with reputable organizations such as CEPDeR Nigeria, EXCAS Belgium, ICTD UK, UNU-WIDER Finland etc. His research areas include Sustainable Development, Taxation, Governance, Knowledge economy and Impact Evaluation Research.
Image of Ayodele	Akinyele
Ayodele Akinyele
Ayodele Akinyele is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology (Demography and population studies unit), University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Her dissertation focuses on maternal tetanus immunization and neonatal health status in Ibadan urban slums. She is very much interested in data and computational studies and how this can shape social demographic studies. She is also a teaching assistant at the Center for General Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Charles Asabere
Charles Asabere is a doctoral candidate at the University of Ghana's Regional Institute for Population Studies. He investigates how social inequalities impact demographic trends. His research examines death registration coverage, mortality variation, and causes of death across space. He aims to utilize nontraditional data sources to answer pertinent demographic questions.
Image of Jude Ewemade
Jude Ewemade
Jude Ewemade is an early career demographer specializing in migration patterns, migrant integration, and reproductive behaviours. With a keen interest in computational social sciences, Jude aims to tackle complex demographic and social challenges in Africa through innovative research methods and data-driven solutions.
Amos Langat
Amos Kipkorir Langat is a PhD candidate in Mathematics at the Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences Technology and Innovation. He has a Master of Science in Applied Statistics and has numerous research publications. His current research interests are statistical modelling in infectious diseases and agriculture.
Image of Lerato Makuapane
Lerato Makuapane
Lerato Makuapane is a Ph.D. student at the University of the Witwatersrand, studying the role of household members in adolescent girls' termination of pregnancy decisions. With a Masters in Health Demography, she is an aspiring computation social scientist focused on sexual and reproductive health data. She has four years of experience as a Wits Analytics and Institutional Research Unit project coordinator.
Image of Chukwuedo Oburota
Chukwuedo Oburota
Chukwuedo Oburota is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics, University of Calabar, Nigeria. She is also affiliated with the Health Policy and Training Research Program (HPTRP) at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria where she is a research fellow. Her research interests are focused on addressing inequalities in access to income and opportunities.
Image of Michael Arthur Ofori
Michael Arthur Ofori
Michael Arthur Ofori is currently a PhD. Candidate at the Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation. He holds Master of Philosophy in Statistics from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. His research interest includes maternal and child health and health statistics.
Image of Tosin	Oni
Tosin Oni
Tosin Oni (PhD in Demography and Social Statistics, 2023) is a Research Associate at the Central Office of Research, Obafemi Awolowo University. Using computational methods, he integrates data from established sources (e.g. DHS) with public APIs (e.g. Twitter) and primary surveys to harness evidence for advancing sexual and reproductive health.
Image of Onyinyechi Ossai
Onyinyechi Ossai
Onyinyechi Ossai, a University of Nigeria doctoral student, holds a BSc (Geography) and an MSc (Urban Geography) from the same university. Her Ph.D. research focuses on employing integrated multidimensional indicators to assess housing quality among low-income households in an African city. Her interests include settlement geography, urban-rural disparities, and their interconnections.
Image of Mohamadou	Salifou
Mohamadou Salifou
Mohamadou Salifou is a laureate of the pre-doctoral programme at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Morocco and is part of the Data Science, Activity Analysis and Steering of Education and Training team. He holds a Master's degree in Statistics applied to life and is interested in demographic and biostatistical issues, particularly fertility, child mortality, early diagnosis of diseases, and the drop-out and retention of pupils in secondary education. His current research focuses on artificial intelligence in the early detection of school drop-outs and the contribution of AI to stroke diagnosis.


All Participants

Image of Kat Albrecht
Kat Albrecht
Kat Albrecht is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University. Dr. Albrecht’s work sits at the intersection of computational social science and law, where she uses innovative computational techniques to study fear, violence, and data distortions. She is particularly interested in the nexus of fear and risk-taking behaviors, digital trace data, and the impact of law on decision-making. She frequently serves as a computational science expert for the defense on active legal cases about life without the opportunity of parole, felony murder, gang enhancements, and the Racial Justice Act. She is presently a Fellow with CJARS where she is conducting research on felony case processing speeds across the United States.
Image of Olga Churkina
Olga Churkina
Olga Churkina is a PhD Candidate in Public Policy jointly at Georgia State University and Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research interests include experimental and quasi-experimental methods for education and labor market policies, microeconomics models of human behavior, and applications of big data. Her background is in Quantitative Economics and she is currently involved in the Smart Cities project as a member of the Data Science and Policy Lab at Georgia Tech. Furthermore, she is working on a prosocial behavior research at GSU ExCEN as well as a labor market field experiment for her dissertation.
Image of Ryan	Ellis
Ryan Ellis
Ryan Ellis is a PhD Candidate in the School of Economics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research interests include migration and borders, health, and development economics. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, Ryan worked as an educator and financial counselor with immigrant-led non-profit organizations in Nashville, TN.
Image of Raeda Anderson
Raeda Anderson
Raeda Anderson is an experienced research scientist and data scientist at Shepherd Center and an Affiliate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Georgia State University. For over a decade, she has been working in Statistical Data Analysis, Student Development, Quantitative Research, Social Network Analysis, and Statistical coding (SPSS, STATA, SAS, MPlus, HLM7, and R) with the focus on the hospital & health care industry.
Image of Daniel Dench
Daniel Dench
Daniel Dench is an Assistant Professor in the School of Economics and the Health Economics & Analytics Lab (HEAL) at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He works on issues related to tobacco and nicotine policy, school choice and enrollment mechanisms, and runs field experiments related to student motivation and cheating. In addition to Georgia Tech, Daniel is a faculty affiliate with Notre Dame's Lab for Economic Opportunity and is a research economist for the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Image of Alfredo Deza
Alfredo Deza
Alfredo Deza is a software engineer at Microsoft and an Adjunct Professor at Duke, speaker and author of several books about DevOps and Python, including Python For DevOps and Practical MLOps, and former Olympic athlete. With almost two decades of DevOps and software engineering experience, he teaches Machine Learning Engineering and gives lectures around the world about software development, personal development, and professional sports.
Image of Casey Wichman
Casey Wichman
Casey Wichman is an Assistant Professor in the School of Economics at the Georgia Institute of Technology and a University Fellow at Resources for the Future. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, he served as the Research Director of the Energy & Environment Lab at the University of Chicago and as a Fellow at Resources for the Future in Washington, DC. He is an applied microeconomist working on issues at the intersection of environmental and public economics. His research spans water and energy demand management, valuation of environmental resources and infrastructure, urban transportation, understanding the drivers behind public goods provision and prosocial behavior, demand for outdoor recreation, and climate change.
Image of Brad Willingham
Brad Willingham
Brad Willingham is a Research Scientist at Shepherd Center whose work focuses on the development of innovative technologies and strategies to advance neurorehabilitation. He is originally from the Atlanta area and started his career in rehabilitation working as an Exercise Physiologist at Shepherd Center. Through this experience, he became interested in scientific questions that could guide evidence-based treatment strategies and developed research collaborations that led him to complete his PhD in Exercise Physiology at the University of Georgia. Before his recent return to Shepherd Center, Brad Willingham spent the past four years serving as a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institutes of Health where he received advanced training in neuromuscular physiology and bioenergetics.
Image of Stephen Abeyta
Stephen Abeyta
Stephen Abeyta is a doctoral candidate at Northeastern University's School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. His research focuses on work-related issues, particularly understanding how workplaces can be a unique space of violence, victimization, and harm. He is also interested in understanding how the evolving nature of the workplace will affect workers’ exposure to adverse work-related experiences.
Image of Salome Apkhazishvili
Salome Apkhazishvili
Salome Apkhazishvili is a Ph.D. student at Georgia State University Communication Department. Her research interests are in intergenerational communication and media literacy, more specifically, how new digital technologies shape communication and knowledge exchange via and about technology. After earning her undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, Salome Apkhazishvili worked as a reporter for the major national media outlets in Tbilisi, Georgia for six years. She is a recipient of the Fulbright Graduate Scholarship, Edmund S. Muskie Professional Fellowship, and Vaclav Havel Journalism Fellowship. Salome’s master thesis The National Idea in Georgian Political Caricatures was presented at TEDx Youth Tbilisi Conference, at World Communication Association Conference, and published as a book, which became the finalist of the major literary award “SABA” in her home country. Salome Apkhazishvili’s working experience includes several research and advocacy projects in media and digital literacy. In 2021-2022, she served as a communications officer at the European Communication Research and Education Association Children, Youth, and Media section. Since 2020, she has co-produced the Summer Institute in Digital Literacy, the professional development event for media educators.
Image of Elizabeth Chan
Elizabeth Chan
Elizabeth Chan is a second-year PhD student in Social and Personality Psychology at the University of Toronto. Her research interests include time use, current affairs, and well-being. Specifically, she is interested in understanding how people can allocate their limited time to maximize well-being using various statistical methods such as compositional data analysis and cluster analysis. Prior to graduate school, she completed her Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Toronto.
Image of Jane Daquin
Jane Daquin
Jane Daquin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at The University of Alabama. Her research focuses on individuals’ experiences with and perceptions of the criminal legal system, with a particular focus on carceral experiences (e.g., victimization in prison). Additionally, her work focuses on the effects of the prison experiences on reentry for formerly incarcerated individuals. Currently, she is statistical consultant in one of the research units at The University of Alabama.
Image of Caitlin A. Dorsch
Caitlin A. Dorsch
Caitlin A. Dorsch is a doctoral student and graduate research assistant in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia State University. She began serving as President of the Criminal Justice Graduate Student Association in 2022 and received the Department’s Excellence in Leadership Award in 2021. She graduated with a B.A. in Criminology from the University of Lynchburg in 2020. Her primary research investigates the quality of administrative data in the criminal justice system. Her secondary research examines the victimization of subgroups.
Image of Desha Elliott
Desha Elliott
Desha Elliott obtained her BA from Northern Kentucky University (NKU) while starting her first tech company. She completed her MS in Management at Strayer University. After graduating from Strayer, she created PB7APP, an education technology app for student athletes and was Editor in Chief for nationally distributed education and entrepreneurship magazine. She is a PhD Candidate in the Whitney M. Young, Jr., School of Social Work at Clark Atlanta University. She is a founding member of the intramural Professional Doctoral Network (Clark Atlanta University’s first doctoral student centered organization), serves as student researcher for The Center for Social Reform, Equity and Innovation and the IN Her Hands project and a hackathon advisor of the AUC Data Science Initiative. In her private practice, she pioneered a blueprint for the Black Farmers Equity Initiative. Her areas of focus are economic development, entrepreneurship and technology.
Image of Yi Feng
Yi Feng
Yi Feng is a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Education at the University of California, Irvine. Her current research focuses on the development of a personalized approach to enhance working memory in children, along with exploring individual differences in skill learning. She has a strong interest in integrating computational modeling with research in psychology and education to optimize learning performance for individuals.
Image of Shrabani Ghosh
Shrabani Ghosh
Shrabani Ghosh is a PhD student in the College of Computing and Informatics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research interests include social media mining, machine learning and graph theory. In social media analysis, she focuses on sentiment analysis, misinformation propagation and community clustering. Additionally, she does large graph mining for link prediction and community detection.
Image of Michelle N. Harris
Michelle N. Harris
Michelle N. Harris is an Assistant Professor in the Criminology and Criminal Justice Program in the School of Economic, Political, and Policy Scents at University of Texas at Dallas. Through her research, she examines topics related to mental health and victimization, and how these two topics intersect with various processes. Using statistically sophisticated techniques, her research involves a multidisciplinary, theoretically grounded approach through which she generates policy recommendations on topics related to psychosocial and developmental explanations of criminological processes and victimization.
Image of Muhammed Rashedul Hasan
Muhammed Rashedul Hasan
Muhammed Rashedul Hasan is pursuing his Ph.D. in the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is an established academic with more than ten years of experience in a university setting. His scholarly contributions appeared in publications by various prestigious academic publishers such as Sage and Palgrave Macmillan. In addition, he has been active in academic conferences and presented his work in competitive forums. His current research interest includes the social and political consequences of communication technologies in an increasingly complex globalized context. Hasan earned his BA with Honors and MA in Communication and Journalism from the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. He also holds a Master of Global Media Communication degree from the University of Melbourne, Australia.
Image of Rachel Heiter
Rachel Heiter
Rachel Heiter is a PhD student at Georgia State University in the Cognitive Psychology department. Her research interests are primarily centered around the study of extremist beliefs. She aims to further her work through examining what external factors contribute to the endorsement of extreme beliefs and determining the viability of inoculation interventions against them.
Image of Yumin Hong
Yumin Hong
Yumin Hong is a PhD student in the Economics department at The University of Texas at Austin. Her current research focuses on exploring the effects of exposure to extreme weather events in early life on health and labor market outcomes.
Image of Anqi Hu
Anqi Hu
Anqi Hu is a PhD student in sociology at Emory University. Her research interests include Asian American identities, racial and political inequalities, and algorithmic biases. Her current work focuses on applying mixed methods to examining the development of ethnic and cultural identities among Asian American adolescents. Her other project involves using social network analysis to investigate the racial disparities in the mental health of survivors following deaths of family members.
Image of Hamida Khatri
Hamida Khatri
Hamida Khatri, a PMP® (Project Management Professional) certified gender-based violence expert and a social justice advocate stands at the forefront of technological and sociological research, possessing a dynamic blend of skills in project management, research development, strategic management, design, innovation, and emerging technologies. She is furthering her academic journey by pursuing a Ph.D. in Arts, Technology, & Emerging Communication at the University of Texas at Dallas. Simultaneously, she’s advancing her skills in emerging technologies by attaining a Professional Certificate in Augmented/Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics from the NYU Tandon School of Engineering and a Post Graduate Program Certificate in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning from Texas McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. Hamida is the Director and driving force behind VR Catalyst, an innovative non-profit organization leveraging virtual reality gaming simulation and therapy to support victims and survivors of gender-based violence. Hamida’s scholarly work intriguingly intersects Computational Social Science, Victimology, and Philosophy of Psychiatry, while embracing the rich cultural contexts of Islamic Art, Persian Literature, and South Asian Studies. This distinctive interdisciplinary approach empowers her to analyze the complex psychological and social impacts of gender-based violence on its victims and survivors. Committed to utilizing innovative research methodologies, Hamida integrates social simulation, modeling, network analysis, and media analysis through games and animation. Hamida’s multifaceted approach epitomizes her commitment to bridging the gap between technology and human experiences, promising profound insights into the realm of gender-based violence.
Image of Emily Eunji Kim
Emily Eunji Kim
Emily Eunji Kim is a Ph.D. student in the School of Public Policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research interest lies in the intersection of technology assessment and comparative politics with a special focus on the measurements of states’ capabilities in emerging technologies. Her current works include measuring labor susceptibilities triggered by artificial intelligence (AI) as a part of the National Network for Critical Technology Assessment and measuring states’ institutional preparedness for AI. She received her M.A. from Seoul National University and is pursuing M.S. in statistics from Georgia Tech. She served as a researcher at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning before joining her study at Georgia Tech.
Image of Maxim Malikov
Maxim Malikov
Maxim Malikov is a PhD student in the Computational Social Science program at George Mason University. His research focuses on computational simulations with social inclination, in order to gain a deeper understanding of how societies and organizations emerge, evolve, and perish. His methodology includes the use of Natural Language Processing tools for empirical data extraction and Agent Based Modeling to simulate the social interactions, with the goal of learning about our past and applying that knowledge towards our future.
Image of Sari Mentser
Sari Mentser
Sari Mentser is currently pursuing her PhD at the School of Business Administration at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In her research, she takes a cross-cultural approach to studying values and moral judgments. She enjoys utilizing a variety of methods to answer her research questions, including meta-analyses, text analyses, and structural equation modeling.
Image of Jasmine (Jay) Moore
Jasmine (Jay) Moore
Jasmine (Jay) Moore is a PhD student in Human-Centered Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology in the Social Dynamics and Wellbeing Lab. She has developed programming and research in injury and violence prevention working to help establish national adaptations of the Cardiff Model for Violence Prevention. Jasmine’s research utilizes mixed methods to study technology’s mediation of direct and structural violence.
Image of Sedat Ors
Sedat Ors
Sedat Ors is a Ph.D. student in Economics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is passionate about research in Environmental Resource Economics, Climate Change, and Development Economics. Sedat completed his master’s degree in economics at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. With a keen interest in understanding the economic implications of environmental issues, Sedat delves into the study of sustainable practices. He firmly believes that innovative solutions can be found to promote economic growth and environmental preservation by exploring the intricate relationship between economics and the environment. In addition to his focus on Environmental Resource Economics, Sedat is intrigued by Development Economics and the socioeconomic factors that shape communities and nations. Through his research, he aims to contribute to the field's advancements and facilitate positive change.
Image of Munirat Sanmori
Munirat Sanmori
Munirat Sanmori is a Ph.D. student in Sociology at Georgia State University with academic credentials in Gerontology (M.A) from Georgia State University and Library and Information Science (MLIS), (BSc) from the University of Ibadan and University of Ilorin, Nigeria respectively. Her research focuses on global inequalities in access to medical and other services, specifically concerning vulnerable populations such as older adults, racial minorities, and individuals with disabilities. Her goals include conducting research, influencing policymaking, and providing services to support the well-being of diverse and underserved individuals.
Image of Germans Savcisens
Germans Savcisens
Germans Savcisens is a Ph.D. student in Computational Social Science at the Technical University of Denmark and a lecturer in Algorithmic Fairness & Ethics at the IT University of Copenhagen. His main research focuses on using emerging deep learning models to uncover complex patterns in socio-economic, health, and behavioral data. Meanwhile, he also works with natural language modeling for public discourse and sentiment analysis. His other interests include algorithmic auditing & explainability, network analysis, and foundation models. He holds a master's degree in Human-Centered AI.
Image of Hilal Sert
Hilal Sert
Hilal Sert is a Ph.D. student at Georgia State University, in the Political Science program. Hilal was born and raised in Ankara/Turkey. Se obtained her B.A. in International Relations from Bilkent University and M.A. in European Studies from the Sabanci University. Her research interests include terrorism, conflict, war termination and authoritarian regimes.
Image of Xiaotian Zheng
Xiaotian Zheng
Xiaotian “Timo” Zheng is a current doctoral student in the Department of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University. He received his Bachelor of Law and passed the Chinese Bar exam at Shanghai University of Politics Science and Law in 2018. Later, he gained his Master of Social Science at University of Macau in 2020. His research interests are Quantitative Research Methods, Statistical Modelling, Community/Street Level Crime and Deviance Behaviors, and Deterrence. As one of the members of LGBTQ group, he is also planning to conduct research to better understand the health and victimization issues among LGBTQ members at the community level.


All Participants

Image of Di Zhang
Di Zhang
Di Zhang 张迪 is a professor and chair of the Department of International Communication at School of Journalism and Communication, Renmin University of China. He obtained his doctoral degree in mass communication at Newhouse School, Syracuse University. His research interests include public relations, health communication and international communication.
Image of Na Ta
Na Ta
Na Ta 塔娜 is an associate professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at the Renmin University of China. She got her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University. Her research interests include online social networks, platformization and new media, computational communication, and intelligent communication (algorithms, agents, etc.). Her research has been published in journals of multiple disciplinaries including computer science, communication, psychology and others. She can be reached via
Image of Yiyan Zhang
Yiyan Zhang
Yiyan Zhang 张伊妍 is an assistant professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at the Renmin University of China. She got her Ph.D. degree in Emerging Media Studies from Boston University and her bachelor's degree in advertising and economy from Peking University Her research focuses on mediated and dynamic communication effects between citizens, news media, and government bodies on emerging media in the global contexts. Yiyan’s previous studies connect a large variety of computational methods, especially natural language processing, online survey, and social network analysis. Her research has been published in journals including but not limited to Communication Research, Information, Communication & Society, Journalism Studies, International Journal of Communication, The Social Science Journal, and Mass Communication and Society.
Image of Zhuo Chen
Zhuo Chen
Dr. Zhuo Chen is an Assistant Professor at the HSBC Business School, Peking University. His research investigates the socioeconomic and political implications of communication technologies.
Image of Chris Bail
Chris Bail
Chris Bail is Co-Founder of SICSS and Professor of Sociology and Public Policy at Duke University where he directs the Polarization Lab. He is also affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Data Science Program, the Duke Network Analysis Center, and serves on the Advisory Council of the National Science Foundation's SBE Directorate. His research examines political polarization, culture and social psychology using tools from the field of computational social science. He is the author of Breaking the Social Media Prism "How to Make our Platforms Less Polarizing".
Image of Chris J. Vargo
Chris J. Vargo
Dr. Chris J. Vargo is an associate professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, specializing in data analytics and mass communication. He is the founder and director of the contextual advertising startup, Chris has published research in numerous notable journals, including Journal of Communication, New Media & Society, and Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. He currently teaches analytics to undergraduates and in the Master of Science in Data Science program, focusing on content analytics and advanced computational methods.
Image of Hai Liang
Hai Liang
Dr. Liang is an Associate Professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He serves as the associate director of the Computational Social Science Laboratory at CUHK and is an affiliated member of the Web Mining Laboratory at City University of Hong Kong. His research interests include computational social science, political communication, and digital public health. Dr. Liang has authored dozens of journal articles, many of which have been published in leading communication journals such as the Journal of Communication, Communication Research, Human Communication Research, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, and New Media & Society.
Image of Lei Guo
Lei Guo
Dr. Lei Guo is a professor at the School of Journalism, Fudan University (Shanghai). Previously, she was an associate professor in the Division of Emerging Media Studies at College of Communication, Boston University (BU), USA. She was also an affiliated faculty member at BU’s Department of Computer Science. In 2020, she was appointed as a founding faculty member at BU’s newly launched Faculty of Computing & Data Sciences. Her research focuses mainly on the development of media effects theories, news and information flow, and computational social science methodologies. Her studies have been published in a number of leading peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Communication, Communication Research, New Media and Society, and Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly (JMCQ).
Image of Marin Hilbert
Marin Hilbert
Martin Hilbert is Professor at the University of California, Davis, where he chairs the campus wide emphasis in Computational Social Sciences. He studies the societal implications of digitalization in complex social systems. He holds doctorates in Economic and Social Sciences (2006), and in Communication (2012). His work is recognized in academia for the first study that assessed how much information there is in the world; in public policy for having designed the first digital action plan with the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean at the United Nations; and in the popular media for having alerted about the intervention of Cambridge Analytica in the campaign of Donald Trump a year before the scandal broke. Before he joined academia he served as Economic Affairs Officer of the United Nations Secretariat for 15 years, where he created the Information Society Program for Latin America and the Caribbean. Prof. Hilbert provided technical assistance in the field of digital development to more than 20 countries and dozens of publicly traded companies as digital strategist. His work has been published in the most recognized academic journals, such as Science, Psychological Bulletin, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, and World Development, and regularly appears in popular magazines, including The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, The Economist, NPR, BBC, Die Welt, among others.
Image of Noshir Contractor
Noshir Contractor
Noshir Contractor is the Jane S. & William J. White Professor of Behavioral Sciences in the McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science, the School of Communication and the Kellogg School of Management and Director of the Science of Networks in Communities (SONIC) Research Group at Northwestern University. He is also the President-Elect-Select of the International Communication Association (ICA).Professor Contractor has been at the forefront of three emerging interdisciplines, they are network science, computational social science and web science. He is investigating how social and knowledge networks form – and perform – in contexts including business, scientific communities, healthcare and space travel. His research has been funded continuously for 25 years by the U.S. National Science Foundation with additional funding from the U.S. National Institutes of Health, NASA, DARPA, Army Research Laboratory and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Image of Xiaofan Liu
Xiaofan Liu
Dr. Liu Xiaofan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Media and Communication at City University of Hong Kong. He obtained his Bachelor's and Doctoral degrees in Electronic and Information Engineering from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He previously served as an Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University. His research focuses on the analysis and modeling of human behavior on mobile devices, the dark web, and blockchain.
Image of Yilang Peng
Yilang Peng
Yilang Peng (PhD, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania) is an assistant professor in the Department of Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics at the University of Georgia. His scholarship is at the intersection of computational social science, visual communication, science communication, and social media analytics. His research combines computer vision methods, surveys, and experiments to investigate the production and effects of visual messages across different communication contexts.
Image of Yuan Yuan
Yuan Yuan
Yuan Yuan is an Assistant Professor in the Management Information Systems area at Purdue University's Daniels School of Business. His academic focus is on computational social science, particularly the application of advanced computational techniques such as machine learning and causal inference to understand social and organizational networks better. He completed his PhD at the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research often involves collaboration with tech industry leaders, including Microsoft and Meta, providing practical perspectives to his academic investigations. Yuan's publications span across diverse academic venues. His work has appeared in interdisciplinary journals such as Nature Communications and Communications Physics. He has also been published in top management journals, including Management Science, and has presented his research at leading Computer Science conferences such as EC and TheWebConf.
Image of Lun Zhang
Lun Zhang
Lun Zhang is currently an associate professor at Beijing Normal University. She obtained her PhD degree in communication (2011) from City University of Hong Kong. Her current research projects focus on news consumption on mobile Internet and knowledge sharing on social media sites. Her research outputs appeared in Computers in Human Behavior, Information Processing & Management, Internet Research and other leading journals in the field of information science and communication.
Image of Zhenhui Chai
Zhenhui Chai
ZhenHui Chai received the B.E. degree in Electronic and Information Engineering from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China in 2021. He is currently working toward the M.A. degree in Journalism with the School of Communication and Journalism, Communication University of Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China. His research interests include commputational communication and natural language processing.
Image of Qiuyi Chen
Qiuyi Chen
Qiuyi Chen is currently pursuing her PhD at the School of Journalism, Fudan University. Her research focuses on the intersection of network science and political communication, health communication, and media effects. Her latest project revolves around misinformation and its correction.
Image of Xinyu Cheng
Xinyu Cheng
Xinyu Cheng is a Ph.D student in global communication at Shandong University. She studies international communication and political communication and she is currently working on the picture of information dissemination on social media in China by the method of social network and sentiment measurement. Prior to that, she completed her master’s degree at the University of Sheffield and was concerned about refugee-related coverage and identity construction between the British media and the Arab media. She is also interested in digital field experiments and text as data.
Image of Siling Dong
Siling Dong
Siling Dong is a master student in Communication at the Communication University of China. Her current research includes intercultural communication and digital sociology. She is also interested in computational social science.
Image of Shuqi Dou
Shuqi Dou
Shuqi Dou is a PhD student in international communication at School of Journalism and Communication, Renmin University of China. Her research interests are international communication and intercultural communication, especially international fake news in global sphere and social media.
Image of Yibin Fan
Yibin Fan
Yibin Fan is a PhD student in communication at Univeristy of Washington, Seattle. His research interest is focused on the political communication processes in online communities, mostly using computational methods. He is also affiliated with the Community Data Science Collective, which is a cross-institutional research lab with a focus on understanding the dynamics of online communities.
Image of Jiankun Gong
Jiankun Gong
Jiankun Gong, Phd, Assistant Professor at Xiamen University Malaysia. My work has been published in top tier journals like Social Media +Society, Journalism Practice, Journalism, Digital Journalism. I am a peer reviewer for more than 20 SSCI journals and I sit in Editorial board of Young Consumers. Also, I am Emerald Publishing representative. My research orbits digital journalism and its societal ramifications. The abrupt rise of social media has drastically revamped the media landscape and the ways in which people perceive the world. Central to my research agenda is the investigation of the impact of the emerging communication technologies on information production, dissemination, and audiences’ perceptions of reality. Using survey, experiment, and computational methodologies, my previous and recent studies are committed to exploring the role of emerging media in the context of health and politics.
Image of Gu Gong
Gu Gong
Gu Gong is currently pursuing a PhD in Communication at Peking University, China. His research aims to identify and analyze diverse behavioral and psychological patterns of user subgroups in mobile media and communication. He is particularly interested in utilizing computational methods to explore how people interact with emerging media platforms & digital technologies and their social consequences.
Image of Lingchen Gu
Lingchen Gu
Lingchen Gu is a Lecturer in the School of Information Science and Engineering at Shandong Normal University. She received the B.S. degree in electronic information science and technology and the Ph.D. degree in information and communication engineering from Shandong University. Her current research interests include deep learning and multimedia data analysis, such as large-scale multimedia indexing and retrieval.
Image of Huimin He
Huimin He
Huimin Callie HE is master student of computational communication at Shenzhen University. She studies online expression and information flow using data from social media and tools from economics. Callie is passionate about building the field of opinion dynamics, her current research focuses on the gender narratives and moralization of online discussion.
Image of Xin	Jin
Xin Jin
Xin Jin, Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Media, Chongqing Normal University, China, Ph.D. in Communication, Communication University of China, his main research interests are Health Communication and Visual Communication based on computational sociology.
Image of Tobias Kamelski
Tobias Kamelski
Tobias Kamelski is a PhD student in Sociology at Lingnan University. He researches the habitus of visual self-presentation in online dating. His research interests include mediated impression management as well as sexual and gendered behaviour in digital spaces. He specializes in reconstructive research methods and their digital augmentation.
Image of Zhanghao Li
Zhanghao Li
Li Zhanghao is a doctoral student in computational communication at Beijing Normal University. His research leverages social bot field experiments and other methods to study the information environment of social media platforms and explore the complex relationship between social media and democracy, such as echo chambers, polarization, etc.
Image of hua	li
hua li
Hua Li is a lecturer at the Center for Computational Communication Research of Beijing Normal University. He obtained a MA from the School of Journalism and Communication of Renmin University of China, and a PhD from the School of Journalism and Communication of Jinan University.
Image of Xiao	Shi
Xiao Shi
Xiao Shi is a lecture in the School of Management Engineering at the Capital University of Economics and Business. She received her Ph.D. degree in Management Science & Engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China. Her research focuses on online users’ behavior in social media, including knowledge payment, privacy management, AI-human interaction and etc.
Image of Ge Shi
Ge Shi
Ge Shi is a lecturer at Nanjing University of Technology, majoring in Geographic Information Systems. Her research areas mainly include urban computing, digital humanities, and smart cities. She obtained a master's degree from Michigan State University in the United States and was sent by the National Endowment Commission to Purdue University for one year during her doctoral studies.
Image of Yunfei Wang
Yunfei Wang
Yunfei Wang received B.A. in Communication from Tsinghua U and is going to join the M.A. program in Computational Social Science at UChicago. Her research interest lies in network analysis, support communication, social media, social capital, and knowledge science. Her previous and current studies try to answer how network structure influences the reception of online social support, and what factors have impacts on help-seeking information diffusion. She plans to extend her research to knowledge creation in network-based systems in the future.
Image of Jiasheng Xiao
Jiasheng Xiao
Jiasheng XIAO is a 2nd-year PhD candidate at the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Hong Kong. His research primarily explores how bureaucrats handle information and the impact of institutions on their choices. In his current research, he is looking into the mechanisms by which policy crisis intelligence is gathered, filtered, interpreted, and circulated inside the Chinese bureaucracy.
Image of Zehang Xie
Zehang Xie
Xie Zehang, a Ph.D student at the School of Media and Communication, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His main research interests are the psychology and behavior of new media users (with a recent focus on virtual companionship in human-computer interaction), and digital publishing.
Image of Jinghong Xu
Jinghong Xu
Dr. Jinghong Xu is a professor at the School of Journalism and Communication of Beijing Normal University. His research interests include new media and internet governance, health communication, intercultural communication, film and television study, and game research. He can be reached at
Image of Lihan Yan
Lihan Yan
Lihan Yan is a first-year Ph.D. student in the School of Journalism and Communication at Nanjing University. I hold my M.A. degree from the City University of Hong Kong and hold B.A. degree from the Central South University of China. My research interests focus on computational communication, science of science.
Image of Yang Yang
Yang Yang
Yang Yang is a lecturer in the Department of Big Data Management and Application, at Beijing Technology and Business University. She received her Ph.D. in business management from the University of Science and Technology of China with co-training from the University of Washington in 2022.
Image of Hanlu Yu
Hanlu Yu
Hanlu Yu is a master student in psychology at Renmin University of China. Her research interests focus on understanding children's social development and moral psychology. Recently, she has become interested in the role of social media in social support.
Image of Xiaoxue Zhang
Xiaoxue Zhang
Xiaoxue Zhang is a PhD candidate at the School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua university. Her research focuses on popular culture, online privacy and game. She seeks to use computational techniques, such as natural language processing and network analysis, to solve social science problems.
Image of Duo Zhang
Duo Zhang
Duo Zhang is a doctoral student of Zhejiang University, majoring in journalism and Communication studies. His research interests include media sociology,intelligent communication and human-computer interaction.
Image of Yanling Zhao
Yanling Zhao
Yanling Zhao is a PhD student in Media, Technology, and Society at Northwestern University. Her research mainly employ computational methods such as natural language processing, both supervised and unsupervised machine learning combined with surveys and experiments to study the political communication, media effects in the digital media era and mis/disinformation.
Image of Nanxiao Zheng
Nanxiao Zheng
Nanxiao Zheng is an incoming MPhil student in the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests lie in Visual Communication and Political Communication, focusing on online communities, online multimodality, and nationalism. He is keen to apply methods to understand social media participation and social networks.
Image of Lihua Du
Lihua Du
Lihua Du 杜莉华 is a doctoral student at the School of Journalism and Communication at the Renmin University of China, majorly studying health communication. To be specific, she focuses on correction of health misinformation and doctor-patient communication in the context of intelligent communication. Before joining Renmin University of China, she received her B.A. degree in journalism from Lanzhou University and M.A. degree in communication from Wuhan University. In terms of correction of health misinformation, she focuses on intergenerational differences in processing health misinformation on Chinese social media. Her current research is focused on doctor-patient communication in the context of intelligent communication, aims to examine the factors influencing doctors' social media usage behavior. Her research combines a variety of methods (i.e., self-report, in-depth interview, regression analysis) to expand the deeper understanding of health misinformation dissemination and doctor-patient relationship in the era of intelligence.
Image of Cong Lin
Cong Lin
Cong Lin 林聪 is a master student at the School of Journalism and Communication at Renmin University of China. He got his bachelor's degree in sociology from Renmin University of China. His acedemic interests include computational social science, visual communication, and social inequality.
Image of Yi Li
Yi Li
Yi Li 李逸 is a master student at the school of journalism and communication ar Remin University of China. His academic interests focus on how individuals coexist with algorithm and media, especially how we utilize them to overcame the social inequality.
Image of Ruhao Liu
Ruhao Liu
Ruhao Liu 刘入豪 is a doctoral candidate at Renmin University of China. With a particular interest in considering how intelligent technology can realize social welfare, she is passionate about studying the social and psychological effects of AI and immersive technology, especially in mental health and social interactions. Her current research is focused on how virtual influencers and digital agents affect public opinion. Before entering Renmin University of China, she received her bachelor's degree in advertising and law from the South China University of Technology. She can be reached at


All Participants

Image of Lena Hipp
Lena Hipp
Head of the Work & Care research group at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center and professor of Social Inequality & Social Policy at the University of Potsdam. Researchess social inequalities related to paid and unpaid care work and relies on a broad spectrum of methods and data, including survey, experimental, and digital data.
Image of Stefan Munnes
Stefan Munnes
Sociologist and research fellow in the Work & Care research group at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. Interested in all kinds of social inequalities, currently researching gender inequalities and antisemitism. Furthermore, mainly engaged in computational methods, such as (automated) text analysis and graphical illustrations. Likes to share this knowledge and ask new questions and work through challenges in a team. ast year, he participated in SICSS Lisbon.
Image of Armin Sauermann
Armin Sauermann
Armin Sauermann is a researcher at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. He recently completed his Sociology Masters at the University of Potsdam and will pursue his PhD. Armin analyzes large-scale observational data and is learning to collect and analyze internet-based data to study group processes and political extremism. Last year, he participated in SICSS Helsinki.
Image of Helena Mihaljevic
Helena Mihaljevic
Helena Mihaljević is a mathematician by training and professor of Data Science at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (HTW Berlin). Her research focuses on analyses of data and technologies, typically applying methods from machine and deep learning, natural language processing and statistics. She works in inter- and transdisciplinary projects that involve algorithmic methods and large data sets for the analysis of social or political phenomena, or projects that investigate the effect of data-driven and usually opaque algorithmic technologies on societal developments. She is interested in algorithmic detection and analysis of conspiracy theories and antisemitic speech in texts from online and social media. 03/07 Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Automated Classification of Political Short Texts: A Case Study of Conspiracy Theory and Antisemitic Narratives
Image of Elizabeth Bruch
Elizabeth Bruch
Elizabeth Bruch is an Associate Professor in Sociology and Complex Systems at the University of Michigan, and an External Faculty member at the Santa Fe Institute. From 2017-2020, she led the Computational Social Science Initiative at the University of Michigan. Starting in 2023, she will be the Social Science Associate Director for the Michigan Institute for Data Science. Her research focuses on the quantitative study of human behavior, and what it implies for larger scale social patterns. 04/07 Competition in Online Dating Markets
Image of CorrelAid
Sebastian Zezulka is a PhD student in the reserach group "Epistemology and Ethics of Machine Learning" in the Cluster of Excellence "Machine Learning for Science" at the University of Tübingen. His work focuses on methodological questions of fair machine learning, bringing together insights from philosophy of science, evidence-based policy making, and machine learning. In 2017, an internship brought him to CorrelAid. After working in the project team and the local chapter Stuttgart, he was board member for education in 2022. Since the end of 2022, he acts as the chair of the board of CorrelAid. CorrelAid is a non-partisan non-profit network of data science enthusiasts who want to change the world through data science. They dedicate their work to the social sector and those organizations that strive for making the world a better place. 05/07 Data4Good - data science with and for non-profits
Image of Sophia Hunger
Sophia Hunger
Sophia Hunger is professor of Computational Social Sciences at the University of Bremen and research fellow at the Center for Civil Society Research. Until April 2023 she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Center and involved in a research project on protest and political radicalization in Germany, after receiving her doctorate from the European University Institute in 2020. Her research focuses on protest movements, political engagement, party competition, political communication, and applied quantitative methods, particularly quantitative text analysis and automated event extraction. Currently, her largest methodological undertaking is the automatization of Protest Event Analysis with cutting-edge methods in order to facilitate research on how protest shapes and affects modern societies. She is furthermore interested in developing new methods to measure positions, polarization, and resonance in political communication and public debate. 06/07 Automatic protest event analysis
Image of Christian Rauh
Christian Rauh
Christian Rauh is a senior researcher in the Global Governance unit of the WZB Berlin Social Science Center and a Professor for the 'Politics of Multilevel Governance' at the University of Potsdam. His research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of EU studies, international relations and comparative politics. His is particularly interested in decision-making of the European Commission and the public political debates about European and international institutions. Christian's work aims to combine solid theory with innovative empirical analysis - often involving web scraping, quantitative text analysis, and advanced data visualization. 07/07 How web scraping and large-N text analyses can shed light on (European Union) politics


All Participants

Image of Inyang, Juliet John
Inyang, Juliet John

Inyang, Juliet is a co-founder of Academic Hive and an academic staff at the Department of Marketing, University of Calabar. Her research interest is in the areas of consumer culture, service innovation, process improvement, higher education, digital transformations and sustainable development. Specifically, she is interested in combining computational, quantitative and qualitative methods to unravel key insights about human behaviour in society. Juliet participated in the 2022 SICSS-Paris location.

Image of Grace Ihejiamaizu Paul-Anietie
Grace Ihejiamaizu Paul-Anietie

Grace Ihejiamaizu is a co-founder of Academic Hive and an academic staff (Lecturer II) at UNICAL. She is currently undertaking her PhD in North America. Her research interest is in improving the lives of women social entrepreneurs in Nigeria through employability, entrepreneurship and digital skills.

Image of Inyang, John Okiri
Inyang, John Okiri

John is a postgraduate student and early-career faculty at the Department of Economics, University of Calabar. He is a researcher and project manager with a keen interest in health economics, development economics and public sector economics research.

Image of Otobi,Augustine Ogbaji
Otobi,Augustine Ogbaji

Augustine is an avid researcher who loves to use computational tools to investigate the WHY, WHEN, WHERE and HOW of events, patterns and systems represented by numbers and other data structures. He is a postgraduate student in the department of Computer Science and his research area is in Data Science/Machine Learning. His research spans climate-related issues, fraud and risk prediction in insurance, expert systems and distributed databases. Augustine participated in the 2022 SICSS-Covenant location.

Image of Professor Bassey Igri Okon
Professor Bassey Igri Okon

Bassey Igri Okon is a Professor of Animal Science (specialization- Animal Production) and currently the Director of Research and Development at the University of Calabar. Bassey takes pleasure in guiding and facilitating trainings and group activities of young academics and researchers at the University of Calabar.

Image of Professor Joseph Eyo Duke
Professor Joseph Eyo Duke

Joe Duke is a Professor of Business Management and the Dean, Faculty of Management Sciences at the University of Calabar. His expertise is in Human Capital development and HRM practices.

Image of Professor Mbe Nja
Professor Mbe Nja

Mbe Nja is a Professor of Mathematical Statistics; Director, Open and Distance Learning Centre, and former Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning Excellence all in the University of Calabar. His interest is in Experimental Design (Generalized Linear Models) and his proficiency is in Algorithm development using R, MATLAB and SPSS. He is also a Fellow, Royal Statistical Society (London).

Image of Elijah Appiah
Elijah Appiah
Elijah Appiah is an Economist and Data Scientist who loves using data to solve economic problems. With expertise in econometric modeling and data science, he has trained numerous students worldwide in the field of data science. Elijah is proficient in various data science tools, including but not limited to Python, R, SQL, Tableau, and TensorFlow, enabling him to employ advanced data analytics and machine learning techniques. He is currently a Ph.D. Economics student at the National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) in Bangkok, Thailand. Elijah has authored books, namely, “Data Analysis with R Programming” and “Simplified Mathematical Economics”.
Image of Precious Adebola
Precious Adebola
Precious Adebola is a public health scientist with broad research interests in the intersection of computation and technology with health and genomic data. She has a Master of Public Health from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and a Master of Science in Bioinformatics from Covenant University, Nigeria. She currently works as a bioinformatician with the Global Health Research Unit for the Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Image of Edith Darin
Edith Darin
Edith Darin has been mapping and estimating population for the WorldPop research group at the University of Southampton since 2018. She develops advanced statistical models to tackle outdated or incomplete population count mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. She led collaborations with the Burkina Faso and the Mali Statistics offices to fill the gaps in their census (2020 and 2022) caused by security challenges. To ensure knowledge transfer she developed courses in close partnership with UNFPA. Her work has been featured in several peer-reviewed publications (Remote Sensing, Nature Communications, Gates Open Research) and relayed by different institutions (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GRID3).
Image of Dr. Idongesit Efaemiode Eteng
Dr. Idongesit Efaemiode Eteng
I am Dr. Idongesit Efaemiode Eteng, an accomplished academic and researcher with a Ph.D. from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria's premier institution. With over 17 years of teaching experience, I have had the privilege of imparting knowledge to students from diverse backgrounds. My publication record and international research presentations in Ghana, Scotland, London, and the USA underscore my global academic presence. I specialize in Software Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Formal Methods, with a particular focus on health and education applications, reflecting my commitment to real-world problem-solving. Some of my notable projects include collaboration tools for academia-industry partnerships and medical support tools for health issues. Proficient in programming languages like Java, Python, and R, I am also known for my excellence in public speaking, and I have recently published a novel titled 'THE CALL,' adding a creative dimension to my professional portfolio.
Image of Rhoda Asuquo
Rhoda Asuquo
Rhoda Peter Asuquo is a young medical doctor currently practicing in Akwa Ibom State. She is passionate about changing the narrative in the Nigerian health sector. She is research-driven and strongly believes that solutions to advancing health in Nigeria and beyond are through research hence her pursuit of a Masters degree in Research and the application of data science in genomics can bring change in the area of prevention through medical genetic studies. Twitter
Image of Lawrence Nsor
Lawrence Nsor
Lawrence Nsor is a Professional Registered Land Surveyor, registered by the Surveyors Council of Nigeria, and Self-taught Data Scientist. He is founder and Director of Vantage Survey and Mapping Services a company registered by the Corporate Affairs Commission, offering services in the fields of GIS, Land, engineering and Property Surveys, Data Collection and Analysis, GIS Web Development, and other Data, GIS & Survey Consultancy services.
Image of Yohanna	Waliya
Yohanna Waliya
Yohanna Joseph Waliya is a lecturer at the University of Calabar, Calabar-Nigeria. He obtained M.A. French Studies (Twitterature;Twitterbot poetry) at the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. He is a Nigerian digital poet, distant writer, ludokinetic writer, novelist, playwright, python programmer, winner of the Janusz Korczak Prize for Global South 2020, Electronic Literature Organization Research Fellow, UNESCO Janusz Korczak Fellow, Creator & Curator of MAELD and ADELD [2022 Emerging Open Scholarship Award: Honourable mention by The Canadian Social Knowledge Institute (C-SKI)], Executive Director of AELA& ADELI ( ), International Association for Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Conference on Web and Social Media [ICWSM ] Scholar 2021-2022, Scrimba Scholar 2022-2023, and Hastac Scholar 2021-2023. He writes in English and French. Among his works are: La récolte de vie (play), Monde 2.0 (play), Hégémonie Disparue (novel), Quand l’Afrique se lèvera (novel), Homosalus (digital poetry), Momenta (digital poetry), @TinyKorczak (Twitterbot-poetry), Climatophosis (digital poetry: The best use of DH for Fun 2020), Inferno 2.0 (ludokinetic poetry) etc. Linkedln, Google Scholar
Image of Olufemi	Popoola
Olufemi Popoola
Olufemi Popoola is a research fellow at the Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research, Nigeria. His research interests are in the areas of development economics, innovation studies, food security and climate change. He is experienced in handling large datasets and data analysis.
Image of Olawale	Akinrinde
Olawale Akinrinde
Dr Olawale Akinrinde teaches & conducts research in Defence, Security and Strategic studies in the Department of Political Sciences, Osun State University, Nigeria. Dr Olawale holds an outstanding PhD in Defence and Strategic Studies from the prestigious Nigerian Defence Academy, with an M.Sc. in International Relations from Nigeria’s Premier University, the University of Ibadan, and a First-Class Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and International Relations from Osun State University. Linkedln, Google Scholar
Image of Oluwadamilare Odu-Onikosi
Oluwadamilare Odu-Onikosi
Oluwadamilare Odu-Onikosi is a PhD Student in Project Management at the Lagos State University and a Research Scholar at the Research Methods Program 2023 of the Leaders of Africa Institute. His interest gravitates around Project Management, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Data Analytics. He is the Chief Innovation Officer at Innovation Etcetera, a firm with vast expertise in Project Management, Research & Development and Training. He earned the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) in Economics and Computer Science from the Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education, a Bachelor of Technology (Honours) degree in Management Technology and a Master of Science degree in Project Management (Distinction) from the Lagos State University.
Image of Doris Addo
Doris Addo
Doris Elemi Addo is a Lecturer in the Department of Environmental Education, Faculty of Arts and Social Science Education University of Calabar and Ph.D Student in UNN. She has acquired knowledge through training attended, practical hands-on experience,featured in paper presentations and publications. Her research interest includes Pollution and waste management, Environmental awareness, Conservation and Geography.
Image of Emmanuel Michael
Emmanuel Michael
Emmanuel Ikpe Michael, Ph.D., is a passionate researcher, academician with expertise in microbiology and public health. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Microbiology and has published scientific studies in prestigious journals. With a strong background in teaching and instructional techniques, Emmanuel is committed to engaging students in research-based and high-performance learning sessions. He possesses a range of skills in microbiology techniques and the identification of microorganisms. Emmanuel has also gained extensive research experience through various projects and has received training in project management and health safety and environment.
Image of Bassey Onugu
Bassey Onugu
My name is Bassey, I hail from Biakpan in Biased Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. I attended Hope Waddel Training Institution, Calabar for my post-primary education . I am currently undertaking a ph.d in health services marketing in the University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria. I also work as a school leader in a high school in Cross River State, Nigeria and have special interest in early child development. The institute of chartered Accountant of Nigeria gave me three awards for my outstanding performance during its 2011 ATS examination. My hubbies are singing and reading stories.
Image of Abubakar Aliyu
Abubakar Aliyu
Abubakar Aliyu is a Technical Writer with a background in computer engineering and an emphasis on Machine learning and Data science. He has a broad interest in harnessing Data science for social good—Governance and Social justice—and is affiliated with the Arewa Data Science Academy and the Almajiri Child Rights Initiative. Medium
Image of Edet Okon
Edet Okon
Edet Okon is an accomplished professional, nearing completion of an MSc in Business Management at the University of Calabar. His academic focus spans international business, sustainability, innovation, and technology management. Edet excels as a management analyst at Henshaw Capital Partners Limited, and he is the founder and CEO of Eds Global Consults, a consulting firm guiding SMEs to enhance their productivity. Additionally, he is a published author, and recipient of numerous awards and academic scholarships.
Image of Felix	Eke
Felix Eke
Felix Eke is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, University of Calabar, Nigeria and has a Ph.D in Development Economics from the same University in 2016. His research is focused on Institutional efficiency/strengthening and development.
Image of Mercy Ebele Eboh
Mercy Ebele Eboh
Eboh Mercy Ebele is an assistant Lecturer at Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria. Her scholarly pursuits concentrate on Digital marketing and Brand Management. she has a deep passion for exploring the Dynamics of the digital world of marketing. Her works illuminates the ever_evoving marketing strategies that can be employed to navigate the digital market space.
Image of Uduakobong Otu
Uduakobong Otu
My name is Uduakobong Effiong Otu, I am a PHD student in the University of Calabar studying Marketing. My research interest are includes logistics and supply chain management, product packaging, Marketing research and Methodology. I am very keen on quantitative research.
Image of Edward Afu
Edward Afu
Edward Ayim Afu is an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Environmental University of Calabar, Nigeria. With a research interest in climate change mitigation, adaptation & sustainable development, environmental politics & governance, sustainable tourism & ecotourism.
Image of Chidera Eze
Chidera Eze
Eze Chidera Prince is a graduating masters student of Management Infromation System in the Department of Computer and Information Science. He uses deep learning algorithms in developing intrusion detection models that can combat different kinds of cyber-attacks on autonomous vehicles. Scopus
Image of Igharo Amechi Endurance
Igharo Amechi Endurance
My name is Igharo Amechi Endurance from Edo State of Nigeria, i have bachelor and masters degree in economics from the Ambrose Alli University, ekpoma and the Usmanu Danfodiyo University sokoto. I'm currently a PhD student in the department of economics, university of calabar.
Image of Bibiana	Ineji
Bibiana Ineji
Bibiana Ineji is a communication researcher in the Department of Mass Communication, at the University of Cross River State, Nigeria. Bibiana Obtained her PhD in Development Communication and Political Communication. Her research interest is in social and behavior change communication in developing nations. She uses mixed-method; qualitative, and quantitative research to address social problems. She holds. a Bachelors degree in Mass Communication and a Masterss degree in Mass communication; Social and behavior change communication option.
Image of Sarah	Enwa
Sarah Enwa
My name is Sarah Enwa a PhD student of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, State University Abraka Nigeria. My research interest include, Agribusiness management, Production and development economics. I currently have about 15 schorlarly published articles
Image of Dibie Nkechi Patricia
Dibie Nkechi Patricia
Dibie Nkechi Patricia is a dedicated Ph.D student of Business Management at Delta State University, Abraka also serving as a Graduate Assistant lecturer in the University. My passion lies in acquiring new knowledge and sharing it with the younger generation. I am committed to enhancing students' academic performance and adding value to the educational system,Through quality research, teaching and mentoring.
Image of Joseph David
Joseph David
Joseph David is Research and Teaching Assistant at Lagos Business School, Pan-Atlantic University, Lagos. He is also a Research Associate at the Centre for Economic Policy and Development Research (CEPDeR), Nigeria. Joseph’s research interest revolves around development economics, public finance, corruption, energy economics, and the economics of crime (with a bias in money laundering). His current research focuses on determining the quantum, flows, and laundering of illicit funds associated with criminal and illegal activities such as grant corrupt practices, kidnapping, terrorism, and tax evasion, amongst others, in Nigeria, Africa, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Joseph participated in the 2022 SICSS-Covenant.
Image of Sven Lampe
Sven Lampe
Sven Lampe works as a research assistant at the University of Oldenburg. He holds a two-subject bachelor's degree in computer science and German studies as well as a master's degree in computer science. He is currently project coordinator for research field 1 in the joint project Wärmewende Nordwest (Heat Turnaround Northwest), in which he is working on reducing heat losses in residential buildings. He was teaching assistant in 2022 for SICSS JIAS/IPATC and in 2023 for SICSS IPATC, both at the University of Johannesburg.


All Participants

Image of Andrés Abeliuk
Andrés Abeliuk
Andrés Abeliuk is an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile and a researcher at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence (CENIA). His research studies the relationship between algorithms and humans in social computing systems, applying machine learning models, optimization, game theory, and online experiments to drive collective behavior toward more efficient social outcomes. In 2016, he received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Melbourne, Australia. His thesis was on the optimality and predictability of socially influenced online markets.
Image of Pablo Beytía
Pablo Beytía
Pablo Beytía is a lecturer of digital methods for social research at the Institute of Sociology of the Catholic University of Chile and a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Social Sciences at the Humboldt University of Berlin. He is also a research fellow at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society (Germany) and director of the social analytics platform Monitor Social ( His doctoral research focuses on how Wikipedia frames information about humans by creating biographies that establish content inequalities favoring specific social groups. Pablo’s research interests include digital discourse, open knowledge, platform power, digital social memory, and artificial intelligence for social data reporting.
Image of Juan Reutter
Juan Reutter
Juan is an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science and the institute for Mathematical Engineering and Computing of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and is the deputy director of the Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD). His research interest has to do with mathematical foundations of data management, web data and data science. Juan received his PhD at the University of Edinburgh in 2013, and his thesis was awarded the BCS distinguished dissertation award. Juan's work has been also recognized with the Cor Baayen Young Researcher Award, and best paper awards at PODS 2011, ISWC 2019 and an outstanding paper award at ICLR 2022.
Image of Hernán Sarmiento
Hernán Sarmiento
Hernán Sarmiento is a postdoctoral researcher at Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD). He is finishing his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile. His interests include social network analysis using data mining and machine learning approaches applied to several topics, such as crisis informatics, polarization, and disinformation.
Image of Pedro Seguel
Pedro Seguel
Pedro Seguel is a Ph.D. candidate and lecturer in Management of Information Systems at McGill University. His research combines computational social sciences (i.e., NLP) and qualitative methodologies to study the diffusion of new technological practices. His thesis focuses on how institutional pressures -expressed in discourse dynamics- can explain changes in digital innovation and IT workforce. Additionally, He is interested in the broader impacts of emerging technologies, including projects in fairness and accountability in AI Systems and the institutionalization of carbon-aware computing.
Image of Claudia López Moncada
Claudia López Moncada
Claudia's research and teaching activities focus on human-centered computing. Her projects concentrate on two broad lines: social computing and human-centered artificial intelligence. She is the co-director of the user-experience (UX) Lab at UTFSM, Chile. Also, she is an associate researcher at the National Center of Artificial Intelligence (CENIA) and a principal researcher at the Millennium Nucleus Futures of Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR). Currently, she serves as general co-chair of CSCW'24 and as a member of the Steering Committee of ChileWiC. She has a Ph. D. in Information Sciences and Technology from the University of Pittsburgh, USA.
Image of Felipe Bravo-Márquez
Felipe Bravo-Márquez
Felipe Bravo-Marquez is Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile, Associate Researcher at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence Research (CENIA) , and Young Researcher at Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD). He conducted his PhD degree in the Machine Learning Group at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, where he also held a research fellow position for two years. He currently holds an Honorary Research Associate position with this group. Previously, he received two engineering degrees in the fields of computer science and industrial engineering, and a masters degree in computer science, all from the University of Chile. His research interests and expertise lie in the acquisition of knowledge and information from natural language, spanning the overlapping fields of natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), and information retrieval (IR). During his research career he has developed several NLP and ML methods for the analysis of opinions and emotions in social media, as well as other applications focused on fairness, health, education, among others. His work has been published in top tier AI conferences and journals e.g., IJCAI, ICWSM, SIGIR, EACL, COLING, ECAI, JMLR, Knowledge-based Systems. He has been part of the program committees of important conferences in natural language processing and artificial intelligence, including ACL, AAAI, EMNLP, NAACL, IJCAI, and ECAI.
Image of Juan Pablo Luna
Juan Pablo Luna
Investigador Asociado VioDemos. Profesor titular de la Escuela de Gobierno de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Participa en el Instituto Milenio Fundamento de los Datos, en el Instituto Milenio para la Investigación en Violencia y Democracia y en el Centro de Ecología Aplicada y Sustentabilidad. Actualmente es investigador responsable del proyecto FONDECYT “Unequal Democracies in Weak(er) States. Assesing Latin America’s Development Trap” (2023-2026) y en 2023 recibió la beca The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation para desarrollar la investigación “Organized Crime, State Crises, and the Consolidation of Violent Democracies”. Doctor en Ciencia Política de la University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Sus principales intereses de investigación son crimen organizado, representación política,sistemas de partido, capacidad del Estado y el desarrollo de metodologías que combinan ciencia social computacional con análisis cualitativo clásico (thick data).
Image of Marcelo Mendoza
Marcelo Mendoza
Marcelo Mendoza received his master's degree in informatics from the Federico Santa María Technical University, Chile, and his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Chile. He held a postdoctoral position at Yahoo Research. He is currently a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. He is a founder and former President of the Chilean Association for Pattern Recognition. He is currently principal researcher at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence and Associate Researcher at the Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data. His research has addressed the relationship between the stance of Twitter users and the veracity of their messages, the design and implementation of automated predictive model for fake news, the possibilities and limitations of sentiment analysis models on social networks, the relationships between opinion dynamics and political election outcomes, analysis of television media bias using NLP, the predictive power of reactions from Twitter users to infer earthquake damage levels, the use of the transformer architecture's self-attention mechanisms for stance classification, the develop of bot detection methods based on network features, and the predictive capacities of graph neural networks to anticipate controversy in social media conversation threads.
Image of Jazmine Maldonado
Jazmine Maldonado
Jazmine Maldonado is the Chief Executive of the Innovation and Technology Transfer Direction at the Millenium Institute Foundational Research on Data. She holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Chile, where her research areas of interest focused on Information Retrieval, Data Mining, and Data Visualization. Currently, she is dedicated to management and agile methodologies applied to data science projects. Jazmine is also a co-founder of an NGO called Niñas Pro, which aims to empower girls through teaching them to code.
Image of Gonzalo Rivero
Gonzalo Rivero
Gonzalo Rivero is the associate director of Data Labs at Pew Research Center. He is an expert in social research methodology with a focus on computational social science and reproducibility. In his research, Rivero studies public opinion, political behavior, and political representation particularly in the context of digital politics. Prior to joining Pew Research Center in 2021, Rivero worked as statistician and data scientist at the Statistics and Evaluation Sciences Unit of Westat and at the Scientific Research Group of YouGov. He holds a doctorate in Politics from New York University. He is most recently the co-author of Retooling Politics: How Digital Media are Shaping Democracy, published by Cambridge University Press in 2020.
Image of Mauricio Bucca
Mauricio Bucca
Mauricio is an Assistant Professor in Sociology at the Universidad Católica de Chile. Previously, he was a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow at the European University Institute and earned a Ph.D. in Sociology at Cornell University. He studies labor market inequalities, intergenerational mobility and beliefs about inequality using a combination of statistical modeling, empirical strategies for causal inference, and experimental and computational methods. His work has been published in academic journals such as Science Advances, Sociological Methods and Research, RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, and Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, and covered by popular media outlets such and the New York Times, Washington Post, New Scientist, Science Daily, among others.
Image of Antonio Diaz Araujo
Antonio Diaz Araujo
Antonio will be part of a Panel on Chilean industry experience in computational social science applications. He is an Industrial Civil Engineer from the University of Chile, Partner and General Manager of Unholster, Founder of Decide Chile, entrepreneur, director of companies, and startup investor. He has over 20 years of experience in Big Data, optimization, data mining, and optimization technologies for large volumes of data.
Image of Cristián Ayala
Cristián Ayala
Cristián will be part of a Panel on Chilean industry experience in computational social science applications. Cristián is an Industrial Civil Engineer and Master in Sociology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He is the Director of DESUC and has extensive experience leading multidisciplinary teams in studies linked to the public and private sectors, with various methodologies and analysis techniques. He has specialized in designing and surveying complex quantitative studies and the application of studies through digital platforms.
Image of Alexandra	Uribe
Alexandra Uribe
Alexandra Uribe is an Economist graduated from the University of Chile, currently working in a civil organization called Elige Educar. Her work focuses on teachers working in the field of school education, specifically on researching topics related to teachers' trajectory and retention, working conditions, and their first years of experience.
Image of Sam Plummer
Sam Plummer
Sam Plummer is an Associate Research Scholar at the Columbia University Justice Lab where she studies punishment and inequality in the United States. She also has research interests in gender and critical social theory. She received her PhD in Sociology from the University of Pittsburgh in 2019.
Image of Paula Reveco
Paula Reveco
Paula Reveco is a professor of the methodological lines of research for the career in psychology and social sciences at the USACH, the UNIACC and the UDP, in Chile. She has a master's degree in statistics from the UC and a psychologist from the UChile. Her interests are equality towards women, open science, inclusion, decentralization and climate change.
Image of Alonso Silva Espinoza
Alonso Silva Espinoza
Sociologist graduated from the University of Valparaíso, currently in the process of obtaining a Master's degree in Science, Technology & Society at the Alberto Hurtado University, with interests on the implications of the advancement of digital technology, including the use of big data for decision-making, cyberdemocracy and algorithmic governance.
Image of Kevin Carrasco
Kevin Carrasco
Kevin Carrasco is a sociologist and has a master's degree in social sciences from the University of Chile. His lines of research focus mainly on the quantitative study of social reality, addressing issues of citizenship education and meritocracy, as well as labor relations in the context of the new digital delivery platforms. All within the framework of open science.
Image of Rebeca Orellana-Parada
Rebeca Orellana-Parada
Rebeca is in the process of completing her Master's program in Sociology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and holds a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from the University of Chile. She possesses a keen interest in public opinion studies and the dynamics of social interactions within social media, forging connections between the social sciences and computational sciences. Alongside her academic endeavors, she has dedicated herself to teaching, with a focus on both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and has actively participated in research on social movements.
Image of Sebastian Ascui
Sebastian Ascui
Sebastian is an anthropologist and a PhD Student in Sociology and Social Policy at Lingnan University, Hong Kong SAR. His main research interests are in research methods, mathematical sociology, big data techniques, applied econometrics for Public Policy, and Machine Learning.
Image of Cesar Marin Flores
Cesar Marin Flores
Cesar Marin Flores is an Engineer and holds an MSc in Data Science. He works as a Data Scientist at the Institute of Data Science at the Universidad del Desarrollo. His research focuses on the impact of mobility on public policies. Currently, he is actively involved in a project investigating the patterns and dynamics of mobility in Santiago. By leveraging digital traces derived from telecommunications data, Cesar utilizes data-driven approaches to inform decision-making processes in this area.
Image of Felipe Labra
Felipe Labra
Felipe Labra is a PhD candidate at the University of Chile (Territory, Space and Society Doctoral Program). He studies digital territories and digital nature generated by grassroots social movements as seeds of transformative change. His methodology approach combines digital etnography, netnography and neogeography, using methods like data mining and online interviews for discourses analysis, social network analysis, web-based geosurveys and geospatial platforms analysis. He tries to have an interdisciplinary approach intersecting digital geographies, critical GISciences, political ecology and sustainability sciences, applied on social-ecological transformations studies.
Image of Ximena Catalán
Ximena Catalán
Ximena Catalán is a postdoctoral researcher in the Faculty of Education at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and in the Millennium Nucleus Students' Experiences of Higher Education. Her research interests focus on evaluating programs and policies related to the transition to higher education from an equity perspective, utilizing a diverse range of methods. Additionally, she is insterested in diversifying the dissemination of scientific evidence to reach broader audiences, including policy makers and institutional actors.
Image of María Jesus Meléndez Berndt
María Jesus Meléndez Berndt
Sociology thesis student in Universidad de Chile. Her undergraduate thesis studies Chilean politics through methodologies such as network analysis and semantic analysis. She has experience working as a teaching assistant in courses such as Introduction to Data Science and ¿Do science and technology have gender?.
Image of Isis Urgell
Isis Urgell
Isis Urgell is a PhD candidate at Monash University, Australia, in Philosophy of Science and Epistemology. She obtained a BA-MA in Philosophy with an orientation in Formal Logic from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her current research topic is the influence of political polarization on the evaluation of scientific content in social media. From a methodological point of view her research employs social network analysis and content analysis to understand large patterns of speech and online behaviour related to anti-science attitudes, misinformation spread and political polarization. She is also interested in how political and moral values shape science perception in social media environments. Other interests include corpus analysis and community detection methodologies.
Image of Daniel Saavedra
Daniel Saavedra
Daniel Saavedra is a mathematician engineer who holds a master's degree in engineering sciences from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. At present, he is pursuing a Ph.D in statistics with a specific focus on machine learning, educational data analysis, and longitudinal observational studies.
Image of Adolfo Fuentes
Adolfo Fuentes
Civil Industrial Engineer and Master of Science in Engineering, Universidad Diego Portales, Diploma in Business Intelligence, Universidad de Chile, Diploma in Data Science and Big Data Analytics, MIT, Data Science & AI Engineer Professional Certificate, IBM, Ph.D. Student in Complex Systems and Social Complexity, Universidad Del Desarrollo. Professional with 9 years of experience developing actionable predictive models using Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques in leading Retail and Services companies in Marketing, Commercial and Customer Care areas.
Image of Roberto Cantillan
Roberto Cantillan
I am a doctoral student in Sociology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and an assistant at the Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Labor Market Mismatch (LM2C2). My doctoral research uses a structural and network perspective to analyze mobility, diffusion, and segregation patterns in the Chilean labor market from an intragenerational viewpoint.
Image of Valentina González
Valentina González
Valentina González is a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She holds a BA in Philosophy and Mcs in Social Sciences. She is a student researcher at the Millennium Institute for Care Research (MICARE). Her current research explores different dimensions of gender-based inequalities in caregiving over time from panel data.
Image of Javiera Rosell
Javiera Rosell
Javiera works at the Center of Studies of Old Age and Aging Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, where she also serves as a professor in the School of Psychology. Additionaly, she is a postdoctoral fellow at the Millennium Institute of Care Research (MICARE). Her primary research interest is around the impact of technology on the well-being of older adults.
Image of Patricia Chandía González
Patricia Chandía González
Patricia Chandía González is a sociologist and master's student in the Artificial Intelligence program at the Catholic University of Chile. She currently works as a Research Analyst at the CoE Research and Data Science Department of Caja de Compensación Los Andes, a non-profit organization. Here, Patricia leads data-driven initiatives and applies AI tools to improve the management and delivery of benefits to affiliates and their families.
Image of Jan Dimter
Jan Dimter
Jan Dimter is a sociologist from the University of Chile specialized in Computational Social Sciences. He is currently involved in research projects at the Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD), the Center for the Study of Conflict and Social Cohesion (COES), and Fondecyt. His expertise lies in political sociology, social movements, network science, data mining, NLP, and urban analysis.
Image of Sebastián Massa
Sebastián Massa
Cientista Político. Magíster en Ciencias Sociales mención Sociología de la Modernización, Universidad de Chile. Diplomado en Estadística, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Diplomado en Estudios Latinoamericanos, Universidad de Santiago. Ha ejercido labores de consultor y docencia a nivel de postgrado en FACSO, Universidad de Chile, nivel de Educación Continua por la Facultad de Matemáticas UC y pregrado por la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez.
Image of Sebastián Ferrada
Sebastián Ferrada
Sebastián was a postdoctoral researcher at Linköping University. His research interests include Graph and Multimedia Databases, and Federated Heterogeneous Data Management. He obtained his PhD from Universidad de Chile in 2021.
Image of Jorge Ortiz
Jorge Ortiz
I am finishing a Master's program in Computer Science at the University of Chile and I have a Bachelor's degree in Linguistics from Catholic University of Chile. I am excited to continue growing my skills and making a positive impact as a data scientist.
Image of Gabriel Iturra
Gabriel Iturra
I am Gabriel. I am currently working on my master’s thesis on Incremental Text Representation under the supervision of Felipe Bravo-Márquez at the University of Chile. I am a member of the ReLeLa research group at DCC UChile, and my research interests include Incremental Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Streaming Data. Besides research, I really enjoy teaching. In my spare time, I enjoy doing exercises and learning new things from books and videos. I specialize in extracting knowledge and information from unstructured data, focusing on natural language text and streaming learning. My research interests encompass several interrelated fields in this domain: Natural Language Processing, Data Stream Mining, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.
Image of Cinthia Sánchez
Cinthia Sánchez
Cinthia Sánchez is a PhD Candidate in Computing at the Computer Science Department (DCC) of the University of Chile. She holds a Master's degree in Computer Science (University of Chile) and a degree in Computer Engineering (Agricultural Polytechnic University of Manabí, Ecuador). Her research work is related to data mining, natural language processing, machine learning, and information retrieval. Cinthia participates as a Student Researcher at the Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (Development of Robust Information Structures Project) and the National Center for Artificial Intelligence (Human-Centered AI line) of Chile. She is a Teaching Assistant for the Data Mining course (DCC, and Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science and Engineering), and an Instructor of Visualizations in Python course (Postgraduate Diploma in Python applied to Data Science) at the University of Chile.


All Participants

Image of Christopher Barrie
Christopher Barrie
Christopher Barrie is Lecturer in Computational Sociology at the University of Edinburgh. He specializes in the study of protest, conflict, and communication. He is particularly interested in advancing the use of use digital trace, news, and communications data to study populations that have traditionally been 'hard-to-reach' in the empirical social sciences.
Image of Tod Van Gunten
Tod Van Gunten
Tod Van Gunten is a comparative economic and political sociologist with interests in social networks, development, organizations, globalization, the sociology of knowledge and professions, and sociological theory. His empirical research centers on elite political networks and the economic sociology of financial institutions, particularly in Latin America.
Image of Aybuke Atalay
Aybuke Atalay
Aybuke Atalay is a PhD student based in the School of Social and Political Science at the University of Edinburgh. She is particularly interested in the role of automated accounts (i.e. bots) in social media manipulation and online disinformation in hybrid regimes. She is currently investigating bots in the Turkish Twittersphere.
Image of Walid Magdy
Walid Magdy
Walid Magdy is a faculty member at the Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation (ILCC), part of the School of Informatics, the Univeristy of Edinburgh. He is also a faculty fellow at The Alan Turing Institute. His main expertise is in computational social science, data mining, and natural language processing. He holds a PhD degree from the School of Computing, Dublin City University (DCU). He has a large industrial background from working earlier for Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI), Microsoft, and IBM.
Image of Björn Ross
Björn Ross
Björn Ross is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Computational Social Science at the University of Edinburgh School of Informatics, in the Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation. In his research, he primarily uses computational methods from agent-based modelling, natural language processing and social network analysis to study social media and related technologies. A key focus of his research is to explore different aspects of social media, such as misinformation, hate speech, and the malicious use of automation (bots), as well as how social media can be used effectively for social good, such as in crisis communication.
Image of Akın Ünver
Akın Ünver
Akin Unver is an associate professor of International Relations at Ozyegin University, specializing in conflict research, computational methods and digital crisis communication. He is a fellow of Carnegie Endowment's Digital Democracy Network and serves as a member of TikTok's MENA-T Security Advisory Council. Previously he served as a Research Associate at the Center for Technology and Global Affairs, Oxford University and a Senior Research Fellow at GUARD (Global Urban Analytics for Resilient Defence) at the Alan Turing Institute. He is the author of ‘Defining Turkey’s Kurdish Question: Discourse and Politics Since 1990’ (Routledge Series in Middle Eastern Politics). He is the Istanbul organizer of the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (SICSS) and the founder of the Istanbul Twitter Developers' Community.
Image of Abdullah Almaatouq
Abdullah Almaatouq
bdullah Almaatouq is a computational social scientist and Assistant Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management. His research focuses on improving cooperation, coordination, and collective intelligence in decision-making systems, such as teams, committees, crowds, markets, and elections. Abdullah also explores ways to advance social and behavioral research methodology through innovative research designs and theory-building strategies, with the ultimate goal of developing a deeper understanding of collective decision systems and how to design them effectively in various contexts.
Image of Paola Tubaro
Paola Tubaro
Paola Tubaro is Research Professor in sociology and technology at the National Centre for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS) on the Paris-Saclay campus. She was previously a Reader in economic sociology at the University of Greenwich, London. Her research is inter-disciplinary and leverages synergies between sociology, network science, machine learning and artificial intelligence. She is currently researching the place of human labour in the global production networks of artificial intelligence, and the social conditions of digital platform work in French- and Spanish-speaking countries. She has also extensively published in the fields of data methodologies and research ethics.
Image of Dilara Keküllüoğlu
Dilara Keküllüoğlu
Dilara is a Research Associate (Postdoc) at School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh in Scotland, UK. She is currently working on a Responsible AI project where she aims to make socio-technical organizations answerable for the automated actions they take where these actions can harm people. Her research interests are responsible AI, privacy on social media, human computer interaction, computational social science. She has a PhD from School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh with a thesis titled “Analysing Privacy in Online Social Media” (Supervised by Walid Magdy and Kami Vaniea). Her PhD focused on privacy on social media, especially unintended disclosures and user understanding of privacy controls.
Image of Ugur Ozdemir
Ugur Ozdemir
Ugur is a Lecturer in Quantitative Political Science at the University of Edinburgh. His research interests include comparative political behavior, formal models of electoral politics, and quantitative methods. He is a dedicated advocate of bridging the gap between theoretical modeling and empirical analysis.
Image of Inge Stortenbeker
Inge Stortenbeker
Inge Stortenbeker is a postdoctoral researcher at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. In her current research, she focuses on news media reports and online discussions about public cancer screening programmes, using quantitative content analysis and computational methods.
Image of Simon Ullrich
Simon Ullrich
Simon Ullrich is a PhD student at the University of Copenhagen's Center for Social Data Science. He studies controversies around the green energy transition in a research approach that combines digital methods, SNA, and netnography.
Image of Darja Wischerath
Darja Wischerath
Darja Wischerath is a PhD candidate at the University of Bath. Her research explores how belief in conspiracy theories can lead to violence and violent extremism through the mediating factors of psychological needs, social networks, and ideological narratives. They primarily use online text data and text mining for their analyses.
Image of Maurice Schumann
Maurice Schumann
Maurice P. Schumann is PhD candidate at the Hertie School in Berlin. His dissertation focusses on repression and technology in electoral autocracies. He is also interested in violence dynamics in civil wars. Before starting his PhD, he worked as Consultant at the UN and as Research Assistant at Uppsala University.
Image of Yuan Zhang
Yuan Zhang
Yuan Zhang is a PhD student in Media and Communication Science at the University of Zurich. Her research focuses on the spillover effects of online incivility to offline political activism. She seeks to use computational techniques, such as natural language processing and network analysis, to solve social science problems.
Image of Fabio Carrella
Fabio Carrella
Dr. Fabio Carrella is a Senior Research Associate at the School of Psychological Science of the University of Bristol. He is a member of TeDCog, a research group that studies pressure points between human cognition and online technologies. His current interests concern misinformation and political discourse analysis through computational methodologies.
Image of Lubna Amro
Lubna Amro
Lubna Amro is a postdoctoral researcher at TU Dortmund University on the project From Prediction to Agile Interventions in the Social Sciences (FAIR). Her research focuses on developing and applying statistical methods for multivariate data with robust properties even in the case of heteroscedasticity, small sample sizes, and missing values.
Image of Erin Walk
Erin Walk
Erin Walk is a PhD Candidate in Social and Engineering Systems at MIT. Her work focuses on using social media and other data sources to understand conflict and support hard to reach populations, with projects examining narratives around violence and refugee return in Syria and polarization in the US.
Image of Alberto Arletti
Alberto Arletti
Born in Modena, I first studied psychology and neuroscience both in Italy, Padua and the U.K., UCL. Now, I am pursuing a PhD in statistical science at the University of Padua specialising in non-probability samples.
Image of Siyu Liang
Siyu Liang
Siyu Liang is a PhD student in Political Science at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research utilizes computational methods to study how the media shapes public opinion in the US and China. Methodologically, she is interested in text analysis, natural language processing, and social networks. Siyu received her BA in Political Science and Statistics from UW-Madison in 2021.
Image of Jose Manuel Camacho Rodriguez
Jose Manuel Camacho Rodriguez
Jose Manuel Camacho Rodriguez is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Madrid. His primary research interests encompass Cybersecurity and Machine Learning, with a special focus on their applications to online misinformation, including detecting fake news and bots in social media.
Image of Miriam Milzner
Miriam Milzner
Miriam Milzner is a research associate and doctoral candidate at Free University and Weizenbaum Institute Berlin. Drawing from Computational Social Science, she analyzes logics of digital information infrastructures and dynamics of coordinated information manipulation. Prior to the Ph.D., she received a M.A. in Communication Science and a B.A. in Communication Science, Political Science, and Economics.
Image of Emily Godwin
Emily Godwin
Emily Godwin is a second-year PhD student on a Cyber Security CDT programme based at the University of Bath. As a social scientist, she brings a unique yet valuable perspective to the field with an exploration of the development and dissemination of harmful conspiracy theories online.
Selin Akaraci
Selin is an urban planner and public health researcher, holding a PhD in public health. She is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at Queens University Belfast, examines the relationship between built environment features and non-communicable diseases. Selin is also investigating the potential use of AI methods to semi-automate evidence synthesis.
Image of Danae Sanchez Villegas
Danae Sanchez Villegas
Danae Sanchez is a PhD student at Sheffield University under the supervision of Dr. Nikolaos Aletras. Her research interests include NLP and CSS with focus on understanding the social and commercial aspects of language specifically from social media, and analysing the relationship between text and image content of social media posts.
Image of Anna Blair
Anna Blair
Anna is an MSc student of Digital Sociology at the University of Edinburgh. Her dissertation is examining the worlding practices of LGBTQ+ people who use Minecraft. Prior to her masters, she obtained a Bachelors of Architecture at the University of Limerick, Ireland. Her architectural research was situated in the current housing crisis. It proposed the introduction of a spatial commons to one of Ireland's most underprivileged housing estates. Anna also has contemporary art and writing practices which she will use in her future research to facilitate becoming a transdisciplinary researcher and practitioner.
Image of Angela Rijo
Angela Rijo
Angela Rijo holds a masters in psychology and is currently pursuing a PhD in computational social psychology. She is working as a research assistant at SPAC - Social physics and Complexity Lab. Her research interests concern how group affiliations and prior beliefs condition reasoning and decision making.
Image of Desislava  Bocheva
Desislava Bocheva
Dessi Bocheva is a PhD candidate at the University of Bath aiming to utilise machine learning methods to classify online communities by their represented social identities. She is interested in examining the variation of social identity membership in online groups what this means for subgroup formation and group fracturing mechanisms.
Image of Feng Han
Feng Han
Feng Han is currently pursuing a PhD in Sociology at the University of Edinburgh. Her research includes political communication, social movement, and digital governance. Her dissertation research focuses on online grievances and government responsiveness in China. Her research primarily relies on computational text analysis of digital data and social media.
Image of Christian Oswald
Christian Oswald
Christian Oswald is a Research Associate at the Center for Crisis Early Warning at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany. He obtained a PhD in political science from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. His research interests are explaining and predicting political violence and instability using quantitative and computational methods.
Image of Enming Kang
Enming Kang
Enming Kang is a postgraduate student studying digital sociology at the University of Edinburgh. He has conducted research on exploring the motivations of people consuming digital products in games. He is also interested in social media platforms and their algorithms, misinformation online and identity politics.
Image of Costanza Marconi
Costanza Marconi
Costanza Marconi is a post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Economics at University of Bergamo (Italy). Her research interests include the application of machine learning and computational methods in public economics and public finance. Her work so far has been focused on health, local policy-making and social capital formation. Costanza holds a MSc in economics from University of York and a double MSc in international politics and economics jointly from the Catholic University in Milan and the Martin-Luther-Universität in Halle-Wittenberg. She is currently in the last leg of her PhD journey, waiting to defend her thesis on the relation between health and migration in the UK and Germany.
Image of Manu Singh
Manu Singh
I am a doctoral candidate at Columbia University in the Political Science department. Before this, I was a Research Specialist II at the Empirical Studies of Conflict group at Princeton University. I have also consulted at UN OCHA Centre for Humanitarian Data as their predictive analytics fellow. I got my Master of Arts degree from Columbia University in Applied Statistics with a Data Science Concentration. My research interests include social media, political communication, electoral politics, geospatial data analysis, bayesian statistics, causal inference, and machine learning.
Image of Bernardo Villegas
Bernardo Villegas
Bernardo is a Data Scientist and Sociologist, He is an MSc student at the University of Edinburg and broadly interested in social data science, computational social science, especially in Natural Language Processing and ML interpretability
Image of André Kupfermann Rodarte
André Kupfermann Rodarte
André is a second-year PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin (School of Journalism and Media). He holds an MPhil in the Sociology of Media and Culture (St. Edmund’s College, University of Cambridge) and an undergraduate degree in Social Communication (ESPM, Brazil). He is a graduate research fellow of the Propaganda Research Team at the Center of Media Engagement. His research interests include political representation, media sociology, and computational propaganda, with an empirical focus on Latin America.
Image of Humeyra Biricik
Humeyra Biricik
Humeyra Biricik is a Doctoral student in Politics at the University of Oxford. Her research interests include the interactions between political Islamists and Naqshbandi tariqas in Turkey, the role of women in Turkish politics, as well as the evolution of political rhetoric used by right-wing Turkish political party leaders.
Image of Selin Akaraci
Selin Akaraci
Selin is an urban planner and public health researcher, holding a PhD in public health. She is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at Queens University Belfast, examines the relationship between built environment features and non-communicable diseases. Selin is also investigating the potential use of AI methods to semi-automate evidence synthesis.
Image of Cecilia Rollano
Cecilia Rollano
Cecilia Rollano is a lecturer and researcher at the UNED in Spain, where she is working on her thesis on digital identity. She holds a degree in Pedagogy and her research interests include computational methods, platforms, gender and video games, among others.
Image of Lara Dal Molin
Lara Dal Molin
Lara is a PhD student in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies and Sociology at the University of Edinburgh, part of the joint programme in Social Data Science with the University of Copenhagen. Her research interests concern the intersection between Artificial Intelligence, language and gender, which she investigates through the social study of GPT language models. Lara also co-coordinates the AI Ethics and Society group at the University of Edinburgh and is a tutor in the Schools of Social and Political Science and Informatics.


All Participants

Image of Amaro Grassi
Amaro Grassi
Amaro Grassi is a Project Coordinator at the School of Communication, Media and Information at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV ECMI). He is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the Institute of Social and Political Studies at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (IESP-UERJ), a Master in Sociology at the same institution, and has a major in Social Sciences at UFRGS.
Image of Dalby Dienstbach
Dalby Dienstbach
Dalby Dienstbach has a PhD in Linguistics at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), a professor at FGV ECMI and a member of the research group on Communication, Society and Digital Media (FGV). He works academically and professionally in the fields of cognitive linguistics, corpus linguistics, computational linguistics and social network analysis.
Image of Danielle Sanches
Danielle Sanches
Danielle Sanches is a professor at FGV ECMI and a PhD in History of Science at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in cooperation with the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/FioCruz. She currently works on Digital Methods, focusing on the influence of the algorithm culture on social practices.
Image of Denisson Silva
Denisson Silva
Denisson holds a PhD in Political Science (UFMG), a Master's degree in Sociology and is a Social Scientist (UFAL). He has experience in Political Science, working mainly on the following themes: political parties, party migration, electoral results, and campaign financing. Researcher at the Center for Legislative Studies (CEL/UFMG), the Citizenship and Public Policy Group (UFAL), and research fellow at EMCI-FGV.
Image of Lucas Roberto
Lucas Roberto
Lucas Roberto da Silva is a professor and researcher at the School of Communication, Media and Information at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV ECMI), where he works on data extraction and analysis of social networks. He has a major in Mathematics at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) and is a Master in Computer Science at the Department of Informatics in PUC-Rio. His main lines of research are Analysis of Social Networks and Natural Language Processing.
Image of Polyana Barbosa
Polyana Barbosa
Polyana Barboza is a professor working with data extraction and analysis on social networks at FGV ECMI. She has a major in Applied Mathematics at the School of Applied Mathematics of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EMAp) and is a Master in Computer Science at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Her main lines of research are Social Network Analysis in Digital Media and Multi-agent Systems in Software Engineering.
Image of Sabrina Almeida
Sabrina Almeida
Sabrina Almeida is a political scientist. She has a PhD in Political Science (UFMG) and is a researcher and professor at FGV ECMI. She studies political behavior with an emphasis on participation and political intolerance, as well as research methods on social networks.
Image of Victor Piaia
Victor Piaia
Victor Piaia is a PhD in Sociology at the Institute of Social and Political Studies (IESP-UERJ). He is a professor at FGV ECMI and a member of the Study Group in Political Sociology and Digital Transformations and in Communication, Society and Digital Media. He studies the political effects of transformation in daily communication, focusing on social media platforms and messaging apps.
Image of Guilherme Felitti
Guilherme Felitti
Guilherme Felitti is the founder of Novelo Data, a São Paulo-based data analytics studio focused on creating tools to help analyze large volumes of data. Among the main issues Novelo Data chooses to focus on are the environment, democracy and disinformation campaigns. Novelo Data's main area of specialization is in Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, with in-house training and refinement of models to process Portuguese language. Insights from Novelo Data have already been published by global vehicles, such as Le Monde, Associated Press, BBC and El País, and Brazilian ones, such as Jornal Nacional, Piauí, Folha de S. Paulo, O Globo, Veja and O Estado de S. Paulo
Image of Leonardo Nascimento
Leonardo Nascimento
Leonardo F. Nascimento is a professor at the Federal University of Bahia. As the Digital Humanities Laboratory (LABHDUFBA) coordinator, he has contributed to research in digital sociology, digital humanities, and computational social science. He is the author of the book “Sociologia Digital: uma breve introdução - EDUFBA – 2020”. In his current research, he is collaborating with InternetLab, UFSC, and AI for Society on a project investigating the intersection of instant messengers and political violence and utilizing a combination of natural language processing (NLP) techniques and mixed qualitative approaches, including discourse analysis and online ethnography.
Image of Tai Nalon
Tai Nalon
Tai Nalon is founder and CEO of award-winning fact-checking and disinformation monitoring company Aos Fatos. She leads the team that won the Gabriel García Márquez Innovation Award in 2020; the Digital Media LATAM award for best digital project in 2020; the Claudio Weber Abramo Data Journalism Award in 2019; and was a finalist for the Online Journalism Awards in the General Excellence category for micro-networking in 2019. With over 14 years of experience in journalism newsrooms and innovation projects, she has worked for several media companies in Rio, Brasília, and São Paulo, including Folha de S.Paulo, piauí, G1, and Veja, always focusing on national politics and public policy. Tai holds a BA in Social Communication, majoring in Journalism, from Uerj (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro).
Image of Alexsandra Cavalcanti
Alexsandra Cavalcanti
Alexsandra Cavalcanti is a master's student of Political Science at the Federal University of Pernambuco. She is criminal lawyer and has experience on international humanitarian law. Her current research is about the general-raporteur amendments.
Image of Baruque Rodrigues
Baruque Rodrigues
Baruque Rodrigues is a PhD candidate at UFPE. Studies elections and electoral fraud. Worked as a Data Scientist at CGEE and CEPAL.
Image of Daniel Bonatto Seco
Daniel Bonatto Seco
Daniel Bonatto Seco is a Digital Humanities MA student at UFRRJ, Research Fellow in CPDOC/FGV and Data Specialist at Tree Intelligence, a stakeholder management and consulting firm. Works in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Digital Collections, Network Science, Social Network Analysis (SNA), Social Listening and R&D.
Image of Eliana Loureiro
Eliana Loureiro
Eliana Loureiro is a PhD student in Human and Social Sciences at UFABC. She is also a professor and coordinator at FAAP. She is interested in studying computational methods for research on social networks. Her dissertation is about the TikTok algorithm on the reach of fake news posts by presidential candidates during the 2022 elections.
Image of Guilherme Alves
Guilherme Alves
Guilherme Alves is a Master's student in Political Science at The Institute of Social and Political Studies (IESP). He holds a BA in International Relations from the Federal Fluminense University (UFF). His research agenda focus mainly on the following topics: theories of democracy, information in democracies; manipulation and disinformation;
Image of João Camargos
João Camargos
João is currently an MA candidate in Political Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. He is also a data analyst at the Instituto Ver: Pesquisa e Comunicação Estratégica. João's research is located in the subfield of Political Psychology, aiming to understand the dissemination of elite beliefs and their effects on behavior.
Image of João Gabriel Ribeiro Pessanha Leal
João Gabriel Ribeiro Pessanha Leal
PhD student in Public Health at the National School of Public Health Sergio Arouca (ENSP/FIOCRUZ). Conducts research and statistical analyses focused on databases of sociodemographic, demographic, health, and political behavior/attitude information. Predominantly studies determinants of public policies in Brazilian municipalities. Works on the following themes: Political Parties and Financing of Social Policies, with a focus on the Unified Health System (SUS); Federal Parliamentary Amendments and Financing of the SUS.
Image of José Galdino Neto
José Galdino Neto
José Francelino Galdino Neto is temporary lecturer in the Department of International Relations at the State University of Paraíba, and is a doctoral student in the Department of Political Science at the Federal University of Pernambuco. He has broad interests in international relations theories and foreign policy analysis. His thesis explores the existence of Latin American theories in International Relations. And he is also adjunct editor of the Journal of Scientific Initiation in International Relations at the Federal University of Paraíba.
Image of Mayres Pequeno
Mayres Pequeno
Mayres is a master's student in the Department of Political Science at UFPE, where she also conducts research in the Laboratory of Computational and Experimental Political Science. Currently, her research is focused on attitudes towards marginalized groups and preferences for electoral quotas, using experimental methods. Additionally, she has a bachelor's degree in Social Sciences and works as a Public Policy Evaluation as a Data Science Manager in Recife.
Image of Mozara Rodrigues
Mozara Rodrigues
Mozara Rodrigues is a political scientist graduated from Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, where is currently pursuing a masters in political science. Her research focuses on democracy support in the Latin American region, using surveys and multivariate statistics to analyze the most important factors to increase the democracy support among citizens.
Image of Pedro Amaral
Pedro Amaral
Pedro Amaral is a researcher and project leader at Law and Technology Research Institute of Recife, focusing on privacy and surveillance. He is a Ph.D. student at Federal University of Pernambuco, researching on democratic oversighting the public security intelligence sector in the context of digitalized societies and tools of surveillance.
Image of Reinaldo Silva
Reinaldo Silva
Project coordinator at Abraji (Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism) - extensive experience in data journalism and data science for different organizations and transparency and open data projects for journalists and civil society. I coordinate data journalism and data science projects on the Judiciary (Ctrl+X - - and Publique-se -, on evidence-based investigations (CruzaGrafos -, and a partnership with Google News Initiative to collect documents of public interest to supply Pinpoint ( - a reading project with OCR (Optical character recognition) to find entities in documents and audio transcription. In the last few months I have also started studying machine learning and Artificial Intelligence applied to journalism - as a fellow of Journalism/AI at Polis LSE (
Image of Renan Mattos
Renan Mattos
Renan Mattos is a PhD student in Sociology at the Fluminense Federal University (PPGS-UFF), with a study period at the Nova Institute of Communication (ICNOVA). He is currently pursuing an MBA in Data Science at UFF and is a member of the research group Discourse, Social Networks, and Socio-political Identities (CPDA-UFRRJ) and the Digital Sociology Laboratory (UFF). His main lines of research are digital sociology, discourse analysis, and populism.
Image of Renata Zampronio
Renata Zampronio
Renata Zampronio is a master student in the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) Social Science department. Her current research examines resistance practices of young latin migrant women at workplace. She holds a Bsc in Production engineering at University of São Paulo (USP) and she is a member of Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) research group on Children and Youth.
Image of Tomás Borges
Tomás Borges
Tomás Borges is pursuing a Master's degree in Political Science at IESP-UERJ. He holds a BA in Foreign Languages Applied to International Relations at CEFET-RJ, with an exchange program at Sciences Po Strasbourg. His main interests include distributive politics, citizens' political behavior and social protection in developing countries.
Image of Yulieth Martinez Villalba
Yulieth Martinez Villalba
Yulieth Martinez is a doctoral researcher in Political Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil. Her Ph.D. research focuses on understanding the determinants of emergency policymaking within Regional International Organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic. She is interested in researching Regional Integration, International Institutions, Gender, Comparative Studies, and Emergency Politics.


All Participants

Image of Terri Adams, Ph.D.
Terri Adams, Ph.D.
Terri Adams, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminology at Howard University, and she currently serves as the Associate Dean for Research with the Graduate School. Additionally, she serves as the Deputy Director of the NOAA Cooperative Science Center for Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology (NCAS-M) at the university. In addition to her administrative duties, Dr. Adams’ conducts research that takes a multidisciplinary approach to examine issues that have both theoretical and practical implications. Her specific research interests include emergency management, policing, violence, and the impact of trauma and disasters on individuals and organizations. Her most recent work centers on the decision-making processes of both individuals and organizations in the face of crisis events. Her most recent publication, Policing in Disasters: Stress, Resilience, and the Challenges of Emergency Management is co-authored with Dr. Leigh Anderson.
Image of Naniette H. Coleman
Naniette H. Coleman
Naniette H. Coleman is a Ph.D. candidate in the Sociology Department at the University of California, Berkeley and a UC-National Lab In-Residence Graduate Fellow at Los Alamos National Lab. Since 2016, Naniette has directed the AAC&U award winning Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy at Berkeley. Naniette is an affiliate of the Institute for the Study of Societal Issues, the Center for Long-term Cybersecurity, and the Center for Technology, Society, and Policy at Berkeley as well as the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and Berkman-Klein Center for the Internet and Society at Harvard University. Naniette’s research sits at the intersection of the sociology of culture and organizations and focuses on cybersecurity, surveillance, and privacy in the US context. Specifically Naniette’s research examines how organizations assess risk, make decisions, and respond to data breaches and organizational compliance with state, federal, and international privacy laws. Naniette holds a Master of Public Administration with a specialization in Democracy, Politics, and Institutions from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and both an M.A. in Economics and a B.A. in Communication from the University at Buffalo, SUNY. A non-traditional student, Naniette’s prior professional experience includes local, state, and federal service, as well as work for two international organizations, and two universities.
Image of Rebecca (Linchi) Hsu, Ph.D.
Rebecca (Linchi) Hsu, Ph.D.
Dr. Rebecca Hsu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Howard University, Washington, D.C. She has a Ph.D. in Economics from University of Washington, Seattle. Her research concentrates on household economics, intimate partner violence, and the economics of crime. She is currently working on projects on the CARES Act and domestic violence. She has published her research in journals such as Economic Inquiry, Review of Economics of the Household, Feminist Economics, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, and Journal of Economic Studies among others.
Image of Nicole Jenkins, Ph.D.
Nicole Jenkins, Ph.D.
Nicole is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminology at Howard University. She received her Doctoral degree from the University of Nevada Las Vegas in the Department of Sociology in 2020. She obtained an M.A. in Sociology in 2017 and B.A. in Sociology in 2015 from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. In 2013, she received an A.A. in Criminal Justice after serving six years of active duty in the United States Air Force as Military Police. She is a proud advocate for social justice and is committed to teaching with such emphasis in topics such as race and ethnic studies, sociology of poverty, problems of the black community, and research methods.
Image of Anthony K. Wutoh, Ph.D., R.Ph.
Anthony K. Wutoh, Ph.D., R.Ph.
Anthony K. Wutoh, Ph.D., R.Ph. is the Provost of Howard University. He previously served in various roles at the University including as Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Assistant Provost for International Programs. Dr. Wutoh has also served as Director for the Center for Minority Health Services Research, and the Center of Excellence. Dr. Wutoh received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biochemistry from the University of Maryland Baltimore County in 1987. He then completed a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, and Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy Administration (Pharmacoepidemiology) at the University of Maryland, Baltimore School of Pharmacy. Dr. Wutoh has varied research interests including pharmacoepidemiology, international health, health services/outcomes research, and evaluation of large population databases, particularly in the area of AIDS and HIV infection in older patients. Dr. Wutoh has received over $50 million dollars in grant funding from several sources including; NIH, CDC, USAID, HRSA, AHRQ and foundations, and has published numerous research articles on HIV disease, medication adherence, disease state management, and various other topics in respected research journals, including; the Journal of the American Medical Association, Health Services Research, AIDS & Behavior, the Journal of the National Medical Association, and the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association.
Image of Henry C. McKoy, Jr., Ph.D.
Henry C. McKoy, Jr., Ph.D.
Dr. Henry C. McKoy, Jr. is the inaugural Director of the Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) in the United States Department of Energy. The newly created SCEP, within the Office of the Under Secretary for Infrastructure, manages $16 billion dollars in federal funding and supports the transition to an equitable clean energy economy by working with community-level implementation partners and State Energy Offices. SCEP manages the Weatherization Assistance Program, State Energy Program, Community Energy Programs, and Energy Future Grants. He is a seasoned professional in business, community and economic development, policy, government, finance, energy, philanthropy and the academic worlds. Prior to the Presidential appointment to the US DOE, Dr. McKoy served on the faculty at North Carolina Central University School of Business where he led the entrepreneurship program, with additional academic appointments at Duke, the UNC-Chapel Hill, and Harvard. He is a former senior banking executive, successful entrepreneur, and former Assistant Secretary of the NC Department of Commerce. Henry has been a Fellow of the Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise at UNC-Chapel Hill, an affiliated faculty of the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity, as well as an Aspen Institute Scholar. McKoy has won many awards and honors. He has been a sought-after consultant by both government and private industry regarding inclusive entrepreneurship and economic development policy. He has also been an active economic development professional, focused on economic inclusivity in mixed-use real estate projects. He is a regular contributor to media – television, radio, and print. Dr. McKoy engages in over 120 media interviews annually with local, state, regional, national, and international media. He speaks on dozens of academic and public panels a year speaking on his research across the US, and publishes in peer-reviewed journals, as well as mass media publications. His most recent writing appears in the new book The Pandemic Divide: How Covid Increased Inequality in America (Duke University Press), where his chapter, Race, Entrepreneurship, and COVID-19: Black Small Business Survival in Prepandemic and Postpandemic America analyzes and speaks on the impact that COVID has had on the Black economic landscape. He holds degrees from UNC-Chapel Hill’s Kenan-Flagler Business School (B.S.), Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment (M.S.), and UNC-Chapel Hill’s Department of City and Regional Planning with concentrations in Economic Development, Entrepreneurship, and Impact Economics and Investing (Ph.D.).
Image of Latanya Sweeney, Ph.D.
Latanya Sweeney, Ph.D.
Professor of the Practice of Government and Technology at the Harvard Kennedy School and in the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of Technology Science, and the founding Director of the Public Interest Tech Lab, Data Privacy Lab, and the Tech Science Program at Harvard. Sweeney creates and uses technology to assess and solve societal, political and governance problems, and teaches others how to do the same. She pioneered the field known as data privacy and her work is cited in the HIPAA Privacy Rule and other federal privacy regulations worldwide. Her work on discrimination in online ads ignited the new research area known as algorithmic fairness. She is an elected fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics, with more than 100 academic publications, 3 patents, 7000 academic citations, and 3 company spin-offs. She has received numerous professional, academic and lifetime achievement awards and testified before federal and international government bodies. Among other federal appointments, Sweeney formerly served as the Chief Technology Officer at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. In 2018, Harvard launched its new Program in Technology Science, which prepares students for jobs as technologists that work in the public interest. The program is based on Sweeney's prior success at teaching students to scientifically assess unforeseen consequences in technology and to work in civil society organizations, government, and technology companies. Sweeney joined with 50 scholars worldwide to launch the Technology Science Initiative to promote the approach broadly. Sweeney earned her Ph.D. in computer science from MIT in 2001, being the first black woman to do so. Before joining Harvard as a faculty member, Sweeney was the Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, where she taught computer science, technology and policy from 1998 to 2011. She and her spouse currently serve as the X.D. and Nancy Yang Faculty Deans of Currier House at Harvard College. Professor Sweeney also serves as a member of the inaugural global Technology Policy Council of the Association for Computing Machinery, the world's largest association of computer scientists and professionals.
Image of Jeff Bernson, M.P.A, M.P.H.
Jeff Bernson, M.P.A, M.P.H.
Mathematica, a full-service research and analytics firm committed to helping address the world’s most pressing development challenges, announced that Jeff Bernson has been named senior vice president and general manager of the International Unit. Bernson takes on this role as Mathematica’s expanding global footprint provides its partners with an unparalleled combination of regional and local expertise and the backing of a deep bench of experts committed to helping them make a difference. ‘As an organization committed to driving global impact, our International Unit is critical to our mission to improve well-being around the world,’ said president and chief executive officer Paul Decker. ‘Jeff’s focus on partnerships, analytics, and innovation, combined with his passion for advancing global health equity, will help us grow our work and its impact with new clients and in new areas.’ Bernson brings critical experience and demonstrated success in technology development, commercialization, and market innovation, having most recently been chief programs and innovation officer at PATH. During his time at PATH, he also served in a variety of roles including vice president of technology, analytics, and market innovation, and as a senior director working in its Nairobi, Kenya office. ‘Mathematica’s comprehensive intersectoral approach, coupled with its ability to help translate evidence into impactful policies and actions, makes a meaningful difference in the lives of people around the world,’ said Jeff Bernson. ‘I am looking forward to helping the team drive positive change.’
Image of Deen Freelon, Ph.D.
Deen Freelon, Ph.D.
Deen Freelon is an Associate Professor at the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media at the University of North Carolina and a principal researcher at the Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life (CITAP). His theoretical interests address how ordinary citizens use social media and other digital communication technologies for political purposes, paying particular attention to how identity characteristics (e.g. race, gender, ideology) influence these uses. Methodologically, he is interested in how computational research techniques can be used to answer some of the most fundamental questions of communication science. Freelon has worked at the forefront of political communication and computational social science for over a decade, coauthoring some of the first communication studies to apply computational methods to social media data. Computer programming lies at the heart of his research practice, which generates novel tools (and sometimes methods) to answer questions existing approaches cannot address. He developed his first research tool, ReCal, as part of his master’s thesis, and it has since been used by tens of thousands of researchers worldwide. His scholarship has been financially supported by grantmakers including the U.S. Institute of Peace, the Spencer Foundation, the Knight Foundation, and the Hewlett Foundation; and published in top-tier journals including Nature, Science, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Freelon earned his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 2012 and formerly taught at American University in Washington, D.C.
Image of Desmond U. Patton, Ph.D.
Desmond U. Patton, Ph.D.
Desmond Upton Patton studies the impact social media has on well-being, mental health, trauma, violence and grief for youth and adults of color. He leverages social work thinking, data science, qualitative methods, and community partnerships to develop strategies to support digital grief and trauma and reduce on and offline gun-related violence. Desmond Upton Patton is the Brian and Randi Schwartz University Professor and the thirty-first Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor. He has joint appointments in the School of Social Policy & Practice and the Annenberg School for Communication along with a secondary appointment in the department of psychiatry in the Perelman School of Medicine.
Image of Imani N. S. Munyaka, Ph.D.
Imani N. S. Munyaka, Ph.D.
Dr. Munyaka earned her B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Dayton and an M.S. in Computer Science from Kentucky State University. She earned a Ph.D. in Human-Centered Computing from the University of Florida where she conducted research as a member of the Human-Experience Research lab and Florida Institute for Cybersecurity. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of California, San Diego in the Computer Science and Engineering department. Her research intertwines security, privacy, and computer interaction with a general goal of equity in experiences and outcomes for marginalized identities.
Image of Iya Funlayo E. Wood, Ph.D.
Iya Funlayo E. Wood, Ph.D.
Iya Funlayo earned her PhD in African and African American Studies and Religion at Harvard University and her research centers philosophical and theological aspects of Ifá-Òrìsà tradition as practiced in Nigeria and in the Americas, and cross-cultural analysis of Yoruba religious concepts and practice – within all of which she privileges Yoruba language as a conduit to understanding. Her work has been published in various scholarly and public venues and she has appeared in documentaries for PBS and the National Geographic Channel. Spirit permeates both her scholarship and her service, and she founded Ase Ire in 2010 as a place to share her spiritual gifts and the things she has learned from her teachers with the world, especially with those new to African Spirituality.
Image of Ifeoma Ajunwa, J.D., Ph.D.
Ifeoma Ajunwa, J.D., Ph.D.
Professor Ifeoma Ajunwa, J.D., Ph.D., is an award-winning tenured law professor and author of the highly acclaimed book, The Quantified Worker, published by Cambridge University Press. At Emory, she is the AI.Humanity Professor of Law and Ethics and Founding Director of the AI and the Law Program. She is also the Associate Dean for Projects and Partnerships at Emory Law (starting January 2024). Professor Ajunwa was recruited from the University of North Carolina School of Law where she was a tenured law professor and the Founding Director of the Artificial Intelligence Decision-Making Research (AI-DR) Program at UNC Law. Professor Ajunwa is currently a Visiting Fellow at Yale Law School’s Information Society Project (ISP). She has been a Faculty Associate at the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University since 2017. She was a 2019 recipient of the NSF CAREER Award and a 2018 recipient of the Derrick A. Bell Award from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS). Dr. Ajunwa’s research interests are at the intersection of law and technology with a particular focus on the ethical governance, privacy, and discrimination issues associated with workplace AI and automated decision-making technologies. She also has an interest in the generative power of art for law with a focus on law and literature and law and film.
Image of Lindsey D. Cameron, Ph.D.
Lindsey D. Cameron, Ph.D.
Lindsey D. Cameron is an Assistant Professor of management at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on how algorithmic management is changing the modern workplace, especially individual’s behaviors at work. Professor Cameron has an on-going, five-year ethnography of the largest employer in the gig economy, the ride-hailing industry, exploring how algorithms are fundamentally reshaping the nature of managerial control. She is currently studying how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting gig workers on different platforms (e.g., TaskRabbit, Instacart, AmazonFlex) as well as examining how ride-hailing drivers on three continents navigate disputes. Professor Cameron’s work has been published in leading academic journals, including Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, and proceedings of the Association of Computing Machinery and the Academy of Management. She has also published opinion pieces in Fast Company, Kiplinger’s, and the Society of Human Resource Management’s flagship magazine People & Strategy and her research has been mentioned in numerous media outlets including Bloomberg, NPR’s Marketplace, Fast Company, the World Economic Forum, CNBC, Forbes, The Skim, and Inc.
Image of Charlotte Garden, J.D.
Charlotte Garden, J.D.
Charlotte Garden is a Law professor at the University of Minnesota, and specializes in labor law, employment law, and constitutional law. Her interests include the intersection of workers' rights and the Constitution, and how law supports (or undermines) worker voice and power. Prior to coming to the University of Minnesota, Professor Garden was a professor at Seattle University School of Law where she served as Co-Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Development. In 2016 she was a visiting professor at the University of Alabama School of Law. Professor Garden clerked for Judge Thomas L. Ambro of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. She received her J.D. from NYU School of Law (2003) and her B.A. from McGill University (2000).
Image of Gabrielle Rejouis, J.D.
Gabrielle Rejouis, J.D.
Gabrielle Rejouis is an advocate for ending surveillance at work at United for Respect and the Athena Coalition. Before joining United for Respect, she managed the federal technology and antitrust lobbying portfolio at Color Of Change. She also worked at the Center on Privacy & Technology at Georgetown Law where she co-organized the Color of Surveillance: Monitoring Poor and Working People conference. Gabrielle received her J.D. from Georgetown Law with a Certificate in Refugee and Humanitarian Emergencies. She earned her B.A. in History from the New Jersey Institute of Technology where she was an Albert Dorman Honors scholar.
Image of Keith E. Sonderling, J.D.
Keith E. Sonderling, J.D.
Keith E. Sonderling was confirmed by the U.S. Senate, with a bipartisan vote, to be a Commissioner on the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in 2020. Until January of 2021, he served as the Commission’s Vice-Chair. His term expires July of 2024. Prior to his confirmation to the EEOC, Commissioner Sonderling served as the Acting and Deputy Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division at the U.S. Department of Labor. Before joining the Department of Labor in 2017, Commissioner Sonderling practiced Labor and Employment law in Florida. Commissioner Sonderling also serves as a Professional Lecturer in the Law at The George Washington University Law School, teaching employment discrimination. Since joining the EEOC, one of Commissioner Sonderling’s highest priorities is ensuring that artificial intelligence and workplace technologies are designed and deployed consistent with long-standing civil rights laws. Commissioner Sonderling has published numerous articles on the benefits and potential harms of using artificial intelligence-based technology in the workplace and speaks globally on these emerging issues.
Image of Howard University
Howard University
Howard University has long held a commitment to the study of disadvantaged persons in American society and throughout the world. The goal is the elimination of inequities related to race, color, social, economic and political circumstances. As the only truly comprehensive predominantly Black university, Howard is one of the major engineers of change in our society. Through its traditional and cutting-edge academic programs, the University seeks to improve the circumstances of all people in the search for peace and justice on earth.
Image of Mathematica
Mathematica is the insight partner that illuminates the path to progress for public- and private-sector changemakers. We apply expertise at the intersection of data, methods, policy, and practice, translating big questions into deep insights that weather the toughest tests. Driven by our mission to improve public well-being, we collaborate closely with our clients to improve programs, refine strategies, and enhance understanding.
Image of SICSS-Howard/Mathematica
The Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science (SICSS) were created to provide free training to the next generation of researchers at the intersection of social science and data science— and to incubate cutting-edge research across disciplinary boundaries. Participants at each institute a) hear lectures by leading scholars in the field on a range of subjects from automated text analysis to experiments on social media platforms; b) participate in group training exercises; and c) launch interdisciplinary research projects. SICSS thus aims to provide open, high-quality training in computational social science to researchers around the world in order to accelerate the growth of the field and ensure that it develops practices that are in the long-term interests of science and society. Lectures are live-streamed to all SICSS sites from a central location and supported via a vibrant online community that includes open-source education materials that can be used for further self-study or as a model for computational social science courses within other organizations.
Image of D-Lab
D-Lab 1) helps Berkeley graduate students, faculty, and staff move forward with world-class research in data intensive social science and humanities; 2) assists the Berkeley community with the full range of research development, research design and data acquisition. We offer guidance in statistical methods and results to data visualization and communication; 3) creates a learning community that teaches workshops and offers consultations.
Image of Deloitte Center for Health Solutions & the Deloitte Health Equity Institute
Deloitte Center for Health Solutions & the Deloitte Health Equity Institute
The mission of the Deloitte Health Equity Institute is advancing health equity to make an impact that matters. To do it, we’re creating cross-sector collaborations and tools aimed at addressing disparities in the drivers of health, racism and bias, and structural flaws in the health system. Our goal is to create exponential change that will lead to a world in which health isn't determined by race, gender, ability status, or zip code. One in which all people have the fair and just opportunity to achieve their full potential in every aspect of their health and well-being.
Image of Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Federal Reserve Board of Governors
The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States. It performs five general functions to promote the effective operation of the U.S. economy and, more generally, the public interest.
Image of Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Los Alamos National Laboratory‘s mission is to solve national security challenges through simultaneous excellence. LANL achieves maximum impact on strategic national security priorities by integrating research and development solutions with operational excellence and community engagement.
Image of Polarization Lab
Polarization Lab
The Polarization Lab at Duke brings together scholars from the social sciences, statistics, and computer science to study how to bridge America’s partisan divide. Our mission is two-fold. First, we aim to produce the highest quality research about how social media shapes political polarization, drawing upon the latest advances in social psychology, political science, and machine learning. Second, we aim to translate the insights from our research into tools that people can use to hack political polarization from the bottom up. We work closely with other groups working to counter political polarization in the non-profit sector, private sector, and governments. Some of our work has shaped products created by social media companies.
Image of The Data Nutrition Project
The Data Nutrition Project
Our belief is that deeper transparency into dataset health can lead to better data decisions, which in turn lead to better AI. Founded in 2018 through the Assembly Fellowship, The Data Nutrition Project takes inspiration from nutritional labels on food, aiming to build labels that highlight the key ingredients in a dataset such as meta-data and populations, as well as unique or anomalous features regarding distributions, missing data, and comparisons to other ‘ground truth’ datasets.
Image of vary CSS
vary CSS
Computational Social Science is an exciting new field of research, and we think it should be diverse and inclusive as it grows. To this end, we provide links to resources, which are intended to support new and emerging CSS scholars currently underrepresented in the field. We also maintain a database of these scholars, which can be used for collaboration and networking, or for finding new voices to speak at conferences, on panels, and in workshop tutorials. These resources are compiled and updated by the CSS community.
Image of Neena Albarus
Neena Albarus
Neena Albarus is a Ph.D. student in Social Welfare at the University of California, Berkeley. She has an MSW from The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. Her research expertise spans quantitative, qualitative, and participatory methods, with a focus on polydrug use, mental health, and citizen security in Jamaica.
Image of Mango Jane Angar
Mango Jane Angar
Mango Jane Angar is a Political Science Ph.D. student at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research focuses on Political Violence and Disability Politics. In particular, she examines how state institutions, society, and disabled persons organizations conceptualize and define disability.
Image of James Asare
James Asare
James Asare is a Ph.D. student in Mathematics and Science Education at Washington State University. His background in pure, applied, and computational mathematics fuels his research interests in CSS, gerrymandering of school districts, post-secondary math education barriers of under-served communities, and the cultural impacts of international graduate TA experiences.
Image of Ayana Best
Ayana Best
Ayana Best is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Howard University. She earned her Ph.D. in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Southern California. Her forthcoming book focuses on the effects of state-sanctioned violence on Black women’s political participation and civic engagement.
Image of Rohitha Edara
Rohitha Edara
Rohitha Edara is a Ph.D. candidate in Education Policy at Pennsylvania State University. She is interested in studying issues at the intersection of education policy, inequalities/segregation, and international development.
Image of Dereje Ferede
Dereje Ferede
Dereje Ferede played a role as Lecturer, Project Coordinator, and IT Specialist. His background is Information Systems. Currently, he is a Ph.D. student in Information Systems at Addis Ababa University. He has one publication and one work-in-progress paper. His research interests are AI, IS Security, Digital Strategy, Computational Sciences, and FinTech.
Image of Joyonna Gamble-George
Joyonna Gamble-George
Joyonna Gamble-George is a postdoctoral fellow in the Behavioral Sciences Training Program at New York University. Her research interests are computational methods that can monitor, predict, and prevent biopsychosocial factors, including social connectedness or exclusion, that contribute to substance misuse, mental health problems, and health risk behaviors in adolescents and adults.
Image of Beth Head
Beth Head
Beth Head is currently a Sociology Ph.D. student at the University of Florida, where she studies measurement as a form of social and epistemic power.
Image of Kevin Igwe
Kevin Igwe
Kevin Igwe is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He is involved in data strategy implementations at CLEVVA PTY LTD. With a Master's degree in Computer Science and a Ph.D. in Psychology, his research focuses on leveraging AI to promote prosocial behavior and mental health.
Image of Rebekah Jones
Rebekah Jones
Rebekah Jones is a Political Science Ph.D. candidate at UC Berkeley. Rebekah’s work examines the political economy of crime policy. Specifically, how configurations of American political institutions shape how vulnerable populations experience our democracy. Before Berkeley, Rebekah received a B.S. from Cornell University in Development Sociology, with distinction in research.
Image of Joel Martinez
Joel Martinez
Joel E. Martinez is a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard’s Data Science Initiative and Department of Psychology. Their research investigates how data-driven methods help us measure collective and idiosyncratic understandings of contemporary topics within race/ism, sexuality, and migration discourses.
Image of Jia Pang
Jia Pang
Jia Pang is a Ph.D. student at Claremont Graduate University, pursuing research in the field of education. Her research interests encompass a broad range of topics, including social media's impact on students' learning, the analysis of large-scale assessment data in education, and the growing phenomenon of shadow education.
Image of Jackeline Romio
Jackeline Romio
Jackeline Aparecida Ferreira Romio is Programme Specialist in UNFPA LACRO. She holds a post-doctoral degree in social psychology (USP), and a doctorate and a master's degree in demography (UNICAMP).
Image of Mateo Servent
Mateo Servent
Mateo Servent is a political scientist and a master's student at CIDE. He is interested in CSS methods for experimental research and the study of scientific knowledge production from a comparative perspective. He is the founder of a student journal and an Erasmus+ Scholar at Otto Suhr Institute.
Image of Rasheed Shabazz
Rasheed Shabazz
Rasheed Shabazz is a journalist, urban planner, and historian. He is currently the inaugural Black Muslim Experiences Research Fellow at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding. Shabazz' research is on the Black Press, Black masjids, neighborhood change, and the intersections of race, religion, and housing outcomes.
Image of Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith is an Assistant Professor at Beloit College. He teaches a wide range of courses in the Economics and Business Department, including Principles of Economics, Quantitative Methods, Econometrics, Corporate Finance, and Health Economics. His research focuses on Health Economics, with a secondary focus on Financial Economics, and Economic History.
Image of Brittany Torrez
Brittany Torrez
Brittany Torrez is a postdoctoral fellow at University of Southern California Marshall School of Business. She employs multiple methodologies to further the study of diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations. Her current research examines the psychological processes and organizational practices that reproduce racial inequality in the workplace.
Image of Jia Wu
Jia Wu
Jia Rung Wu, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Counseling Program in the Department of Counselor Education of Northeastern Illinois University. Her programmatic research includes: Minority Students Success and Mental Health, Health Promotion, and Positive Psychology, Evidence-Based Rehabilitation Practice, and Test Construction and Research Methodology.
Image of Naniette H. Coleman
Naniette H. Coleman
Naniette H. Coleman is a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley and a multi-year UC-National Laboratory Graduate Fellow (Los Alamos). She is the only social scientist selected for this distinction in the history of the program. Since 2016, Naniette has directed the AAC&U award winning Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy (Coleman Research Lab) at Berkeley. Naniette is an affiliate of the Institute for the Study of Societal Issues, the Center for Long-term Cybersecurity, and the Center for Technology, Society, and Policy at Berkeley as well as the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and Berkman-Klein Center for the Internet and Society at Harvard University. Naniette’s work sits at the intersection of the sociology of culture and organizations and focuses on cybersecurity, surveillance, and privacy in the US context. Specifically, Naniette’s research examines how organizations assess risk, make decisions, and respond to data breaches and organizational compliance with state, federal, and international privacy laws. Naniette holds a Master of Public Administration with a specialization in Democracy, Politics, and Institutions from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and both an M.A. in Economics and a B.A. in Communication from the University at Buffalo, SUNY. A non-traditional student, Naniette’s prior professional experience includes local, state, and federal service, as well as work for two international organizations, and two universities.
Image of Akira Bell
Akira Bell
Akira Bell is Mathematica’s Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer. She oversees technology infrastructure and governance and leads strategy for delivering innovation in support of client and internal business function needs. Before joining Mathematica in 2018, Bell led the IT function for Aramark’s higher education business unit. Previously, she served as a divisional Chief Information Officer within the Hess Corporation and held various program management, application development, and technology consulting roles with UnitedHealth, IBM Global Services, and PricewaterhouseCoopers. While at Hess, she guided IT strategy during the acquisition of its retail division by Marathon Speedway and was part of the team recognized by CIO magazine with a CIO100 Award for delivering innovative IT solutions during Hurricane Sandy recovery. Bell earned a B.S.E. in Operations Research from Princeton University, where she serves as an alumni mentor for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
Image of Calvin Hadley, Ph.D.
Calvin Hadley, Ph.D.
Calvin J. Hadley serves as the Senior Advisor for Strategic Initiatives in the Office of the President at Howard University. Hadley works to broker strategic partnerships that advance the University's mission: Truth and Service. Since joining Howard in 2014, he's negotiated numerous partnerships along several student programs. The most notable of these include: Howard's partnership with Google and Amazon Studios to create the Howard West Campus in Silicon Valley and the Howard Entertainment Campus in Hollywood, a partnership with the District of Columbia Public Schools which led to the creation of a dual-enrollment program that allows high school juniors and seniors to earn college credit at Howard University, and a lecture series with Congressman Elijah Cummings, former Director of the FBI James Comey, former Mayor of Washington, D.C. Vincent Gray, and others.


All Participants

Image of Jacob Habinek
Jacob Habinek
Jacob Habinek is an associate professor at the Institute for Analytical Sociology and director of the Swedish Interdisciplinary Research School in Computational Social Science. A computational and economic sociologist by training, his interests include the sociology of markets, science, and culture. His empirical research centers on the development of scientific disciplines, the dynamics of financial markets, and the selection of Nobel Prize laureates.
Image of Carl Nordlund
Carl Nordlund
Carl Nordlund is an associate professor (docent) at the Institute for Analytical Sociology at Linköping University. Obtaining a PhD in human ecology from Lund University in 2010, this was followed by fellowships in Budapest, Florence, and Lund, before starting at IAS in 2018. His substantive interests is in inter-ethnic family formation and labor market structures, economic globalization, as well as the development of network-analytical methods, particularly deterministic blockmodeling methods.
Image of Anastasia Menshikova
Anastasia Menshikova
Anastasia Menshikova is a PhD student at the Institute for Analytical Sociology in Norrköping, Sweden. Her research focuses on discovering and explaining inequalities, biases, and discriminatory practices using textual digital traces. Besides that, she is interested in social and cultural change - how changes in individual opinions, beliefs and meanings lead to shifts at a collective level. She is generally curious about using computational text analysis to answer sociological questions.
Image of Elis Carlberg Larsson
Elis Carlberg Larsson
Elis Carlberg Larsson is a PhD student at the Institute for Analytical Sociology. In his research, he utilizes computational techniques, such as text analysis, agent-based modeling, and machine learning to analyze large-scale datasets, including Swedish register data and newspaper data. The aim of these analyses is to investigate various social mechanisms that operate in social systems.
Image of Hendrik Erz
Hendrik Erz
Hendrik Erz is a PhD student at the Institute for Analytical Sociology. With a background in history, political science, and sociology, he specializes in the policymaking process in the U.S. Congress. Methodologically, he focuses on the use of large language models (LLMs) for text analysis. He is also interested in the ethics and political implications of artificial intelligence more broadly.
Image of Alexandra Rottenkolber
Alexandra Rottenkolber
Alexandra is a PhD Student in Analytical Sociology at the Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University, Sweden. In her past work, she has used a variety of methodological approaches — ranging from natural language processing to network analysis — to study attention dynamics in parliaments, the digital development of nations, as well as gender segregation in the STEM disciplines. In her PhD, she plans to extend and build on this existing work.
Image of Maël Lecoursonnais
Maël Lecoursonnais
Maël Lecoursonnais is a PhD student at the Institute for Analytical Sociology. His research interests span spatial inequalities, causal inference, and applied machine learning. His current project investigates the consequences of spatial inequalities on life-course outcomes such as education or income, using causally-oriented methods and/or machine learning algorithms.
Image of Carly Knight
Carly Knight
Carly Knight is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at New York University. She is a cultural and economic sociologist who uses quantitative methods, including computational methods, to study changing cultural schemas around market behavior. Her primary research focuses on how both regulators and lay audiences talk about abstract market actors, like corporations, and how the metaphors they use influence their opinions about corporate regulation.
Image of Hui Sun
Hui Sun
Hui Sun is an assistant professor in the House of Innovation at Stockholm School of Economics. Her work combines experiments, natural language processing and computational simulations to study the role of cognition in network mobilization, organizational design, and meaning making in entrepreneurship.
Image of Andrea Voyer
Andrea Voyer
Andrea Voyer is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Stockholm University. In her current research, she uses computational methods of text analysis to study social inclusion and exclusion on the basis of immigration, ethnicity, race, and class. Her research analyzing etiquette books, funded by the US National Science Foundation, has been published in Sociological Methods and Research and Poetics.
Image of Adel Daoud
Adel Daoud
Adel Daoud is Senior Associate Professor at Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University, and Affiliated Associate Professor in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for the Social Sciences, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Previously he held positions at Harvard University, University of Cambridge, and the Alan Turing Institute. Between September 2023 and June 2024, he will be a Fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University. His researh has both a social-scientific and methodologically orientation. For the social sciences, he researches the effect of international development interventions (e.g., anti-poverty policies) on global poverty, but also the impact of sudden shocks (e.g., economic, political, and natural disasters). Daoud implements novel methodologies in machine learning and causal inference to analyze the causes and consequences of poverty. Daoud leads The AI and Global Development Lab (more information at and also the creator of a new podcast called the Journeys of Scholars (available on YouTube and Spotify).
Image of Martin Arvidsson
Martin Arvidsson
Martin Arvidsson is a postdoctoral researcher at the institute for analytical sociology, Linköping University. He uses computational methods and large-scale data to investigate how individuals come to influence one another, and how individuals in interaction bring about different collective outcomes, such as segregation and inequality.
Image of Jeongho	Choi
Jeongho Choi
Jeongho Choi is pursuing a Ph.D. in Political science from the University of Iowa, USA. He received BA and MA in Political Science from Kyung Hee University, South Korea. His research interests include comparative politics and political methodology, with particular focuses on populism, public opinion, text analysis, and machine learning.
Image of Christina	Cano
Christina Cano
Christina is a Ph.D. student in Sociology and Fellow with the Center of Race, Indigeneity, and Transnational Migration at Yale interested in racial capitalism, critical geography, settler colonialism, political economy, and mixed methods. Their research examines how states define, police, and prisonize communities through mapping, technology, and infrastructure.
Image of Zhuojun	Gu
Zhuojun Gu
Zhuojun Gu is a PhD student at the Department of Psychology at Lund University in Sweden. His interest is in the intersection between computational psychology and clinical psychology, especially depression and anxiety. His current research focuses on using computational methods, e.g., large language models, to investigate human-centered, clinically aligned psychometric research. His work is trying to extend the horizons of more accurate diagnosis of mental disorders as well as precise treatment prediction for mental health.
Image of Maarja Vollmer
Maarja Vollmer
Maarja is a doctoral researcher at University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) within a project on narratives of crisis and their influence on migration policies. Her background is in sociology and migration studies. Her research interests include migration governance, migration policy formation, securitisation of migration, citizenship, and text-as-data methods.
Image of Marcel Kappes
Marcel Kappes
Marcel Kappes is PhD student at the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim. In his empirical research, he uses quantitative-, network-, and computational methods to investigate the consequences of issue changes in social movement organizations and immigrants’ job careers in the German labor market.
Image of Axel Norgren
Axel Norgren
PhD student in Economics at Linköping University. An interdisciplinary social scientist that has an interest in quantitative methods from analytical sociology as well as other fields. My research revolves broadly around education and more specifically around school choice, the effectiveness of accountability systems, turnaround schools etc.
Image of Steven Bao
Steven Bao
Steven Bao is a doctoral student in Sociology at the Ohio State University. His research interests lies in the broader area of sociology of work, social movement, and political sociology. His current projects include the relationship between state response and social movements, new forms of labor organizing and precarious work in contemporary society. Methodologically, he is interested in combining qualitiative methods with computational techniques.
Image of Gong Zhang
Gong Zhang
My name is Gong Zhang, a PhD student at the Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment, TU Delft. I have been focusing on using computational technologies in the field of the built environment and social science, such as urban morphology, human well-being, and heritage sustainable development.
Image of Susanne	Böller
Susanne Böller
Susanne Böller is a PhD student in sociology at the University of Bonn. Her research examines the emergence of social and symbolic boundaries among adolescents. As part of the Emmy Noether group "Sorting Decisions and Peer Processes in Schools" (SPINS) she analyses how school principals' decisions regarding classroom placements affect peer relations at secondary schools.
Image of Julia	Gottstein
Julia Gottstein
Julia Gottstein is a doctoral student at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. Her dissertation project explores dark participation and the perception of its moderation in Czech media. She uses computational methods to examine mediated interactions in the social media comments section of news media outlets.
Image of Regan	Smock
Regan Smock
Regan Smock is a graduate student at the University of Iowa, interested in social psychology and culture.
Image of Matias Piqueras
Matias Piqueras
Matias is a PhD student in Computer Science at Uppsala University, where he is part of the InfoLab as well as the CHANSE funded PolarVis project. He has a background in Political Science and is interested in the development of computational methods for studying visual political communication.
Image of Bea Treena Macasaet
Bea Treena Macasaet
Bea is a PhD student in social sciences at the University of Luxembourg. Positioned within the science of science, her dissertation aims to investigate, via computational and network methods, information flow across disciplinary boundaries on the level of researchers and organizations. She also has research experience in scientific migration, productivity, and policy within the contexts of Taiwan and Indonesia.
Image of Cristóbal Moya
Cristóbal Moya
Cristóbal Moya is a researcher at the Chair of Social Inequality and Social Structure Analysis at Bielefeld University and a doctoral candidate in the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology. His current research focuses on social inequalities, work, and empirical justice.
Image of Mario Morales
Mario Morales
Mario, a Health Behavior Health Promotion PhD student at the University of Arizona (UA), conducts mixed-methods research on dating violence and substance use prevention. He also applies computational techniques to study Latin Urban Music popularity, leveraging his training in anthropology (UDLAP), demography (COLMEX), and political science (UA).
Image of Sourabh Balgi
Sourabh Balgi
Sourabh Balgi is a PhD student in Statistics and Machine Learning division at the department of Computer and Information Science, Linkoping University. His research interests lies in causality and counterfactual inference using machine learning/deep learning generative models, with applications related to the Swedish Population Registry and other social and medical sciences applications. He holds a B.E. in Electronic and Communication Engineering and M.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence from Indian Institute of Science (IISc). He has 3 years of work experience as a Software Engineer at Mercedes Benz RD India (Daimler) and 1 year of experience as a Research Associate at the department of Computer Science and Automation, IISc.
Image of Matthias Kuppler
Matthias Kuppler
Matthias Kuppler is a PhD student in sociology at the University of Siegen, Germany. His research combines network analysis and agent-based modeling to explain the emergence of status hierarchies in social fields. In his current work, he examines the formation of inequalities in the global literary field.
Image of Anjali Yadav
Anjali Yadav
Anjali is a doctoral student at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. Her research focuses on the intersection of social norms, pro-environmental behaviors and public policy. She uses mixed-method analysis to study the coupling between common pool resources and social norms. She is interested in applying and integrating techniques from social network analysis and text analysis to generate new insights into longstanding issues of water pollution in the Ganga river. She received master's in environmental studies from the University of Delhi in 2020.
Image of Emelie Karlsson
Emelie Karlsson
Emelie Karlsson is a PhD student in political science at Uppsala University. She is a part of a research project focusing on "AI and political communication", and her dissertation project focuses on coordinated inauthentic behavior and information campaigns on social media platforms and their social and political implications using mixed methods - including experimental and computational approaches.
Image of Nathaniel Darling
Nathaniel Darling
Nathaniel Darling is currently completing an MSc in Economic History at LSE, and will start a PhD in October 2023. Before starting this MSc Nathaniel worked as a secondary school teacher in London.
Image of Diletta Goglia
Diletta Goglia
Diletta Goglia is a doctoral student in Network Science at the Information Technology Department of Uppsala University. Her work in the "Uppsala University Information Laboratory research group" (UU-InfoLab) focuses on developing computational methods to model and explain social behavior of people in online communication. Her current project is analyzing users’ roles in conversational data from Online Social Networks, aiming at identifying, modelling and understanding actors’ behavioral patterns in online discussions, by combining structural properties of graphs with social theories. Previously, she collaborated with the “HumMingBird - Horizon 2020 EU” project, working on Machine Learning and Big Data Science to study and predict cross-border human migration using Social Big Data from Facebook. She holds a MSc in Artificial Intelligence and a BSc in Digital Humanities, from University of Pisa. Her education in Computer Science, background in humanities and expertise in sociology delineate the profile of a multidisciplinary researcher.
Image of Asmaa Abdelkhalek
Asmaa Abdelkhalek
Asmaa Abdelkhalek is a PhD student and a research Assistant at the Department of Political Science Cairo University in Egypt. She is also a researcher atInterRegional for Strategic Analysis - MIR in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Her research interests focus on the integration of quantitative and qualitative research in political science, with a particular focus on the intersection between international relations and public opinion. As part of a research team at Cairo University, she is currently working on a project that examines the impact of misinformation and fake news, with a particular emphasis on the integration of machine learning applications to study these topics.
Image of Sophie Mainz
Sophie Mainz
Sophie is a doctoral candidate at the Department of Government at Uppsala University, Sweden. She researches the consequences of femonationalism and selective preference formation both in digital communication environments and offline. This entails citizens’ responses to political messages that mix liberal and illiberal values, such as gender politics with populist ideas. In her dissertation work, she combines experiments and computational social science methods. As a founder of the PolMethods group at her department and as a teacher, Sophie is keenly interested in the advancement of computational methods both for research and as a teaching subject.


All Participants

Image of malebo sephodi
malebo sephodi
malebo sephodi (she/they) is a South African Feminist writer and interdisciplinary scholar. She is a non-resident fellow at IPATC, University of Johannesburg and a doctoral candidate in the Information Systems Department at the University of Cape Town. She is interested in the intersections of society and digital technology.
Image of Odilile Ayodele
Odilile Ayodele
Dr Odilile Ayodele is a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Pan-African Thought and Conversation (IPATC). She holds a D.Litt. et Phil in Political Studies at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), and obtained her BA, BA (Hons), an MA in International Relations from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. She completed a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the South African Research Chair: African Diplomacy and Foreign Policy at UJ. Odilile is currently the convenor of the South African Association of Political Studies (SAAPS) research committee on international relations and diplomacy, an associate editor and book review editor of the Journal of BRICS Studies, as well as the book review editor of the African Journal of Political Science. Her current research projects centre on Global Technopolitics including, the international relations of technology, and digital diplomacy in Africa.
Image of Simona Simona
Simona Simona
Dr. Simona Simona is a lecturer in the Department of Social Work and Sociology and Assistant Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zambia. He is also a non-resident fellow at the Institute for Pan-African Thought and Conversation (IPATC), University of Johannesburg. He holds a PhD in Sociology and Quantitative Social Science Methods, and a Master of Research (MRes) in Sociology and Research Methods from the University of Glasgow. His research work generally uses advanced quantitative techniques to examine the influence of individual and structural factors on social and health outcomes. He is also interested in teaching quantitative social science methods and data science, including different software packages for data management, visualization, and statistical modelling.
Image of Tendani Mulanga Chimboza
Tendani Mulanga Chimboza
Dr. Tendani Mulanga Chimboza is a Lecturer at the University of Cape Town (UCT). She also serves as the Scientific Engagement Lead for the Cybersecurity Capacity Centre for Southern Africa (C3SA). Tendani conducts research in Social Informatics and Digital Ethics, specifically research on cyberpsychology, digital parenting, digital activism, and ICT policy. She is passionate about investigating aspects of technology use that unintentionally exclude or marginalize certain groups in society. Tendani holds a Doctorate in Information Systems from UCT and a master’s in arts degree from the University of Western Cape. Before joining UCT, Tendani worked as a Communication Specialist at Saratoga - an IT company based in Cape Town.
Image of Vissého Adjiwanou
Vissého Adjiwanou
Vissého Adjiwanou is a professor of Demography and quantitative and computational methods in the Department of Sociology at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), and adjunct professor at the Department of Demography (Université de Montréal). He directs the Lab on quantitative and computational social science. He is also affiliated with the Centre on Population Dynamics (McGill University). He received an M.A in Statistics from the National School of Statistics and Applied Economics (ENSEA-Cote d’Ivoire), an M.A in Economics of Development at the Centre for Studies and Research on International Development (CERDI- France) and a PhD in Demography from the Université de Montréal (Canada). His research focusses on population issues in sub-Saharan Africa and in Canada, including fertility, family dynamics, gender inequality, reproductive health, and integration of immigrants from SSA in Canada.
Image of Sarah Mulombo Mulaji
Sarah Mulombo Mulaji
Sarah Mulombo Mulaji is a PhD candidate at the University of Cape Town, Department of Information Systems. Sarah is also a Senior Teaching and Research Assistant in the same department since 22020. Sarah's research interests involve information & cybersecurity management and distributed systems, like Blockchain, appplications in organisations and society. Sarah has co-authored some journal articles and conference papers.
Image of Anthony Kaziboni
Anthony Kaziboni
Dr Anthony Kaziboni is Head of Research at the Institute for the Future of Knowledge. He holds a doctorate in Sociology from the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He researches hydropolitics, migration and social inequalities. He is the Regional Representative for South Africa for the International Sociological Association's (ISA) Clinical Sociology Research Group. In 2018 he received the prestigious Outstanding Early Career Award in Clinical Sociology by the ISA's Clinical Sociology Research Committee in Toronto, Canada. He has [co]authored publications in accredited journals and books as well as newspaper articles.
Image of Vukosi Marivate
Vukosi Marivate
Prof. Vukosi Marivate is the ABSA UP Chair of Data Science at the University of Pretoria. He is an Associate Professor of Computer Science. Vukosi works on developing Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence methods to extract insights from data. A large part of his work over the last few years has been in the intersection of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. Vukosi's work in this area focuses on techniques to improve tools for and availability of data for local languages or low resource languages. Vukosi is a co-founder of Deep Learning Indaba ( He currently serves as a chief investigator on the Masakhane NLP project ( and on the steering committee of the Lacuna Fund ( As part of his vision for Data Science, Vukosi is interested in Data Science for Social Impact (, using local challenges as a springboard for research. In this area, Vukosi has worked on projects in science, energy, public safety and utilities. Vukosi is a co-founder of the Deep Learning Indaba, the largest Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence workshop on the African continent, aiming to strengthen African Machine Learning.
Image of Sisanda Nkoala
Sisanda Nkoala
Dr Sisanda Nkoala is an award-winning academic interested in South African media and rhetoric. She is employed as a senior lecturer in the Media Department at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and the Language and Transformation coordinator for the Faculty of Informatics and Design at the institution. She is also a leader in the South African journalism sector, serving as a public representative on the South African Press Council, a South African National Editors Forum member, and a member of the appeals tribunal of the Film and Publications Board. Before joining academia, she was a journalist and won an award for her work on missing children and the 2015/2016 #RhodesMustFall protests.
Image of Emmanuel Olamijuwon
Emmanuel Olamijuwon

Emmanuel Olamijuwon is a Lecturer in the School of Geography and Sustainable Development at the University of St Andrews, UK. His research interest lies at the intersection of technology, sexuality, & population health in low-and-middle-income countries. His recent projects (SouthScieX,